MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5721: Will only harm them

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Chapter 5719 will only harm them 第5719章只会害了他们 Void above, the thunder clouds diverge, pass through killing intent of the world also to diverge. 虚空之上,雷云散去,贯穿天地的杀意也随之散去。 Face of Long Lin(dragon scale), no longer like that fierce, what are more is helpless. 就连龙鳞的脸,也不再那般狰狞,更多的是无奈。 Little Friend Chu Feng, I acknowledged, I deceived you, this dragon Sui is indeed dangerous.” 楚枫小友,我承认,我欺瞒了你,这龙髓的确具有危险性。” But my guarantee, I really can take out from your within the body the dragon marrow.” “但是我保证,我真的可以将龙髓从你体内取出。” I also once made the dragon marrow enter my within the body, if cannot take out, I have died.” “我也曾让龙髓入我体内,若不能取出,我早就死了。” I am only... am afraid you to know the truth, is not willing to help me, therefore conceals.” “我只是…害怕你知道真相,不愿意帮我,所以才隐瞒。” Little Friend Chu Feng.” The words to here, Long Lin(dragon scale) looked that still fell into the deep sleep to that the dragon snow. 楚枫小友。”话到此处,龙鳞看向那仍陷入沉睡的龙雪。 You have diagnosed her condition, you should know, her date and time are not many.” “你诊断过她的病情,你应该知道,她时日不多。” I seek one with great difficulty, can quenching the person of dragon marrow, I really do not have the means.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “我好不容易寻得一个,能够淬炼龙髓之人,我真的没有办法。”龙鳞说道。 I who senior, you said believe that but I only have a condition, opens that door, making me see them.” 前辈,你说的我信,但我只有一个条件,打开那道门,让我去见他们。” My guarantee, after I have seen them, certainly put dragon snow senior.” Chu Feng said. “我保证,我见过他们之后,一定放了龙雪前辈。”楚枫说道。 Hears this words, Long Lin(dragon scale) somewhat hesitates. 听闻此话,龙鳞有些犹豫。 If in the heart does not have the ghost, has what can/but to fear?” “若心中无鬼,有何可惧?” senior, you, even if not excel at Spirit Formation technique, can still look my formation technique dangerous.” 前辈,你就算不擅长结界之术,也能看的出我这阵法有多危险。” I am not bargaining back and forth with you, but is you... must according to doing that I said.” Chu Feng said. “我不是在和你讨价还价,而是你…必须按照我说的做。”楚枫说道。 Properly speaking, others dare so to threaten Long Lin(dragon scale), Long Lin(dragon scale) slaughters absolutely. 按理来说,旁人敢如此威胁龙鳞,龙鳞绝对大开杀戒。 May facing the Chu Feng's threat, Long Lin(dragon scale) actually compromise. 可面对楚枫的威胁,龙鳞却妥协了。 I promise you.” “我答应你。” This words saying, in the Long Lin(dragon scale) eye appears again wipes with raw hate. 只是此话说完,龙鳞眼中再度浮现一抹凶狠。 Little Friend Chu Feng, you remember, dragon Xueruo has the accident, not only you must die, Totem Dragon Clan everyone must die.” “不过楚枫小友,你记住,龙雪若有三长两短,不仅你要死,图腾龙族的所有人都要死。” Even if your mother Jie Ranqing, my Long Lin(dragon scale) will not let off, I live up to one's words.” “哪怕你的母亲界染清,我龙鳞都不会放过,我说到做到。” This time Long Lin(dragon scale), although does not have everywhere killing intent, but that vicious expression, actually scared. 此时的龙鳞,虽然没有漫天的杀意,可那凶狠的表情,却更加令人胆寒。 He was says absolutely incessantly, he had this determination. 他绝对不止是说说,他有这个决心。 Relax, so long as you keep the promise, I will not hurt the dragon snow senior slightest.” Chu Feng said. “放心,只要你遵守诺言,我不会伤害龙雪前辈分毫。”楚枫道。 Afterward, Chu Feng then takes the dragon snow as the hostage, arrived at that front door with Long Lin(dragon scale) again. 随后,楚枫便以龙雪为人质,跟着龙鳞再度来到了那道大门。 Long Lin(dragon scale) puts out the token again, looks to Chu Feng: Little Friend Chu Feng, my Long Lin(dragon scale) is also living now, for dragon Xue.” 龙鳞再度拿出令牌,看向楚枫:“楚枫小友,我龙鳞如今还活着,就是为了龙雪。” She , if there is matter, coming out that my anything makes.” “她若有事,我什么都做的出来。” The words, he does not need Chu Feng to speak, opened that gate directly. 话罢,他也不待楚枫说话,直接开启了那道门。 Sees that Chu Feng leads dragon Xue directly, grazed. 见状,楚枫直接带着龙雪,飞掠了进去。 Suddenly comes in a person, the Totem Dragon Clan people are all critical situation. 突然进来一个人,图腾龙族众人皆是如临大敌。 But after they see clearly is Chu Feng, the first response is accidental/surprised and puzzled. 可当他们看清是楚枫之后,第一反应都是意外和不解。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” Will Chu Feng, why appear here? 楚枫,为何会出现在这里? Clan Head senior, said without enough time, troubles you by secret sound transmission, ordering all clansmen to approach to me, I can lead you to leave.” 族长前辈,来不及多说了,麻烦你以暗中传音,命令所有族人向我靠近,我可以带你们离开。” Chu Feng to sound transmission, say to Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head in secret. 楚枫以暗中传音,对图腾龙族族长说道。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, saw that the Chu Feng's first response is also wary. 图腾龙族族长,见到楚枫的第一反应也是充满戒心的。 But he guards is not Chu Feng, but thought the matter cheats. 但他防备的不是楚枫,而是觉得事情有诈。 But when he determined that present person, indeed after is Chu Feng, stemming from trusts Chu Feng's, he also defers to doing that Chu Feng said immediately. 可当他确定眼前之人,的确是楚枫之后,出于对楚枫的信任,他也是立刻按照楚枫说的做。 Actually Totem Dragon Clan, most people had evacuated, they cannot evacuate , because in them, presented the rebel. 其实图腾龙族,大部分人都已经撤离了,他们之所以未能撤离,是因为他们之中,出现了叛徒。 Except the person of dying in battle, here person were not many at that time, Elder adds on the junior, altogether only has more than 3000 people. 除去当时战死之人,这里的人也不多,长老加上小辈,总共只有三千多人。 This more than 3000 people, although in this vast space world, but actually gathers. 这三千多人,虽然在这辽阔的空间世界,但其实都始终聚集在一起。 After Clan Head issuance of order, they arrive at side Chu Feng immediately. 族长命令下达之后,他们都立刻来到了楚枫身旁。 Little Friend Chu Feng, has what words to ask, you then asked that I give you time, but you... cannot harm dragon Xue.” 楚枫小友,有什么话要问,你便问吧,我给你时间,但你…不许伤害龙雪。” At this time, the Long Lin(dragon scale) sound resounds. 此时,龙鳞的声音响起。 Then waits and sees, he also walked. 回头观望,他也是走了进来。 I killed your rebel!!!” “我杀了你这个叛徒!!!” Sees Long Lin(dragon scale), many Totem Dragon Clan clansmen, are killing intent are dreadful, wants to overrun to Long Lin(dragon scale). 见到龙鳞,许多图腾龙族族人,都是杀意滔天,就想向龙鳞冲过去。 Do not move.” Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head orders actually, making them come soberly. “都别动。”倒是图腾龙族族长一声令下,使得他们清醒过来。 Although they on, had not tied up by chains outwardly, but the body also has the special seal shackles, the strength lived by bound, is not the Long Lin(dragon scale) opponent. 他们虽然明面上,没有被锁链捆绑,但身上也有特殊的封印枷锁,实力都被束缚住了,根本就不是龙鳞的对手。 As for Chu Feng, looks to Long Lin(dragon scale). 至于楚枫,也是看向龙鳞 I must lead them to walk.” “我要带他们走。” You can walk, but they cannot get away.” “你可以走,但他们走不了。” Chu Feng, matter... you have not thought is so simple, this is not I can decide.” 楚枫,事情…没你想的那么简单,这不是我能决定的。” You do not have the means to lead them to leave, if leads them to leave forcefully, will only harm them.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “你没办法带他们离开,若强行带他们离开,只会害了他们。”龙鳞说道。 „Did that look like does not come to an arrangement?” Chu Feng asked. “那看来就是谈不妥了?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng, you want me to feel embarrassed not.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. 楚枫,你莫要我为难。”龙鳞道。 senior, I do not know that actually you how think, but I must lead them to walk today.” 前辈,我不知你究竟怎么想的,但我今日必须带他们走。” The words to here, the Chu Feng thought move, boundless formation power, releases from its within the body. 话到此处,楚枫意念一动,一股磅礴的结界之力,自其体内释放而出。 Is that symbol that Qin Jiu leaves behind!!! 秦九留下的那道符!!! This symbol strength is extremely strong, even if this is forbidden land, is unable to stop in it. 此符力量极强,哪怕这是禁地,也无法阻拦于它。 After all, this is the Qin Jiu writing skill. 毕竟,这是秦九的手笔。 Chu Feng, what do you want to make?” 楚枫,你要做什么?” Seeing that Long Lin(dragon scale) also releases the dreadful pressure, but that pressure regarding Chu Feng, has not begun to Chu Feng. 见状,龙鳞也是释放出了滔天威压,但那威压只是围绕着楚枫,并没有对楚枫动手。 Meanwhile, Long Lin(dragon scale) grasps the token, pinches the law secret art, this world strange strength is to also reappear. 同时,龙鳞手持令牌,捏动法诀,这片天地一股奇异的力量也是浮现而出。 that is blocks great formation, blockade incessantly is at present, but is entire forbidden land. 那乃是封锁大阵,封锁的不止是眼前,而是整个禁地 Dragon snow senior I return in you, the Totem Dragon Clan clansman, I carried off.” “龙雪前辈我归还于你,图腾龙族的族人,我带走了。” The words, the strength of boundless teleportation appears. 话罢,磅礴的传送之力浮现而出。 When the strength of that teleportation vanishes, Chu Feng and others also vanishes together. 当那传送之力消失之际,楚枫等人也是一同消失。 Only has dragon Xue, was remained same place. 唯有龙雪,被留在了原地。 Long Lin(dragon scale) has not thought that on Chu Feng is hiding such rare treasure unexpectedly. 龙鳞也没想到,楚枫身上竟然藏着这样的秘宝。 Even if he has stopped with every effort, but actually cannot block. 哪怕他已经尽力阻拦,但却根本拦不住。 But his first response, before arriving at dragon Xueshen . 可他第一反应,还是来到龙雪身前。 Because on the dragon snow, First Level formation technique appears at this time, that formation technique is dangerous, only then Totem Dragon Clan bloodline power, can prevent this formation technique to expand. 因为此时龙雪身上,还有一重阵法浮现,那阵法非常危险,只有图腾龙族血脉之力,才能阻止这阵法扩展。 Obviously, this is Chu Feng stays behind intentionally, is prevents Long Lin(dragon scale) to catch them. 显然,这是楚枫故意留下的,就是防止龙鳞去抓他们。 In the Long Lin(dragon scale) eye, the dragon snow exceeds all. 龙鳞眼中,龙雪胜过一切。 Therefore he releases oneself bloodline power immediately, unceasing integrates in that formation technique, being very afraid dragon Xue has the accident/surprise. 所以他立刻释放自己的血脉之力,不断的融入那阵法之中,深怕龙雪出现意外。 But meanwhile, his facial features, have become twist. 可同时,他的面容,早已变得扭曲。 Chu Feng, you may really be the despicable villain.” 楚枫,你可真是卑鄙小人。” But you think falling that you escape?” “但你以为你逃的掉吗?” During the Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, takes out inscribes golden compass of design of dragon together. 龙鳞说话间,取出一道刻有龙之图案的金色罗盘 At this time, compass ray hold, a vast map appears greatly, the map of that precisely this side world. 此时,罗盘光芒大盛,一个辽阔的地图浮现而出,那正是这方世界的地图。 Meanwhile, 3000 luminous spots, appeared above this map position simultaneously. 同时,三千多道光点,同时出现在了这地图的一个位置之上。 Position that precisely Chu Feng and others, is at now. 正是楚枫等人,现在所在的位置。 Long Lin(dragon scale) takes out a special token, later in special talismans, writing, each character finished later, will integrate in talismans. 龙鳞取出一道特殊的令牌,随后在特殊的符纸,随后不停的写字,每一个字写完,都会融入符纸之中。 But content that he writes, orders the person, goes to Chu Feng and others to be at the position that captures alive Chu Feng and others. 而他写的内容,就是命令人,前往楚枫等人所在的位置,将楚枫等人活捉回来。 After finishing, he pinched the law secret art, that talismans grew a wing unexpectedly, fast grazed to go to the distant place. 写完之后,他捏动法诀,那符纸竟长出一对翅膀,快速的向远处飞掠而去。 ...... …… But at the same time, Chu Feng and others arrived above a wilderness. 而与此同时,楚枫等人来到了一处荒漠之上。 Is Chu Feng stimulates to movement that Qin Jiu that talismans strength, intentionally the place of choice. 楚枫催动那秦九符纸的力量,故意选择的这个地方。 In the Chu Feng judgment, such place, is generally sparsely inhabited, normal here was discovered very much difficultly. 楚枫判断中,这样的地方,一般人烟稀少,正常来说这里很难被发现。 But, after arriving here, Chu Feng then felt, strength of the extremely powerful bound, extends to the land, later covered itself. 可是,来到这里之后,楚枫便感觉,有一股极为强大的束缚之力,向大地延伸而出,随后笼罩了自己。 That is the bound dragon Sui strength, but now that strength not only in bound dragon Sui, in bound Chu Feng. 那本是束缚龙髓的力量,可现在那力量不仅在束缚龙髓,也在束缚楚枫 But Chu Feng is prepared early, has arranged formation technique that resists this strength, therefore can also resist reluctantly. 楚枫早有准备,早就布置过对抗这力量的阵法,所以勉强还能抵抗。 But Chu Feng discovered, the Totem Dragon Clan people, all show the painful expression unexpectedly. 楚枫发现,图腾龙族的众人,竟皆是露出痛苦的表情。 At first Chu Feng is puzzled, but quick naked eye obvious golden color Phantom, extends arrogantly, twined everyone. 起初楚枫不解,但很快肉眼可见的金色虚影,自大地延伸而出,缠绕住了所有人。 At first sight resembles is the vine, but careful looked, this thing looks like dragon whisker. 乍一看似是藤蔓,但仔细一看,此物更像龙须。 But that dragon whisker gives out aura and strength, with bound own same, but is more powerful. 而那龙须散发的气息与力量,与束缚自己的相同,只不过更为强大。 Chu Feng can move actually reluctantly, is the Totem Dragon Clan people, under this Long Xu bound, even if Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, actually is difficult. 楚枫倒是勉强可以移动,可是图腾龙族众人,在这龙虚束缚下,哪怕图腾龙族族长,却皆是寸步难行。 Only then, Chu Feng is clear, Long Lin(dragon scale) that. 直到此时,楚枫才明白,龙鳞的那一句。 You do not have the means to lead them to leave, if carries off forcefully, will only harm them. 你没办法带他们离开,若要强行带走,只会害了他们。 PS: The Martial God readers, are Mid-Autumn Festival joyful. PS:武神的读者们,中秋节快乐。 () ()
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