MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5685: The status in spirit sea

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As for below people, starts indeed surprisedly. 至于下方众人,开始的确惊讶。 But also understood the Chu Feng's intention quickly. 但很快也明白了楚枫的意图。 Although Chu Feng this act, making them also quite uncomfortable, but actually is also just right for their intention. 虽然楚枫此举,让他们也颇为不爽,但其实也正合他们心意。 They are to make Chu Feng be defeated, like this passes on, can preserve the Seven Worlds Saint Palace prestige. 他们就是要让楚枫失败,这样传出去,能够保全七界圣府的声誉。 But what they do not know, that seven light beams cover Chu Feng simultaneously, Chu Feng's need to deal with the Seventh Level test firmly simultaneously, but Chu Feng can actually deal. 但他们不知道的是,那七道光柱同时覆盖楚枫,楚枫的确需要同时应对七重考验,但楚枫却是能够应对的。 Although is very indeed difficult, but Chu Feng actually can also deal. 虽然的确很难,但楚枫却也能够应对。 The plan that Chu Feng starts, indeed such as the people guessed general, was wants to be defeated. 楚枫开始的打算,的确如众人所猜测一般,就是想要失败。 Because of the attitudes of these people, only has him to be defeated, can leave. 因为这些人的态度,唯有他失败,才能离开。 But when his really start challenge, understands after these seven select the rule of battlefield, Chu Feng changed the idea. 可当他真的开始挑战,明白了这七界挑战阵的规则后,楚枫改变了想法。 After original seven select the battlefield challenges to be successful, will not have any advantage, but will obtain a token. 原来七界挑战阵挑战成功后,不会有任何好处,只是会得到一个令牌。 This is an honor challenge, without substantive advantage. 这就是一项荣誉挑战而已,没有实质性的好处。 But if challenges successfully, that token integrates Challenger within the body directly. 但若挑战成功,那令牌直接融入挑战者体内。 Challenger is willing to demonstrate, naturally can prove oneself challenge successfully. 挑战者愿意展示出来,自然能够证明自己挑战成功。 But if not demonstrate, no one knows whether he succeeds. 但若不展示出来,也没人知道他是否成功。 Therefore Chu Feng decided, he must complete these seven challenges. 所以楚枫决定,他要完成这七项挑战。 When must in the future, tear to pieces the facial skin with Seven Worlds Saint Palace, reveals seven tokens directly, hits their faces. 待得日后,与七界圣府撕破脸皮之时,直接亮出七道令牌,来打他们的脸。 Their today's countenance self-satisfied, future countenance ugly/difficult to look at. 他们今日的嘴脸有多得意,日后的嘴脸就有多难看。 But, simultaneously challenges seven, the difficulty is indeed big, Chu Feng also needs to adapt. 但,同时挑战七项,难度的确不小,楚枫也需要适应。 Therefore the Chu Feng's challenge time, then broke the record quickly. 所以楚枫的挑战时间,很快便打破了记录。 How didn't he... have?” “他…怎么还没下来?” He does not want to give up, he really wants also to challenge.” “他没想放弃,他是真的想要同时挑战。” Scoundrel, this boy, what's the matter?” “混账,这小子,到底怎么回事?” Was seeing with own eyes the time 1 0.1 points pass, the Chu Feng's challenge had not ended. 眼见着时间一点一点流逝,楚枫的挑战并没有结束。 The Seven Worlds Saint Palace person also realized, they thought mistakenly. 七界圣府的人也意识到,他们想错了。 Chu Feng is really challenging, rather than suspends intentionally rottenly. 楚枫就是真的在挑战,而不是故意摆烂。 Saint Rank Sir Elder.” At this time, some Elder, start in secret the sound transmission in spirit pupil 圣级长老大人。”此时,有些长老,开始暗中传音于灵眸子 meaning is very obvious, that cannot make Chu Feng succeed. 意思很明显,那就是不能让楚枫成功。 The record of Ling Xiao was broken fortunately, if the record of Jie Ranqing were also broken, that may really be the face countenance not saves. 灵霄的记录被打破还好,若是界染清的记录也被打破,那可就真是颜面无存了。 Therefore... they want to play a dirty trick in secret, destroy the Chu Feng's challenge. 所以…他们想暗中使坏,破坏楚枫的挑战。 Everyone, do not act rashly.” “所有人,不要轻举妄动。” That is seven selects the battlefield, so long as opens, others are unable to interfere.” “那可是七界挑战阵,只要开启,旁人无法干涉。” You, if begins in secret, will only expose the behavior, throws my Seven Worlds Saint Palace person.” “你们若暗中动手,只会暴露行为,丢我七界圣府的人。” The spirit pupil replies in secret, but also added: 灵眸子暗中回复,但紧接着又补充道: Does not need extremely to be worried, he is impossible to succeed.” “不用太过担心,他不可能成功。” Compares in others, as the spirit pupil of Saint Rank Elder, is actually confident. 相比于其他人,身为圣级长老的灵眸子,倒是颇具信心。 Really, finally formation technique stops, but Chu Feng was also weak sitting down exhausted on the ground. 果然,最终阵法停止,而楚枫也是虚弱的瘫坐在了地上。 Does not need to ask, sees a Chu Feng face depressed expression, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace people then relaxes. 不用问,看到楚枫一脸沮丧的表情,七界圣府众人便纷纷松了一口气。 Chu Feng, you are also mediocre, I also think that you challenge seven simultaneously, some big skills.” 楚枫,你也不过如此啊,我还以为你同时挑战七项,有多大的本事呢。” That provokes the Chu Feng's red hair man, immediately satirizes laughs. 那名挑衅楚枫的红毛男子,立刻讽刺的大笑起来。 He such remarks, has immediately with his later generations of a similar age, starts to echo: 他此话一出,也立刻有与他年纪相仿的后辈们,开始附和: Yes, delaying is so long, I also think that he can succeed, result tired with dog has not succeeded, wastes the young master time.” “就是,拖延这么久,我还以为他能成功,结果累的跟狗似的也没成功,真是浪费小爷时间。” Aiya, the one had only known, I did not look that this lived it up, this Miss has this time, might as well goes to talk openly with my World Spirit.” “哎呀,早知如此,我就不看这个热闹了,本小姐有这个时间,还不如去和我的界灵谈谈心呢。” Shut up.” But suddenly, the Saint Rank Elder spirit pupil, angrily rebukes, immediately said: “住口。”可突然,圣级长老灵眸子,怒斥一声,旋即说道: Little Friend Chu Feng, in the future is also my Seven Worlds Saint Palace member.” 楚枫小友,日后也是我七界圣府的一份子。” Regardless of Big Dipper gravity tower whether has adjusted, he can reach seven, that is also a magnificent feat.” “无论七星重力塔是否是调整过的,他能登顶七座,那也都是一项壮举。” As for these seven selects the battlefield, except for dyeing clear Miss, who can challenge seven?” “至于这七界挑战阵,除了染清小姐,谁能挑战七项?” „Can anyone of you?” “你们谁能?” The spirit pupil such remarks, everyone understood his meaning. 灵眸子此话一出,所有人都明白了他的意思 Therefore the sound of taunt also ended in this. 于是嘲讽之音也结束于此。 Afterward, that spirit pupil looked to the spirit in years past: 随后,那灵眸子看向灵昔年: In years past, bringing Little Friend Chu Feng to go back to rest.” “昔年,带楚枫小友回去休息。” He said this words, the spirit dares to leave in years past, flies side Chu Feng. 他说出此话,灵昔年才敢动身,飞到楚枫身旁。 Little Brother Chu Feng, are you all right?” Spirit in years past concerned asking. 楚枫弟弟,你没事吧?”灵昔年关切的问道。 In years past Elder Sister, I was all right.” Chu Feng smiles. “昔年姐姐,我没事。”楚枫笑了笑 Little Brother Chu Feng, you do not use dejectedly, after all challenges seven, only then Sir Jie Ranqing can achieve.” 楚枫弟弟,你不用沮丧,毕竟挑战七项,只有界染清大人能够做到。” You are defeated instead are in the reason.” “你失败反而是情理之中。” The spirit supported by the arm Chu Feng's in years past simultaneously, is comforting said. 灵昔年搀扶楚枫的同时,也是安抚道。 She indeed urged Chu Feng to be defeated intentionally, coming out that but she also looked, Chu Feng does not want to be defeated, understands Chu Feng's was stubborn. 她的确劝楚枫故意失败,但她也看的出来,楚枫不想失败,也明白了楚枫的倔强。 Although the process is fearful and apprehensive, but result about her intention, let alone Saint Rank Elder took a stand. 虽然过程胆战心惊,但结果是合她心意的,何况圣级长老都表态了。 This attitude, proved Chu Feng must make good use, she naturally must comfort Chu Feng. 这个态度,证明了楚枫还是要重用的,她自然也要安慰楚枫 But what he does not know, Chu Feng is really all right. 但他不知道的是,楚枫真的没事。 Because of Chu Feng, actually success. 因为楚枫,其实成功了。 ...... …… But, Chu Feng notices departure of God-cloak old person in the meantime, lets present all people to see off unexpectedly. 可就在此时,楚枫注意到一个神袍老者的离开,竟让在场所有人为之恭送。 That Saint Rank Elder spirit pupil, is seeing off. 就连那位圣级长老灵眸子,都在恭送。 But that old man leaves, the words had not even said obviously, it may be said that unusual entraining. 可那个老头离开的时候,明明连话都没说,可谓非常的拽。 But Chu Feng notices this old man, because of this old man from beginning to end, has not said anything. 楚枫之所以注意到这老头,也是因为这老头从始至终,都没说过什么。 But he has actually been staring at Chu Feng, that look, making Chu Feng some uncomfortable. 可他却一直盯着楚枫,那眼神,让楚枫有些不舒服。 That is senior, very probably special?” Chu Feng asked to the spirit low voice in years past. “那位前辈,好像很特别?”楚枫小声对灵昔年问道。 That is the sea Sir, may not get impolitely.” “那是沧海大人,可不得无礼。” First goes back, on the road said with you.” “先回去,路上与你说。” But on road that goes back, Chu Feng also knew, the old man who that audience sees off, is called the spirit sea. 而回去的路上,楚枫也是知道了,那个全场恭送的老头,叫做灵沧海。 This spirit sea, the rank is extremely high, he is the World Spirit Immortal King same period character. 这个灵沧海,辈分极高,他乃是界灵仙王同时期的人物。 And when is young, with the talent that World Spirit Immortal King shares the honor. 并且年少之时,是与界灵仙王齐名的天才。 That time spirit sea, high-spirited, with World Spirit Immortal King, swept away all influence together the same generation talent. 那个时候的灵沧海,意气风发,与界灵仙王,一同横扫各方势力的同辈天才。 In that remote time, is Seven Worlds Saint Palace, received many honors. 在那个遥远的时代,便为七界圣府,夺得了诸多荣誉。 As gets older, he and World Spirit Immortal King disparity is to start to manifest, particularly after arriving at the God-cloak peak, he then does not have the breakthrough again. 只是随着年纪增大,他与界灵仙王的差距则是开始体现,尤其是到达神袍巅峰后,他便再无突破。 Do not visit him now is the God-cloak peak, but he several tens of thousands of years ago is the God-cloak peak. 别看他现在是神袍巅峰,可他早在数万年前就已是神袍巅峰。 Moreover still has, under True Dragon title of most World Spiritist. 而且至今有着,真龙之下最界灵师的称号。 That is not the unwarranted reputation, his formation strength, truly very powerful. 那可不是虚名,他的结界战力,确实非常的强大。 Under True Dragon, under the same strength, no one can win him at present. 真龙之下,同等战力下,目前无人能够胜他。 Naturally, he can be so respected, is not under True Dragon the title of most World Spiritist. 当然,他能得到如此尊重,并非是真龙之下最界灵师的称号。 Mainly his rank, and past years was the merit that Seven Worlds Saint Palace performed, the honor. 主要还是他的辈分,以及当年为七界圣府立下的功劳,荣誉。 By this senior talent, breaks through to True Dragon World Spiritist properly speaking, is not difficult.” “以这位前辈的天赋,按理来说突破到真龙界灵师,也不难。” He has not broken through, should have a reason?” Chu Feng curious asking. “他迟迟没有突破,应该是有所原因吧?”楚枫好奇的问道。 This we do not know, but I hear, the sea Sirs were cultivation the special fine god skill method.” “这个我们也不知晓,不过我听闻,沧海大人是修炼了特殊的精神功法。” He does not break through already, so long as breaks through, will certainly amaze the world with a single brilliant feat.” “他不突破则已,只要突破,必将一鸣惊人。” This matter, do not leak, must keep secret.” The spirit said in years past in secret. “不过这件事,你可不要外传,必须保密。”灵昔年暗中说道。
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