MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5717: Treatment failure

Chapter 5715 treats and cures the failure 第5715章救治失败 Long Lin(dragon scale) cannot believe own ear simply. 龙鳞简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Does Chu Feng, make him speed up unexpectedly? 楚枫,居然让他加快? But sizes up earnestly, he discovered before Chu Feng face already not, twists. 而认真打量,他发现楚枫脸庞已然没有之前扭曲。 Obviously the pain that he withstands, has slowed down greatly, or... he has adapted. 显然他所承受的痛楚,已经大大减缓,或者说…他已经适应了。 Saw this one, Long Lin(dragon scale) looks to dragon Sui, he suspected that was dragon Sui has problems. 见此一幕,龙鳞又看向了龙髓,他都怀疑是不是龙髓出了问题。 But dragon Sui does not have the issue, is like that wild, overbearing, savage. 可龙髓没问题啊,还是那般狂暴,霸道,凶残 Does not have the issue, that is the Chu Feng's issue, was Chu Feng is too strong. 都没问题,那就是楚枫的问题,是楚枫太强了。 Therefore Long Lin(dragon scale) smiled: Little Friend Chu Feng, you really specially.” 于是龙鳞笑了:“楚枫小友,你真的特别。” „It is not special, that compass will not elect me, senior, quickly.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “不特别,那罗盘也不会选我,前辈,快一点吧。”楚枫笑道。 Long Lin(dragon scale) first seeing, has the queue marrow to enter the body to smile. 龙鳞还是第一次看到,有人龙髓入体笑得出来。 In fact let alone smiled, he had not seen before, after dragon Suiru body, the people but who can also speak do not have. 实际上别说笑了,他之前都没见过,龙髓入体之后,还能说话的人都没有。 In impression, these people, only then wails, unceasing wailing, until without strength, or not being able to make the sound will stop. 印象中,那些人只有哀嚎,不断的哀嚎,直到没有力气,或者发不出声音才会停止。 Also including he himself. 也包括他自己。 Although inconceivable, may regarding Long Lin(dragon scale) this absolutely be the good news, therefore he also defers to the Chu Feng request, starts to pick up the speed. 尽管不可思议,可对于龙鳞来说这绝对是好消息,于是他也按照楚枫要求,开始加快速度。 The Chu Feng complexion becomes twists again, but... has not actually sent out to wail, Chu Feng resisted. 楚枫脸色再度变得扭曲,但…却没有发出哀嚎,楚枫抗住了。 Worthily is the Jie Ranqing son.” Long Lin(dragon scale) cannot bear the praise say. “不愧是界染清的儿子。”龙鳞忍不住夸赞道。 Hears this words, Chu Feng also asks: „Should senior, not see my mother?” 听闻此话,楚枫也是问道:“前辈,应该没见过我母亲吧?” Although his mother the reputation is big, but his mother able to move unhindered vast martial cultivation world time, Long Lin(dragon scale) should be also stranded in Ancestral Martial Lower Realm. 他母亲虽然名声大,但其母亲纵横浩瀚修武界的时候,龙鳞应该还被困在祖武下界呢。 Has not truly seen, but after I come back, has heard your mother's deeds.” “确实没有见过,但我回来之后,听闻过你母亲的事迹。” Matter that you handle, is not weak in your mother.” Long Lin(dragon scale) sighed. “不过你做的事情,丝毫不弱于你母亲啊。”龙鳞叹道。 I naturally cannot compare with my mother, but will not lose her face.” Chu Feng said. “我自然不能与我母亲比,但也不会丢她的脸。”楚枫说道。 Then, two people talked, the terrifying dragon marrow then fully entered Chu Feng within the body. 就这样,二人交谈之间,恐怖的龙髓便全部进入了楚枫体内。 Chu Feng, what kind of?” 楚枫,怎么样?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked this saying time, even the sound somewhat changed. 龙鳞问这话的时候,甚至声音有些变了。 This, can overthrow powerful existence of Totem Dragon Clan, was unexpectedly anxious. 这位,能够推翻图腾龙族的强大存在,竟然紧张了。 He feared very much, fears the failure very much. 他很怕,很怕失败。 Quenchings to require some time, in addition, should not have the issue.” Chu Feng said. “淬炼需要些时间,除此之外,应该没问题。”楚枫说道。 Good, good.” “好,太好了。” The Long Lin(dragon scale) exciting tightness gripped the fist, this is his first time, true seeing hope. 龙鳞兴奋的紧紧握住了拳头,这是他第一次,真正的看到希望。 senior, I following, here can move freely?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,我接下来,在这里能够自由活动吗?”楚枫问。 Naturally, without the formation place, you can go.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “当然,没有结界的地方,你都可以去。”龙鳞说道。 Afterward, Long Lin(dragon scale) is Chu Feng prepared one place. 随后,龙鳞楚枫准备了一处住的地方。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) just walked, the Heaven Swallowing Qilin sound then resounds immediately: Small maple tree, you really so will not be silly, doesn't prepare to escape?” 龙鳞刚走,吞天麒麟的声音便立刻响起:“小枫子,你不会真的这么傻,不准备逃吧?” Why can escape?” Chu Feng asked. “为何要逃?”楚枫问。 Dragon marrow has succeeded in obtaining, so long as eats to this Sir, this Sir can transform the strength, making you promote cultivation realm.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “龙髓已经到手,只要给本大爷吃掉,本大爷就能转化成力量,让你提升修为。”吞天麒麟说道。 thing that therefore you induce, is this dragon Sui?” Chu Feng also asked. “所以你感应到的东西,就是这龙髓?”楚枫又问。 Actually continues, a stronger aura, that fellow has concealed.” “其实不止,还有更浓烈的气息,那个家伙有所隐瞒。” This Sir guesses, the Zulong remains in his mouth, without him said is so simple.” “本大爷猜,他口中的祖龙遗骸,没他说的那么简单。” But, do you have the opportunity to be close?” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “但,你有机会接近吗?”吞天麒麟说道。 Exact location can you know?” Chu Feng asked. “具体位置你可知晓?”楚枫问。 This forbidden land is very strange, should have powerful formation technique, this Sir is unable to judge.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “这处禁地很诡异,应该有强大的阵法,本大爷也无法判断。”吞天麒麟说道。 You are unable to analyze where I go to look, cannot ask him, where are Zulong remains at?” Chu Feng said. “你都无法判断,我去哪里找,总不能问他,那祖龙遗骸在哪吧?”楚枫道。 You can ask that you said your some feelings, if from Zulong remains about, will quenching dragon Sui the effect better.” “你可以问啊,你就说你有感觉,若是距离祖龙遗骸近一点,淬炼龙髓的效果会更好。” Lies you also not, he must save that old lady to be very cherished in any case, does not know that you deceive him, will still try doubtfully.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “撒谎你还不会吗,反正他要救那老太婆很是心切,也不知道你骗他,就算半信半疑也会试试。”吞天麒麟道。 Ok, he does not have that to trust me.” Chu Feng said. “还是算了,他没那么信任我。”楚枫道。 Actually, he can ask, can try, but he does not think. 其实,他可以问,可以试,但他不想。 Zulong remains, are Totem Dragon Clan extremely important existence, Chu Feng, if really made Heaven Swallowing Qilin eat. 祖龙遗骸,乃图腾龙族极为重要的存在,楚枫若真的让吞天麒麟吃了。 In that Chu Feng conscience cannot pass. 楚枫良心上过不去。 After all regarding Long Chengyu them, the significance of Zulong remains, is possibly equal is the ancestor. 毕竟对于龙承羽他们而言,祖龙遗骸的意义,可能等同是祖宗啊。 Ate Little Brother Old Ancestor, what with digging Little Brother ancestral tomb has to distinguish? 兄弟老祖宗吃了,跟挖兄弟祖坟有什么区别? You said right, he indeed has not that trusted you, pleasant to hear that on the mouth said that but can sit to this position, which wasn't the vicious and merciless lord?” “你说对了,他的确没那么信任你,嘴上说的好听,但是能坐到这个位置,哪个不是心狠手辣的主?” He said that he does not have the method, you believe that counter- principal edition Sir does not believe.” “他说他没手段,你信吗,反正本大爷是不信。” Young lunatic, since you do not feel right, was inferior that we escape directly.” “小疯子,既然你也感觉不对劲,不如咱们直接逃吧。” dragon Sui also succeeded in obtaining in any case, ate this dragon Sui to this Sir, were many does not dare saying that making you break through to Fourth Rank Half God absolutely does not have the issue.” “反正龙髓也到手了,给本大爷吃了这龙髓,多了不敢说,让你突破到四品半神绝对没问题。” As for these friends, you cannot rescue, if he really wants to put, how can not make you see?” “至于那些朋友,你是救不出来的,他若真想放,怎么会不让你见?” Small maple tree, listening to this Sir one to urge.” “小枫子,听本大爷一句劝吧。” Although your boy talent is good, but cultivation realm is too weak, their realm things, you little mix, you could not mix.” “虽然你小子天赋不错,但修为还太弱,他们这种境界的事情,你还是少掺和,你也掺和不了。” Remember, preserving oneself forever is most important, understands?” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “记住,保住自己永远是最重要的,懂吗?”吞天麒麟道。 This matter do not urge, I have the arrangement.” Chu Feng said. “这件事你就别劝了,我自己有安排。”楚枫道。 He found Long Chengyu they, is naturally impossible this to leave. 他都找到龙承羽他们了,自然不可能就这样自己离开。 The following day, Chu Feng discovered, here everywhere is formation, and Long Lin(dragon scale) is often monitoring itself in secret. 接下来的日子,楚枫发现,这里到处都是结界,并且龙鳞时常在暗中监视自己。 Actually, does not have any place can go, even does not dare to make anything. 其实,也没有什么地方可以去,甚至不敢做什么。 However is good because, Chu Feng quenchings dragon Sui by the soul, although pain, but the Chu Feng's tolerance adaptive faculty is very strong. 不过好在,楚枫以灵魂淬炼龙髓,虽然痛苦,但楚枫的忍耐力适应力都很强。 When Chu Feng adapts to the pain that the dragon marrow brought, then does not affect itself to be itself to do the matter. 楚枫适应了龙髓带来的痛苦,便也不影响自己做自己想做之事。 Chu Feng starts to study diligently that Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, Divine Taboo dragon breath. 楚枫开始钻研起那本神禁武技,神禁龙息。 Attempts, Chu Feng discovered that but is actually not cannot cultivation, is is very truly difficult. 尝试一番,楚枫发现倒也不是不能修炼,只是确实很难。 Since the dragon marrow integrates within the body, in an instant is in January/one month has. 而自从龙髓融入体内,转眼间已是一月有余。 At this time, Chu Feng stands in spacious place, the distant place has the formation technique stele that he arranges. 此时,楚枫站在一处空旷之地,远处有一座他布置的阵法石碑。 Suddenly, the Chu Feng mouth opens, powerful Martial Power from the in the air eruption, changes to together the golden light direct impact formation technique stele. 忽然,楚枫嘴巴张开,强大的武力自空中喷发而出,化作一道金光直冲阵法石碑。 golden light seems like the overwhelming power, but actually cannot shake the formation technique stele slightest. 只是金光看似威猛,但却未能撼动阵法石碑分毫。 Hiss ~ ~ “嘶~~” Really isn't good?” “果然还是不行吗?” Chu Feng is somewhat disappointed, the method of because just using, is not the common method. 楚枫有些失望,因为刚刚所施展的手段,可不是寻常的手段。 precisely Long Lin(dragon scale) donates his Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, Divine Taboo, dragon breath. 正是龙鳞赠予他的神禁武技,神禁,龙息。 Now, Chu Feng had grasped initially, this Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, is only this Divine Martial Forbidden Technique might, is actually unsatisfactory. 如今,楚枫已经初步掌握了,这一神禁武技,只是此神禁武技的威力,却是不尽人意。 According to introducing, this Divine Taboo might is extremely strong, verve incomparable, if the cultivation accomplishment, the might is not even weak in Second Rank Divine Taboo. 按照介绍,此神禁威力极强,刚猛无比,若是修炼大成,威力甚至不弱于二段神禁 Might that but Chu Feng shows, even is inferior to Ninth Rank Venerable Taboo. 楚枫施展出的威力,甚至不如九段尊禁 But Chu Feng also according to introducing cultivation, does not know oneself wrong where. 楚枫也是按照介绍修炼,不知自己错在了哪里。 Following, Chu Feng often will also ponder on several th where Divine Martial Forbidden Technique has problems. 接下来几日,楚枫也会时常思考,神禁武技哪里出了问题。 Will also spend more time, pondered that what kind of formation technique arranges, can display seven to cast the soul fragrant biggest effect. 同时也会花费更多时间,思考布置怎样的阵法,才能发挥出七界铸魂香的最大功效。 Although, cannot think, the Divine Martial Forbidden Technique issue is. 虽说,始终未能想到,神禁武技的问题所在。 But Chu Feng actually thinks finally, can seven cast the soul to be fragrant, biggest display formation technique. 楚枫却终于想到了一个,能够将七界铸魂香,最大发挥的阵法 Therefore Chu Feng said that does then does, immediately the set up formation in World Spirit Space, the formation technique in addition holds, indeed greatly strengthened seven to cast the soul fragrant drug efficacy. 于是楚枫说做便做,立刻于界灵空间内布阵,阵法的加持,的确大大增强了七界铸魂香的药效。 Even if the entire root seven cast the soul fragrant combustion completely, Eggy does not have the slight improvement. 只是,哪怕整根七界铸魂香燃烧殆尽,蛋蛋却没有丝毫起色。 Why can so?” “为何会如此?” Sees this, in Chu Feng heart to heart like the dying embers. 见到这一幕,楚枫内心心如死灰。 () ()
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