MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5723: The mystique adds forbidden technique

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dragon Tenghui?” “龙腾辉?” Sees that nine people, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, all Totem Dragon Clan clansmen, are difficult to cover the anger incessantly. 看到那九人,不止图腾龙族族长,所有图腾龙族族人,都是难掩怒火。 These nine people, had once made the huge mistake, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, although expels dragon clan them, but read in had also once performed the merit for the clan, then forgave their life. 这九人,都曾犯过大错,图腾龙族族长虽将他们逐出龙族,但念在也曾为族内立下过功劳,便饶了他们一条命。 Has not thought, they do not know to feel grateful, follows Long Lin(dragon scale) unexpectedly, participates in the rebellion. 不曾想,他们不知感恩,竟跟随龙鳞,参与叛乱。 And this rebellion, many clansmen died in their hands. 且此次叛乱,不少族人死在了他们手中。 Sir Clan Head, you just planned, my Totem Dragon Clan bloodlines cultivation technique, teaches to this outsider.” 族长大人,你刚刚可是打算,将我图腾龙族的血脉功法,传授给这个外人的。” „Do you have a face to me send get angry?” “你还有脸对我发们发火?” It seems like we follow Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) to be correct, you... do not match to make Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head.” “看来我们跟随龙鳞大人是正确的,你…早就不配做图腾龙族族长了。” dragon Tenghui spoke, the big sleeve wielded, the world shook. 龙腾辉说话间,大袖一挥,天地震荡。 Sees only void above, golden large net is falling, he plans they to be stranded Chu Feng in this place. 只见虚空之上,一张金色的大网正在落下,他是打算将楚枫他们困在此地。 Waits for the arrival of Long Lin(dragon scale). 等待龙鳞的到来。 You and other chop suey, wants to be stranded me?!!!” “尔等杂碎,也想困我?!!!” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head shouted angrily, next quarter dreadful pressure from within the body release. 图腾龙族族长怒喝一声,下一刻滔天的威压从体内释放而出。 Not only that covering the sky and blocking the sun golden large net, then jumps to break to pieces instantaneously, dragon Tenghui and others, was covered by that pressure. 不仅那遮天蔽日的金色大网,瞬间便蹦碎开来,就连龙腾辉等人,也被那威压所覆盖。 Bad.” “糟了。” Only then, dragon Tenghui and others realized that the matter is not wonderful. 直到此时,龙腾辉等人才意识到事情不妙。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head cultivation realm, by bound, has not been known completely he used what kind of method, but indeed displayed cultivation realm at this time. 图腾龙族族长修为,并没有被完全束缚,不知他使用了何等手段,但此时的确施展出了修为 Although far inferior normal cultivation realm. 尽管远不及正常修为 Even if he so, actually also at all is not dragon Tenghui they can contend. 他哪怕如此,却也根本不是龙腾辉他们能够抗衡的。 Does not see with own eyes wonderfully, dragon Tenghui and others then wants to escape. 眼见不妙,龙腾辉等人便想逃跑。 Sees only Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head to speak, the palm to void is grasping suddenly. 只见图腾龙族族长说话间,手掌对着虚空猛然一握。 The next quarter, dragon Tenghui and other top powerhouses, meet a cruel death completely, was pinched the smashing. 下一刻,龙腾辉等顶尖强者,全部粉身碎骨,被捏成了粉碎。 They die cannot die again, even Source was crushed. 他们死的不能再死,连本源都被粉碎了。 Pitifully.” “可惜了。” Sees this, the Chu Feng slightly feeling was a pity. 见到这一幕,楚枫略感可惜。 That several strength, but cannot be underestimated, their Source may have big using. 那几位的实力,可都不容小觑,他们的本源可有大用。 However Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, to these person of deep enmity, therefore acts, it may be said that is relentless. 不过图腾龙族族长,对那些人恨之入骨,所以一出手,可谓毫不留情。 When Chu Feng responded, that nine people have died passed thoroughly. 楚枫反应过来之时,那九人就已经死的透透的了。 - 噗- But although, strikes, wrote off dragon Tenghui and others, is the next quarter, in the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head mouth, then put out a blood. 尽管,只是一击,就抹杀了龙腾辉等人,可是下一刻,图腾龙族族长的口中,便吐出了一口鲜血。 Afterward is weaker, stands continually does not stand steadily. 随后更是虚弱的,连站都站立不稳。 Sir Father.” 父亲大人。” Sir Clan Head.” 族长大人。” Sees that Long Chengyu, Long Muxi and others, rushed to support by the arm Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 见状,龙承羽,龙沐熙等人,赶忙搀扶住了图腾龙族族长 But at present, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head situation, but also is deteriorating. 但眼下,图腾龙族族长的情况,还在恶化。 Obviously, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, although just got rid of bound, struck to kill dragon Tenghui and others, but actually also paid a big price. 可见,图腾龙族族长,虽然刚刚摆脱了束缚,击杀了龙腾辉等人,但却也是付出了不小的代价。 Meanwhile, Long Lin(dragon scale) feared that dragon Xue has the accident/surprise, still with own bloodlines, unceasing instills into to that formation technique. 与此同时,龙鳞怕龙雪出现意外,仍在用自己的血脉,不断的向那阵法之内灌输。 He does not know how can relieve this formation technique, but at least now, instills into the bloodlines, can keep in balance this formation technique way only. 他也不知道怎么才能解除这阵法,可至少现在,灌输血脉,是唯一能制衡这阵法的方式。 But suddenly, he discovered that say/way inscribes compass of design of dragon, presented the difference. 可突然,他发现那道刻有龙之图案的罗盘,出现了异样。 Sees that he also deeply frowned. 见状,他也是眉头紧锁。 Unexpectedly not by completely bound?” “竟然没有被完全束缚?” Through this compass, he knows that had anything. 只是通过这罗盘,他就知道发生了什么。 He knows, is Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, overcomes the strength of bound, displayed certain cultivation realm. 他知道,是图腾龙族族长,克服束缚之力,施展出了一定修为 In this case, he sends to control nine people of Totem Dragon Clan people, is inevitably more unfortunate than fortunate. 这种情况下,想必他派去控制图腾龙族众人的九人,也必然凶多吉少。 But compares in Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others, he is worried about Chu Feng, he cannot make Chu Feng run away. 但相比于图腾龙族族长等人,他更担心楚枫,他绝不能让楚枫逃走。 After all, first Chu Feng, displays the strength of powerful teleportation, disregards Ancestral Martial forbidden land bound, carries off Totem Dragon Clan and others forcefully. 毕竟,先又楚枫,施展强大的传送之力,无视祖武禁地束缚,将图腾龙族等人强行带走。 Following Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, breaks open the strength of bound, displayed cultivation realm. 后面图腾龙族族长,也是破开束缚之力,施展出了修为 This makes him extremely be worried, was worried will tow to have the change. 这让他非常担心,担心拖下去会有变化。 Therefore, in his eye emerged to wipe to have made up mind. 于是,他的眼中涌现出了一抹决意。 Little Friend Chu Feng, must blame me not.” 楚枫小友,莫要怪我。” The words, a Long Lin(dragon scale) hand , to continue to formation technique of dragon snow within the body instills into bloodline power. 话罢,龙鳞一只手,继续向龙雪体内的阵法灌输血脉之力 Another hand, touches to cosmos sack, two goods appear in the front. 另一只手,摸向乾坤袋,两件物品出现在面前。 And one, is the ancient animal skin blueprint, the blueprint opens, not only above has the design of dragon, but also writes one to ban the character. 其中一个,乃是古老的兽皮图纸,图纸打开,上面不仅带有龙的图案,还写着一个禁字。 But another goods, compare in this blueprint, was big many, its golden light sparkled, gives out overbearing incomparable sacred air/Qi. 而另一件物品,相比于这张图纸,则是大了不少,它金光闪闪,散发着霸道无比的神圣之气。 That is piece of Long Lin(dragon scale), Zulong Long Lin(dragon scale). 那是一片龙鳞,祖龙的龙鳞 He uses Long Lin(dragon scale), oneself palm will lacerate, follows the blood and Martial Power integrates that piece of Long Lin(dragon scale), that piece of Long Lin(dragon scale) has the change, finally changes to wisp of golden Mist. 他用龙鳞,将自己手掌割破,伴随鲜血与武力融入那片龙鳞,那片龙鳞出现变化,最终化作一缕金色气焰 Long Lin(dragon scale) golden Mist, integrates in the blueprint, in the blueprint some unexpectedly formation technique discovered. 龙鳞将金色气焰,融入图纸之中,图纸之内竟有阵法发现。 Meanwhile, Long Lin(dragon scale) also bites the jaw tightly, the powerful body is unable automatic control twitching, the painful expression, to fill the air on his whole piece face. 同时,龙鳞也是紧咬牙关,强大的身躯无法自控的抽搐,痛苦的表情,更是弥漫在他的整张脸上。 ...... …… Wa Wa- 呜哇- Meanwhile, Chu Feng and Totem Dragon Clan people, all are look painfully, many people wail directly. 与此同时,楚枫以及图腾龙族众人,皆是面露痛苦,许多人更是直接哀嚎起来。 That extends arrogantly, bound lives in their dragon whisker, changed to the entity from Phantom completely, and strength enormous enhancement. 那自大地延伸而出,束缚住他们的龙须,全部从虚影化作了实体,并且力量极大的加强。 Causes them, was surrounded thoroughly, lost the ability of movement completely. 使得他们所有人,都被彻底困住,彻底丧失了移动的能力。 Chu Feng, you how?” 楚枫,你怎么了?” Oneself are withstanding the huge pain obviously, looking that but Long Muxi actually worries about eyeful to Chu Feng. 自己明明承受着巨大的痛楚,可龙沐熙却满眼担忧的望向楚枫 She such remarks, others also looks to Chu Feng, this discovered, compares in them, Chu Feng's situation bad many. 她此话一出,其他人也是纷纷看向楚枫,这才发现,相比于他们,楚枫的情况糟糕的多。 Chu Feng dragon whisker, gives out strength, obviously strong in their dragon whisker. 楚枫身上的龙须,所散发的力量,明显强于他们身上的龙须。 What is main, Chu Feng within the body has goods, gives out has the dazzling ray, from within the body direct mapping outside. 最主要的是,楚枫体内有一物品,散发出耀眼的光芒,从体内直接映射到了外面。 That goods, cause Chu Feng are also the facial features twist, incomparable pain. 那件物品,使得楚枫也是面容扭曲,无比痛苦。 And quick, spell traces, extend from that dragon marrow, first proliferates the Chu Feng soul, later extends outside the body, ties up the Chu Feng's dragon whisker to melt with that. 并且很快,一道道符咒纹路,自那龙髓之内延伸而出,先是遍布楚枫灵魂,随后延伸到体外,紧接着与那捆绑楚枫的龙须相融。 This spell trace, that is Zulong forbidden technique!!!” “这个符咒纹路,那是祖龙禁法!!!” Hateful Long Lin(dragon scale), how can he be so crazed?!!!” “可恶的龙鳞,他怎能如此丧心病狂?!!!” Sees this one, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head angry at the same time, more is actually distressed. 见此一幕,图腾龙族族长愤怒的同时,更多的却是痛心。 Really, I was deceived.” Chu Feng self-ridicules smiled one. “果然,我还是被骗了啊。”楚枫则是自嘲的笑了一声。 At this time, did not need Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head saying that Chu Feng also knows had anything. 此时,不用图腾龙族族长说,楚枫也知道发生了什么。 The dragon marrow in within the body, had had the quality change, contains special formation technique in the dragon marrow. 体内的龙髓,已经发生了质的变化,在龙髓之内蕴藏着特殊的阵法 Hiding of that formation technique, the Chu Feng observation was so long cannot find, until this time discovered. 阵法之隐蔽,楚枫观察这么久都未能发现,直至此时才发现。 This formation technique, must Chu Feng spirit Hun Lian (Soul Refining), dragon Sui the strength be sublimated at the appointed time. 阵法,要将楚枫魂炼化,到时龙髓的力量将得到升华。 Long Lin(dragon scale), really deceived Chu Feng from the beginning, he from the beginning, has not thought makes Chu Feng live. 龙鳞,果然从一开始就欺骗了楚枫,他从一开始,就没想过让楚枫活。 Father, what that is, what is that?” “父亲,那是什么,那是什么啊?” Long Muxi and Long Chengyu, look simultaneously to Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 龙沐熙龙承羽,同时看向图腾龙族族长 Zulong forbidden technique, had been sealed for a long time, the Totem Dragon Clan clansmen cannot bump.” “祖龙禁法,早就被封存许久,图腾龙族族人都不能碰。” I also never personally see the person to display, but has seen from the historical record.” “我也从未亲眼见人施展过,而是从史料记载中见过。” Zulong forbidden technique has many types, no matter but what goal, will want to be achieved will certainly follow the enormous sacrifice.” “祖龙禁法有很多种类,但不管是什么目的,想要达到都必将伴随极大的牺牲。” I do not know that Long Lin(dragon scale), what kind of Zulong forbidden technique got down to the Little Friend Chu Feng arrange/cloth, but that spell trace, should be Zulong forbidden technique, will not have the mistake.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. “我不知那龙鳞,对楚枫小友布下了怎样的祖龙禁法,但那个符咒纹路,应该就是祖龙禁法,不会有错。”图腾龙族族长说道。 „Can father, have the means to rescue my Little Brother Chu Feng?” Long Chengyu asked. “父亲,可有办法救我楚枫兄弟?”龙承羽问道。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head shakes the head: This law, non-solution.” 图腾龙族族长摇了摇头:“此法,无解。” Buzz- 嗡- But his words just said, Chu Feng then pinches the law secret art, Chu Feng stimulates to movement within the body formation technique full power, causes the spread of that spell unexpectedly, obtained slowing down. 可他此话刚刚说完,楚枫便捏动法诀,楚枫全力催动体内阵法,竟使得那符咒的蔓延,得到了减缓。 But on Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head face, actually not slightly joyful, he knows that... this is the futile effort. 图腾龙族族长脸上,却没有丝毫喜悦,他知道…这都是徒劳。 By Chu Feng present cultivation realm, can resist even temporarily reluctantly, but actually still slowed down the death time. 楚枫现在的修为,就算暂时能勉强对抗,但其实也只是减缓死亡时间罢了。 Because Chu Feng must resist, may not only be the Long Lin(dragon scale) method, but is the strength of Zulong mystique. 因为楚枫要对抗的,可不仅仅是龙鳞的手段,而是祖龙秘法的力量。 Zulong, Totem Dragon Clan can have today, because of that Zulong. 祖龙,图腾龙族能有今日,皆因那条祖龙。 When Zulong will die, is the oil lamp is completely dry, arrange/cloth mystique far inferior peak. 尽管祖龙将死之时,已是油尽灯枯,所布秘法远不及巅峰。 But even if so, the strength of that mystique, is their difficult touches. 可哪怕如此,那秘法的力量,也是他们难以触及的。 not to mention is now his cultivation realm by bound, even if he is in peak condition, is still helpless. 莫说是现在他的修为都被束缚,就算他是巅峰状态,也是无能为力。 But what they do not know, this place also has others to present. 但他们不知道的是,此地还有其他人在场。 Including previously Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, cut to kill dragon Tenghui nine people, was seen by these two institutes. 包括先前图腾龙族族长,斩杀龙腾辉等九人,都被这两位所看到。 These two, are smells day of Taoist and beast shadow World Spiritist. 这两位,便是嗅天道人与兽影界灵师 Their two are very discrete, arrive at this place not to come directly. 他们两个很谨慎,来到此地并未直接现身。 Instead in the extremely far distance, has special treasure respectively, uses the mystique, can therefore under the extremely far distance, observe the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others situation. 反而在极远的距离,各自有特殊的至宝,又施展秘法,所以才能在极远的距离下,观察到图腾龙族族长等人的情况。 This Chu Feng, as if or ok.” “这楚枫,似乎要不行了。” Sees with own eyes the Chu Feng difficult support, beast shadow World Spiritist must leave, wants to grasp Chu Feng. 眼见楚枫难以支撑,兽影界灵师就要动身,想要去抓楚枫 He is worried about the Chu Feng safety actually not, but is seven Mansion Lord, making them live the belt/bring to go back Chu Feng. 他倒不是担心楚枫安危,而是七界府主,让他们将楚枫活着带回去。 But he just set out, was smelled day of Taoist to hold on. 可他刚刚起身,便被嗅天道人拉住了。 First do not move.” “先别动。” Some people came.” “又有人来了。”
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