MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5712: Deceitful Taishi Xingzhong

Sees this situation, everyone is in great surprise, including these junior World Spiritist, they have not thought, Chu Feng will act suddenly. 见此情形,所有人都是大惊,包括那些小辈界灵师,他们都没有想到,楚枫会突然出手。 That is the Taishi Xingzhong son!!! 那可是太史星中的儿子啊!!! These Elder, including one-eyed old person, do not have the protection. 那些长老,包括独眼老者,更是毫无防备。 In their opinion, Chu Feng and others is the fruit cake, can only be acted bashful by them. 在他们看来,楚枫等人都是软柿子,只能被他们拿捏。 Where thinks, some people will make the so bold matter? 哪里想到,会有人做出如此大胆之事? Courts death!!!” “找死!!!” After one-eyed old person responded, the first response then arranges the Spirit Formation method. 独眼老者反应过来后,第一反应便是布置结界阵法。 That Spirit Formation method, follows killing intent also to reappear, is to write off the Chu Feng's stance. 结界阵法,伴随杀意同时浮现,就是要抹杀楚枫的架势。 Buzz- 嗡- May see only a ray to reappear. 可只见一阵光芒浮现。 That one-eyed old person, as well as other old person were shocked. 那独眼老者,以及其他老者都愣住了。 That ray, came from on Chu Feng's, but is actually connected with the Taishi Xingzhong son at this time. 那光芒,源自于楚枫的身上,但此时却与太史星中儿子相连。 Was formation technique, Chu Feng arranged formation technique of link soul. 阵法,楚枫布置了链接魂魄的阵法 If he dies, then the Taishi Xingzhong son must die. 若是他死,那么太史星中儿子也要死。 Originally, Chu Feng that fist, do not harm the Taishi Xingzhong son is so simple. 原来,楚枫那一拳,不是要伤害太史星中儿子这么简单。 He pours into formation technique, in Taishi Xingzhong son soul. 他是将阵法注入到,太史星中儿子灵魂之中。 Chu Feng, is prepared early. 楚枫,早有准备。 Who are you?” “你到底是何人?” The one-eyed old person congealing sound asked that he realized until this time, this junior was coming prepared. 独眼老者凝声问道,直到此时他才意识到,这个小辈乃是有备而来。 Goes to call Taishi Xingzhong.” Chu Feng said. “去将太史星中叫过来。”楚枫说道。 Who are you?” One-eyed old person closely examines. “你到底是谁?”独眼老者追问。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- But the Chu Feng palm gets hold of suddenly, that Taishi Xingzhong son then sends out the pitiful yell. 楚枫手掌猛然握紧,那太史星中儿子便发出惨叫。 He was weak, cannot shoulder Chu Feng such suffering. 他本就身体虚弱,根本扛不住楚枫这样的折磨。 Stop, do not harm him.” One-eyed old person was hurried. “住手,不要伤害他。”独眼老者慌了。 He discovered, he cannot frighten at present this junior. 他发现,他根本就吓不到眼前这个小辈。 Immediately goes, I do not have the patience.” Chu Feng said. “立刻去,我没有耐心。”楚枫说道。 Goes.” Seeing that one-eyed old person is also helpless caused a meaningful glance to Elder. “去。”见状,独眼老者也是无奈的对一位长老使了一记眼色。 That Elder leaves immediately. 那位长老立刻离开。 This little friend, is what reason, can do such matter?” One-eyed old person asked that he also wants to look for the opportunity. “这位小友,到底是何原因,要做如此之事?”独眼老者问道,他还想寻找机会。 But Chu Feng does not pay attention. 楚枫根本不予理会。 This brother, what you make? Your this will implicate our.” “这位兄台,你这是做什么啊?你这样可是会连累我们的。” Meanwhile, has these junior World Spiritist sound transmission in secret unexpectedly, maps the Chu Feng ear curtain. 同时,竟有那些小辈界灵师的暗中传音,映入楚枫耳帘。 They are afraid Chu Feng this act, they were implicated, wants to advise against Chu Feng. 他们害怕楚枫此举,他们遭受连累,是想劝阻楚枫 But urged, they also only dare sound transmission, is not at all these Elder surface to urge in secret. 但就连劝,他们也只敢暗中传音,都不敢当着这些长老的面劝。 They fear these Elder, but actually does not fear Chu Feng. 他们惧怕这些长老,但却不惧怕楚枫 Regarding these idiots, Chu Feng is disinclined to pay attention. 对于这些蠢货,楚枫根本懒得理会。 Quick, old person, emerged out of thin air in this place. 很快,一位老者,凭空出现在了此地。 This old person, the eyebrow crosses the shoulder, the beard crosses the knee, but the eyebrow or the beard, and hair is such as the white snow is common. 这位老者,眉毛过肩,胡须过膝,而无论是眉毛还是胡须,以及头发都是如白雪一般。 Although the facial features are old, but the stature is tall and straight, the body best pupil is two meters, feels not only divine poise and sagelike features, has aggressively. 虽然面容苍老,可却身材挺拔,身高足有两米有余,给人的感觉不仅仙风道骨,更是颇具霸气。 Although looks honestly incomparable, but he is not a good person. 虽然看着正派无比,但他可不是好人。 This person, precisely Taishi Xingzhong. 此人,正是太史星中 Father, saves me.” “父亲,救我。” Sees Taishi Xingzhong, Taishi Xingzhong that weak son, opened the mouth finally weakly. 看到太史星中,太史星中那虚弱的儿子,终于虚弱的开口了。 However compares in that son, the response of Taishi Xingzhong is extremely actually tranquil. 不过相比于那个儿子,太史星中的反应倒是极其平静。 Has seen the character of magnificent scene eventually, even if some people do to coerce by his son, he has not displayed flurriedly. 终究是见过大场面的人物,哪怕有人以他儿子做要挟,他也并没有表现出慌乱。 „Do you have what goal?” Taishi Xingzhong asked. “你有何目的?”太史星中问。 You think your son to live, answered my issue honestly.” Chu Feng said. “你想你儿子活,就老实回答我的问题。”楚枫道。 You asked.” Taishi Xingzhong said. “你问。”太史星中道。 Long Chengyu can they, live?” Chu Feng asked. 龙承羽他们,可还活着?”楚枫问。 Living, live well.” “活着,活的好好的。” Because of present age Sir Clan Head, the heart kind person is friendly.” “因为当代族长大人,心慈人善。” Therefore not only Long Chengyu, Long Muxi, their fathers, well is living, and also live is very comfortable.” Taishi Xingzhong said. “所以不仅龙承羽,龙沐熙,还有他们的父亲,也都好好的活着,并且还活的很舒服。”太史星中说道。 They now where?” Chu Feng asked. “那他们现在何处?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng such remarks, Taishi Xingzhong smiled suddenly. 楚枫此话一出,太史星中忽然笑了。 Chu Feng, might as well shows by the true colors.” Taishi Xingzhong said. 楚枫,不妨以真面目示人吧。”太史星中道。 Chu Feng?” He such remarks, not to mention these Elder, World Spiritist juniors, is the look big change. 楚枫?”他此话一出,莫说那些长老,就连界灵师小辈们,也是神色大变。 The Chu Feng name, now is vast martial cultivation world, is known to everybody existence that is known to everybody. 楚枫名字,如今已是浩瀚修武界,无人不知无人不晓的存在。 This Chu Feng, is that Chu Feng that makes a big row Seven Worlds Saint Palace? 难道这个楚枫,是那个大闹七界圣府楚枫吗? Is he... the Jie Ranqing son? 他…就是界染清的儿子吗? You very guess actually.” “你倒是挺会猜。” Chu Feng sighed that Taishi Xingzhong judgment, Taishi Xingzhong is even powerful, but should unable to see through the Chu Feng's camouflage, he decides however guesses. 楚枫感叹太史星中的判断力,太史星中就算实力强大,可应该看不穿楚枫的伪装,他定然是猜的。 But the so short contact, then can some so judge, explained this old man brain is very effective. 可如此短暂的接触,便能有如此判断,说明这老头脑子很管用。 Therefore, the Chu Feng thought rotation, camouflaged formation technique to remove, revealed the appearance/portrait. 于是,楚枫意念转动,伪装阵法褪去,露出了真容。 „Really is he... unexpectedly that Chu Feng?” “他…竟真是那个楚枫?” Sees the Chu Feng appearance/portrait, these junior World Spiritist, rushed to fall back on the distant place. 看到楚枫真容,那些小辈界灵师,赶忙退到了远处。 In the eye, appeared the fear. 眼中,浮现出了恐惧。 Elder on the scene, is the eyeful alerts, even if one-eyed old person does not dare to be negligent. 就连在场的长老,也是满眼戒备,哪怕独眼老者也不敢大意。 The Chu Feng present prestige was too resounding, he can cause havoc Seven Worlds Saint Palace, person who also moves out. 楚枫如今的威名太响亮了,他可是能在大闹七界圣府,又全身而退的人。 Not only has king's bloodlines, same day Heavenly Thunder phenomenon, similarly startled is the Celestial. 不仅身怀王之血脉,当日的天雷异象,也同样惊为天人。 Fierce, you are also really living unexpectedly.” Taishi Xingzhong sighed. “厉害,你居然真的还活着。”太史星中叹道。 Relax, you died, I will also be living.” Chu Feng said. “放心,你死了,我也都还会活着。”楚枫说道。 „......” “呵……” Taishi Xingzhong shows a faint smile, regarding Chu Feng this insulting words, he has not been angry. 太史星中微微一笑,对于楚枫这种侮辱性的话语,他并未生气。 Little Friend Chu Feng, put my child, I lead you to see Long Chengyu they.” Taishi Xingzhong said. 楚枫小友,放了我儿,我带你去见龙承羽他们。”太史星中说道。 Put your son, can I also live?” Chu Feng asked. “放了你儿,我还能活吗?”楚枫问。 Un... reasonable.” Taishi Xingzhong slight nod, but in the eye the ruthless color appears suddenly: But, even if you are not willing to let off my child, you could not live.” “嗯…有道理。”太史星中微微点头,可忽然眼中狠色浮现:“但,就算你不肯放过我儿,你也活不了。” During the speeches, he lifts the hand to aim at Chu Feng suddenly. 说话间,他猛然抬手对准楚枫 Sees only turbulent formation power, spews out from his palm, quick boundless great formation, then sealed off the entire main hall. 只见汹涌的结界之力,自其掌心喷涌而出,很快一股磅礴的大阵,便封锁了整座大殿。 This formation technique is complex, not only can block the strength of teleportation, contains the strength of bound, at present Chu Feng everyone on the scene by bound, including Chu Feng. 这座阵法非常复杂,不仅能够封锁传送之力,更是蕴藏束缚之力,眼下楚枫在场的所有人都被束缚,也包括楚枫 Taishi Xingzhong, is very strong, he is later period of True Dragon, even must strong, Seven Worlds Saint Palace Saint Rank Elder. 太史星中,很强,他乃是真龙后期,甚至还要强于,七界圣府圣级长老 And this old man is very intelligent, he in the set up formation, has just talked with Chu Feng in secret, but in protracted time. 并且这个老头很聪明,他一直在暗中布阵,刚刚与楚枫交谈,不过是在拖延时间罢了。 Therefore lifts in the hands, can display so powerful and perfect formation technique. 所以抬手间,才能施展出如此强大且完美的阵法 Chu Feng, you are brave, dare to look for old man's trouble.” Taishi Xingzhong arrived at the Chu Feng near. 楚枫,你胆子很大,竟敢找老夫的麻烦。”太史星中来到了楚枫近前。 He has not begun to save his son immediately, but is staring at Chu Feng. 他并没有立刻动手救下他的儿子,而是在盯着楚枫 „The trouble of Seven Worlds Saint Palace I dare to look, what thing your is Taishi Xingzhong?” Chu Feng asked. 七界圣府的麻烦我都敢找,你太史星中算什么东西?”楚枫问。 Un, reasonable.” Taishi Xingzhong nods, immediately asked: „Did you see my evil disciple?” “嗯,有道理。”太史星中点了点头,旋即问道:“你是不是见到我的那个孽徒了?” Regarding this issue, Chu Feng had not replied, but said: What kind of, observation how?” 对于这个问题,楚枫没有回答,而是说道:“怎么样,观察的如何?” Hears this words, on the Taishi Xingzhong tranquil face, finally emerges to wipe flurriedly. 听闻此话,太史星中平静的脸上,终于涌现出一抹慌乱。 He... was seen through by Chu Feng. 他…被楚枫识破了。 He not, does not save his son. 他不是靠近之后,不救他的儿子。 But is Chu Feng's formation technique is also very strong, even if his bound lived in Chu Feng, actually does not dare to act rashly. 而是楚枫的阵法也很强,哪怕他束缚住了楚枫,却也不敢轻举妄动。 He close to does not rescue, has not grasped rescues. 他靠近不救,是没把握救。 Talked with Chu Feng, was the protracted time, sought for the Chu Feng formation technique flaw. 楚枫交谈,乃是拖延时间,寻找楚枫阵法的破绽。 Has not thought, Chu Feng unexpectedly saw through his intention. 可不曾想,楚枫竟然看穿了他的意图。
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