MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5715: Quenches dragon Sui

That did senior, attain thing that senior wanted?” Chu Feng asked. “那前辈,拿到前辈想要的东西了吗?”楚枫问。 Attained, but is somewhat troublesome.” The words to here, a Long Lin(dragon scale) thread of conversation revolution, asked: Right, you know how I did find your?” “拿到了,但有些麻烦。”话到此处,龙鳞话锋一转,问道:“对了,你知道,我怎么找到你的吗?” Actually I also want to ask senior.” Chu Feng asked. “其实我也想问前辈。”楚枫问道。 Before Heaven Swallowing Qilin said, some people observed themselves in secret, Chu Feng thinks was Taishi Xingzhong. 之前吞天麒麟说,有人暗中观察自己,楚枫本来以为是太史星中 But the present, is Long Lin(dragon scale). 但现在来看,乃是龙鳞 Long Lin(dragon scale) at that time, had discovered Chu Feng, and is following in secret Chu Feng. 龙鳞那个时候,就已经发现楚枫,并且在暗中跟着楚枫了。 But Chu Feng was to camouflage the facial features at that time. 楚枫那时候是伪装面容的。 He has the self-confidence to the skill that oneself camouflage very much, did not discuss regardless cultivation realm, he obtains the Qin Jiu true line. 他对自己伪装的技巧很有自信,抛开修为不谈,他可是得到秦九真传的。 Therefore Chu Feng felt, Long Lin(dragon scale) definitely did not know at that time is he, why... can observe him in secret? 所以楚枫觉得,龙鳞那个时候一定不知道是他,那么…为何要暗中观察他? Our matters can chat slowly, do not use the Taishi Xingzhong son's life, saves your friend.” “我们的事可以慢慢聊,你不是要用太史星中儿子的命,救你朋友。” Is inferior to go now?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “不如现在去?”龙鳞问。 senior, this is not anxious.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,这个不急。”楚枫道。 Actually Chu Feng, without believes Long Lin(dragon scale), after all Chu Feng does not understand Long Lin(dragon scale), moreover he also made the matter of rebellion. 其实楚枫,没那么相信龙鳞,毕竟楚枫本身就不了解龙鳞,况且他还做出了叛乱之事。 But matter about dragon snow, if, can understand that actually his motive, trades to make Chu Feng, perhaps will also do that. 而关于龙雪的事,若是真的,倒是能理解他的动机,换做楚枫,也许也会这么做。 But the authenticity, Chu Feng is unable to determine. 但真实性,楚枫无法确定。 Therefore naturally does not want to expose the Bai Yunqing position. 所以自然也不想暴露白云卿的位置。 As for the Bai Yunqing wound, although is indeed heavy, but has helped him stand firm in Chu Feng well, so long as attains the bloodlines, can restore, in the time can wait actually. 至于白云卿的伤,虽说的确不轻,但好在楚枫已经帮其稳住,只要拿到血脉,就能恢复,时间上倒是可以等一等。 Isn't really anxious?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “真的不急?”龙鳞问。 „It is not really anxious.” Chu Feng said. “真的不急。”楚枫道。 Good, sits down to chat.” “那好,坐下聊。” During the Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, sat cross-legged to sit on the ground directly, completely no Galaxy Overlord rack. 龙鳞说话间,直接盘膝坐在了地上,全然没有一个天河霸主的架子。 That optional appearance, really looks like an old friend to be the same. 那随意的模样,就真的像一个老友一般。 Seeing that Chu Feng was also sits cross-legged to sit. 见状,楚枫也是盘膝坐了下来。 Long Lin(dragon scale) took out special compass, compass is very ancient, is very fine, at present this compass, is pointing at Chu Feng. 龙鳞取出了一个特殊的罗盘,罗盘很古老,也很精致,眼下这罗盘,正指着楚枫 senior, what intention?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,何意?”楚枫问。 Zulong dragon marrow, I obtain, but Zulong dragon marrow, is quite wild, after needs to quenching, can give the Xue Er use.” “祖龙的龙髓,我已得到,但祖龙的龙髓,极为狂暴,需要淬炼之后,才能给雪儿使用。” However this quenchings, needs the personnel to quenching.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “而这淬炼,需要用人来淬炼。”龙鳞道。 senior continues to say.” Chu Feng said. 前辈继续讲。”楚枫道。 Common person, is not naturally able to withstand dragon Sui the strength, is not only I am not able to withstand, my Totem Dragon Clan others are not good.” “寻常之人,自然无法承受龙髓的力量,不仅是我无法承受,我图腾龙族的其他人也不行。” Latter passes through the a person of ability direction, only has the soul intensity to achieve person of the certain extent, can withstand dragon Sui the strength.” “后经高人指点,唯有灵魂强度达到一定程度之人,才能承受龙髓的力量。” This compass, is that a person of ability gives me, specifically is used to test the soul intensity.” “这个罗盘,便是那位高人给我的,专门是用来测试灵魂强度。” He said that if can find this person, the dragon marrow is then quenchinged by the opportunity.” “他说,若能找到这个人,龙髓便由机会淬炼。” But I have not seen this compass to move, until your nearness.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “可我没见这罗盘动过,直到你的靠近。”龙鳞说道。 senior thinks, making me help quenching dragon Sui?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈是想,让我帮忙淬炼龙髓?”楚枫问。 Un.” Long Lin(dragon scale) nods. “嗯。”龙鳞点头。 How needs to do?” Chu Feng asked. “需要怎么做?”楚枫问。 I will use treasure, camouflages to have the person of my dragon clan bloodlines you.” “我会用至宝,将你伪装成拥有我龙族血脉之人。” Then integrates in the dragon marrow that false bloodlines, at the appointed time can quenching dragon Sui with your body.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “然后将龙髓融入那假的血脉之内,到时就能用你的身体淬炼龙髓。”龙鳞说道。 It is very wild, needs you to adapt.” “不过它很狂暴,需要你适应。” When you can fully adapt, the strength of its wild then also degenerates, when must quenching to complete, can use for Xue Er.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “待得你能完全适应,它的狂暴之力便也退化,待得淬炼完成,便可为雪儿所用。”龙鳞道。 senior, you can guarantee, I quenching this dragon Sui, you position of restore Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,你能保证,我淬炼了这龙髓,你将图腾龙族族长之位归还吗?”楚枫问。 So long as Xue Er can restore, sure, I planned after all like this.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “只要雪儿能够恢复,当然可以,毕竟我本来就是这样打算的。”龙鳞道。 You want actually, these follow you, participates in rebellion the clansman of Totem Dragon Clan, do they want?” Chu Feng asked. “你倒是愿意,那些跟随你,参与叛乱的图腾龙族的族人呢,他们愿意吗?”楚枫问。 This you could rest assured that the law of my free dealing.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “这个你放心,我自由应对之法。”龙鳞说道。 Hopes senior, won't deceive me?” Chu Feng asked with a smile. “希望前辈,不会骗我吧?”楚枫笑着问道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, I do not need to deceive you.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. 楚枫小友,我没有必要骗你。”龙鳞说道。 That senior, can I go to see them?” Chu Feng refers, naturally is Long Chengyu they. “那前辈,我能进去见见他们吗?”楚枫所指,自然是龙承羽他们。 Now is not good.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “现在不行。”龙鳞道。 „One side sees.” Chu Feng said. “只是见一面。”楚枫道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, you help me quenching dragon Sui, I not only make you meet, I will also let off them.” 楚枫小友,你帮我淬炼完龙髓,我不仅让你们见面,我还会放过他们。” Although Long Lin(dragon scale) this saying to be said that but also has one to coerce meaning. 龙鳞这话虽然是笑着说的,但却也有着一丝要挟意味。 He is also afraid Chu Feng not to help him, wants to use Long Chengyu they, lets Chu Feng help him. 他也害怕楚枫不帮他,想利用龙承羽他们,来让楚枫帮他。 Naturally, Chu Feng is clear, if Chu Feng does not want, Long Lin(dragon scale) also has other methods to force itself. 当然,楚枫清楚,若是楚枫不愿意,龙鳞还有其他方法逼迫自己。 Now seems like the harmony, that is because Chu Feng has the help/gang his wish, may change an angle to think, the place of Chu Feng being is forbidden land, the Long Lin(dragon scale) strength is so also powerful. 现在看似和谐,那是因为楚枫有帮他的意愿,可换个角度想,楚枫身在之地乃是禁地,龙鳞实力又如此强大。 Said of pleasant to hear, is Long Lin(dragon scale) does not look on as an outsider, inviting Chu Feng to come forbidden land be a guest. 说的好听点,是龙鳞不见外,邀请楚枫禁地作客 But said coarse, was Chu Feng detained? 但说的难听点,楚枫又何尝不是被关押了起来? That dragon snow senior, can she where, I see?” Chu Feng asked. “那龙雪前辈呢,她在何处,我能见见吗?”楚枫问。 She in this place, I is also preparing to lead you to see.” “她也在此地,我也正准备带你去见见呢。” Afterward, Long Lin(dragon scale) then brought Chu Feng to leave this place, arrived above the cloud layer, and here sought great formation. 随后,龙鳞便带着楚枫离开了此地,来到了云层之上,且在这里寻得了一座大阵 That was extremely resulting in therapy great formation, was revolved by the innumerable Heaven and Earth Treasure support, stimulates to movement the great formation price is quite expensive. 那是极为了得的疗伤大阵,由无数天材地宝支撑运转,催动大阵的代价极为昂贵。 But therapy the great formation center in this, has in the clouds a pavilion. 而在这座疗伤大阵中心,有着一座云中楼阁。 great formation all strengths, gathered in the clouds in the pavilion. 大阵所有力量,都汇集到了云中楼阁之内。 Long Lin(dragon scale) brings Chu Feng to enter, saw that on the bed is lying down a stupor granny. 龙鳞带着楚枫进入其中,看到床上躺着一名昏迷的老婆婆。 The granny not only whole body wrinkle, is thin, even the hair fell out or off entirely. 老婆婆不仅浑身皱纹,更是骨瘦如柴,连头发都掉光了。 But her attire, actually very attractive, is a handwork white skirt that has the fine embroidery. 但她的衣着,却非常的好看,是一席有着精致刺绣的手工白裙。 Does not need the Long Lin(dragon scale) opens the mouth, Chu Feng also to know, this is dragon Xue. 不用龙鳞开口,楚枫也知道,这位便是龙雪。 This dragon Xue situation, the Chu Feng imagination is worse. 只是,这龙雪的情况,比楚枫想象的还要糟糕。 senior, can I nose the dragon snow senior injury?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,我可以查探一下龙雪前辈的伤势吗?”楚枫问。 Naturally.” Long Lin(dragon scale) consented. “当然。”龙鳞应允。 Chu Feng went forward to grip dragon Xue the lineage/vein place. Nosing, dragon Xue the condition is indeed thorny , because of the bloodlines, now has spread the whole body. 楚枫上前握住了龙雪的脉处。一番查探,龙雪的病情的确非常棘手,乃是因血脉而起,如今已经蔓延全身。 And continues, this price expensive therapy great formation, cannot make her maintain the life. 并且继续下去,这代价昂贵的疗伤大阵,也不能让她维持生命。 dragon Xue the day, are not many. 龙雪的日子,已经不多了。 Most, one year. 最多,也就一年。 dragon Xue the condition, is very indeed serious, Long Lin(dragon scale) has not deceived him actually. 龙雪的病情,的确很严重,龙鳞倒是没有骗他。 senior, I can try.” 前辈,我可以试试。” But, the offensive talk said in front, if in danger, I will give up.” Chu Feng said. “但,丑话说在前头,若有生命危险,我会放弃。”楚枫说道。 Little Friend Chu Feng, you are willing to help me, I have been deeply grateful, if really in danger, even you want, I will still reject.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. 楚枫小友,你愿意帮我,我已感激不尽,若真有生命危险,就算你愿意,我也会拒绝。”龙鳞说道。 Afterward, Long Lin(dragon scale) brings Chu Feng, returned place that detains Long Chengyu and others. 随后,龙鳞带着楚枫,回到了关押龙承羽等人的地方。 Long Lin(dragon scale) makes Chu Feng wait for him here, he takes the goods of friendly closure marrow. 龙鳞楚枫在这里等他,他去取融合龙髓的物品。 Boy, Ok, this Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head unexpectedly is your friend.” “小子,可以啊,这图腾龙族族长居然是你朋友啊。” Long Lin(dragon scale) just walked, the Heaven Swallowing Qilin sound then resounds immediately. 龙鳞刚走,吞天麒麟的声音便立刻响起。 Right, you said thing that before induces, is dragon Sui?” Chu Feng asked to Heaven Swallowing Qilin. “对了,你之前说感应到的东西,是龙髓吗?”楚枫吞天麒麟问道。 „It is not clear, but was very near, nearly, should in this place.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “不清楚,但很近了,非常非常近,应该就在此地。”吞天麒麟道。 Should have the opportunity to see dragon Sui, when the time comes you distinguish.” Chu Feng said. “应该有机会见到龙髓,到时候你分辨一下。”楚枫说道。 Good, cannot think that your boy makes friends such widely, this Sir has not really misread you.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “好嘞,想不到你这小子交友这么广泛,本大爷果然没看错你。”吞天麒麟道。 But what Chu Feng does not know, after Long Lin(dragon scale) leaves, has not prepared dragon Sui and other thing immediately. 楚枫不知道的是,龙鳞离开后,并没有立刻去准备龙髓等物。 But leaves forbidden land, arrived in a main hall, 而是离开禁地,来到了一座大殿之内、 He sits above the seat of honor, the big sleeve wields, palace gate opening. 他坐在主位之上,大袖一挥,殿门开启。 Out of the door, is kneeling a person, is Taishi Xingzhong. 门外,跪着一人,乃是太史星中 PS: The honeybee has not retained the draft, today's in addition is stays up late to write, actually wrote much, but needs to revise arranges to send, but I was too sleepy, allowing me to rest a meeting, awakes continues to revise again. PS:蜜蜂没存稿,今天的加更是熬夜写的,其实写了不少,但需要修改一编才能发,不过我太困了,容我睡一会,睡醒再继续修改。 Right, the Martial God animation had begun broadcasting in the Tencent video, broadcasts serially two volumes. 对了,武神动漫已经在腾讯视频开播了,连播两集。 The honeybee looked, although sped up the plot rhythm, but I and friends feel very good, especially the second volume, burns very much. 蜜蜂看了一下,虽然加快了剧情节奏,但我和朋友都感觉很不错,尤其第二集,很燃。 Everyone goes to the Tencent video to look quickly, Martial God animation, quack attractive, Chu Feng is graceful and fierce. 大家快去腾讯视频看吧,武神动漫,嘎嘎好看,楚枫又帅又猛。 As for the novel, the honeybee will also continue update in the evening, the accidental/surprised evening should have three chapters. 至于小说,晚上蜜蜂还会继续更新,不出意外晚上应该还有三章。
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