MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5686: Helps obsolete busy

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Relax, my mouth is very strict.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “放心,我嘴巴很严。”楚枫笑道。 Later, Chu Feng has not returned to own residence, but was invited by the spirit in years past, lives together with her. 之后,楚枫并没有回到自己的住所,而是受灵昔年邀请,与她同住。 The spirit in years past, spirit cloud vast and others, held a glee feast for Chu Feng, celebration Chu Feng reached the Big Dipper gravity tower. 紧接着,灵昔年,灵云浩等人,更是为楚枫举行了一场庆功宴,庆祝楚枫登顶七星重力塔。 Regarding this glee feast, Chu Feng is the happy expression is also full, but the innermost feelings have not actually been moved. 对于这个庆功宴,楚枫也是笑意满满,可内心却没有丝毫感动。 The adversity sees the true feelings. 正所谓患难见真情。 When Chu Feng successfully reaches the Big Dipper gravity tower, the vision that Seven Worlds Saint Palace people that is hostile, Chu Feng may still remember. 楚枫成功登顶七星重力塔,七界圣府众人那敌视的目光,楚枫可还记得。 If not for behind, that Saint Rank Elder opens the mouth, hints with Chu Feng is together harmoniously. 若不是后面,那个圣级长老开口,示意与楚枫和谐相处。 Let alone this glee feast will not have, perhaps the spirit and others, does not dare to speak in years past. 别说这场庆功宴不会有,也许灵昔年等人,都不敢与自己说话。 Therefore the glee feast starts shortly, Chu Feng then on the grounds of ill, returning to the spirit to rest for the room that he arranged in years past. 所以庆功宴开始没多久,楚枫便以身体不适为由,回到灵昔年为他安排的房间去休息了。 The trip, the harvest is very good. 此行,收获还是很不错的。 Not only obtained, in the Big Dipper gravity tower, that protects the formation technique strength, were many a maintaining life symbol. 不仅得到了,七星重力塔内,那守护阵法的力量,多了一道保命符。 And the Big Dipper gravity tower trip, Chu Feng's Spirit power also obtained forging, Chu Feng sensed regarding the breakthrough turning point is deeper. 并且七星重力塔此行,楚枫的精神力也是得到了锻造,楚枫对于突破契机感悟更深了。 Un?” “嗯?” But suddenly, the Chu Feng look changes, he detected in the room probably to be many a person. 可忽然,楚枫神色一变,他察觉到房间内好像多了一个人。 Has vision together, is staring at itself. 有一道目光,正在凝视着自己。 But Chu Feng has not set out with enough time, blocks formation technique together, then blocked Chu Feng. 楚枫还没来得及起身,一道封锁阵法,便将楚枫封锁了起来。 Really, together form, appears in Room Chu Feng. 果然,一道身影,也是出现在楚枫内。 Sea Sir?” “沧海大人?” Chu Feng recognizes this person, this old man precisely that was stranded in God-cloak peak several years, and has under True Dragon the spirit sea of most World Spiritist title. 楚枫认得此人,这个老头正是那位,被困在神袍巅峰数载,且有着真龙之下最界灵师称号的灵沧海。 Little Friend Chu Feng, helping obsolete one be possible to be good busily?” 楚枫小友,帮老朽一个忙可好?” The spirit sea demons smile, and this words saying, but also does not need Chu Feng to reply, then the big sleeve wields, the strength of teleportation appeared, bringing Chu Feng to leave spirit in years past mansion. 灵沧海邪魅一笑,且此话说完,还不待楚枫回答,便大袖一挥,传送之力浮现,带着楚枫离开了灵昔年的府邸。 After one hurries along, the spirit sea brings Chu Feng, arrived at his mansion. 一番赶路之后,灵沧海带着楚枫,来到了他的府邸。 The mansion in spirit sea is not very big, looks that is also very broken, but outside the mansion has formation technique layer upon layer. 灵沧海的府邸不是很大,看着也很残破,可是府邸外面却有着层层阵法 The spirit sea breaks open formation technique, after bringing Chu Feng is entering in the mansion, Chu Feng discovered, in this mansion different, hidden underground palace. 灵沧海破开阵法,带着楚枫进入府邸之内后,楚枫才发现,这府邸内别有洞天,暗藏地宫 The spirit sea brings Chu Feng, after arriving at the underground palace deep place, irritating the nose bloody aura, then swamps into the Chu Feng's nose. 灵沧海带着楚枫,来到地宫深处后,一股刺鼻的血腥气息,便涌入楚枫的鼻子之中。 Here, has died the person, and has died many people. 这里,死过人,并且死过很多人。 The spirit sea brings Chu Feng to continue thoroughly, opened a door, after that gate opens, the bloody air/Qi that irritates the nose heads on. 灵沧海带着楚枫继续深入,打开了一道门,那道门打开之后,更为刺鼻的血腥之气扑面而来。 Simultaneously appears at present, is a bronze building up crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality. 同时浮现在眼前的,乃是一座古铜色的炼丹鼎。 This refining up the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality, absolutely is the priceless treasure. 这炼丹鼎,绝对是无价之宝。 But that rich bloody aura, precisely from that crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality. 而那浓郁的血腥气息,正是来自那座丹鼎。 Sees that crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality, Chu Feng knows, this spirit sea is not the good person. 看到那座丹鼎,楚枫就知道,这灵沧海不是什么好人。 In this crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality, refining up is not elixir, but is the person. 这丹鼎内,炼化的不是丹药,而是人。 „Can Little Friend Chu Feng, why know this cauldron to use?” Asking that the spirit sea smiles. 楚枫小友,可知此鼎为何用?”灵沧海笑眯眯的问道。 Your cultivation evil way cultivation technique?” Chu Feng asked. “你修炼了邪道功法?”楚枫问。 Hahaha......” spirit sea has a good laugh, the hoarse laughter actually infiltrates the person extremely. 哈哈哈哈……”灵沧海仰天大笑,嘶哑的笑声却极其渗人。 what Weizheng, what Weixie, the old man was only cultivation cultivation technique, because this cultivation technique needs to kill people, was the evil way?” “何为正,何为邪,老夫只是修炼功法,难道因为这功法需要杀人,便是邪道了吗?” If so, under then did not have the correct path on that day, because anybody can base on this vast martial cultivation world, in the hand must contaminate fresh of others.” Spirit dark blue sea route. “若真是如此,那天下便没有正道,因为任何人能够立足于这浩瀚修武界,手上都必须沾染其他人的鲜。”灵沧海道。 Seven Worlds Saint Palace, knows these matters that you do?” Chu Feng asked. 七界圣府,知道你做的这些事吗?”楚枫问。 How knows, how doesn't know?” “知道又如何,不知又如何?” Since the ancient times, wins king Baikou, when results in the old man god skill accomplishment, who dares to say old man no?” The spirit sea asked. “自古以来,胜王败寇,待得老夫神功大成,谁敢说老夫半个不字?”灵沧海问道。 You lead me to come to here, should not want to refine me?” Chu Feng asked. “你带我来这里,该不会想炼化我吧?”楚枫问。 Because of the spirit sea, does not have any conceals, made Chu Feng see directly side that his could not withstand. 因为灵沧海,没有任何隐瞒,直接就让楚枫看到了他这不堪的一面。 The two have no friendship, he does this, had not planned mostly makes Chu Feng live departure. 二者没有任何交情,他这样做,多半就是没打算让楚枫活着离开。 Little Friend Chu Feng, must blame not obsolete, obsolete this god pill cultivation many years, cannot break through.” 楚枫小友,莫要怪老朽,老朽这神丹修炼多年,始终未能突破。” „To try obsolete, looks for talent good junior World Spiritist, can help obsolete realizes this pill.” Spirit dark blue sea route. “老朽想试试,找一位天赋好的小辈界灵师,能否助老朽将此丹练成。”灵沧海道。 „Was here person of dying, the person of your Seven Worlds Saint Palace?” Chu Feng asked loudly. “难道这里死去之人,都是你七界圣府之人吗?”楚枫大声问道。 Of course not, how is obsolete to start to kin?” Spirit dark blue sea route. “当然不是,老朽岂会对同族下手?”灵沧海道。 kin will not start, why that must start to me, I will also soon join Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” Chu Feng said. “既不会同族下手,那为何要对我下手,我也即将加入七界圣府的。”楚枫道。 Hears this words, the spirit sea cracks into a smile, reveals that not to remain several, but actually black tooth of black becoming stale. 听闻此话,灵沧海咧嘴一笑,露出那不剩几颗,但却已黑的发臭的黑牙。 At this time his smile is very fierce, has not distinguished with the malicious ghost. 此时他的笑容十分狰狞,与恶鬼没有区别。 Little Friend Chu Feng, your talent, although is good, but is very naive.” 楚枫小友,你天赋虽好,可却很天真。” You really think that entered Seven Worlds Saint Palace, was the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person?” “你真的以为进入了七界圣府,便是七界圣府的人了?” You may see, under Seven Worlds Saint Palace mansion these people?” “你可有看到,七界圣府下府那些人?” You really felt, they are also the Seven Worlds Saint Palace people?” “你真的觉得,他们也是七界圣府的人吗?” Chu Feng had not replied, these people in name are the Seven Worlds Saint Palace people. 楚枫没有回答,那些人名义上是七界圣府的人。 In fact is the Seven Worlds Saint Palace slave, and loses the free slave. 实际上不过是七界圣府的奴隶罢了,并且是失去自由的奴隶。 Little Friend Chu Feng, you think, your housing where?” The spirit sea also asked. 楚枫小友,你想一下,你的居住之所是在何地啊?”灵沧海又问。 Where? The institute of Chu Feng's housing, was arranged under the mansion. 何地?楚枫的居住之所,被安排在了下府。 We through the heavy inspection, joined Seven Worlds Saint Palace even.” “我们就算通过重重考核,加入了七界圣府。” But in your eyes , is like the person of below mansion, right?” Chu Feng asked. “可于你们眼中,也只是与下府之人一样,对吧?”楚枫问。 No, you and they compare, there are greatly is very different.” “不,你与他们比,还是有很大不同的。” Your talent is very good, even if in the future cannot enter Celestial Palace, still has the opportunity to enter every mansion.” “你天赋很好,日后就算不能进入天府,也有机会进入凡府。” But you will never become a Seven Worlds Saint Palace member truly, will not become the Seven Worlds Saint Palace future master.” “但你永远不会真正的成为七界圣府的一份子,更不会成为七界圣府日后的主人。” Even if they treat hello/you good, is still only the surface , because you have the use value.” “就算他们待你好,也只是表面而已,是因为你有利用价值。” Like this by the life of use, I am wanted is not you wants.” “这样被人利用的人生,我想也不是你想要的。” Dies early early unique, like this you struggle with it is living. Might as well lets help you get rid of this bound obsolete, just you also help obsolete helping hand.” “正所谓早死早超脱,你与其这样挣扎的活着。还不如让老朽帮你摆脱这束缚,刚好你也也助老朽一臂之力。” Considers before death, did a meaningful good.” The spirit sea spoke, then brings Chu Feng, before arriving refine the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality . “就当是生前,做了一件有意义的善事。”灵沧海说话间,便带着楚枫,来到了炼丹鼎之前。 Goes to your mother.” “去你娘的。” Meaningful matter, butchered your old bastard.” Chu Feng scolded. “有意义的事,就宰了你这老畜生。”楚枫骂道。 The spirit sea is not angry, but exudes the gloomy laughter, and is smiling, while opens the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality, plans to lose Chu Feng. 灵沧海也不生气,而是发出阴森的笑声,且一边笑着,一边打开丹鼎,打算将楚枫丢进去。 Bang- 轰- But suddenly, a loud sound transmits, that bound Chu Feng's formation breaks unexpectedly. 可忽然,一声巨响传来,那束缚楚枫的结界竟破碎开来。 Fixes the eyes on looked, before Chu Feng body, had/left a big form. 定睛一看,楚枫身前多出了一道高大的身影。 Asura King, Kui Ting!!! 修罗王,魁庭!!!
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