MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5725: Everyone, must die

Chapter 5723 everyone, must die 第5723章所有人,全要死 Had this decision, Chu Feng looks to Qin Changhong. 心生此决定,楚枫看向秦长洪。 Qin Changhong, you may still remember, I had said to you on the same day, I can definitely kill you, but you match.” “秦长洪,你可还记得,我当日对你说过,我完全可以杀了你,只是你配。” Actually continues you, you... do not match.” Chu Feng asked. “其实不止你,你们…都不配。”楚枫问道。 Chu Feng, are you obstinate argumentative?” 楚枫,你还敢嘴硬?” Said quickly, Xia Xingchen now where?” “快说,夏星辰现在何处?” You, if did not say, the old man lets your friend, experiences my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, the Punishment Hall hall master method.” “你若不说,老夫就让你的朋友,见识一下我苍穹仙宗,刑罚堂堂主的手段。” I know that your skin coarse meat is thick, but your of the same generation friends, is so thick like your skin coarse meat?” “我知道你皮糙肉厚,可你的这些同辈朋友,也像你这般皮糙肉厚吗?” Qin Changhong looked mean, the big sleeve wields later, the innumerable goods, floated in its periphery. 秦长洪面露阴狠,随后大袖一挥,无数物品,漂浮在其周围。 Even if distance such far, but the strong bloody air/Qi greets the nostrils as before. 哪怕距离如此之远,可浓烈的血腥之气依旧扑鼻而来。 That, is a torture instrument!!! 那,皆是刑具!!! Sees these torture instruments, Totem Dragon Clan on the scene, besides all juniors outside Long Chengyu and Long Muxi, is looks frightened. 看到那些刑具,图腾龙族在场,除了龙承羽龙沐熙以外的所有小辈,皆是面露恐惧。 They are afraid, was suffered by such torture instrument. 他们都害怕,被那样的刑具折磨。 Qin hall master, Long Lin(dragon scale) should use some method, is uses this Chu Feng to refine the special treasure.” “秦堂主,龙鳞应该使用了某种手段,在是利用这楚枫炼制特殊的宝物。” Do not kill him, making Long Lin(dragon scale) complete this law, I must have a look actually, this can be what kind of treasure.” “不要杀他,让龙鳞完成此法,我倒是要看看,这会是何等宝物。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect is old person of head, to the sound transmission way say in secret. 苍穹仙宗为首的老者,以暗中传音的方式说道。 He wants to obtain without labor fisherman's profit. 他想坐收渔翁之利。 Immortal your father felt relieved, I will not begin to this Chu Feng, before I think him at the point of death, said the Xia Xingchen whereabouts.” “仙尊大人放心,我不会对这楚枫动手,我只是想他临死之前,说出夏星辰的下落。” The words, Qin Changhong is referring to the Totem Dragon Clan people. 话罢,秦长洪对着图腾龙族众人一指。 Swish Swish Swish- 唰唰唰- Several torture instruments to Long Chengyu, Long Muxi and other juniors grazed to go simultaneously. 数道刑具同时向龙承羽,龙沐熙等小辈飞掠而去。 He... is to suffer the junior!!! 他…就是要折磨小辈!!! But in flash that Qin Changhong acted, that three immortals revered, all releases the powerful aura, but many Martial Power, were actually centralized in the under foot. 而在秦长洪出手的一瞬间,那三位仙尊,皆是释放出强大的气息,但更多的武力,却是集中在了脚下。 Also is the vision condenses, strongly on the body of Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 同时也是目光凝聚,集中在了图腾龙族族长的身上。 They were ready. 他们做好了准备。 They are guarding. 他们是在防范。 They do not determine Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, whether can also display cultivation realm. 他们不确定图腾龙族族长,是否还能施展修为 If can also display, they flee immediately. 若是还能施展,他们会立刻逃离。 Qin Changhong this struck, seemed like that must suffer the junior, but is also probing actually...... 秦长洪这一击,看似要折磨小辈,但实则也是在试探…… Probes Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, is whether threatening. 试探图腾龙族族长,是否还具有威胁。 That torture instrument is away from Long Chengyu Long Muxi and others to be getting more and more near, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head although over the face killing intent, but has not actually displayed any to deal with the method. 那刑具距离龙承羽龙沐熙等人越来越近,图腾龙族族长尽管满面杀意,可却都没有施展出任何应对手段。 When, that torture instrument must enter Long Chengyu and Long Muxi and others within the body. 直到,那刑具就要进入龙承羽龙沐熙等人体内之际。 - 滋啦啦- The thunder, sweeps away together, is built the torture instrument that becomes by the treasure material quality, in the wink of an eye, is reduced to ashes unexpectedly. 一道雷霆,横扫而过,那由至宝材质打造而成的刑具,竟瞬息之间,化为灰烬。 After this, the people first, think that was Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head acts. 这一幕发生之后,众人第一时间,以为是图腾龙族族长出手了。 May actually discover, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head simply has not acted. 可却发现,图腾龙族族长根本没有出手。 Is he?” “是他?” But the next quarter, all of them are shocked. 可下一刻,他们所有人都感到震惊。 Indeed powerful incomparable aura appear, but does not come from the Totem Dragon Clan powerhouses. 的确有一股强大无比的气息出现,但并非来自图腾龙族众强者。 But came from Chu Feng!!! 而是来自楚枫!!! Sees only, at this time the Chu Feng whole body thunder twinkle, that thunder surface area is very small, but attaches on Chu Feng. 只见,此时楚枫周身雷霆闪烁,那雷霆面积很小,只是附着在楚枫身上。 But after that thunder appears, this side land fiercely shivers, void also becomes twists, bound his dragon whisker, starts to sway fiercely, resembling was frightened generally. 可当那雷霆出现之后,这方大地剧烈颤动,虚空也变得扭曲,就连束缚他的龙须,也开始剧烈摇晃,似是恐惧了一般。 Under such power and influence, the land twinkling of Chu Feng under foot caves , the innumerable fissures, spread to go to the entire world!!! 此等威势之下,楚枫脚下的大地瞬息塌陷,无数裂痕,向全世界蔓延而去!!! But Chu Feng and others, has not actually crashed, but is situated in the sky of place of collapse. 楚枫等人,却并未坠落,而是立于塌陷之地的上空。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Sees at this time the thunder of Chu Feng whole body, not to mention Heavenly Dome Immortal sect and others, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others, is incomparably surprised. 看到此时楚枫周身的雷霆,莫说苍穹仙宗等人,就连图腾龙族族长等人,也是无比吃惊。 They can feel, Chu Feng thunder, contains the extremely fearful strength. 他们都能感受到,楚枫身上的雷霆,蕴藏着极为可怕的力量。 Such strength, should not appear on Chu Feng's. 这样的力量,不该出现在楚枫的身上。 This fellow, he... he real?” “这个家伙,难道他…他真的?” Looks thunder that the Chu Feng whole body twines, Qin Changhong the expression was extremely ugly, subconscious then approached back down several steps. 看着楚枫周身缠绕的雷霆,秦长洪表情极其难看,下意识的便向后退了几步。 Only then, he understands that Chu Feng said that can definitely kill his words, did not boast. 直到此时,他才明白楚枫说的那句,完全可以杀了他的话,并不是吹牛。 Chu Feng he, really has this to write off his strength unexpectedly sufficiently. 楚枫他,竟真的拥有这等足以抹杀他的力量。 Immortal your father.” Qin Changhong looked that revered to three immortals. “仙尊大人。”秦长洪看向三位仙尊。 Because he determined, the thunder of Chu Feng whole body, is he unmatchable strength. 因为他确定,楚枫周身的雷霆,是他无法对抗的力量。 But he does not know, that three immortals revere, in the heart also lacks self-confidence completely. 可他不知道的是,那三位仙尊,心中也完全没底。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in Zulong forbidden land. 与此同时,祖龙禁地之内。 Long Lin(dragon scale) is stimulating to movement that forbidden technique full power, because the price is too big, he had changed the appearance. 龙鳞正在全力催动那禁法,因为代价太大,他早已变了模样。 No longer is the middle age, but is the whole body wrinkle, silver-haired old man appearance. 不再是中年,而是满身皱纹,白发苍苍的老头子模样。 But now, he can ignore the change of appearance, because he detects, oneself forbidden technique, had the problem. 可现在,他根本顾不得自己容貌的变化,因为他察觉到,自己的禁法,出现了问题。 That can Chu Feng refining up the strength of forbidden technique, presented the destroyed trace unexpectedly. 那原本能将楚枫炼化的禁法之力,竟然出现了被破坏的痕迹。 Why can so?” “为何会如此?” The Long Lin(dragon scale) vision twinkle, feels difficult believing. 龙鳞目光闪烁,感觉难以置信。 That was not only Zulong mystique, but took own life as the price, stimulated to movement Zulong forbidden technique. 那不仅仅是祖龙秘法了,而是以自己生命为代价,催动了祖龙禁法 This strength, difficult destroys, Chu Feng can only wait for death. 这股力量,难以破坏,楚枫只能等死。 But he indeed feels, that formation technique strength, was unable bound Chu Feng, even was possibly destroyed momentarily thoroughly. 可是他的确感受到,那阵法力量,已经无法束缚楚枫,甚至随时可能被彻底破坏。 He is unable to imagine, is how powerful strength, can disrupt Zulong forbidden technique strength. 他无法想象,是多么强大的力量,能够将祖龙禁法的力量破坏。 That..., but before Sir Zulong at the point of death, exhausts all strengths, arranges the mystique of becoming!!! 那…可是祖龙大人临死之前,耗尽所有力量,所布置而成的秘法!!! „It is not good, I cannot be defeated.” “不行,我不能失败。” Long Lin(dragon scale) looked at dragon snow, in the immediately eye the ruthless color appeared, he clenched the teeth, starts crazy stimulation of movement that formation technique. 龙鳞看了一眼龙雪,旋即眼中狠色浮现,他咬紧牙关,开始疯狂的催动那阵法 Sees only, the body of Long Lin(dragon scale) is even more old, white-haired starts to fall off, the life passes fast. 只见,龙鳞的身体越发苍老,满头白发都开始脱落,生命快速流逝。 But dragon whisker of that bound people, indeed becomes stronger and stronger. 而那束缚众人的龙须,的确变得越来越强。 The Totem Dragon Clan people, are even more painful. 图腾龙族众人,越发痛苦。 But Chu Feng, actually the complexion does not change as before, dragon whisker of his whole body is also stiffening, but is actually not able bound Chu Feng, instead to creaky. 楚枫,却依旧面色不改,他周身的龙须也在变强,可却根本无法束缚楚枫,反而摇摇欲坠。 Because, his body, has a more powerful strength. 因为,他的身上,有更为强大的力量。 From its within the body, release, but thunder!!! 是自其体内,释放而出的雷霆!!! But Heavenly Dome Immortal sect 13 True God, is using the respective method, sizes up Chu Feng. 苍穹仙宗的十三位真神,也都在使用各自手段,来打量楚枫 They felt the threat, but some are actually not willing to believe, trivial Half God Realm, really can threaten them? 他们都感受到了威胁,但却有些不愿相信,一个区区半神境,真的能威胁到他们? Their first response, is Chu Feng is mysterious. 他们第一反应,是楚枫在故弄玄虚。 Is that used the law of oneself special observation, earnest sizing up Chu Feng thunder. 为首那位,更是动用了自己特殊观察之法,认真的打量楚枫身上的雷霆。 But suddenly, his complexion great change. 可忽然,他脸色巨变。 He as if sees, compared with this side world huge thunder huge beast Phantom, appeared in Chu Feng behind. 他仿佛看到,一只比这方世界更庞大的雷霆巨兽虚影,出现在了楚枫身后。 That is the thing of true to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands!!! 那是真正的毁天灭地之物!!! But that fearful existence, is staring at him. 而那可怕的存在,正在凝视着他。 That is, the Spiritual God, stares at the look of ants. 那是,神灵,凝视蝼蚁的眼神。 Escapes.” “逃。” He makes the hoarse sound, weak incomparable, because he had been scared. 他发出嘶哑的声音,虚弱无比,因为他已经被吓破了胆。 Causes the people, simply has not heard clearly him to say anything. 导致众人,根本没听清他说什么。 „Did immortal your father, what you say?” “仙尊大人,您说什么?” Escapes, escapes quickly.” “逃,快逃。” That Heavenly Dome Immortal sect is old person of head, turns around suddenly. 那位苍穹仙宗为首的老者,猛然转身。 People can see, his old face, has distorted, has never presented the frightened facial features, appear on face that in this had powerful. 人们能够看到,他苍老的脸庞,已经变形,从未出现过的恐惧面容,浮现在了这位强大存在的脸上。 And the next quarter, he then changes to together the flowing light, runs away to go to the distant place. 且下一刻,他便化作一道流光,向远处逃窜而去。 These people, threw unexpectedly same place. 竟将这些人,都丢在了原地。 At this moment, the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect people's first response is the wood, if the dull chicken, on the spot. 这一刻,苍穹仙宗众人的第一反应是木若呆鸡,愣在原地。 But quick, they responded. 可很快,他们反应过来。 Although oneself cannot determine, but that escaped, then had explained, Chu Feng is not bluff. 尽管自己未能确定,可那位都逃了,便已经说明,楚枫不是虚张声势 Walks.” “走。” Other two immortals revere, immediately then leads the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect people to flee fast. 其他两位仙尊,立刻便带着苍穹仙宗众人快速逃离。 In an instant, they have disappeared do not see. 转眼间,他们已是消失不见。 But facing their fleeing, Chu Feng is unhurried, but slightly feels regrettably sighed one. 而面对他们的逃离,楚枫却丝毫不慌,只是略感遗憾的叹了一句。 Uses on you, really pitifully.” “用在你们身上,着实可惜。” The words, the Chu Feng eyes, the thunder four shoot, the next quarter, that covers its whole body the strength of thunder, just like swallowing day of ferocious beast, scatters in all directions to go. 话罢,楚枫双眼,雷霆四射,下一刻,那覆盖其周身的雷霆之力,宛如吞天猛兽,四散而去。 In an instant, then swallows this side world. 刹那间,便吞噬这方天地。 But, far more than this side world? 但,何止这方天地? The whole world, is trembling!!! 整个世界,都在为之战栗!!! The dreadful thunder, is centered on Chu Feng and Totem Dragon Clan people, outward diffusion. 滔天的雷霆,以楚枫图腾龙族众人为中心,向外扩散。 The void disruption, the land avalanche, the place visited, all living things completely destroys. 虚空碎裂,大地崩塌,所过之处,万物尽毁。 dragon whisker that even if Zulong mystique condenses, cannot support the moment, has been reduced to ashes. 哪怕祖龙秘法凝聚的龙须,也未能支撑片刻,早已化为灰烬。 In front of thunder, all living things equality, all yes...... 雷霆面前,万物平等,皆是…… Collapses at the first blow!!! 不堪一击!!! Heavenly Dome Immortal sect that 13 True God powerhouses, have fled obviously are very far, but in the wink of an eye, was then pursued by the thunder on. 苍穹仙宗那十三位真神强者,明明已经逃离很远,可瞬息之间,便被雷霆追赶而上。 But, the thunder has not embezzled them, but the remaining prestige of thunder approaches, these 13 True God powerhouses, then already pain extremely. 但,雷霆还未将他们吞没,只是雷霆的余威靠近,这十三位真神强者,便已痛苦万分。 Clothing, mortal body, soul, as well as all treasure, shortly flying ash annihilation. 衣衫,肉身,灵魂,以及身上的所有至宝,都在顷刻之间飞灰湮灭。 This feeling?” “这种感觉?” At this moment, Long Lin(dragon scale), Taishi Xingzhong, and all powerhouses in this side world. 这一刻,龙鳞,太史星中,以及这方世界的所有强者。 Also sets out, looks to the direction that Chu Feng and others was. 都是同时起身,望向了楚枫等人所在的方向。 Is the land sways incessantly that simply, they felt, can write off all strengths, appeared in the remote distant place. 不止是大地摇晃那么简单,他们都感受到了,可以抹杀一切的力量,出现在遥远的远方。 Walks quickly, enters Teleportation Formation quickly!!!” “快走,快进传送阵!!!” Responded people, escape immediately to Teleportation Formation, they thought that this side world must destroy, must flee as soon as possible. 反应过来的人们,立刻向传送阵逃去,他们都觉得这方世界就要毁灭,必须尽快逃离。 Freely, they have not seen that thunder, does not know that actually to have anything, but they actually felt the death the aura. 尽管,他们没有看到那雷霆,也不知道究竟发生了什么,可他们却都感受到死亡的气息。 Some people escape to Teleportation Formation, some people put out rare treasure, some people hide into various clan forbidden land. 有的人逃向传送阵,有的人拿出身上的秘宝,有的人躲入各族禁地 Everyone, starts to maintain life, displays the respective card in a hand. 所有人,都开始为了保命,施展出各自的底牌。 ...... …… In forbidden land...... 禁地之内…… Long Lin(dragon scale) felt the aura of death similarly. 龙鳞同样感受到了死亡的气息。 Xue Er.” 雪儿。” He looked at dragon snow, immediately stops stimulating to movement that forbidden technique, but takes out a rare treasure. 他看了一眼龙雪,立刻停止催动那禁法,而是取出一件秘宝。 The rare treasure is a golden spheroid, on the spheroid is occupying thousand Gold Dragon. 秘宝是一个金色球体,球体上盘踞着千条金龙 - 嗷呜- Under the Long Lin(dragon scale) stimulation of movement, the golden spheroid increases, over a thousand are ten thousand meters Gold Dragon to graze, circles regarding the horizon, him and dragon Xuehu in middle. 龙鳞催动之下,金色球体变大,上千条长达万米的金龙飞掠而出,围绕天际盘旋,将他与龙雪护在当中。 That is, the strength of incomparably powerful protection. 那是,无比强大的守护之力。 But Long Lin(dragon scale), is actually the law secret art changes, although that thousand Gold Dragon as before circling horizon, but that protects their golden spheroids, actually reduces unceasingly. 龙鳞,却是法诀变化,那千条金龙虽然依旧盘旋天际,可那守护他们的金色球体,却不断缩小。 Finally, covers several tens of thousands of meters golden spheroid, shrinks slightly can only protect dragon Xue. 最终,覆盖数万米的金色球体,缩得小的只能守护龙雪一人。 Long Lin(dragon scale) , can only treat outside. 龙鳞,也只能待在外面。 But after, that golden spheroid reduces, its defensive power actually also in increase doubled and re-doubled. 可是,当那金色球体缩小之后,它的防御力却也在成倍的增加。 Even but if so, Long Lin(dragon scale) actually is also worried eyeful. 但哪怕如此,龙鳞却也是满眼担忧。 Xue Er, must go on living.” 雪儿,一定要活下去。” ...... …… Meanwhile, beside Zulong forbidden land, above the land presents the fissures of innumerable being too deep to see the bottom, the land is caving to disintegrate, this side world is crashing. 与此同时,祖龙禁地之外,大地之上已是出现无数深不见底的裂痕,大地正在塌陷瓦解,这方世界正在崩塌。 Some people dash about wildly, some people wail, had become one piece randomly. 有人狂奔,有人哀嚎,早就乱成了一片。 Obviously previously also safe and sound, everyone is busy the respective matter. 明明先前还安然无恙,所有人忙着各自的事情。 But now, everyone in the whole world, they are doing the same matter. 可现在,整个世界的所有人,他们都在做着同一件事。 Maintains life!!! 保命!!! Sir Taishi Xingzhong, walks quickly.” 太史星中大人,快走啊。” At this time, many World Spiritist, arrive in front of Taishi Xingzhong, they felt the aura of that destruction, wanted to flee this place as soon as possible. 此时,许多界灵师,来到太史星中面前,他们都感受到了那毁灭的气息,想要尽快逃离此地。 But Taishi Xingzhong has not actually moved, but is built on same place, is sizing up the distant place. 太史星中却没有动弹,而是立于原地,打量着远方。 Even if powerful such as he, does not know that actually to have anything. 哪怕强大如他,也不知道究竟发生了什么。 May by the keen induction force, he know that has the extremely fearful strength, appeared in this side world. 可凭借敏锐的感应力,他知道有极为可怕的力量,出现在了这方世界。 Without enough time.” “来不及了。” Taishi Xingzhong closed the eyes. 太史星中闭上了双眼。 He is very definite, that strength... , not only can destroy this side world, can write off them. 他很确定,那力量…不仅能将这方世界摧毁,也能将他们所有人抹杀。 Escapes? Unproductive. 逃?徒劳也。 Everyone, must die!!! 所有人,全要死!!! ...... …… Meanwhile, in the antique god territory, a man of middle-aged appearance, settles down suddenly motionless. 与此同时,太古神域之内,一名中年模样的男子,忽然驻足不动。 His brow wrinkles, in the eye emerges to wipe, swift and fierce that even the world dreads. 他眉头皱起,眼中涌现出一抹,连天地都畏惧的凌厉。 He, has induced. 他,也有所感应。 () ()
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