MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5713: Old friend Long Lin(dragon scale)

Sees with own eyes Chu Feng, in difficult to deal with compared with imagination, Taishi Xingzhong also greets with a smile immediately: Little Friend Chu Feng, having the matter is open to discuss.” 眼见楚枫,比想象中的难对付,太史星中也是立刻笑脸相迎:“楚枫小友,有事好商量。” Our two should be first meeting, between you and me, but there is no grudge.” “咱们两个应该是第一次见面,你我之间,可是没有任何恩怨可言。” However your talent, has the excellent future, does not need for outsider, but ruins so the future.” “而你的天赋,有大好前程,没必要为了外人,而断送如此前程。” Old man now, has certain resources, if you......” “老夫现在,也是拥有一定资源,你若……” Shut up!!!” But the Taishi Xingzhong words have not said, then traded Chu Feng's one to angrily rebuke. “闭嘴!!!”可太史星中话未说完,便换来了楚枫的一声怒斥。 People like you, is impossible to understand the loyalty two characters.” “你这种人,不可能懂得义气二字。” Taishi Xingzhong, I might as well told you a matter, regardless of you did lead me to see Long Chengyu they.” 太史星中,我不妨告诉你一件事,无论你带不带我去见龙承羽他们。” Your this sons could not live, my Little Brother cultivation realm, needed your son's life to restore.” Chu Feng said. “你这儿子都活不了,我兄弟修为,需要你儿子的命来恢复。”楚枫说道。 Proposes a toast does not eat, eats to be made to drink as a forfeit!!!” “敬酒不吃,吃罚酒!!!” Saw with own eyes that the Chu Feng attitude is so firm, in the hand of Taishi Xingzhong presented talismans. 眼见楚枫态度如此坚决,太史星中的手中出现了一张符纸 That talismans is quite precious, by this talismans, he can shut off Chu Feng and his son soul connected formation technique. 那张符纸极为珍贵,凭借这张符纸,他能切断楚枫与其儿子魂魄相连的阵法 Because of precious, he is not willing easily to use. 正因珍贵,他不愿轻易使用。 But sees with own eyes Chu Feng to kill the heart already, is related to his son life, he naturally cannot have again hesitant. 但眼见楚枫杀心已起,事关其儿子性命,他自然也不能再有所犹豫。 Rumble - 隆隆隆- But in the meantime, suddenly a loud sound. 可就在此时,忽然一声巨响。 Boundless Martial Power floods the entire main hall, this Martial Power, Taishi Xingzhong formation technique is also damaged. 紧接着,一股磅礴的武力充斥整个大殿,这武力之强,太史星中阵法也是破碎不堪。 After formation technique dissipation, Chu Feng and Taishi Xingzhong son, all disappears does not see!!! 阵法消散之后,楚枫太史星中的儿子,全都消失不见!!! Sees this one, the Taishi Xingzhong expression is extremely ugly, and immediately leaves this place, wants to have a look to find the clue, looked that was who rescues Chu Feng. 见此一幕,太史星中表情极度难看,且立刻离开此地,想看看能不能找到线索,看是何人救走了楚枫 This place, then only had one-eyed old person wait/etc., an numerous Taishi Xingzhong subordinate. 此地,便只剩下了独眼老者等,一众太史星中的手下。 Sir.” Elder looks to one-eyed old person, that look was clearly asking how these juniors handle. “大人。”一位长老看向独眼老者,那眼神分明是在问,那些小辈如何处置。 First closes.” One-eyed old person spoke, arranged formation technique conveniently, detained completely these juniors. “先关起来。”独眼老者说话间,随手布置了一座阵法,将那些小辈全部关押起来。 Sir, what this makes? Why is this?” “大人,这是做什么啊?这是为何啊?” Sees this one, these people inquired, but actually no one pays attention, although has not obtained the reply, but they actually also realized, they were deceived probably, they are dying. 见此一幕,那些人纷纷询问,但却没人理会,尽管没有获得回答,但他们却也意识到,他们好像被骗了,他们都要死了。 ...... …… As for Chu Feng, he also feels the surprise. 至于楚枫,他也感到诧异。 His protection formation technique has not triggered, the Qin Jiu symbol has not used. 他的守护阵法没有触发,秦九的符也没有使用。 Because of the person, saved him. 因为是有一个人,救了他。 This person in his front. 这个人就在他的前方。 Chu Feng cannot see clearly this person, but can see the surrounding all rapid traverses. 楚枫看不清这个人,但能看到周围的一切快速移动。 Is this person leads to lead the way. 是这个人带着自己前行。 This person of cultivation realm is extremely strong. 此人修为极强。 Although Chu Feng cultivation realm is very weak, but before , after all has stimulated to movement, mark great formation that World Spirit Immortal King leaves behind. 尽管楚枫自身修为还很弱,可之前毕竟催动过,界灵仙王留下的印记大阵 Therefore Chu Feng judged, the present person, likely is the True God peak, otherwise is impossible to have such speed. 所以楚枫判断,眼前之人,很可能是真神巅峰,否则不可能有如此速度。 When all stop, Chu Feng had arrived in a remote mountain. 当一切停止之际,楚枫已经来到了一座深山之中。 This mountain range, very specially, not tall and pleasing to the eye scenery, but as far as eyes can reach, performing to reveal the atmosphere to be vigorous. 这片山脉,很特别,并没有美轮美奂的景色,但一眼望去,尽显大气蓬勃。 And yet, Chu Feng does not have the mood observation appreciation scenery. 可眼下,楚枫没心情观察欣赏景色。 He first Taishi Xingzhong son, detains, received cosmos sack. 他先是将太史星中的儿子,关押起来,收入乾坤袋内。 Afterward, looks to the present person. 随后,看向眼前之人。 That, was still turning away from itself. 那位,仍在背对着自己。 Properly speaking, by the Chu Feng's induction force, even if he is turning away from himself, Chu Feng can also through Spirit power, see clearly his facial features. 按理来说,以楚枫的感应力,哪怕他背对着自己,楚枫也能通过精神力,看清他的面容。 And yet, this person is away from Chu Feng such near, Chu Feng actually cannot see his facial features. 可眼下,此人距离楚枫如此之近,楚枫却根本看不到他的面容。 His body, should have the special treasure. 他的身上,应该有着特殊的宝物。 Little Friend Chu Feng, does not see for a long time.” 楚枫小友,好久不见啊。” In the meantime, that turns around to look to Chu Feng. 就在此时,那位转身看向楚枫 But after seeing clearly his facial features, Chu Feng also feels difficult believing. 而看清他的面容后,楚枫也是感觉难以置信。 „Is senior, unexpectedly you?” 前辈,竟然是您?” Chu Feng is very accidental/surprised, has not thought that can also see at present this. 楚枫十分意外,没想到还能见到眼前这位。 This, but was really an old friend. 这位,可真的是一位故友了。 That is in Ancestral Martial Lower Realm, the old friend of acquaintance. 那还是在祖武下界的时候,相识的一位故友。 Long Lin(dragon scale)!!! 龙鳞!!! But suddenly, the Chu Feng innermost feelings tremble. 可是突然,楚枫内心一颤。 He remembers suddenly, after that Totem Dragon Clan rebels, new Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, called Long Lin(dragon scale). 他猛然想起,那个图腾龙族叛乱后,新任图腾龙族族长,也叫龙鳞 senior, are you now Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,难道你就是当今图腾龙族族长?”楚枫问道。 Regarding this issue, Long Lin(dragon scale) smiles lightly. 对于这个问题,龙鳞淡淡一笑。 I have heard, you and Totem Dragon Clan relations are not simple.” “我听闻过,你与图腾龙族的关系不简单。” But Little Friend Chu Feng, we are also the friends, and certainly knows them compared with you early, should you for them, not begin to me?” Long Lin(dragon scale) asked with a smile. “但楚枫小友,我们也算朋友吧,并且一定比你认识他们早,你应该不会为了他们,对我动手吧?”龙鳞笑着问道。 At this time, the Chu Feng innermost feelings are somewhat complex. 此时,楚枫内心有些复杂。 Although is not deep with the Long Lin(dragon scale) friendship, even it can be said that two do not owe, after all Chu Feng has helped Long Lin(dragon scale). 虽说与龙鳞交情不深,甚至可以说是两不相欠,毕竟楚枫是帮过龙鳞的。 But Long Lin(dragon scale) had indeed also helped itself initially. 龙鳞当初的确也帮过自己。 If is really the stranger, all said that but this old acquaintance, the Chu Feng's standpoint was truly awkward. 若真是陌生人,一切都好说,可这种旧相识,楚枫的立场确实尴尬。 senior, haven't they really died?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,他们真的没死吗?”楚枫问。 Taishi Xingzhong has not deceived you, they well, comfortable, the person who you know, should not die.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. 太史星中没骗你,他们都好好的,舒舒服服,你认识的人,应该一个都没死。”龙鳞说道。 Which they are, can lead me to see them?” Chu Feng asked. “他们在哪,能带我去见他们吗?”楚枫问。 Sure.” “当然可以。” You look there.” During Long Lin(dragon scale) speeches, directional distant place. “你看那里。”龙鳞说话间,指向远处。 There, is only the normal scenery, is Long Lin(dragon scale) one finger/refers, presented a front door that unexpectedly passes through the world. 那里,原本只是正常的景色,可是龙鳞一指,竟出现了一道贯穿天地的大门。 But follows Long Lin(dragon scale) to put out a special token, later the law secret art pinches, that front door turned into the transparent color. 而伴随龙鳞拿出一道特殊的令牌,随后法诀捏动,那道大门变成了透明之色。 Therefore, Chu Feng can see, in that front door, really has many forms, that is the Totem Dragon Clan person. 因此,楚枫能够看到,在那大门之内,果然有着很多道身影,那都是图腾龙族的人。 Not only there is Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, as well as many familiar characters. 不仅有图腾龙族族长,还有龙承羽,龙沐熙,以及诸多熟悉的人物。 Through this gate, Chu Feng can determine, they are oneself, and besides Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, as well as on some Elder has the wound, on the juniors even injure do not have. 通过这道门,楚枫能够确定,他们都是本人,并且除了图腾龙族族长,以及一些长老身上有伤外,小辈们身上连伤都没有。 The environment that they are at is also very good, is little world that the treasure builds becomes, everyone's body, does not have chains, can the free activity in that stretch of little world. 他们所在的环境也很好,是宝物打造而成的小天地,所有人的身上,都没有锁链,可以在那片小天地内自由活动。 Just, was imprisoned eventually. 只不过,终究还是被囚禁了。 In the clan the turbulence, therefore their spirits are very in addition bad, everyone is the dispirited appearance. 再加上族内动荡,所以他们的精神都很糟糕,所有人都是萎靡不振的样子。 Saw that they are also living, although Chu Feng relaxes, may see their so appearance, at heart is somewhat grieved. 看到他们都还活着,楚枫虽是松了一口气,可看到他们如此模样,心里还是有些酸楚。 Belongs to own all, was seized by others. 属于自己的一切,被他人所夺。 Oneself degenerate into the captive. 自己则沦为阶下囚。 Even the treatment is good, is still difficult to escape the imprisoned situation. 就算待遇再好,也难逃被囚禁的处境。 Innermost feelings, inevitably very suffering. 内心,必然十分煎熬。 But, this is the martial cultivation world, the law of the jungle, wins king Baikou. 但,这就是修武世界,弱肉强食,胜王败寇。 Chu Feng's loves dearly uselessly, the strength is useful, therefore Chu Feng adjusts the mentality immediately, looks to Long Lin(dragon scale). 楚枫的心疼没用,实力才有用,于是楚枫立刻调整心态,看向龙鳞 senior, why do you want to save me?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,你为何要救我?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng, where words this is, your my friendship, has the palm reading to rescue, but can also have a question?” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. 楚枫,这是哪里话,你我的交情,难道出手相救,还要有所疑问?”龙鳞道。 senior, can come obviously directly.” Chu Feng this words, are in the words have the words. 前辈,明明可以直接现身的。”楚枫此话,乃是话中有话。 Long Lin(dragon scale) is Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, regardless of status or strength, above Taishi Xingzhong. 龙鳞乃是图腾龙族族长,无论身份还是实力,都在太史星中之上。 If he saves others, comes directly then, does not need in this manner. 他若救人,直接现身即可,没必要用这种方式。
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