MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5687: The second kills most God-cloak

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„Do you, have such World Spirit unexpectedly?” “你,竟有如此界灵?” Sees the Asura King imposing manner, in the old eyes in spirit sea also full is surprised. 看到修罗王的气势,灵沧海的老眼之中也满是惊讶。 After all the Asura King aura, is the Half God peak. 毕竟修罗王的气息,可是半神巅峰。 Bold wicked thief, suffers to death.” “大胆恶贼,受死。” But Asura King rubbish, the direct fist rumbles, boundless black flame, changes to a giant fist, pounded to that spirit sea. 修罗王也不废话,直接一拳轰出,磅礴的黑色气焰,化作一道巨大的拳头,向那灵沧海砸了过去。 However, that Black Flame great fist, after approaching spirit sea, actually scatters in all directions. 然而,那黒焰巨拳,在靠近灵沧海之后,却四散开来。 Originally is one defends formation, appeared before the body of spirit sea, kept off that say/way attack. 原来是一层防御结界,出现在了灵沧海的身前,挡下了那道攻击。 Hahaha......” 哈哈哈哈……” The spirit sea laughs fiercely. 灵沧海狰狞大笑起来。 Little Friend Chu Feng, do you hide are very deep?” 楚枫小友,你隐藏很深啊?” Your cultivation realm, can have what kind of skill and abilities, have such World Spirit?” “你的修为,何德何能,能有如此界灵?” It seems like elected right the person obsolete, perhaps obsolete this god pill, really can because of you, but accomplishment.” “看来老朽选对了人,老朽这神丹,说不定真的会因你而大成。” That obsolete this god skill, because of you but accomplishment.” “那老朽这神功,也将因你而大成了。” Spirit sea sends out fierce laughing, while wields begins the walking stick, launched the offensive to Asura King. 灵沧海一边发出狰狞的大笑,一边挥动手中拐杖,对修罗王发动了攻势。 Dreadful formation power, collected one with Martial Power. 滔天的结界之力,与武力汇集到了一起。 Power and influence that the two fight, is powerful, is not Chu Feng can observe. 二者交手的威势,非常强大,已不是楚枫能够观察的。 Chu Feng can only feel attentively, but the vision is difficult sees clearly. 楚枫只能用心感受,只是目光已是难以看清。 But after the feeling, the Chu Feng astonished discovery, this spirit sea do not visit him seems like, probably soon died appearance. 而感受之后,楚枫惊愕的发现,这灵沧海别看他看起来,像是快要死了的样子。 However his strength is seriously terrifying. 但是他的战力当真恐怖。 His control to Spirit Formation technique, is may be called exquisite, and formation technique that arranges, is extremely powerful. 他对结界之术的掌控,也是堪称精妙,并且布置的阵法,也都是极其强大。 Asura King battles with him, starts to deal actually, but, then fell over time quickly leeward. 修罗王与他交战,开始倒是能够应对,但是随着时间推移,很快便落入了下风。 But Asura King is the style completely uses, but the spirit sea obviously also has the ample force. 修罗王已是招式尽用,但灵沧海明显还有余力。 This spirit sea, under True Dragon given name of most World Spiritist, actually not empty. 这灵沧海,真龙之下最界灵师的名号,倒是不虚。 Sees with own eyes to continue, Asura King must suffer a loss. 眼见继续下去,修罗王就要吃亏。 Chu Feng opens the front door, later more than ten million black light beams graze from the front door, integrates Asura King within the body. 楚枫则是张开大门,随后上千万道黑色光束自大门内飞掠而出,融入修罗王的体内。 At this moment, the Asura King strength rises sharply. 这一刻,修罗王战力大涨。 Reason that the battle strength rises sharply , because in formation gate another end World Spirit Space. 之所以会战力大涨,乃是因为在结界门另一端的界灵空间内。 The Asura army, arranged great formation ten million/countless with joint forces. 千万修罗大军,合力布置出了大阵 Is this great formation, strengthened the strength of World Spirit king. 是这大阵,加强了界灵王的战力。 Sees this, the old eyes in that spirit sea is becomes exceptionally bright. 见到这一幕,那灵沧海的老眼都是变得异常明亮。 So many Asura World Spirit, so many strong in your Asura World Spirit, is willing to submit to you?” “这么多修罗界灵,这么多强于你的修罗界灵,甘愿臣服于你?” Little Friend Chu Feng, you may really make obsolete even more excited.” 楚枫小友,你可真是让老朽越发的兴奋啦。” You are giving obsolete, increases confidence that pill becomes.” “你是在给老朽,增添丹成的信心啊。” The spirit sea more hits is more ominous, various formation technique emerge one after another incessantly. 灵沧海越打越凶,各种阵法层出不穷。 Even if Asura King, holds ten million/countless in in addition of Asura army, the strength has been promoted, but did not beat the God-cloak peak the spirit sea. 哪怕修罗王,在千万修罗大军的加持下,战力已是得到提升,但仍不敌神袍巅峰的灵沧海。 Sir Chu Feng, or... gives you my strength.” 楚枫大人,要不…将我的力量交给你吧。” Asura King sound transmission in secret, maps the Chu Feng ear curtain. 修罗王的暗中传音,映入楚枫耳帘。 Actually some Chu Feng also this plans, but he proposed, perhaps somewhat offends somebody. 其实楚枫也有此打算,但是他主动提出,恐怕有些伤人。 Asura King, after all is the leader of Asura army. 修罗王,毕竟是修罗大军的领袖。 But he proposed, reason that Chu Feng has not rejected. 但他主动提出,楚枫倒也没有拒绝的理由了。 After all here, is Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 毕竟这里,可是七界圣府 Towed for a long time, a long delay usually means many problems. 拖久了,夜长梦多。 senior, that then gives me.” 前辈,那便交给我吧。” Chu Feng this words saying, Asura King then returns to World Spirit Space. 楚枫此话说完,修罗王便回到界灵空间之内。 But the formation gate, has not been closed, instead is that ten million/countless army the strength of formation technique, integrates Chu Feng within the body. 结界门,并未关闭,反而是那千万大军的阵法的力量,融入楚枫体内。 At this moment, Chu Feng surrounding black flame surges, his cultivation realm had arrived at Ninth Rank Half God. 这一刻,楚枫周围黑色气焰涌动,他的修为已是来到了九品半神 Because is Asura King, lent Chu Feng his strength, therefore Chu Feng promotes cultivation realm, and method of promotion strength is unable to use. 因为是修罗王,将他的力量借给了楚枫,所以楚枫提升修为,以及提升战力的手段都无法使用。 Asura King is what strength, Chu Feng is what strength. 修罗王是什么战力,楚枫就是什么战力。 Even, because is the strength of borrowing, the Chu Feng's display is also limited. 甚至,因为是借用的力量,楚枫的发挥也是有限。 But with the promotion of Chu Feng Spirit power, to the grasping enhancement of Spirit Formation technique, nowadays he is today we are no longer as we have been. 但随着楚枫精神力的提升,对结界之术的掌握提高,现如今的他已是今非昔比。 Present he, even if borrows the Asura King strength, good that very can also display. 现在的他,哪怕是借用修罗王的力量,也能发挥的很好。 Besides enhancing the method of realm and strength cannot use, other methods he can use willfully. 除了提升境界与战力的手段不能使用外,其他手段他都能够任意使用。 Un? Is this does do?” “嗯?这是干嘛?” Spirit sea, after Asura King withdraws World Spirit Space, has not acted again, but is sizing up Chu Feng. 灵沧海,在修罗王退后界灵空间后,并没有再度出手,而是打量着楚枫 „, Obsolete hasn't misread?” “不是吧,老朽没看错吧?” That only did World Spirit, lend you strength unexpectedly?” “那只界灵,竟将力量借给了你?” He does not know, World Spiritist excels at Spirit Formation technique, doesn't excel at the cultivator method?” “他难道不知道,界灵师擅长结界之术,并不擅长修武者的手段吗?” Spirit sea satire looks at Chu Feng, that look, seems regarding toys. 灵沧海讽刺的看着楚枫,那种眼神,仿佛在看待一个玩物。 The toys, are toys. 玩物,就是玩物。 It looks like in him, Chu Feng is not only his prey, is his toys, having he who must win self-confidently, enjoys the present very much. 于他看来,楚枫既是他的猎物,也是他的玩物,拥有必胜自信的他,很享受现在。 Your formation technique is very unusual, should be that day says in secret Dian formation technique?” “你的阵法很奇特,应该是那天道秘典中的阵法吧?” Chu Feng knows, Seven Worlds Saint Palace has a formation mystique, named Heavenly Dao secret Dian. 楚枫知道,七界圣府有一种结界秘法,名为天道秘典。 This secret Diannei Spirit Formation method difficult cultivation, but is extremely powerful. 这秘典内的结界阵难以修炼,但却极其强大。 You can look obsolete ability, why also to do struggles senselessly?” Spirit dark blue sea route. “你能看的出老朽的本领,又何必做无谓挣扎?”灵沧海道。 Your formation technique control is not weak, in addition in this endless years, you have proficiently grasped Heavenly Dao secret Diannei many formation technique, you are truly strong.” “你的阵法掌控力不弱,再加上这无尽岁月内,你已熟练掌握天道秘典内的多种阵法,你确实很强。” If there is a time, I want to fight with you actually earnestly.” “若是有时间的话,我倒是很想和你认真打一场。” But today, I want to fight a battle to force a quick decision.” “但是今日,我想速战速决。” During the Chu Feng speeches, revealed the antique heroic sword. 楚枫说话间,亮出了太古英雄剑。 Venerable Armament? Will you use?” Smiling of spirit sea ridicule. 尊兵?你会用吗?”灵沧海讥讽的笑着。 - 唰- But the next quarter, he could not smile. 可下一刻,他笑不出来了。 He sees with one's own eyes, own throat is spurting the blood, a sword pierced his nape of the neck from behind. 他亲眼看到,自己的喉咙在喷血,一把剑从后面洞穿了他的脖颈。 But stood in Chu Feng of distant place, not only vanishes in the line of sight, instead aura in it behind. 而原本站在远处的楚枫,不仅消失在视线内,反而气息在其身后。 You......” spirit sea stared the circle the eyes, he could not think through!!! “你……”灵沧海瞪圆了双眼,他想不通!!! Cannot think through, how Chu Feng appears in it behind. 想不通,楚枫是如何出现在其身后的。 „Can masterstroke/divine skill, once listen?” Chu Feng asked. “神技,可曾听过?”楚枫问。 Masterstroke?” The spirit sea pupil rotation, in the eye flashes through later wipes to have made up mind. “神技?”灵沧海眸子转动,随后眼中闪过一抹决意。 But quick, his look becomes panic-stricken. 但很快,他的眼神又变得惊恐起来。 He wants to use to protect formation technique, but the astonished discovery, his protection formation technique is invalid. 他本想动用守护阵法,可却惊愕的发现,他的守护阵法无效。 Turns the head to wait and see, sees only the Chu Feng's palm, the strange suctions are reappearing, was that suction destroyed protection formation technique of spirit sea. 转头观望,只见楚枫的手掌,正在有一股诡异的吸力浮现,是那吸力破坏了灵沧海的守护阵法 But protection formation technique of his within the body, powerful, only has he himself to know, how to be broken by a trivial junior? 但他体内的守护阵法,有多强大,唯有他自己知晓,岂会被一个区区小辈所破? „Who you... are you?” “你…你到底是什么人?” Comes my Seven Worlds Saint Palace, has what goal?” The spirit sea, asked with that hoarse and fearful sound. “来我七界圣府,有何目的?”灵沧海,用那嘶哑而可怕的声音问道。 You may ask, these were built up the person by you, who is?” “你可有问过,那些被你炼化之人,都是什么人?” Chu Feng this words saying, in the eye the ruthless color appears, later the long sword wields, cuts off the neck of spirit sea. 楚枫此话说完,眼中狠色浮现,随后长剑挥动,将灵沧海的脖子斩断。 But , the spirit sea neck cut off that moment, spirit sea within the body presents several formation chains. 可就在,灵沧海脖子被斩断那一刻,灵沧海体内出现数道结界锁链 That formation chains, the speed is extremely fast, originally Chu Feng also in coverage scope. 结界锁链,速度极快,原本楚枫也在覆盖范围内。 The good Chu Feng has god line in the body, in matching the World Spirit king lends his cultivation realm, the Chu Feng's god line can be the Second Rank True God speed. 还好楚枫有神行在身,搭配上界灵王借给他的修为,楚枫的神行可以达到二品真神的速度。 After Chu Feng avoids discovered, that formation chains, not only body blockade spirit sea, its body blockade in same place. 楚枫躲开后发现,那结界锁链,不仅将灵沧海的身体封锁,更是将其身体封锁在了原地。 formation technique?” “还有阵法?” Sees this one, Chu Feng is also in the heart one tight, did not sigh secretly wonderfully. 见此一幕,楚枫也是心中一紧,暗叹不妙。
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