MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5714: Long Lin(dragon scale) story

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You just did not say, must use the Taishi Xingzhong son's life, rescues your friend?” “你刚刚不是说,要用太史星中儿子的命,来救你朋友吗?” However Taishi Xingzhong, after all is my subordinate, if I come, naturally can guarantee you, he... does not dare not to give me this face.” “而太史星中,毕竟是我的手下,我若现身,自然可以保你,他…不敢不给我这个面子。” But his son do I always have no alternative but to guarantee?” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “可他儿子我总不能不保吧?”龙鳞说道。 Long Lin(dragon scale) said the nature in the principle, but Chu Feng always felt, has the secret facts. 龙鳞所说自然在理,可楚枫总觉得,其中另有隐情。 But many did not ask, has to say: senior said is extremely, was junior stupid.” 但也不好多问,只得说道:“前辈所言极是,是晚辈愚钝了。” The words, Chu Feng looked that was imprisoned Long Chengyu and others in microcosm to that: „Does senior, how plan to handle them?” 话罢,楚枫看向那被囚禁在小世界内的龙承羽等人:“前辈,打算如何处置他们?” Little Friend Chu Feng, don't worry.” 楚枫小友,不用担心。” When completes the matter that I want to do to me, naturally can put them, all restores of Totem Dragon Clan.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “待到我做完我想做的事,自然会放了他们,也会将图腾龙族的一切归还。”龙鳞说道。 „Will you return Totem Dragon Clan?” Chu Feng surprise. “你会将图腾龙族归还?”楚枫诧异。 Thinks of every means that seizes power to usurp the throne. 费尽心思,夺权篡位。 How to easily return? 怎会轻易归还? Very difficult believing? Actually I had not dominated the Totem Dragon Clan ambition.” “很难以置信吗?其实我本就没有称霸图腾龙族的野心。” Is only the matter that I want to do, only has this status, can achieve.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “只是我想做的事,唯有这个身份,才能做到。”龙鳞说道。 senior, what do you want to make?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,您想做什么?”楚枫问。 Long Lin(dragon scale) does not have the direct reaction, but asked to Chu Feng: Little Friend Chu Feng, why you will come to here, to save friend?” 龙鳞没有直接回答,而是对楚枫问道:“楚枫小友,你为何会来这里,是为了救朋友吗?” Yes.” Chu Feng nods. “是。”楚枫点头。 If not for the friend, trading to do is your person of beloved, you can also so?” Long Lin(dragon scale) also asked. “若不是朋友,换做是你的心爱之人,你也会如此吧?”龙鳞又问。 Naturally.” Chu Feng nods again. “自然。”楚枫再度点头。 I know your meeting, after all initially for Yao'er, you were willing the adventure.” “我就知道你会,毕竟当初为了药儿,你都甘愿冒险。” However matter that I, must do, saves my beloved person.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “而我,要做的事,就是救我心爱之人。”龙鳞说道。 Life-saving?” This reason, Chu Feng has not thought actually. “救人?”这个原因,倒是楚枫没有想到的。 My story, are you willing to listen?” Long Lin(dragon scale) looks with a smile to Chu Feng. “我的故事,你愿听吗?”龙鳞笑着看向楚枫 His where also has a Galaxy Overlord power and influence? 他哪里还有一位天河霸主的威势? That look, but is incessantly friendly, is more like an old friend. 那个眼神,可不止是友善,更像是一位老友。 senior is willing saying that junior is willing to listen.” Chu Feng said. 前辈愿说,晚辈愿听。”楚枫说道。 Good.” “好。” Afterward, Long Lin(dragon scale) then told his story. 随后,龙鳞便讲述了他的故事。 Long Lin(dragon scale), actually with present age Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, is person with the generation. 龙鳞,其实与当代图腾龙族族长,乃是同代之人。 But they have the completely different lives. 但他们却有着完全不同的人生。 Although Long Lin(dragon scale) is the Totem Dragon Clan clansman, but he regardless of the family background, is the talent, with Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head not in a level. 龙鳞虽是图腾龙族族人,但他无论出身,还是天赋,都与图腾龙族族长不在一个层次。 Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, from infancy to maturity, wears the halo, sparkles existence of entire Totem Dragon Clan. 图腾龙族族长,从小到大,都是身披光环,闪耀整个图腾龙族的存在。 But Long Lin(dragon scale), is obscure, small role that no one notices. 龙鳞,则是一个默默无闻,没有人注意到的小角色。 But at that time, with Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, together sparkle, a female. 但在当时,与图腾龙族族长,一同闪耀的,还有一个女子。 This female, named dragon Xue. 这名女子,名为龙雪。 This dragon snow, not only the person attractively, comes extraordinary, naturally, was at that time the person of innumerable Totem Dragon Clan young man pursue. 这个龙雪,不仅人长得漂亮,更是出身不凡,自然而然的,乃是当时无数图腾龙族后生追求之人。 And dares to pursue his, that is also the talent different reported that and comes the generation of extraordinary. 并且敢追求他的,那也都是天赋异禀,且出身不凡之辈。 But this dragon Xue, actually, knew Long Lin(dragon scale) as a result of circumstance, and had the favorable impression to Long Lin(dragon scale). 可这龙雪,却因缘际会之下,结识了龙鳞,并且对龙鳞产生了好感。 Because the status is disparate, if public, inevitably suffers the dragon snow family member strongly to oppose. 只是因为身份悬殊,若是公开,必然遭受龙雪家人强烈反对。 Even Long Lin(dragon scale) , may be in danger. 甚至龙鳞,也可能会有生命危险。 But dragon Xue cannot achieve with the family member quarrels, therefore two people always conceal the relations secretly. 而龙雪又做不到与家人反目,所以二人始终偷偷隐瞒关系。 But afterward, matter changed. 但后来,事情发生了变化。 dragon Xue fell ill, had incurable disease. 龙雪生病了,得了不治之症。 Not only cultivation realm bogs down, is becomes ugly incomparable, after the definite dragon snow is unable to treat. 不仅修为停滞不前,更是变得丑陋无比,当确定龙雪无法医治之后。 Gradually, not only these pursuers, no longer pursue dragon Xue, the family members of dragon snow start to shut out her. 逐渐的,不仅那些追求者,不再追求龙雪,就连龙雪的家人都开始嫌弃她。 But is only a person, without shutting out dragon Xue, that is Long Lin(dragon scale). 但唯独一个人,没有嫌弃龙雪,那便是龙鳞 When the dragon snow is most dazzling, she chose in the crowd most common Long Lin(dragon scale). 在龙雪最璀璨夺目之时,她选择了人群中最不起眼的龙鳞 When the pearl drops this world, when the world to she no longer treasures, Long Lin(dragon scale) has not given up dragon Xue. 而当明珠跌落凡尘,世人对她不再珍视之时,龙鳞也没有放弃龙雪。 Because no longer attached great importance to by the family, the dragon snow actually becomes free, followed Long Lin(dragon scale) to leave Totem Dragon Clan simply. 因为已不再被家族重视,龙雪倒是变得自由,干脆跟随龙鳞离开了图腾龙族 Long Lin(dragon scale) leads dragon Xue, searches high and low the law of treatment, that days are two people remember on the contrary the happiest time. 龙鳞带着龙雪,四处寻找医治之法,那段日子反倒是二人记忆中最幸福的时光。 Afterward, I sought finally can treat her method, therefore I went to Ancestral Martial Lower Realm, found thing in legend.” “后来,我终于寻得了可以医治她的方法,所以我前往了祖武下界,也找到了传说中的东西。” Was a pity, I underestimated that thing strength, was surrounded.” “只是可惜,我低估了那东西的力量,被困住了。” Said, is you, helping me get out of trouble.” “说起来,还是你,帮我脱困了。” If you know at that time, behind will have these matters, will also help me?” “如果当时你知道,后面会发生这些事,还会帮我吗?” The Long Lin(dragon scale) words to here, smile are looking to Chu Feng. 龙鳞话到此处,微笑着看向楚枫 Always has no alternative but to manage Yao'er.” Chu Feng said. “总不能不管药儿吧。”楚枫道。 Long Lin(dragon scale) smiled, Chu Feng this answer, is he satisfies. 龙鳞笑了,楚枫这个答复,是他满意的。 You rob the position of Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, to rescue that senior?” Chu Feng asked. “那你抢夺图腾龙族族长之位,也是为了救那位前辈?”楚枫问。 Yes.” “是。” This place, is seemingly common, contains Totem Dragon Clan important Treasure actually, Zulong remains.” “此地,看似寻常,实则蕴藏图腾龙族重宝,一条祖龙遗骸。” Zulong remains?” Chu Feng look change. “祖龙遗骸?”楚枫神色变化。 These four characters, Chu Feng realized that this thing is not simple. 只是这四个字,楚枫就意识到此物不简单。 Right, that is a true dragon, although had died, contains many advantage.” “对,那是一条真正的龙,虽然已然死去,却也蕴藏诸多好处。” In the past beginning my Totem Dragon Clan for Sir Clan Head, is uses it powerful like that.” “当年我图腾龙族初代族长大人,就是利用它才那般强大。” This matter, only then my Totem Dragon Clan high level knows, outsider does not know.” “此事,只有我图腾龙族高层知晓,外人更是不知。” My clan has not controlled this side Upper Realm completely, does not want to cause complications.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “我族没有完全掌控这方上界,也是不想节外生枝。”龙鳞说道。 Chu Feng understands that Long Lin(dragon scale) meaning, here seems like that is not heavy, is actually heavy, this is instead safe. 楚枫明白龙鳞意思,这里看似不是重地,实则乃是重地,这样反而安全。 „Can Zulong remains, rescue that senior?” Chu Feng asked. “祖龙遗骸,能救那位前辈?”楚枫问。 „The dragon marrow in Zulong remains, can rescue Xue Er.” “祖龙遗骸内的龙髓,能救雪儿。” But, this Zulong remains, are the Totem Dragon Clan symbol, initially generation of Clan Head once ordered, anybody cannot touch Zulong remains.” “但,这条祖龙遗骸,乃图腾龙族象征,初代族长曾下令,任何人不许碰祖龙遗骸。” Therefore, I, if moves it, then can only become Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, becomes the Totem Dragon Clan master.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “所以,我若要动它,便只能成为图腾龙族族长,成为图腾龙族的主人。”龙鳞说道。 You, if successfully rescued that senior, seriously position of restore Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head?” Chu Feng asked. “那你若成功救了那位前辈,当真会将图腾龙族族长之位归还?”楚枫问。 Long Lin(dragon scale) does not have the direct reaction, but smiled, the meaningful smile, meaningful looks at Chu Feng. 龙鳞没有直接回答,而是笑了,意味深长的笑容,意味深长的看着楚枫 „Can my natural talent mediocre generation, why have today cultivation realm?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “我一个资质平庸之辈,凭什么能有今日修为?”龙鳞问。 senior decides however has the senior fortuitous encounter, moreover senior can cultivation to today's cultivation realm, fully explained that senior is not the mediocre generation.” Chu Feng said. 前辈定然有前辈的奇遇,而且前辈修炼到今日修为,也足以说明前辈并非平庸之辈。”楚枫说道。 Good, right that said.” “好,说的对。” When initially understanding, I had then discovered that Ancestral Martial Lower Realm cannot accommodate you.” “尽管当初认识之时,我便已经发现祖武下界容不下你。” But then I, how regardless of not to have thought that you will grow to this situation.” “但当时的我,无论如何也没有想到你会成长到这种地步。” But, even if did not discuss regardless the cultivation realm talent, only depending on your experience, has this qualifications to arrive at this position.” “不过,就算抛开修为天赋不谈,只凭你的见识,就有这个资格走到这个位置。” Chu Feng, you can also be joined to the given name of child of Jie Ranqing.” 楚枫,你也配得上界染清之子的名号。” But... I a little am actually curious, your father, isn't simple?” “但其实…我有点好奇,你的父亲,也不简单吧?” After all on the same day you caused the Heavenly Thunder phenomenon, similarly startled is the Celestial, whether I can know, your father... where is actually sacred.” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked. “毕竟当日你引起天雷异象,同样惊为天人,我能否知道,你父亲…究竟何方神圣。”龙鳞问道。 senior, did not chat you, how speaking of me on.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,不是聊您,怎么说到我身上了。”楚枫道。 Haha, right, chatted me, chatted me.” Long Lin(dragon scale) smiles. “哈哈,对对对,聊我,聊我。”龙鳞笑了笑 Right that you said that I have the fortuitous encounter, there is a talent, but can today's situation, I also pay the price.” “你说的对,我有奇遇,也有天赋,但能够到今日的地步,我也付出了代价。” I... the date and time are not many.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “我…时日不多了。”龙鳞说道。 senior, do you refer to?” Chu Feng is somewhat surprised. 前辈,您是指?”楚枫有些意外。 Is that meaning that you think.” “就是你想到的那个意思。” But I eventually am the Totem Dragon Clan clansman, after I not thinks me dead, Totem Dragon Clan because of me is split up, does not think that Totem Dragon Clan deteriorates because of me.” “但我终究是图腾龙族族人,我不想我死后,图腾龙族因我而四分五裂,更不想图腾龙族因我而衰败。” „The position of Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, the thing returning to rightful owner, is I plans from the beginning.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “将图腾龙族族长之位,物归原主,是我一开始就计划好的。”龙鳞说道。
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