MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5710: Is unforgivable

I could not understand you to say anything, I was not surnamed Bai, I did not know you, you put me to walk.” “我听不懂你在说什么,我不姓白,我也不认识你,你放我走吧。” This disfigures one's face the man to work loose vigorously, but actually does not dare to face up to Chu Feng. 这名毁容男子极力挣脱,但却不敢正视楚枫 Chu Feng also no longer rubbish, but grabs his Yu Kong, arrives at one to feel after safe place, then falls, and arrangement hidden formation technique. 楚枫也不再废话,而是抓着他御空而起,来到一处觉得安全的地方后这才落下,且布置隐藏阵法 Afterward takes out elixir directly, pinches his mouth, squeezes in its forcefully. 随后又直接取出一颗丹药,捏开其嘴巴,强行塞入其口中。 And after helping him elixir refining up, this helps its nosing injury. 并且帮他将丹药炼化后,这才帮其查探伤势。 But this nosing, Chu Feng is also the heart startled, the situation estimates him is worse. 可这一查探,楚枫也是心惊不已,情况比他预想的还要糟糕。 The formation bloodlines of Bai Yunqing disappear, should be eliminated forcefully. 白云卿结界血脉不见了,应该是被人强行剥夺。 He can also have cultivation realm now, is the residual bloodlines as well as special elixir supports completely. 他现在还能有修为,完全是残留的血脉以及特殊的丹药所支撑。 But that elixir drug efficacy, although is strong, is actually poisonous pill, this way he must die without doubt, even date and time not many. 可那丹药药效虽强,实际乃是毒丹,这样下去他必死无疑,甚至时日无多。 Brother Bai, if I encounter the mishap, you will ignore?” Chu Feng asked.?? 白兄,若是我遭遇不测,你会置之不理吗?”楚枫问。?? Chu Feng this words suddenly, making the man stare. 楚枫这突然间的话语,使得男子一愣。 I know, you will not ignore.” “我知道,你不会置之不理。” Therefore trades to do is I , is the same.” “所以换做是我,也是一样。” Told me, actually to have anything.” “告诉我,究竟发生了什么。” I can help you, even now cannot, still decide the energy in the future.” “我能帮你,就算现在不能,日后也定能。” You always do not want dead like this, then makes that violate the person of sin to you, is the free and unfettered merry?” Chu Feng asked. “你总不想就这样死了,然后让那对你犯下罪孽之人,逍遥快活吧?”楚枫问。 Hears here, the body of man starts to tremble slightly, he vacillated. 听到这里,男子的身体开始微微颤动,他动摇了。 Chu Feng Big Brother, is unfair to......” man to lower the head, the sound is very small, but actually full is the apology. 楚枫大哥,对不起……”男子低头,声音很小,但却满是歉意。 Although his sound is exceptionally hoarse, but he acknowledged oneself status finally. 尽管他的声音还是异常沙哑,可他终于承认了自己的身份。 He, is Bai Yunqing. 他,就是白云卿 Brother Bai, told me, actually to have what?” Chu Feng asked. 白兄,告诉我,究竟发生了什么?”楚枫问。 Blames me, initially had not listened to your urging, readily believed that scoundrel.” “怪我自己,当初没有听你的劝,轻信了那个混账。” Is I takes the consequences for own actions.” The Bai Yunqing whole body shivers fiercely, that is angry, rebukes oneself. “都是我自作自受。”白云卿浑身颤抖剧烈,那是愤怒,也是自责。 Really is Taishi Xingzhong?” “果然是太史星中吗?” Actually what's the matter?” Chu Feng asked. “究竟怎么回事?”楚枫问。 He has detected, Taishi Xingzhong is not right, because does not have the evidence, initially also reminded Bai Yunqing. 他早就察觉到了,太史星中不对劲,但因为没有证据,当初也只是提醒了白云卿 Afterward, Bai Yunqing informed Chu Feng account. 随后,白云卿告知了楚枫事情的经过。 Really is Taishi Xingzhong does. 果然是太史星中做的。 Originally, Taishi Xingzhong has a son, originally is the World Spiritist talent. 原来,太史星中有一个儿子,本是界灵师天才。 He depends Taishi Xingzhong to support, does all kinds of evil things, has done many wicked matters. 他仗着有太史星中撑腰,为非作歹,做过不少恶事。 But vast 但浩 Vast martial cultivation world expert like clouds, always has him unable to offend. 修武界高手如云,总有他得罪不起的。 Once, the Taishi Xingzhong son, annoyed an insane woman. 有一次,太史星中儿子,惹上了一个疯女人。 That insane woman short temper, the method is cruel. 那疯女人脾气暴躁,手段残忍。 Not only discards Taishi Xingzhong son cultivation realm, is to make him withstand the pain of burning down. 不仅将太史星中儿子修为废掉,更是让他承受焚烧之苦。 That method is very fierce, trades to be the common person, can only die in the pain. 那手段很是厉害,换做寻常人,只能在痛苦中死去。 But Taishi Xingzhong, after all is not the common person. 太史星中,毕竟不是寻常人。 After his effort, making his son live, but this method was very cruel. 经过他的努力,让他的儿子活了下来,但这个方法很残忍。 He will often let Bai Yunqing, with his bloodlines, helping his son continue the life. 他会时常让白云卿,用其血脉,帮他儿子续命。 Originally Bai Yunqing felt, his teacher is heavy to its graciousness like the mountain, helping his son continue the life, even is painful, even to oneself influential, but that repays master En after all, he has not only thought, instead completes with every effort. 本来白云卿觉得,其师尊对其恩重如山,帮其儿子续命,就算痛苦,就算对自己有影响,可那毕竟是报答师恩,他不仅没多想,反而尽力完成。 But who once thinks, matter was thought by him was simple. 可谁曾想,事情被他想的简单了。 Beforehand continuing life, but is quenchings, when results in the time to be mature, Taishi Xingzhong then must use the Bai Yunqing life, trades his son's life. 之前的续命,不过是淬炼而已,待得时机成熟,太史星中便要用白云卿的命,来换他儿子的命。 „The scoundrel, in waiting for a time, in Totem Dragon Clan has a treasure, so long as attains this thing, then can complete by the life trades the life.” “那混账,一直在等待一个时机,图腾龙族内有一件宝物,只要拿到此物,便可以完成以命换命。” A while ago he participated in the Totem Dragon Clan rebellion, rebels successfully, he also attains thing that he wanted.” “前段时间他参与了图腾龙族叛乱,叛乱成功,他也拿到了他想要的东西。” However before the ceremony starts, he also informed all my truth, my parents... have not abandoned me.” “而在仪式开始前,他也告知了我所有真相,我父母…根本就没有抛弃我。” I see, is Illusion, was his forge Illusion, my parents actually already by the homicide.” “我所看到的,都是幻象,是他伪造的幻象,我的父母其实已经被他杀了。” Was he destroyed the my family courtyard, he was my personal enemy, but I was actually grateful to him, did the cow to make horse so many years for him.” “是他毁了我家庭,他是我的仇人,可我却对他感恩戴德,为他做牛做马这么多年。” I... I... I am unfair to my father, I am unfair to my mother.” “我…我…我对不起我父亲,我对不起我母亲。” The words to here, the Bai Yunqing mood are even more excited, recalled that so many years, work oneself to death for the personal enemy unexpectedly, and hatred loves own parents, he more wants more to hate, to start to thrash itself crazily. 话到此处,白云卿情绪越发激动,回想起这么多年,竟为仇人卖命,且憎恨疼爱自己的父母,他越想越恨,开始疯狂的捶打自己。 That stance, clearly wants to give to kill. 那个架势,分明是想将自己给打死。 Sees that Chu Feng rushes to intend to stop, but has not urged, although this world without the same experience , there would be no true sympathize. 见状,楚枫赶忙出手阻拦,但却也没有多劝,虽然这个世界没有相同经历,便没有真正的感同身受。 But Chu Feng can actually imagine the Bai Yunqing mood. 楚枫却能想象白云卿的心情。 Chu Feng has a new look to the Bai Yunqing impression for the first time, is Bai Yunqing is stranded when Illusion formation technique, lies on the ground, imploring his parents do not leave. 楚枫第一次对白云卿印象改观,就是白云卿被困在幻象阵法时,趴在地上,祈求其父母不要离开。 At that time the Bai Yunqing true feelings true feelings, can look he to his parents actually 那时白云卿真情实感,能看的出他对其父母其实 The sentiment is very deep. 感情很深。 After the Bai Yunqing mood relaxes, Chu Feng said that you are also a victim, rebukes oneself uselessly.” 待得白云卿情绪缓和后,楚枫才说道“你也是受害者,自责没用。” Bai Yunqing is silent. 白云卿沉默。 Right Brother Bai, how do you come out?” “对了白兄,你是怎么出来的?” Chu Feng felt, with the Taishi Xingzhong working style, successful or not, will not put Bai Yunqing to leave. 楚枫觉得,以太史星中的做事风格,无论成功与否,都不会放白云卿离开。 Matter should have the reason. 事情应该另有缘由。 Is Li Ta'er, she also calculates conscientious.”?? “是李塔儿,她还算有良心。”?? Sees me not dead, is not at while Taishi Xingzhong and her father, then put me secretly.” Bai Yunqing said. “见我未死,趁着太史星中和她父亲不在,便偷偷将我放了。”白云卿说道。 Unexpectedly is she?” “居然是她?” Chu Feng is somewhat surprised. 楚枫有些意外。 Li Ta'er he remembers, is teacher's younger brother Bai Yunqing Daughter, in the impression is person of the cunning and unreasonable willful benefitting oneself, treating Bai Yunqing is very unkind. 李塔儿他记得,是白云卿师叔的女儿,印象中是一个刁蛮任性的利己之人,对待白云卿更是非常刻薄。 The dangerous moment, was she rescued Bai Yunqing unexpectedly. 没想到,危难关头,竟是她救了白云卿 You not only escaped, why and can go in? To revenge?” Chu Feng by asking. “你既逃出来了,为何又要进去?是想报仇?”楚枫由问。 Bai Yunqing was just lost, obviously thinks the participate inspection, contacted Taishi Xingzhong, but was a pity that he now is too weak, inspection failure. 刚刚白云卿被丢出来,显然是想参加考核,接触太史星中,只是可惜他现在太弱,考核失败了。 I know revenges possibly minimal, but I must try, while this opportunity, failed even, I still recognized, always compared with being stronger of barely managing to maintain a feeble existence.” “我知道报仇的可能微乎其微,可我总要试一试,趁着这个机会,就算失败了,我也认了,总比苟延残喘的要强。” Bai Yunqing said, really such as Chu Feng thinks, he is to revenge. 白云卿道,果然如楚枫所想,他就是想要报仇。 Actually you can also be saved.” “其实你还有救。” Your cultivation realm, can restore, but you must stop forcefully stable cultivation realm.” Chu Feng said. “你的修为,可以恢复,但你必须停止强行稳固修为。”楚枫说道。 Really can restore?” Bai Yunqing looks suddenly to Chu Feng, during that look, as if despaired saw wiped the hope. “真的能恢复?”白云卿猛然看向楚枫,那种眼神,仿佛绝望之中看到了一抹希望。 How I will deceive you.” “我怎会骗你。” Doing that but you must say according to me.” “但你要按照我说的做。” Afterward, then starts to arrange formation technique, first poisonous pill Bai Yunqing within the body takes out, later helps him stand firm the injury. 随后,便开始布置阵法,先是将白云卿体内的毒丹取出,随后又帮他稳住伤势。 You wait for me here, before I have not come back, do not run all over the place again.” Chu Feng said to Bai Yunqing. “你在这里等我,我没回来之前,不要再乱跑。”楚枫白云卿说道。 But Chu Feng just planned to leave, did the hand of Bai Yunqing then hold Chu Feng you to go? Must look for the Taishi Xingzhong son.” 楚枫刚打算动身,白云卿的手便抓住了楚枫“你去哪?是不是要去找太史星中的儿子。” Method that you said is to seize my bloodlines?” “你说的方法,是要将我的血脉夺回来?” Chu Feng had not replied, he also knows, cannot hide the truth from Bai Yunqing. 楚枫没有回答,他也知道,瞒不住白云卿 „It is not good, Chu Feng Big Brother, I cannot make you take this risk.” Bai Yunqing said. “不行,楚枫大哥,我不能让你冒此风险。”白云卿道。 You felt, you can calm down I, can block me?” “你觉得,你是能够劝得住我,还是能够拦得住我?” Or, you want to expose me “又或者,你想暴露我 , Making me be held by Taishi Xingzhong directly? ” Chu Feng asked. ,让我直接被太史星中抓住?”楚枫问。 The Bai Yunqing look stagnates, he urged Chu Feng, the itself/Ben did not think the Chu Feng adventure, naturally does not hope that Chu Feng was held. 白云卿神色一滞,他劝楚枫,本就是不想楚枫冒险,自然不希望楚枫被抓住。 If you do not think that I have the matter, you believe me.” Chu Feng said. “若是你不想我有事,那你就相信我。”楚枫说道。 Bai Yunqing hesitant, let loose grabbed Chu Feng's, but actually took out a map to give Chu Feng. 白云卿犹豫了一下,放开了抓住楚枫的手,但却取出一副地图递给楚枫 Chu Feng Big Brother, Taishi Xingzhong son, now here.” Bai Yunqing said. 楚枫大哥,太史星中的儿子,如今就在这里。”白云卿说道。 This is present Bai Yunqing, can only for the Chu Feng's help. 这是眼下白云卿,唯一能为楚枫的帮助了。 Chu Feng read a map earnestly, immediately also asked Brother Bai to Bai Yunqing, you knew Totem Dragon Clan Clan Head, with Long Chengyu their present whereabouts?” 楚枫认真看了一眼地图,旋即又对白云卿问道“白兄,你知道图腾龙族族长,和龙承羽他们现在去向吗?” Chu Feng Big Brother, I heard you and Long Chengyu they have the friendship, therefore after the rebellion, had once inquired.” 楚枫大哥,我听闻了你与龙承羽他们有交情,所以叛乱之后,也曾打探过。” But at that time, Taishi Xingzhong has moved to me killed the heart, I cannot inquire the reliable information.” “但那个时候,太史星中已对我动了杀心,我打探不出可靠消息。” Hears, Long Chengyu they are also living now.” Bai Yunqing said. “不过听闻,龙承羽他们现在还活着。”白云卿说道。 Knew, in such me.” “知道了,在此等我。” Afterward, Chu Feng then returned to the place of Taishi Xingzhong hiring. 随后,楚枫便回到了太史星中招人的地方。 When arrived here, Chu Feng had camouflaged the facial features, is Little Brother also for oneself, he decides to take risk one time. 来到这里时,楚枫已经伪装了面容,为兄弟也为自己,他决定冒险一次。 If that exists mystically, then is really all-resourceful, can stare at him, so long as will camouflage the facial features he to know. 倘若那位神秘存在,真那么神通广大,能够一直盯着他,只要伪装面容他就会知道的话。 Then, after Chu Feng camouflage, he also gives the feedback immediately. 那么想必,楚枫伪装之后,他也会立刻给出回馈。 Otherwise, then also explained that is to frighten the person, Chu Feng... can camouflage the facial features. 否则,便也说明,那位是吓唬人,楚枫…可以伪装面容。 Camouflage facial features at the same time, Chu Feng also camouflaged cultivation realm, and smooth then adopted the inspection. 伪装面容的同时,楚枫也伪装了修为,并且顺利的便通过了考核。 But after inspection, Chu Feng and through others of inspection, enters in a blocked city today together. 而通过考核后,楚枫与今日通过考核的其他人,一同进入了一座被封锁的城池之中。 All the way, has World Spiritist to guide, they are not the Totem Dragon Clan people, should be the Taishi Xingzhong subordinate. 一路上,都有界灵师带路,他们不是图腾龙族的人,应该是太史星中的手下。 Originally Chu Feng also wants to look for the opportunity to sneak off. 本来楚枫还想寻找机会溜走。 But soon discovered, the route that they go, to the Taishi Xingzhong son, the detained direction goes unexpectedly. 可是很快发现,他们行驶的路线,竟是向太史星中儿子,关押的方向而去。 It seems like, did not need to slide.” “看来,不用溜了。” Chu Feng realized the truth, looks at these of peer again, in high spirits person, unavoidably some sympathies. 楚枫意识到了真相,再看同行的那些,兴高采烈的人,不免有些同情。 Originally, they will not become Taishi Xingzhong disciple, will only become the Taishi Xingzhong son's sacrificial victim. 原来,他们并不会成为太史星中弟子,只会成为太史星中儿子的牺牲品。 Taishi Xingzhong, unexpectedly under the pretext of recruiting child, chooses the sacrificial victim for his son. 太史星中,竟以招收第子为幌子,为其儿子挑选牺牲品。 This person, the sin is seriously grave, is unforgivable. 此人,当真罪孽深重,不可饶恕。
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