MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5718: dragon Sui is not right

Chapter 5716 dragon Sui is not right 第5716章龙髓不对 He ignores the risk, goes to Seven Worlds Saint Palace, for is this seven casts the soul to be fragrant. 他不顾风险,前往七界圣府,为的就是这根七界铸魂香。 According to his suspicion, the effect is not even good, but still at least some effects. 按照他的猜想,就算效果不好,但也会最起码有一些效果。 Even the luck is good, Eggy will revive directly, how can an effect? 甚至运气好,蛋蛋会直接苏醒过来,怎么会一点效果都没有? Was I judges wrong?” “难道是我判断错了?” Chu Feng starts the self-doubt, originally according to his observation, Eggy needs to strengthen the soul and mortal body treasure, can restore. 楚枫开始自我怀疑,本来按照他的观察,蛋蛋需要增强灵魂与肉身的宝物,才能恢复。 However, seven cast the soul to be fragrant, is in this treasure top. 然,七界铸魂香,已是这种宝物中顶级的了。 Especially formation technique of Chu Feng arrangement, can seven cast the soul fragrant drug efficacy to display extreme. 尤其楚枫布置的阵法,能够将七界铸魂香的药效发挥到了极致 In this case, seven cast a soul effect not to have fragrant, that then can only explain that Chu Feng made a mistake the treatment direction. 这种情况下,七界铸魂香却一点效果都没有,那便只能说明楚枫搞错了救治的方向。 But if should not so treat and cure. 可若不该如此救治。 When how that does treat and cure? 那又当如何救治? Chu Feng at once, completely did not have the clue. 楚枫一时之间,也全然没了头绪。 Eggy you could rest assured that gives me again some time, I will certainly cure you.” 蛋蛋你放心,再给我一些时间,我一定会将你治好。” Although this matter, is very big to the Chu Feng attack, but Chu Feng in front of Eggy, is as far as possible the self-confident appearance of performance. 虽然这件事,对楚枫打击挺大,但楚枫蛋蛋面前,还是尽量表现的自信满满的样子。 Goes out after World Spirit Space, the Chu Feng facial expression seems very low. 界灵空间走出后,楚枫神情显得十分低落。 Over time, dragon Sui under quenching of own soul, like not wild initially. 随着时间流逝,那龙髓在自己灵魂的淬炼下,早已不像当初那么狂暴。 But this dragon Sui wild strength is the decrease, Chu Feng more is felt that this dragon Sui felt strange. 可这龙髓的狂暴之力越是减退,楚枫越是感觉这龙髓奇怪。 As for where strange, Chu Feng also said that is not quite clear. 至于哪里奇怪,楚枫也说不太清楚。 But is faint, Chu Feng felt oneself were occupied by bound probably. 但隐隐间,楚枫感觉自己好像被束缚住了。 According to Long Lin(dragon scale) said, this dragon Sui can take out at any time. 按照龙鳞所说,这龙髓是可以随时取出的。 But Chu Feng does not believe the Long Lin(dragon scale) words. 楚枫并不太相信龙鳞的话。 But Chu Feng does not know, danger that he faces, incessantly so. 楚枫不知道的是,他所面临的危险,远不止如此。 Chu Feng these days, has treated in Totem Dragon Clan forbidden land. 楚枫这些日子,一直待在图腾龙族禁地之内。 But actually existences of two non- Totem Dragon Clan, arrived at this side world early. 但却早有两个非图腾龙族的存在,来到了这方世界。 Smells day of Taoist, with Seven Worlds Saint Palace beast shadow World Spiritist. 乃是嗅天道人,与七界圣府的兽影界灵师 At this time, above unmanned void, two people stand shoulder to shoulder. 此时,一处无人的虚空之上,二人并肩而立。 Smells day of Taoist, to twitch own nose that Totem Dragon Clan forbidden land is keeping. 嗅天道人,正对着图腾龙族禁地不停的抽动自己的鼻子。 Smells day of Taoist, you really can determine, Chu Feng in that?” “嗅天道人,你真的能确定,楚枫在那里面?” If can determine, I go to and Totem Dragon Clan person negotiate.” Beast shadow World Spiritist said. “若能确定,我就去和图腾龙族的人交涉一下。”兽影界灵师说道。 No, do not go, you think that you are Sir Mansion Lord, will Totem Dragon Clan give you this face?” Smells a day of Daoist priest to say. “别,你可别去,你以为你是府主大人吗,图腾龙族会给你这个面子?”嗅天道长道。 May hear this words, a beast shadow World Spiritist eye of reveal is disgruntled: Trivial does Totem Dragon Clan, dare to oppose with my Seven Worlds Saint Palace?” 可听闻此话,兽影界灵师却目露不悦:“区区图腾龙族,难道敢与我七界圣府作对?” On, does not certainly dare to oppose outwardly, but he can look for the excuse rejection.” “明面上,当然不敢作对,但他可以找借口拒绝啊。” Moreover, Chu Feng was not possibly grasped by the Totem Dragon Clan person.” “况且,楚枫也可能不是被图腾龙族的人抓了。” Not being able to do well that boy was ambushes, the Totem Dragon Clan people did not know him.” “搞不好那小子是潜伏进去了,连图腾龙族的人都不知道他在。” Don't forget, this boy and Totem Dragon Clan Young Lord Long Chengyu, the relations were very good.” Smells day of Taoist to say. “别忘了,这小子与图腾龙族少主龙承羽,关系很好。”嗅天道人说道。 How you plan, we waited is so long, difficult Daoyi straight?” Beast shadow World Spiritist asked. “那你打算如何,我们都等了这么久了,难道一直等下去?”兽影界灵师问道。 Anxious anything, could not eat the hot tofu impatiently.” “急什么,心急吃不了热豆腐。” This poor Daoist has the premonition, Chu Feng will certainly come out, so long as he comes out, we can catch him.” Smells day of Taoist to say. “贫道有预感,楚枫一定会出来的,只要他出来,咱们就可以抓到他。”嗅天道人说道。 But he has not spoken the truth, he can smell the Chu Feng's life aura to be good, therefore the determination, Chu Feng had not been grasped from this , the inference, Chu Feng will come out from this sooner or later. 但他没有说实话,他能嗅到楚枫的生命气息良好,所以由此判定,楚枫没有被抓起来,也由此推断,楚枫迟早会出来。 Why did not tell the facts, naturally to prove own decision was correct, in the future can also better taking undeserved credit. 为何不实话实说,自然是为了证明自己的决定正确,日后也可以更好的邀功。 ...... …… At this time, in Totem Dragon Clan forbidden land. 此时,图腾龙族禁地内。 senior, help.” 前辈,帮我个忙。” Helps me nose, Long Lin(dragon scale) whether is observing me.” Chu Feng asked to Heaven Swallowing Qilin. “帮我查探一下,龙鳞是否在观察我。”楚枫吞天麒麟问道。 These days, Chu Feng induced the Long Lin(dragon scale) vision repeatedly, he also knows that Long Lin(dragon scale) has been observing itself in secret. 这些日子,楚枫多次感应龙鳞的目光,他也知道龙鳞一直在暗中观察自己。 However Long Lin(dragon scale) after all is existence of True God peak, the method that he has is also special, Chu Feng is unable guarantee own induction to be certainly accurate. 但是龙鳞毕竟是真神巅峰的存在,他掌握的手段也很特别,楚枫无法保证自己的感应一定准确。 At present, Chu Feng felt that Long Lin(dragon scale) does not seem to be, may want to make Heaven Swallowing Qilin help determine. 眼下,楚枫感觉龙鳞似乎不在,可还是想让吞天麒麟帮忙确定一下。 Is good?” Heaven Swallowing Qilin asked. “有好处吗?”吞天麒麟问。 „Didn't you want this dragon marrow?” Chu Feng asked. “你不想要这龙髓了?”楚枫问。 You are not willing to take to give this Sir to eat.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “你又不肯取出来给本大爷吃。”吞天麒麟道。 I can take, tastes to you.” Chu Feng said. “我可以取出来一点,给你尝尝。”楚枫说道。 Oh, really?” Heard this words, Heaven Swallowing Qilin came the interest immediately, therefore said: „Isn't the fellow at now, is inferior to take now?” “喔,真的?”听闻此话,吞天麒麟顿时来了兴致,于是说道:“那家伙现在不在,不如现在就取出来?” Good.” “好。” Chu Feng using the method, wants to take out the dragon marrow immediately. 楚枫立刻运用手段,想要将龙髓取出一些。 He attempts. 他只是尝试。 But this attempt is unimportant, Chu Feng discovered, the dragon marrow is unable to take out from own within the body. 可这一尝试不要紧,楚枫发现,龙髓无法从自己体内取出。 Strangest, was not that dragon Sui and own soul mounts one, but was the external force. 最诡异的,不是那龙髓与自己的灵魂镶嵌到了一起,而是外力。 Invisible external forces, bound lived in Chu Feng, this external force not to the Chu Feng substantive effect, but can indeed prevent the dragon marrow to take out from Chu Feng within the body. 是有一种无形的外力,束缚住了楚枫,这股外力不会对楚枫实质性的影响,但的确能够阻止龙髓从楚枫体内取出。 I cannot take.” Chu Feng said. “我取不出来。”楚枫说道。 Cannot take, that looks like the matter to have the fishy.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “取不出来,那看来事情有蹊跷啊。”吞天麒麟道。 senior, you are experienced, helping me analyze.” 前辈,你见多识广,帮我分析一下。” Chu Feng self-perception the external force, told Heaven Swallowing Qilin. 楚枫将自己感受到的外力,告诉了吞天麒麟 Small maple tree, you have a look at the opportunity, sees that Zulong remains the true body.” Heaven Swallowing Qilin said. “小枫子,你看看有没有机会,见到那祖龙遗骸的真身。”吞天麒麟说道。 Good.” Chu Feng should under. “好。”楚枫应下。 Before, Chu Feng is not willing to propose, sees that Zulong remains, is afraid Heaven Swallowing Qilin to do the matter. 之前,楚枫不愿意去提出,去见那祖龙遗骸,是害怕吞天麒麟搞事情。 After all Zulong remains, are very important to Totem Dragon Clan. 毕竟祖龙遗骸,对图腾龙族很重要。 And yet, oneself also encountered the difficult position, and this difficult position is very special, is an not being able to explain strength. 可眼下,自己也遇到了困境,并且这困境很特别,是一种解释不清的力量。 Therefore he also thought that this time difficult position, possibly is related with that Zulong remains. 因此他也觉得此时的困境,可能与那祖龙遗骸有关。 Long Lin(dragon scale) not only monitors Chu Feng in secret, every day on can also visit Chu Feng outwardly. 龙鳞不仅暗中监视楚枫,每日明面上也都会来探望楚枫 When today's Long Lin(dragon scale), Chu Feng then proposed, wants to go to Zulong remains to have a look. 而在今日龙鳞的时候,楚枫便提出,想去祖龙遗骸看看。 Little Friend Chu Feng, is not I do not lead you to go.” 楚枫小友,不是我不带你去。” But is Zulong remains, has special bloodlines formation technique, you cannot go, if goes in forcefully, will unable to withstand.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “而是祖龙遗骸,有特殊的血脉阵法,你根本就进不去,若是强行进去,会承受不住。”龙鳞说道。 senior, didn't my present within the body, camouflage dragon clan the bloodlines?” Chu Feng said. 前辈,我现在体内,不是伪装了龙族血脉吗?”楚枫道。 „It is not good, cannot take this risk.” “不行,不能冒此风险。” Little Friend Chu Feng, waits for some days again, when I have the selfishness.” 楚枫小友,再等些日子吧,就当我有私心。” „After you dragon marrow takes out, I can make you try, but before then, I am really afraid have something go wrong.” Long Lin(dragon scale) said. “你将龙髓取出后,我可以让你去试试,但在此之前,我真的害怕出岔子。”龙鳞道。 Good.” Chu Feng looked, no matter how on the Long Lin(dragon scale) mouth saying that but in fact does not want to go to Zulong remains by oneself. “那好。”楚枫看出来了,不管龙鳞嘴上怎么说,可实际上就是不想让自己去祖龙遗骸。 He also said uselessly, instead said are more, is easier to cause the Long Lin(dragon scale) suspicion. 他也是多说无益,反而说的越多,越容易引起龙鳞怀疑。 But what Chu Feng does not know, after Long Lin(dragon scale) walks, then arrived above that in the clouds pavilion directly. 楚枫不知道的是,龙鳞走后,便直接来到了那云中楼阁之上。 He arrives at the deep sleep in front of the dragon snow, held dragon Xue the old hand gently. 他来到沉睡的龙雪面前,轻轻挽起了龙雪苍老的手。 Obviously present female, so distressed, but Long Lin(dragon scale) expensive/noble is side Galaxy Overlord, looks at her look, is actually the eyeful affections. 明明眼前的女子,如此的狼狈,可龙鳞贵为一方天河霸主,看她的眼神,却是满眼爱意。 Xue Er, was quick, was about to succeed.” 雪儿,快了,就快成功了。” Possibly this is the divine intervention, I have not thought, Totem Dragon Clan does not have the dragon marrow of means that will be quenchinged by a Lower Realm little friend successfully.” “可能这就是天意,我也没想到,图腾龙族都没办法的龙髓,会被一个下界的小友淬炼成功。” Was a pity, his so talent.” “只是可惜了,他如此天赋。” For you, is worth, the good person, the unprincipled person, any reputation I do not care.” “不过为了你,都值得,好人也罢,坏人也罢,任何名头我都不在意。” I, so long as you can live well.” “我只要你能好好的活着。” PS: Today update these, recently several days update is the upholstery, immediately had the splendid plot to come. PS:今天更新就这些了,最近几日更新都是铺垫,马上就有精彩情节来了。 Moreover Little Brother felt, Long Lin(dragon scale) is good to be actually bad? 另外兄弟们觉得,龙鳞究竟是好是坏呢? () ()
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