MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5716: senior, quickly

Comes.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “进来吧。”龙鳞道。 Sir Long Lin(dragon scale), the important matter is not good.” After coming, Taishi Xingzhong kneels on the ground again. 龙鳞大人,大事不好了。”进来之后,太史星中再度跪在地上。 Afterward, is told Long Lin(dragon scale) his son by the matter that Chu Feng seized. 随后,便将其儿子被楚枫抓走的事情告诉了龙鳞 But he told emphatically, was Chu Feng brought martial cultivation expert. 但他着重讲述的,乃是楚枫带了一位修武高手来。 According to his inference, that martial cultivation expert cultivation realm, likely is the True God peak. 按照他的推断,那位修武高手修为,很可能是真神巅峰。 Otherwise, is impossible that easily, under his eye hides, rescues Chu Feng. 否则,不可能那么轻易的,在他的眼皮子底下,将楚枫救走。 But where Taishi Xingzhong knows, person who he said that is Long Lin(dragon scale). 太史星中哪里知道,他所说的人,就是龙鳞 That Chu Feng, then makes a big row Seven Worlds Saint Palace that?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “那楚枫,便是大闹七界圣府那个?”龙鳞问。 Sir Long Lin(dragon scale), precisely he.” Taishi Xingzhong said. 龙鳞大人,正是他。”太史星中说道。 This person, making a big row Seven Worlds Saint Palace can move out , if no one protects is not normal, has what making much ado about nothing?” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “此人,大闹七界圣府能全身而退,身后若没人保护才不正常,有何大惊小怪?”龙鳞说道。 Sir Long Lin(dragon scale), this child and Long Chengyu Long Muxi friendship is quite deep, his time, to rescue Long Chengyu inevitably they.” Taishi Xingzhong said. 龙鳞大人,此子龙承羽龙沐熙交情颇深,他此次来,必然是为了救龙承羽他们。”太史星中道。 Relax, he is impossible to rescue to obtain.” During the Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, then must set out to leave. “放心,他不可能救得到。”龙鳞说话间,便要起身离开。 Sir, this child is crafty, cannot treat it lightly, must......” “大人,此子诡计多端,不能掉以轻心,应当……” Taishi Xingzhong also wants to urge Long Lin(dragon scale), but the Long Lin(dragon scale) look transfers suddenly coldly. 太史星中还想劝龙鳞,可龙鳞忽然眼神转冷。 Sees this situation, Taishi Xingzhong frightens does not immediately dare to speak. 见此情形,太史星中顿时吓得不敢说话。 Taishi Xingzhong, I know that you are worried about your son, but as the father, cannot protect the sons, is your being deficient in carrying out one's responsibility.” 太史星中,我知道你担心你的儿子,但身为父亲,连儿子都守护不住,乃是你的失责。” This matter, you handle.” “这件事,你自行处置吧。” The words, Long Lin(dragon scale) then left. 话罢,龙鳞便离开了。 But regarding this, Taishi Xingzhong does not dare to talk too much, is only the mood is complex, when did not have to see the Chu Feng calm early initially. 而对此,太史星中也不敢多言,只是情绪复杂,早没了初见楚枫之时的从容。 ...... …… Chu Feng when Long Lin(dragon scale) leaves, has not been idling. 楚枫龙鳞离开的时候,也没闲着。 Because Long Lin(dragon scale) has not closed that gate, therefore Chu Feng can see Long Chengyu and others. 因为龙鳞没有关闭那道门,所以楚枫能够看到龙承羽等人 Chu Feng has been nosing, looked that the method opens that door, but this gate is very unique, is not the simple formation gate. 楚枫一直在查探,看有没有方法打开那道门,但这道门很独特,不是简单的结界门。 Chu Feng is unable to break open, cannot go, even is unable to be away from the gate, communicates with Long Chengyu and others. 楚枫根本无法破开,也进不去,甚至无法隔着门,与龙承羽等人沟通。 This may make Chu Feng somewhat worried. 这可让楚枫有些苦恼。 Actually Chu Feng has not believed Long Lin(dragon scale), Long Lin(dragon scale) should not believe Chu Feng, will otherwise not make Chu Feng contact Long Chengyu they. 其实楚枫没那么相信龙鳞,龙鳞应该也没那么相信楚枫,不然也不会不让楚枫接触龙承羽他们。 If can they rescue directly Long Chengyu, is on the plan of electing. 所以若是能直接将龙承羽他们救走,才是上选之策。 Little Friend Chu Feng, not anxiously, so long as you help me quenching dragon Sui, I naturally can make you meet.” 楚枫小友,莫急,只要你帮我淬炼好龙髓,我自然会让你们相见。” In Chu Feng observes, after Long Lin(dragon scale) sound, resounds. 就在楚枫观察之时,龙鳞的声音自身后响起。 Then waits and sees, has to sigh, the great strength of True God peak, by the Chu Feng's induction force, Long Lin(dragon scale), then appeared in Chu Feng unexpectedly behind. 回头观望,不得不感叹,真神巅峰的强大,以楚枫的感应力,龙鳞竟神不知鬼不觉的,便出现在了楚枫身后。 senior, when do you come back?” Chu Feng asked with a smile. 前辈,你什么时候回来的?”楚枫笑着问道。 Just came back.” “刚回来。” During the Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, the big sleeve wields, presents four goods before its. 龙鳞说话间,大袖一挥,在其身前出现四件物品。 scroll. 一个卷轴 A bead. 一颗珠子。 A box. 一个箱子。 A bottle. 一支瓶子。 Long Lin(dragon scale) 11 introductions. 龙鳞一一介绍。 In the box is a rare treasure, can integrate Chu Feng within the body, camouflages to have person of dragon clan the bloodlines Chu Feng. 箱子内乃是一件秘宝,能融入楚枫体内,将楚枫伪装成拥有龙族血脉之人。 In the bead is formation technique, the auxiliary rare treasure completes the camouflage. 珠子内乃是阵法,辅助秘宝完成伪装。 But in the bottle, is dragon Sui. 而瓶子内,便是龙髓。 As for this.” “至于这个。” Long Lin(dragon scale) takes up scroll, later opens, immediately the dazzling ray appears. 龙鳞卷轴拿起,随后打开,顿时耀眼的光芒浮现。 On that writes six large characters, First Rank Divine Taboo: dragon breath. 那上面写着六个大字,一段神禁:龙息。 senior, melts the closure marrow, but also needs Divine Martial Forbidden Technique?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,融合龙髓,还需要神禁武技?”楚枫问。 Of course not.” “当然不是。” I know that you help me ; first, to look in passing friendship ; second, to think me makes my your friends regain the freedom as soon as possible, making Totem Dragon Clan return to normal.” “我知道你帮助我,一是看在过往情分,二是想我尽快让我你朋友们恢复自由,让图腾龙族恢复正常。” But this is you feel emotion after all the righteousness, I naturally cannot make you help white/in vain.” “但这总归是你有情有义,我自然也不能让你白帮忙。” This Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, is regarded as you to help my reward.” During the Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, gave Chu Feng that scroll. “这个神禁武技,便当做是你帮我的报酬。”龙鳞说话间,将那卷轴递给了楚枫 senior, this is the thing of Totem Dragon Clan, hands over me cultivation, is somewhat improper?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,此乃图腾龙族之物,交我修炼,有些不妥吧?”楚枫问道。 Chu Feng, said no matter how, I now or Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, my Head time, my person hand/subordinate does not dare to feel embarrassed you.” 楚枫,不管怎么说,我现在还是图腾龙族族长,我主事的时候,我手下的人不敢为难你。” Words to here, Long Lin(dragon scale) hand direction front door, then detained Long Chengyu and others: I believe that even if in the future they know, will not feel embarrassed you.” 话到此处,龙鳞将手指向大门内,那被关押的龙承羽等人:“我相信,日后就算他们知晓,也不会为难你。” If they cannot accommodate your cultivation my Totem Dragon Clan Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, they... weren't worth becoming friends with?” “若是他们容不得你修炼图腾龙族神禁武技,那他们…也不值得你结交了吧?” senior said in the principle, I was then respectful might as well obey orders.” Chu Feng receives Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 前辈所言在理,那我便恭敬不如从命了。”楚枫神禁武技接了过来。 Divine Martial Forbidden Technique, is how precious, Chu Feng indeed does not have cultivation now Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 神禁武技,何其珍贵,楚枫现在的确还没有修炼神禁武技 „Is Little Friend Chu Feng, the present what cultivation realm?” 楚枫小友,现在是何修为?” I asked that is true cultivation realm, cultivation realm that rather than can promote.” Long Lin(dragon scale) also asked. “我问的,乃是真正的修为,而不是可以提升的修为。”龙鳞又问。 Third Rank Half God.” Chu Feng said. 三品半神。”楚枫道。 Third Rank Half God is not good, wants Fifth Rank Half God to be able cultivation, otherwise easy backlash.” The Long Lin(dragon scale) reminder said. 三品半神不行,要五品半神才能修炼,不然容易反噬。”龙鳞提醒道。 junior knows, will pay attention.” Chu Feng received that Divine Martial Forbidden Technique. 晚辈知道,会注意的。”楚枫将那神禁武技收了起来。 „Can Chu Feng, start now?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. 楚枫,现在可以开始吗?”龙鳞问。 Ok.” Chu Feng should say. “可以。”楚枫应道。 Sees Chu Feng to agree, Long Lin(dragon scale) then immediately crumb bead, release formation technique. 楚枫同意,龙鳞便立刻捏碎珠子,释放出阵法 Then turns on the box, in the box Long Lin(dragon scale) is contained the soul body of dragon clan bloodlines packages to reappear, later under the assistance of formation technique, starts to melt with Chu Feng. 然后打开箱子,箱子内一颗被龙鳞包裹的蕴藏龙族血脉的灵魂体浮现而出,随后在阵法的辅助下,开始与楚枫相融。 What kind of, can have not the comfortable feeling?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “怎么样,可有不舒适之感?”龙鳞问。 I am all right, continue.” Chu Feng said. “我没事,继续吧。”楚枫道。 Although is the dragon clan bloodlines of camouflage, may integrate oneself soul after all, far more than is not the comfortable feeling. 尽管是伪装的龙族血脉,可毕竟融入了自己灵魂,何止是不舒适的感觉。 Trades to be the average man, possibly cannot shoulder. 换做常人,可能根本扛不住。 Even if can resist, must rest some date and time. 就算能抗住,也要休息些时日。 But Chu Feng after all is not an average man, his will disciplined extreme. 楚枫毕竟不是常人,他的毅力磨练到了极致 This is also that compass chooses the Chu Feng's reason, incessantly soul, is plucky. 想必,这也是那罗盘选择楚枫的原因,不止灵魂,也有毅力。 Sees that Long Lin(dragon scale) turns on that bottle, immediately dazzling golden light shoots up to the sky. 见状,龙鳞将那瓶子打开,顿时耀眼金光冲天而起。 The golden liquid fluttered. 紧接着,金色的液体飘了出来。 This thing, the world shakes, because of this thing, gives out unequalled verve air/Qi. 此物一出,天地震荡,因为此物,散发着无与伦比的刚猛之气。 „Is this then true Divine Beast?” “这便是真正的神兽吗?” „Even after dying, the residual dragon marrow, does have such power and influence?” Chu Feng sighed the great strength of Divine Beast, but thinks suddenly, oneself chest didn't have Divine Beast? “哪怕死后,残留的龙髓,都有如此威势?”楚枫感叹神兽的强大,但突然想到,自己胸口不就有一只神兽 Therefore immediately asks to Heaven Swallowing Qilin: I said Qilin, is Divine Beast, how the disparity so to be big?” 于是立刻对吞天麒麟问道:“我说麒麟,都是神兽,差距怎么这么大?” What words that small maple tree, your spoke?” “小枫子,你这说的啥话?” This Sir told you, his at all was not anything.” “本大爷告诉你,他这根本不算什么。” Wants your obediently to be obedient, this Sir one day, the convention appears the true strength sooner or later.” “只要你乖乖听话,本大爷迟早有一天,会展现出真正的力量。” When the time comes you meet your chin, do not fall the ground.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “到时候你接好你的下巴,可别掉地上了。”吞天麒麟说道。 Oh, I may expect that on the day of arrived earlier.” Chu Feng returns to the covered passageway. “喔,那我可期待那一天早点到来了。”楚枫回复道。 immediately, Chu Feng then takes a look at that dragon Sui earnestly, even used Heaven's Eyes. 旋即,楚枫便认真打量起那龙髓,甚至动用了天眼 Determined after this dragon Sui does not have the issue, said: senior, starts.” 确定这龙髓没有问题之后,才说道:“前辈,开始吧。” Little Friend Chu Feng, you endure patiently, if unable to support tells me immediately.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. 楚枫小友,你忍耐一下,若无法支撑立刻告诉我。”龙鳞道。 Un.” Chu Feng nods. “嗯。”楚枫点头。 Sees Chu Feng to consent, Long Lin(dragon scale) is impolite, stimulates to movement dragon Sui to flood into to Chu Feng within the body directly. 楚枫应允,龙鳞也不客气,直接催动龙髓向楚枫体内涌入。 - 唔- Although is prepared early, may work as dragon Suizhen to enter the body at that moment, Chu Feng still clenched the teeth. 尽管早有准备,可当龙髓真的入体那一刻,楚枫仍是咬紧牙关。 Implements the soul the pain, is sweeping across the Chu Feng whole body. 贯彻灵魂的痛楚,正在席卷楚枫全身。 What Long Lin(dragon scale) said is real, this dragon marrow is very indeed wild, this where is quenchings, this clearly is the torture. 龙鳞说的乃是真的,这龙髓的确十分狂暴,这哪里是淬炼,这分明是酷刑。 Even, has the life-threatening risk. 甚至,有索命的风险。 Chu Feng, what kind of?” 楚枫,怎样?” Can insist?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “能坚持吗?”龙鳞问道。 Chu Feng slight nod. 楚枫微微点头。 Sees that Long Lin(dragon scale) then continues to push in the Chu Feng soul dragon Sui, in dragon clan bloodlines of that camouflage. 见状,龙鳞便继续将龙髓推送到楚枫灵魂之中,那伪装的龙族血脉之内。 However his speed was still very slow, because he also feared that Chu Feng cannot shoulder. 不过他的速度仍很是缓慢,因为他也怕楚枫扛不住。 Actually, he first time is not did this matter. 其实,他不是第一次做这件事。 Because, him had been clear that this matter has the multi- bad risks. 正因做过,他才清楚这件事有多凶险。 Before Chu Feng, the people of all contact dragon marrow, no can withstand is occupied by this dragon Sui. 楚枫之前,所有接触龙髓之人,没有一个能承受的住这龙髓的。 Also including him. 也包括他。 That at all not the matter that endures to achieve, supports, really meeting deceased person. 那根本不是忍就能做到的事情,强撑下去,是真的会死人的。 Before starting, he is also somewhat disturbed, did not determine whether Chu Feng can withstand dragon Sui the strength. 开始之前,他也是有些忐忑,不确定楚枫能否承受龙髓的力量。 But at this time, he started to believe that Chu Feng's was firmly unusual. 可此时,他开始相信了,楚枫的确不同寻常。 Perhaps, these really can be successful time. 也许,这一次真的能够成功。 But, Chu Feng actually opens the mouth in the meantime again. 可就在此时,楚枫却再度开口。 senior, quickly.” 前辈,快一点。” Hears this words, Long Lin(dragon scale), surprised staring in a big way eyes. 听闻此话,就连龙鳞,都惊讶的瞪大了双眼。
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