MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5711: Stared?

Boy, your stared.” “小子,你被人盯上了。” Suddenly, the Heaven Swallowing Qilin sound resounds in the ear, hears this words Chu Feng also to open Spirit power immediately. 忽然,吞天麒麟的声音在耳边响起,听闻此话楚枫也是立刻张开精神力 Under observes earnestly, is really faint to detect, has probably vision together, is looking at itself. 认真观察之下,果然隐隐间察觉到,好像有一道目光,在看着自己。 Deep that too the opposite party hide, if not for Heaven Swallowing Qilin reminded, Chu Feng was even unascertainable, whether this vision existed. 对方隐藏的太深,若不是吞天麒麟提醒,楚枫甚至不能确定,这目光是否存在。 senior can you feel? Is he what cultivation realm?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈你能感觉到?他是何修为吗?”楚枫问。 Now knows that called senior, didn't call this Sir pig?” Heaven Swallowing Qilin somewhat disdains. “现在知道叫前辈了,不叫本大爷猪了?”吞天麒麟有些不屑。 senior, we are one group, haggles over so many to do.” 前辈,咱们可是一伙的,计较那么多干嘛。” You looked that I have not haggled over, do you want to kill me before?” Chu Feng said. “你看我也没计较,你之前想杀我啊?”楚枫说道。 „Haven't you haggled over? You may not have to suffer this Sir lightly.” “你还没计较?你可没轻折磨本大爷。” Boy, you had stared, this Sir does not have that ability to help you.” “小子,你已经被盯上了,本大爷也没那个能力帮你。” Your this called, did not listen to Sir saying that suffers a loss at present.” “你这就叫,不听大爷言,吃亏在眼前。” Is loyal, is to pay the price, you strove for fortunately.” “讲义气,是要付出代价的,你自求多福吧。” Heaven Swallowing Qilin this words saying, then said nothing. 吞天麒麟此话说完,便闭口不谈了。 Therefore a Chu Feng thought revolution, starts to communicate Divine Deer. 于是楚枫意念一转,开始沟通神鹿 senior?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈?”楚枫问。 Chu Feng, this god has not restored, temporarily must depend on yourself.” 楚枫,本神还未恢复,暂时要靠你自己。” Divine Deer gave the response actually, is only this response, actually with previously, must depend on Chu Feng. 神鹿倒是给出了回应,只是这个回应,却与先前一样,还是要靠楚枫自己。 But Chu Feng is not quite but actually hurried. 楚枫倒也不太慌。 First did not say oneself have Qin Jiu that symbol. 先不说自己有秦九的那道符。 And his father's protection formation technique. 并且还有其父亲的守护阵法 These days, although has been hurrying along, but Chu Feng has not actually been idling. 这段时间,虽然一直在赶路,可楚枫其实也没有闲着。 Not only there is a study, how can the biggest display, that seven cast the soul fragrant strength. 不仅有钻研,如何能最大发挥,那七界铸魂香的力量。 Also there is a utilization to defend the nightmare, the control of deeper level, his father puts in protection formation technique of its within the body. 也有运用守之梦魇,更深层次的掌控,其父亲置于其体内的守护阵法 And had determined, his father's Martial Power formation technique, not only powerful force, certain aspects, even is fiercer than the Spirit Formation method. 并且已经确定,其父亲的武力阵法,不仅威力强大,某些方面来说,甚至比结界阵法还要厉害。 Pitifully, the Qin Jiu symbol, is his father's protection formation technique, can only use one time. 只是可惜,无论是秦九的符,还是其父亲的守护阵法,都只能使用一次。 Chu Feng is easily does not want to use, inquired whether Divine Deer can help. 楚枫是轻易不想用,才询问神鹿能否帮忙。 But if said feared, has Chu Feng of these two maintaining life cards in a hand, really did not fear. 但若说怕,有这两张保命底牌的楚枫,真的是一点都不怕。 After layer upon layer the formation gate, Chu Feng and others was brought in a main hall. 穿过层层结界门后,楚枫等人被带到了一座大殿之内。 Arrives at this main hall, Chu Feng had then determined basically, then waits for their, no good deed. 来到这座大殿,楚枫便已经基本确定,接下来等待他们的,没什么好事了。 Because this main hall deep place has a gate. 因为这座大殿深处有一道门。 According to Bai Yunqing gives the Chu Feng's map, the Taishi Xingzhong son, in that gate behind. 按照白云卿楚枫的地图,太史星中的儿子,就在那道门的后面。 You first wait here.” < “你们先在此等候。”< br > br> Elder leaves, should be notifies anything, other Elder stay behind, looks at Chu Feng they. 一位长老离开,应该是去通报什么,其他的长老则是留下,看着楚枫他们。 However these through the person of inspection, had not discovered obviously matter is not right. 但是这些通过考核的人,显然都没有发现事情的不对。 On the face also brims with the excitement and joy that difficult is concealing, possibly has looked forward to the glorious future from the beginning. 一个个的,脸上还都洋溢着难以掩饰的激动与喜悦,可能已经一开始憧憬美好的未来了。 They do not care completely, Taishi Xingzhong betrayed Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, participated rebelled this matter. 他们完全不在乎,太史星中背叛了图腾龙族族长,参与了叛乱这件事。 Instead anticipated, can become Taishi Xingzhong disciple. 反而非常期待,能够成为太史星中弟子 The both sides in this main hall, place many statues, the statue are blocked by formation technique. 这座大殿内的两侧,摆放着不少雕像,雕像都被阵法封锁。 But in fact, that is not the statue, specimen that but makes by special formation technique, they once were living existences. 但实际上,那不是雕像,而是以特殊阵法制作成的标本,它们曾经都是活生生的存在。 Goes, isn't this antique ominous beast, dragon Xixiong the beast?” “哇去,这不是太古凶兽,龙蜥凶兽吗?” Suddenly, World Spiritist, arrived in front of a specimen. 忽然,一位界灵师,来到了一个标本面前。 Sees that other World Spiritist also collected. 见状,其他界灵师也都凑了过去。 This specimen is a ten-meter lizard, this lizard person stands, scales is divided into the black and dark green. 此标本是一个高达十米的蜥蜴,这只蜥蜴似人般站立,身上的鳞片分为黑色和暗绿色。 The black is the bottom, the dark green is quite prominent, attaches the whole body just like the armor generally, seeming like ordinary just like the soldier, is aggressive. 黑色为底,暗绿色较为突出,宛如铠甲一般附着全身,看上去宛如士兵一般,非常霸气。 Chu Feng has noticed this specimen, at first sight this specimen regardless of the volume, is the appearance vicious degree, not so the other ominous beast specimens of place. 楚枫早就注意到了这个标本,乍一看这个标本无论体积,还是外貌凶狠程度,都不如此地的其他凶兽标本。 But Chu Feng can actually detect, this ominous beast should be very strong, is in these ominous beasts is strongest. 楚枫却能察觉到,这只凶兽生前应该很强,是这些凶兽中最强的。 „Is this really the specimen that dragon Xixiong the beast makes?” Other junior World Spiritist gates , the much discussion said. “这真的是龙蜥凶兽制成的标本吗?”其他小辈界灵师门,也纷纷议论道。 This is Sir Taishi Xingzhong collects the thing, how can be false?” Elder said. “此乃太史星中大人收藏之物,岂会是假的?”一位长老说道。 „, Unexpectedly real, the hearsay dragon Xixiong beast is quite powerful, they from Remote Antiquity Era, in this time initial period are one of existences cultivator most has a headache about.” “哇,竟然是真的啊,传闻龙蜥凶兽极为强大,它们源自太古时期,在这个时代初期是修武者最头疼的存在之一。” But has vanished, cannot think unexpectedly can also really see.” Junior World Spiritist exclaims. “但早已绝迹,想不到居然还能看到真实的啊。”一位小辈界灵师惊叹道。 Listens to my grandfather to speak dragon Xixiong the beast since childhood, said that they are different from other ominous beasts, have the organization to have the discipline, inborn clothing armor, therefore the strength is extremely strong.” “从小就听我爷爷讲过龙蜥凶兽,说它们与其它凶兽不同,有组织有纪律,天生穿戴铠甲,因此战力极强。” Cannot think that some day can see the main body unexpectedly, this is the priceless treasure.” “想不到有朝一日竟能见到本尊,这可是无价之宝啊。” Also there are other World Spiritist to echo. 又有其他界灵师纷纷附和。 You know why dragon Xixiong the beast is called dragon Xixiong the beast?” “你们知道,龙蜥凶兽为何叫做龙蜥凶兽吗?” Seeing the juniors is so warm, Elder of this place guarding also came the interest, asked. 见众小辈如此热情,此地看守的长老也来了兴致,不由问道。 I know, because of dragon Xixiong the beast, so long as cultivation realm achieves “我知道,因为龙蜥凶兽,只要修为达到 Certain realm, head then president has dragon horn. ” 一定境界,头上便会长龙角。” However can grow the dragon horn dragon lizard ominous beast, is very powerful, it is said... achieved the deity boundary.” A junior said. “而能长出龙角的龙蜥凶兽,十分强大,据说…达到了天神境。”一位小辈说道。 But he such remarks, other has heard the juniors of dragon Xixiong beast, was some suspicions. 而他此话一出,其他听闻过龙蜥凶兽的小辈们,也是有些怀疑了。 Deity boundary? Real false?”?? “天神境?真的假的?”?? Deity boundary, at the beginning of this time has appeared actually much. 天神境,这个时代初期倒是出现过不少。 But now, simply does not have the powerhouse of deity boundary, and powerhouse of deity boundary, several tens of thousands of years has not appeared. 可是现在,根本没有天神境的强者,并且天神境的强者,已经数万年没有出现过了。 For this reason, the deity boundary is legend, only has in the imagination. 正因如此,天神境乃是传说,只存在想象中。 But is actually representing the unsurpassed strength, with extremely powerful. 但却代表着无上的力量,和绝顶的强大。 Said that this dragon Xixiong beast is powerful, they approve, but if said that they can achieve the deity boundary, naturally some suspicions. 说这龙蜥凶兽强大,他们认可的,可若说它们能达到天神境,自然有些怀疑。 He said right, grows the dragon horn dragon breath ominous beast, cultivation realm can indeed achieve the deity boundary.” “他说的没错,长出龙角的龙息凶兽,修为的确可以达到天神境。” But in the juniors questioned, that Elder actually gave the affirmative confirmation. 可就在众小辈质疑时,那位长老却给出了肯定的确认。 Really can achieve the deity boundary?” “真的能够达到天神境?” Hears this words, the juniors look at dragon Xixiong the beast again, the look changed, the respect is thicker. 听闻此话,众小辈再看龙蜥凶兽,眼神又变了,敬意更浓。 That junior said does not believe that but this Elder said that they are actually the unusual letters. 那位小辈说的不信,可这位长老说的,他们却是非常的信。 „The dragon breath ominous beast specimen of grows the horn, Sir Taishi Xingzhong also has the collection, but not here.” That Elder also said. “长角的龙息凶兽标本,太史星中大人也有珍藏,只不过不在这里。”那位长老又说道。 „!!!” “哇!!!” Hears this words, all junior World Spiritist, looks the worship, can see from their expressions, not only this flatters. 听闻此话,所有小辈界灵师,都是面露崇拜,从他们的表情可以看出,这不仅是拍马屁。 Chu Feng can also feel, has the dragon horn dragon lizard ominous beast, even if only the specimen, but should also be very precious. 楚枫也能感觉到,带有龙角的龙蜥凶兽,哪怕只是标本,但也应该是非常珍贵的。 After passing the moment, Elder that previously left came back. 过了片刻后,先前离开的长老回来了。 But follows, white-haired one-eyed old person. 但跟着进来的,还有一个满头白发的独眼老者 This old person, Chu Feng knew, this person is the Li Ta'er father, the Bai Yunqing teacher's younger brother. 这个老者,楚枫认识,此人乃是李塔儿的父亲,白云卿的师叔。 greets Sir.” 拜见大人。” After this one-eyed old person comes, Elder on the scene is rushes to serve with a ritual. 这位独眼老者进来后,在场的长老都是赶忙施以一礼。 But the World Spiritist junior, does not recognize him obviously, but sees its status to be unusual, salutes in abundance. 界灵师小辈,显然都不认得他,但见其身份非同一般,也都是纷纷施礼。 One-eyed old person simply has not paid attention, but is the big sleeve wields, opens the palace gate of deep place. 独眼老者根本没有理会,而是大袖一挥,将深处的殿门打开。 But after seeing the scene of deep place main hall, everyone is the look changes, on the face did not have the beforehand joy and relaxedness. 而看到深处大殿的景象之后,所有人都是神色变化,脸上没有了之前的喜悦与轻松。 That main hall, various wall places, covered entirely the complex formation trace and spell very some strange. 那大殿,墙壁各处,都布满了复杂的结界纹路与符咒十分些诡异。 But in the main halls, has a pool, with a coffin, as well as some jugs. 而大殿中间,有着一个池子,和一口棺材,以及一些坛子。 Pool and coffin 池子与棺材相 Including. 连。 The coffin is transparent, although the defense strength is not strong, but contains the special strength, and four of coffin pasted completely talismans. 棺材是透明的,虽防御力量不强,但却蕴藏特殊的力量,并且棺材的四边贴满了符纸 In the coffin, sits a man unexpectedly, his whole body by the flame burn, the scar that the flame leaves behind, proliferates the whole body, looks is really scary. 棺材内,竟坐着一名男子,他浑身都被火焰烧伤,火焰留下的疤痕,遍布全身,看着甚是吓人。 And his breathing heavily in gulps, regards the look of people, like regarding the prey is ordinary, unexpectedly inexplicable excited. 并且他大口大口的喘着粗气,看待众人的眼神,就像看待猎物一般,竟莫名兴奋。 Such strange, whatever is who saw, felt not right. 这样诡异的一幕,任凭是谁看到,都感觉到了不对。 But World Spiritist junior, but also has an expectation, thinks matter they have not thought is so bad. 但众位界灵师小辈,还抱有一丝期望,以为事情没他们想的那么糟。 Quick, one-eyed old person turns on seven jugs, has the different liquids to gush out respectively pours into the pool. 很快,独眼老者打开七个坛子,分别有不同的液体涌出注入池子之内。 Although is seven colors, gives out the fishy smell stink, that is being the blood, not only there is a blood of human, other races blood. 虽是七种颜色,都散发着腥臭味,那都是血液,不仅有人类的血液,还有其他种族的血液。 Sir, what this makes?” These people flustered, starts to inquire. “大人,这是做什么啊?”那些人慌了,开始纷纷询问。 Actually they are not silly, coming out that looks , the present scene is weird. 其实他们不傻,都看的出来,眼前的场面非常邪门。 Goes.” One-eyed old person said. “进去。”独眼老者说道。 „?” The people complexion is pale, frightened knowing what to do. “啊?”众人脸色铁青,吓的不知如何是好。 This, is the biological son of Sir Taishi Xingzhong, he has the serious illness, needs you to help him therapy.” “这位,乃是太史星中大人的亲生儿子,他身患重病,需要你们来帮他疗伤。” This is also your final inspections.” “这也是你们最后的考核。” You step into the pool, obeys the formation technique strength, so long as some people can make Sir Taishi Xingzhong the son condition relax, can become disciple of Sir Taishi Xingzhong directly.” “你们踏入池子,顺从阵法力量,只要有人能够让太史星中大人儿子病情缓和,就可以直接成为太史星中大人的弟子。” One-eyed old person points at the pool to say. 独眼老者指着池子说道。 Hears this words, the people are somewhat hesitant. 听闻此话,众人还是有些犹豫。 If wants to give up, can leave directly.” One-eyed old person aimed at the open palace gate. “若想放弃的,可以直接离开。”独眼老者指向了敞开的殿门。 Sees this situation, some people clench teeth, later really plunges into the pool unexpectedly. 见此情形,有人咬了咬牙,随后竟真的跳入池子之中。 Seeing that others are ordinary like the fear error situation, plunges into the pool in abundance. 见状,其他人就像害怕错失先机一般,也是纷纷跳入池子之中。 Sees the people so, Chu Feng shakes the head, sighed them to be blinded by greed secretly, for the future, even this foolish matter did unexpectedly. 看到众人如此,楚枫摇了摇头,暗叹他们利欲熏心,为了前程,竟然连这种蠢事都做。 Naturally, even if they want to give up without means to leave, one-eyed old person, will not really let off them. 当然,他们就算想放弃也没办法离开,独眼老者,不会真的放过他们。 Therefore, Chu Feng is also the figure one vertical, grazes to go to the pool. 于是,楚枫也是身形一纵,向池子飞掠而去。 But after arriving at the pool, the Chu Feng speed actually speeds up suddenly, jumped on the coffin directly. 但来到池子后,楚枫速度却突然加快,直接跳到了棺材上。 A fist destroys the coffin, and that fist takes advantage of opportunity , the blood splatters, the Chu Feng's fist, pierced the Taishi Xingzhong son's chest directly. 一拳打碎棺材,并且那拳头顺势而下,鲜血喷溅,楚枫的拳头,直接洞穿了太史星中儿子的胸口。 PS: Tomorrow update should early, probably about 10 : 00 am. PS:明日更新应该会早一点,大概在上午10点左右。 Does not have the accidental/surprised tomorrow's in addition, but did not determine that can add many, as far as possible, as far as possible. 不出意外明天会加更,但不确定能加多少,尽量,尽量。
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