MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5722: Zulong mystique

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Chapter 5720 Zulong mystique 第5720章祖龙秘法 Is Zulong mystique.” “是祖龙秘法。” Everyone, immediately revolution bloodlines cultivation technique.” “所有人,立刻运转血脉功法。” When dragon whisker appears, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head shouts loudly one immediately, and oneself are also sits cross-legged to sit down, revolution cultivation technique. 当龙须浮现而出,图腾龙族族长立刻高呼一声,且自己也是盘膝坐下,运转功法 Seeing that everyone suppresses the ache, immediately sits cross-legged to sit down, starts revolution cultivation technique. 见状,所有人都是强忍疼痛,立刻盘膝坐下,纷纷开始运转功法 After they revolve cultivation technique, the body presented First Level golden color Mist. 在他们运转功法之后,身上都出现了一重金色气焰 That golden Mist, has not resisted with dragon whisker, but fuses together. 那金色气焰,没有与龙须对抗,而是融为一体。 In this case, the painful color on people face, indeed alleviated much. 这种情况下,众人脸上的痛苦之色,的确缓解了不少。 That dragon whisker bound the people, they are unable to get out of trouble as before. 只是那龙须依旧束缚着众人,他们根本无法脱困。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng feels, the strength of oneself surrounding bound is getting stronger and stronger. 同时,楚枫感觉到,自己周围的束缚之力越来越强。 formation technique that oneself arrange ahead of time, is the difficult support. 自己提前布置的阵法,已是难以支撑。 Some are not wonderful.” “有些不妙啊。” Chu Feng detected that the situation is not wonderful, is sits cross-legged to sit down, stimulates to movement formation technique full power, wants to resist as far as possible. 楚枫察觉情况不妙,也是盘膝坐下,全力催动阵法,想尽量抵抗。 ...... …… Meanwhile, outside Totem Dragon Clan forbidden land in a special palace, has nine old person accumulations in this. 与此同时,图腾龙族禁地外一座特殊的宫殿内,有着九名老者聚集于此。 They once were the Totem Dragon Clan top powerhouses, various behind reason reasons, betrayed Totem Dragon Clan. 他们都曾是图腾龙族的顶尖强者,后面原因各种原因,叛离了图腾龙族 Behind was gathered by Long Lin(dragon scale) together, completed this rebellion with Long Lin(dragon scale) together, hero who is this rebellion. 后面被龙鳞聚集到一起,与龙鳞一同完成了这次叛乱,乃是此次叛乱的功臣。 Meanwhile, is the Long Lin(dragon scale) trusted aide. 同时,也是龙鳞的心腹。 But in just, them received the news that Long Lin(dragon scale) delivered. 而就在刚刚,他们收到了龙鳞送过来的消息。 Teng Hui Elder, what to do?” “滕辉长老,怎么办?” Everyone, looked to one on the scene, Elder of named dragon Tenghui. 所有人,都看向了在场的一位,名为龙腾辉的长老 This person is most powerhouses in these people, before was also one of the Totem Dragon Clan nine flag dragon wars. 此人乃是这些人中的最强者,之前也是图腾龙族九旗龙战之一。 What to do can also, naturally instruct according to Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) does.” dragon Tenghui said. “还能怎么办,自然是按照龙鳞大人指示去做。”龙腾辉说道。 „?” “啊?” Hears this words, other eight old person, on the face revealed the panic-stricken color. 听闻此话,剩余的八位老者,脸上都是露出了惊恐之色。 That is Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, moreover Long Xu is also one of them.” “那可是图腾龙族族长啊,况且龙虚也在其中。” And, said their worry directly. 其中一位,直接说出了他们的担忧。 Fears anything, they already by bound strength.” dragon Tenghui said. “怕什么,他们早就被束缚了战力。”龙腾辉说道。 Tenghui Sir, but he after all is Clan Head, even by bound the strength, we really can cope? His method, we are not clear.” “腾辉大人,可他毕竟是族长,就算被束缚了实力,我们真的能够对付吗?他的手段,我们也并不清楚啊。” „Is Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) doing, why doesn't act personally?” 龙鳞大人在干嘛,为何不亲自出手呢?” Even if clear(ly) knows, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, with Long Xu and others, already by bound strength. 哪怕明知道,图腾龙族族长,和龙虚等人,已经被束缚了战力。 But they are afraid. 可他们还是害怕。 Only because of the Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head powerhouse status, already Shenshen brand mark in their souls. 只因图腾龙族族长的强者身份,早就深深烙印在了他们的灵魂之中。 Even if thinks, they are scared. 哪怕想想,他们都感到害怕。 Perhaps, this is Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) to our tests, is probing our loyalty.” “也许,这是龙鳞大人对我们的考验,在试探我们的忠心。” everyone, do not forget, we by the person of Totem Dragon Clan abandonment.” 诸位,不要忘记,我们都是被图腾龙族抛弃之人。” Was Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) gives us to return the Totem Dragon Clan opportunity, gave our today's position.” “是龙鳞大人给了我们重新回到图腾龙族的机会,给了我们今日的地位。” As long as can stand here, which hadn't been persecuted by Totem Dragon Clan?” “但凡能够站在这里的,哪一个没有被图腾龙族迫害过?” But... we eventually are the Totem Dragon Clan clansmen, Sir Long Lin(dragon scale) worried is also normal.” “可是…我们终究是图腾龙族族人,龙鳞大人有所顾虑也是正常。” But this opportunity, is we proves own most good opportunity, so long as we can complete, in the future... we will be the trusted aides of Sir Long Lin(dragon scale).” “但这次机会,就是我们证明自己的最好机会,只要我们能够完成,日后…我们就是龙鳞大人的心腹。” Perhaps Totem Dragon Clan, the new dragon flag nine fight is we.” “也许图腾龙族,新的龙旗九战就是我们。” dragon Tenghui such remarks. 龙腾辉此话一出。 In the eyes of others , emerges the different kind ray. 其他人的眼中,也是涌现出了别样的光芒。 The dragon flag nine wars, that was they once vainly hoped. 龙旗九战,那可是他们曾经的梦想。 Walks, immediately follows me to leave.” “走,立刻跟随我动身。” dragon Tenghui this words saying, then leaves immediately. 龙腾辉此话说完,便立刻动身。 Afterward other eight Elder also leave in abundance. 随后其他八位长老也是纷纷动身。 But no one notices, before Elder leaves, actually left behind a thing. 但没人注意到,其中一名长老动身之前,却是留下了一物。 After everyone leaves, this thing actually changes to together the flowing light, fast grazes to go to the distant place. 当所有人离开后,此物却化作一道流光,快速的向远处飞掠而去。 ...... …… Meanwhile, originally in cultivation smells day of Taoist, is suddenly the opening eyes pupil. 与此同时,原本在修炼的嗅天道人,也是猛然睁开眼眸。 He first smelled gently several. 他先是轻轻的嗅了几下。 The effort of afterward smelling is getting bigger and bigger. 随后嗅的力度越来越大。 His eyes become bright. 紧接着,他双眼变得明亮。 Sets out suddenly, pinches the law secret art, the nose twitches fast. 猛然起身,捏动法诀,鼻子快速抽动。 Completes this movement, he looks wild with joy. 做完这个动作,他面露狂喜。 Afterward suddenly a palm of the hand, pulling out ruthlessly on the shoulder of beast shadow Elder. 随后猛然一巴掌,狠狠的抽在了兽影长老的肩膀上。 Beast shadow Elder, was closing eyes cultivation, suddenly was slapped such a palm, immediately flies into a rage. 兽影长老,原本在闭目修炼,突然被抽这么一巴掌,顿时勃然大怒。 Smells the day, do you court death?” “嗅天,你找死吗?” But he has not begun with enough time, smells day of Taoist a few words, immediately makes his anger all disappear. 可他还没来得及动手,嗅天道人的一句话,立刻让他怒火全消。 Chu Feng came out, follows me quickly.” 楚枫出来了,快跟我走。” During the speeches, smelling day of Taoist is Yu Kong. 说话间,嗅天道人已是御空而起。 Seeing that beast shadow World Spiritist was also immediately with. 见状,兽影界灵师也是立马跟了上去。 ...... …… With passing of time, the situation of Totem Dragon Clan people, obtains very big alleviation. 伴随着时间的流逝,图腾龙族众人的情况,都已经得到了很大的缓解。 Freely, what they move is very difficult, but can actually move reluctantly, and like that was not painful like before. 尽管,他们移动的还是非常困难,但却勉强可以移动一下,并且不像之前那般痛苦。 But the Chu Feng's situation, is actually just the opposite. 可是楚枫的情况,却是恰恰相反。 The strength of bound Chu Feng, withstands is getting stronger and stronger, not only there is Phantom of dragon whisker to reappear, even by far in the Totem Dragon Clan people. 楚枫,所承受的束缚之力越来越强,不仅有龙须的虚影浮现,甚至远胜于图腾龙族众人。 That is not Phantom, that is more like the entity. 那已经不是虚影了,那更像是实体。 In this case, Chu Feng not only cannot move, is starts to bear the huge pain. 这种情况下,楚枫不仅动弹不得,也是开始承受巨大的痛苦。 This, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head and others is startled. 这一幕,就连图腾龙族族长等人都是大为吃惊。 They recall, understands oneself by this strength bound, before should be Long Lin(dragon scale), forces in toxicant that they take, contains and Zulong related thing, can therefore so. 他们回想起来,明白自己会被这股力量束缚,应该是龙鳞之前逼迫他们服用的毒药内,蕴藏着与祖龙有关的东西,所以才会如此。 Because Zulong secret array under arrange/cloth, caused the Zulong related thing, if left Zulong forbidden land, can by strength bound of Zulong mystique. 因为祖龙生前布下的秘阵,导致祖龙相关之物,若是离开祖龙禁地,就是会被祖龙秘法的力量束缚 But can Chu Feng, why also so? 可是楚枫,为什么也会这般? Chu Feng, took with Zulong related thing? 难道楚枫,也服用了与祖龙有关的东西 Chu Feng, what that did Long Lin(dragon scale) eat to you?” 楚枫,那龙鳞给你吃了什么吗?” At this time, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, as well as Long Chengyu and others, has been able to move reluctantly, all encircled side Chu Feng. 此时,图腾龙族族长,以及龙承羽等人,都已经能够勉强活动,皆是围在了楚枫身旁。 Dragon marrow, my within the body has dragon Sui.” Chu Feng said truthfully. “龙髓,我的体内有龙髓。”楚枫如实说道。 Dragon marrow?” “龙髓?” Hears the dragon marrow two characters, everyone on the scene, is the complexion big change. 听到龙髓两个字,在场的所有人,都是脸色大变。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, is places on Chu Feng the palm directly, noses. 图腾龙族族长,更是直接将手掌放在楚枫身上,查探起来。 But this nosing is unimportant, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, immediately ashen-faced. 而这一查探不要紧,图腾龙族族长,顿时面如死灰 „Is father, really dragon Sui?” “父亲,真的是龙髓吗?” Long Muxi asked that simultaneously Long Chengyu with others , closely is staring at Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head. 龙沐熙问道,同时龙承羽与其他人,也紧紧地盯着图腾龙族族长 On all faces has endless worry. 所有人脸上都有着无尽的担忧。 They understand, dragon Suiru the body, that is representing anything. 他们都明白,龙髓入体,那代表着什么。 Yes.” “是。” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head slight nod. 图腾龙族族长微微点头。 I must rip that Long Lin(dragon scale)!!!” Long Muxi the violent anger, killing intent is dreadful immediately, must go to the forbidden land direction line. “我要撕了那龙鳞!!!”龙沐熙顿时暴怒,杀意滔天,就要向禁地的方向行去。 But by dragon whisker bound, can only move reluctantly, under the violent anger, the bound strength of dragon whisker is instead stronger, does not need others to advise, she then lies on the ground immediately. 可本就被龙须束缚,只能勉强移动,暴怒之下,龙须的束缚力量反而更强,不用别人劝阻,她便立刻趴在了地上。 Miss, do not lose one's temper, full play bloodlines cultivation technique.” 小姐,别动怒,全力运转血脉功法。” Sees that the people dissuade. 见状,众人纷纷劝阻。 Damn Long Lin(dragon scale).” “该死的龙鳞。” Long Chengyu, although has not looked like Long Muxi like that but the same double fist grips tightly, eyeful killing intent. 龙承羽,虽没像龙沐熙那般,可同样双拳紧握,满眼的杀意 „, I am don't worry all right.” Chu Feng said. “不用担心,我没事。”楚枫说道。 How to be all right, that is dragon Sui, you do not know that dragon marrow......” Long Muxi loves dearly eyeful. “怎么会没事,那是龙髓,你不知道那龙髓……”龙沐熙满眼心疼。 I know, the dragon marrow is wild, but I am all right.” “我知道,龙髓狂暴嘛,但我没事。” Does not believe that you nose, although dragon Sui in my within the body, but like that was not early wild like before, it had been quenchinged by me.” “不信,你们查探一下,龙髓虽在我体内,但早不像之前那般狂暴,它已经被我淬炼了。” Chu Feng feared that Long Muxi and others was worried, bears the huge pain obviously, actually squeezed out wiped the smile. 楚枫龙沐熙等人担心,明明承受巨大的痛苦,却强挤出了一抹微笑。 Hears this words, Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, as well as his others, nosing, discovered that dragon Sui, is really not wild. 听闻此话,图腾龙族族长,以及其他人,纷纷查探,发现那龙髓,果然并不狂暴。 They at first are also the eyeful shock, but in the quick eye appears to wipe the happy expression. 他们起初也是满眼震惊,但很快眼中浮现出一抹喜色。 Worthily is Little Friend Chu Feng, unexpectedly the dragon marrow of Sir even/including Zulong can quenching.” “不愧是楚枫小友啊,居然连祖龙大人的龙髓都能淬炼。” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head sighed. 图腾龙族族长叹道。 Chu Feng they have find, before had done several surprises, therefore they also calculated certain bearing capacity. 楚枫他们还是有所了解的,之前就做过多次惊人之事,所以他们也算有了一定承受能力。 Trades to be the average man, this is the inconceivable matter, but Chu Feng... they poured are not accidental/surprised. 换做常人,这是不可思议的事,但是楚枫…他们倒也没那么意外了。 „Is Little Friend Chu Feng, that Long Lin(dragon scale) forces your?” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head asked. 楚枫小友,是那龙鳞逼迫你的吗?”图腾龙族族长问道。 „It is not, is I am voluntary.” “不是,是我自愿的。” He said that the dragon marrow can rescue the dragon snow senior life, but is extremely wild, needs to quenching, but I... can complete this person of quenching.” “他说龙髓能救龙雪前辈的命,但太过狂暴,需要淬炼,而我…是能够完成这淬炼之人。” And I have observed, although dragon Sui is wild, but I should be able to withstand.” “并且我有观察过,龙髓虽然狂暴,但我应该能够承受。” But I have not thought, dragon Suiru the body, was then stranded in my within the body, is unable to take out unexpectedly.” “但我没想到,龙髓入体,便被困在了我体内,竟无法取出。” Sir Clan Head, that is forbidden land the arrange/cloth has the mystique, with the Zulong related thing, is unable to carry off.” 族长大人,那禁地是不是布有秘法,与祖龙相关之物,无法带走。” If leaves forbidden land, will then have this aspect?” Chu Feng asked. “若是离开禁地,便会有此局面?”楚枫问道。 Yes.” “是。” We by that Long Lin(dragon scale), were forced to take the toxicant before, after that toxicant enters the body, immediately melts with the soul and bloodlines, cannot detect anything, then has not thought.” “我们之前被那龙鳞,逼迫着服下了毒药,那毒药入体之后,立刻与灵魂以及血脉相融,也察觉不到什么,便也未多想。” Has not thought, with Sir Zulong the related thing, Long Lin(dragon scale) despicable, surrounds us with this way unexpectedly simply unexpectedly.” “不曾想,竟是与祖龙大人有关之物,龙鳞简直卑鄙透顶,竟用这种方式困住我们。” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head also just realized, poisonous pill who they took before, with the Zulong related thing. 图腾龙族族长也是刚刚才意识到,他们之前服用的毒丹,是与祖龙相关之物。 Therefore by dragon whisker bound, this... precisely Sir Zulong, the strength of mystique leaving behind. 所以才会被龙须束缚,这…正是祖龙大人,留下的秘法之力量。 May teach according to the ancestor, they cannot contaminate with Sir Zulong the related thing. 可按照祖训,他们不能沾染与祖龙大人相关之物。 This act, is to blaspheming of Sir Zulong. 此举,乃是对祖龙大人的亵渎。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) forced them to take unexpectedly, with Sir Zulong related thing, is shaming them simply. 龙鳞竟逼迫他们服下了,与祖龙大人相关之物,简直是在羞辱他们。 This ratio killed them to be uncomfortable simply. 这简直比杀了他们还难受。 Therefore he mentioned this matter, he also clenched jaws. 所以他提及此事,他也是咬牙切齿。 „Can father, have the means to take out the dragon marrow?” Long Muxi asked. “父亲,可有办法将龙髓取出?”龙沐熙问道。 I, if cultivation realm restores, can try actually reluctantly, but... the present is not absolutely good.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head shakes the head. “我若修为恢复,倒是可以勉强试试,但是…现在绝对不行。”图腾龙族族长摇了摇头。 That what to do?” Long Muxi eyeful worries. “那怎么办啊?”龙沐熙满眼担心。 Little Friend Chu Feng, I pass on your my dragon clan bloodlines cultivation technique, you try, looked whether to resist.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head said. 楚枫小友,我传你我龙族的血脉功法,你来试试,看能否进行抵抗。”图腾龙族族长说道。 But who once thinks, his words just left, then has sound of the taunt together to get up. 可谁曾想,他此话刚出,便有一道嘲讽之音响起。 As the Totem Dragon Clan clansman, passes on Totem Dragon Clan bloodlines cultivation technique in outsider unexpectedly, you really do not match to make Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head.” “身为图腾龙族族人,竟将图腾龙族的血脉功法传于外人,你果然不配做图腾龙族族长。” Waits and sees along the sound, nine forms appeared above void of distant place, precisely... dragon Tenghui and others. 顺声观望,九道身影出现在了远处的虚空之上,正是…龙腾辉等九人。 () ()
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