MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5724: Was the present

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Chapter 5722 was the present 第5722章就是现在了 Totem Dragon Clan everyone, is this is doing?” 图腾龙族诸位,这是在干嘛?” Is it possible that aren't you dragon clan descendants? Otherwise as the dragon clan descendant, how also to tie up by dragon whisker?” “莫非你们不是龙族后裔?不然身为龙族后裔,又怎么会被龙须捆绑?” The distant place, suddenly also has sound of the satire together to transmit. 远处,忽然又有一道讽刺之音传来。 Takes advantage of opportunity to wait and see, from their distant place, 13 old person forms is situated in above the horizon extremely. 顺势观望,距离他们极远处,有十三道老者身影立于天际之上。 They are away from are too far, if cultivation realm is insufficient, even is unable to discover them. 他们距离太远,若是修为不够,甚至无法发现他们。 Clarity that but Chu Feng and others, can actually look. 楚枫等人,却能看的清楚。 These people wear unify the clothing, but is actually not the Totem Dragon Clan clansman, they... all are the people of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect. 那些人身着统一服饰,但却并非图腾龙族族人,他们…皆是苍穹仙宗之人。 Is he?” “是他?” But Chu Feng recognizes one immediately. 楚枫立刻认出了其中的一位。 That was a baldheaded old man, Qin Changhong, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Punishment Hall hall master. 那是一个秃顶老头,秦长洪,苍穹仙宗刑罚堂堂主 Before, when Chu Feng has not understood the Nine Heavens secret password, from the Nine Heavens secret place, teleportation to Heavenly Dome Galaxy. 之前,楚枫还没有参透九天秘地密码之时,从九天秘地,传送到了苍穹天河 But position that teleportation gate is at exactly, by forbidden land that Heavenly Dome Immortal sect occupies. 而恰好那传送门所在的位置,是被苍穹仙宗占据的禁地 In there, Chu Feng met Xia Xingchen that betrays Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, behind Qin Changhong tracked down. 在那里,楚枫遇到了叛离苍穹仙宗夏星辰,后面这秦长洪追寻而来。 In order to force Xia Xingchen, this Qin Changhong conducted one to suffer to Chu Feng. 为了逼迫出夏星辰,这秦长洪对楚枫进行了一番折磨。 That old thing, very ruthless is incomparable, various his Punishment Hall inhuman suffering methods, used on Chu Feng. 老东西,狠辣无比,将他刑罚堂各种非人的折磨手段,都用在了楚枫身上。 That time suffers, heavy that but suffers Chu Feng. 那次折磨,可是将楚枫折磨的不轻。 Also is Chu Feng can endure, otherwise trades to be others, even if not die, still absolute crazy. 也就是楚枫能忍,不然换做其他人,就算不死,也绝对疯癫。 Has not once thought, he arrived here unexpectedly. 没曾想,他竟来到了这里。 What is main, by Qin Changhong the status and position, in these 13 people , can only stand in the position near the bottom unexpectedly. 最主要的是,以秦长洪的身份和地位,在这十三人之中,竟也只能站在靠后位置。 Is three of head, although is also old person, but temperament, is aura, indeed above Qin Changhong. 为首的三位,虽也是老者,可无论是气质,还是气场,的确都远在秦长洪之上。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, you how in this?” 苍穹仙宗,你们怎么会在这?” When the Totem Dragon Clan people, after seeing Heavenly Dome Immortal sect these 13 old person, displays the accident/surprise. 图腾龙族众人,看到苍穹仙宗这十三位老者之后,也是表现出了意外。 Has the person, said the name of opposite party. 更是有人,直呼出了对方的姓名。 Originally Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, is three old person of head, is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, One of the Ten Direction Immortal Venerable. 原来苍穹仙宗,为首的三位老者,皆是苍穹仙宗,十方仙尊之一 About Ten Direction Immortal Venerable, Chu Feng also heard, that is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, is next to the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master strong strength. 关于十方仙尊,楚枫也有所耳闻,那是苍穹仙宗,仅次于苍穹仙宗宗主的强大战力。 „......” “呵……” May when the Totem Dragon Clan people, feel surprised and puzzled, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head was actually the chuckle one. 可在图腾龙族众人,感到惊讶和不解之际,图腾龙族族长却是轻笑了一声。 Originally, helping Long Lin(dragon scale) cope with my Totem Dragon Clan, is your Heavenly Dome Immortal sect.” “原来,帮助龙鳞对付我图腾龙族的,是你苍穹仙宗。” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head such remarks, the Totem Dragon Clan people are also suddenly enlighted. 图腾龙族族长此话一出,图腾龙族众人也是恍然大悟。 On the same day a war, in the clan betrayed, Totem Dragon Clan due to has not prepared, but suffers a loss. 当日一战,族内背叛,图腾龙族的确因没有准备,而吃了大亏。 However defeats, another reason, that has one group of powerful masked men , helping Long Lin(dragon scale) revolting. 但是之所以战败,还有另外一个原因,那就是有一群实力强大的蒙面人,帮助龙鳞叛变。 They on the same day, use Martial Technique was very mixed, the pointed weapons also conducted the camouflage, where therefore is not clear about them sacredly. 他们当日,使用的武技很杂,兵刃也进行了伪装,所以不清楚他们到底何方神圣。 But at this time, has revealed the truth obviously. 而此时,显然已是真相大白。 Is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, gave the Long Lin(dragon scale) support!!! 苍穹仙宗,给予了龙鳞支撑!!! Worthily is clan Clan Head, the response compared with other person of rapidness.” “不愧是一族族长,反应就是比其他人快。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect is old person of head, smiles lightly. 苍穹仙宗为首的老者,淡淡一笑。 He had not denied, because of things have gotten to this point, him already the necessity that has not denied. 他没有否认,因为事已至此,他已经没有否认的必要了。 They here, is to destroy completely Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others today. 他们今日来这里,就是要灭掉图腾龙族族长等人的。 Originally Heavenly Dome Immortal sect participated in the rebellion of Long Lin(dragon scale), no wonder......” “原来苍穹仙宗参与了龙鳞的叛乱,难怪……” At this time, Chu Feng also untied in the heart to have doubts. 此时,楚枫也是解开了心中疑惑。 Before Long Lin(dragon scale) said that when cannot bleed off Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others, obviously had the hard thing to bring up. 之前龙鳞说,不能放掉图腾龙族族长等人时,明显有难言之隐。 This hard thing to bring up, is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect. 这难言之隐,想必就是苍穹仙宗 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect is willing to help Long Lin(dragon scale), seeks the advantage inevitably. 苍穹仙宗之所以愿意帮助龙鳞,必然也是谋求好处。 Cannot do well Long Lin(dragon scale), is only their puppets, Long Lin(dragon scale) even now, expensive/noble is Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, but does not have the absolute right to speak. 搞不好龙鳞,也只是他们的傀儡,龙鳞就算现在,贵为图腾龙族族长,但却也没有绝对的话语权。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng also thinks, on the same day he caused havoc Seven Worlds Saint Palace time, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master also presented. 同时,楚枫也想到,当日他大闹七界圣府的时候,苍穹仙宗宗主也在场。 At that time has not thought, only thought possibly is that old man likes joining in the fun. 当时没有多想,只觉得可能是那老头爱凑热闹。 But thinks now, at that time, was just Totem Dragon Clan had the rebellion the time. 可现在想想,那个时候,刚好是图腾龙族发生叛乱的时候。 Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, should be intentionally at that time, appears in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, for avoids suspicion. 苍穹仙宗宗主,应该是故意在那个时候,出现在七界圣府,为的就是避嫌。 But, previously the Totem Dragon Clan person, appeared here, mostly is the Long Lin(dragon scale) direction. 可是,先前图腾龙族的人,出现在这里,多半是龙鳞指引。 After all, Chu Feng they were surrounded by Zulong mystique, if Long Lin(dragon scale) grasps enough to Zulong forbidden land, found the Chu Feng and others position through the mystique, sends people to control in their actually reason. 毕竟,楚枫他们都被祖龙秘法困住,龙鳞若对祖龙禁地掌握足够,通过秘法找到楚枫等人位置,派人来控制他们倒是情理之中。 But does the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person, how look? 苍穹仙宗的人,是如何找来的? Should not Long Lin(dragon scale), informed the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person? But will the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person, really use for Long Lin(dragon scale)? 该不会龙鳞,也通知了苍穹仙宗的人吧?可苍穹仙宗的人,真的会为龙鳞所用吗? Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, you to extinguishing the sect are not far. The blood that my Totem Dragon Clan clansman runs off, will make your Heavenly Dome Immortal sect ancestor double presents.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. 苍穹仙宗,你们离灭宗不远了。我图腾龙族族人流掉的血,会让你苍穹仙宗宗人加倍奉还。”图腾龙族族长说道。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” But he such remarks, actually traded the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect that 13 old man's satire to laugh. 可他此话一出,却换来了苍穹仙宗那十三个老头的讽刺大笑。 Totem Clan Head, you have not made clear the condition probably.” “图腾族长,你好像还没搞清楚状况。” If not for that Long Lin(dragon scale), does not listen to my family Sect Master to instruct, must detain you, you have died now.” “若不是那龙鳞,不听我家宗主指示,非要将你们关押起来,你们现在早就已经死了。” Extinguishes my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, do you have this opportunity?” “灭我苍穹仙宗,你们还有这个机会吗?” to be honest, that Long Lin(dragon scale) is indecisive, although he revolting clan, may to you, not move kills the heart.” 实不相瞒,那龙鳞优柔寡断,他虽然叛族,可对你们,并没有动杀心。” But your Totem Dragon Clan, is not everyone looks like him is so indecisive. “可你图腾龙族,不是所有人都像他那么优柔寡断。 We can find here, is not Long Lin(dragon scale) pulls strings, but was your Totem Dragon Clan clansman gave the news.” “我们能找到这里,不是龙鳞指使,而是你图腾龙族族人给了消息。” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, is old person of head said. 苍穹仙宗,为首的老者说道。 Who is?” “是谁?” He such remarks, Long Xu and other Totem Dragon Clan Elder, asked. 他此话一出,龙虚图腾龙族长老,同时问道。 They most hate, is the rebel. 他们最痛恨的,就是叛徒。 Just, had been killed by totem Clan Head.” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, is old person of head said. “刚刚,已经被图腾族长杀了。”苍穹仙宗,为首的老者说道。 He such remarks, the people also understands. 他此话一出,众人也是明白。 Was Long Lin(dragon scale) informed that dragon Tenghui nine people, controls them. 龙鳞通知了那龙腾辉九人,来控制他们。 But in that nine people, the rebel, betrayed Long Lin(dragon scale), colludes with Heavenly Dome Immortal sect in secret. 但那九人之中,还有叛徒,背叛了龙鳞,暗中与苍穹仙宗勾结。 Therefore comes time, then also informed the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect person. 所以来的时候,便也通知了苍穹仙宗的人。 However, is unimportant, no matter who, he has died in any case. 不过,也不重要了,反正不管是谁,他都已经死了。 Totem Clan Head, your cultivation realm, but can also display?” “图腾族长,你的修为,还能施展的出吗?” You , if not kill us, we may probably kill you.” “你若不杀我们,我们可要杀你了。” After all we made an appearance, if did not kill you, that may on no end of trouble for the future, right?” “毕竟我们都露面了,若不把你们杀了,那可就后患无穷了,对吧?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect is old person of head, asked to Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 苍穹仙宗为首的老者,对图腾龙族族长问道。 He is actually probing, after all previously Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, but wrote off dragon Tenghui and others. 他其实是在试探,毕竟先前图腾龙族族长,可是抹杀了龙腾辉等人 Although at this time, that bound strength changes is stronger. 尽管此时,那束缚的力量变的更强。 But he is indefinite, whether Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head can also display cultivation realm. 可他也不确定,图腾龙族族长是否还能施展出修为 Why this is also, although they come, but actually standing position extremely far reason. 这也是为何,他们虽然现身,但却所站位置极远的原因。 Is because, they also feared. 就是因为,他们也怕。 Kills me? Depending on you?” “杀我?就凭你们?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head has not begun, but he is only a look, makes Heavenly Dome Immortal sect these 13 True God Realm powerhouses, the innermost feelings tremble. 图腾龙族族长没有动手,可他只是一个眼神,就让苍穹仙宗这十三位真神境强者,内心战栗。 This, eventually is Galaxy Overlord, is a character of their Sect Master rank. 这位,终究是天河霸主,是和他们宗主一个级别的人物。 Although cultivation realm by bound, but they lack self-confidence. 尽管修为束缚,可他们心里还是没底。 Wa Wa-” 呜哇-” But, Chu Feng looks the pain in the meantime suddenly, his resistance failed. 可就在此时,楚枫忽然面露痛楚,他的对抗失败了。 That spell trace, starts fast plunders from the dragon marrow, melts with that Long Xu. 那符咒纹路,开始快速的从龙髓内掠出,与那龙虚相融。 In this case, Chu Feng's soul, starts to burn. 这种情况下,就连楚枫的灵魂,也开始燃烧。 Is dragon Sui, dragon Sui takes the combustion Chu Feng soul as the price, completes this ceremony. 是龙髓,龙髓以燃烧楚枫灵魂为代价,来完成这个仪式。 Little Friend Chu Feng, has been well since last meeting.” 楚枫小友,别来无恙啊。” At this time, Qin Changhong who that has not opened the mouth for a very long time, looks at the Chu Feng opens the mouth. 此时,那久久没有开口的秦长洪,也是看着楚枫开口了。 Qin hall master, did you know this Chu Feng?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect was old person of head asks to Qin Changhong. “秦堂主,你认识这楚枫?”苍穹仙宗为首的老者对秦长洪问道。 Actually, they also recognized Chu Feng early, although Chu Feng is living, they are also surprised. 其实,他们也早认出了楚枫,尽管楚枫活着,他们也惊讶。 But Qin Changhong the tone, before obviously was, knew Chu Feng. 可秦长洪的语气,明显是之前就认识楚枫 Immortal your father, recognizes reply.” “回禀仙尊大人,认得。” Before the Xia Xingchen revolting sect escaped, was this Chu Feng shields.” Qin Changhong said. “之前夏星辰叛宗逃跑,就是这楚枫掩护的。”秦长洪说道。 Oh?” Hears this words, that is old person of head, looks to Chu Feng: Chu Feng, Xia Xingchen now where?” “喔?”听闻此话,那位为首的老者,看向楚枫:“楚枫,夏星辰现在何处?” Chu Feng has not paid attention in him, because he realized, perhaps this way he really must die. 楚枫没有理会于他,因为他意识到,这样下去他恐怕真的要死。 Therefore Chu Feng raise one's head, sized up around one, finally looked that extends from the place bottom to that bound lives in own dragon whisker. 所以楚枫抬头,打量了一眼周围,最后看向那自地底延伸而出,束缚住自己的龙须。 Mystique, mystique from powerful Zulong. 秘法,来自强大祖龙的秘法。 This mystique, most clarity of Chu Feng feeling. 这秘法之强,楚枫感受的最为清楚。 But now this mystique, the combustion Chu Feng's soul, is being plans to want the Chu Feng's life. 而现在这秘法,正在燃烧楚枫的灵魂,是打算要楚枫的命。 Although the vision is complex, but actually not fears, instead has wipes the anticipation. 目光虽然复杂,可却并无惧怕,反而有着一抹期待。 It seems like, was the present.” “看来,就是现在了。” () ()
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