MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5684: It is not failed, gives up any idea to leave

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Footsteps that Chu Feng leads the way, stopped. 楚枫前行的脚步,停下了。 He looked to the spirit in years past. 他看向灵昔年。 In years past was Elder Sister, I reaches the Big Dipper gravity tower, making you also very awkward?” “昔年姐姐,是不是我登顶七星重力塔,让你也很为难?” Chu Feng to the sound transmission way ask in secret. 楚枫以暗中传音的方式问。 Little Brother Chu Feng, I have not blamed your meaning, is only....” 楚枫弟弟,我没有怪你的意思,只是…。” Your today's this act, will truly make some of my Seven Worlds Saint Palace people think to feel ashamed, is will antagonize people for you.” “你今日此举,确实会让我七界圣府一些人觉得脸上无光,是会为你树敌的。” That seven select the battlefield, you challenge, you are defeated intentionally, as the matter stands, they will be more balanced, is good to you.” The spirit said in years past. “那七界挑战阵,你去挑战,你故意失败,这样一来,他们会平衡一些,对你是有好处的。”灵昔年说道。 Good, in years past Elder Sister opened the mouth, I then challenge.” “好,昔年姐姐开口了,我便去挑战。” Chu Feng this words saying, then looks to the red hair man of that provocation. 楚枫此话说完,便回头看向那位挑衅的红发男子。 Which seven select the battlefield, guides.” Chu Feng said. “七界挑战阵在哪,带路。”楚枫说道。 Yo, but also really dares you, walks, I must have a look actually, your talent really is so fierce.” “哟,还真敢啊你,走吧,我倒是要看看,你的天赋是不是真的那么厉害。” That red hair man spoke, then Yu Kong, was Chu Feng guides seriously. 那红发男子说话间,便御空而起,当真为楚枫带路。 Chu Feng also follows directly. 楚枫也是直接跟上。 Matter, has not actually transferred. 事情,其实没有转机了。 Even camouflages, but they see Chu Feng to be weak, is the fact. 就算是伪装的,可他们看到楚枫虚弱,乃是事实。 Under Chu Feng this condition, actually also forces Chu Feng, challenges another formation technique...... 楚枫这种状态下,却还逼迫楚枫,去挑战另外一座阵法…… Is what intention? Everyone is well aware. 是何用意?大家都心知肚明。 But that red hair man attitude is so bad, presents the people of so many Seven Worlds Saint Palace, actually no one stops. 而那红发男子态度如此恶劣,在场这么多七界圣府之人,却没有一个人阻拦。 Even if Saint Rank Elder, has not stopped. 哪怕圣级长老,都没有阻拦。 This is not only an intention of this male person, is their intentions. 这不仅仅是这男子一个人的意图,是他们所有人的意图。 They want in this manner, recalls face countenance, although despicable, although is shameless, although does not want the face, but they did. 他们都想要以这种方式,来挽回颜面,尽管卑鄙,尽管无耻,尽管不要脸面,可他们还是做了。 Chu Feng, how can also? 楚枫,又能如何? If not defeated one time, feared that is unable to leave safely. 若不失败一次,怕是无法安然离开了。 Quick, leads in that man, as well as under the crowding around of Seven Worlds Saint Palace people, Chu Feng saw so-called seven select the battlefield. 很快,在那男子带领,以及七界圣府众人的簇拥下,楚枫见到了所谓的七界挑战阵。 When comes on road, the spirit in secret, is Chu Feng had told in years past these seven selected the battlefield. 来时的路上,灵昔年已经暗中,为楚枫讲述过了这七界挑战阵。 This is a talent tests formation technique. 这是一个天赋测试阵法 It is said according , the characteristics of seven spirit worlds, the development, in the place of Seven Worlds Saint Palace establishment, has then existed. 据说是根据,七灵界的特性,研制而成,在七界圣府创立之处,便已存在。 This is not the simple talent test, but also contained to the control of Spirit power. 这不是简单的天赋测试,还包含了对精神力的掌控。 Until now, even if can only complete a challenge, that is the talent. 至今为止,哪怕只能完成一项挑战的,那都是天才。 Naturally, almost can present the later generation here, majority are to complete person at least one challenge. 当然,几乎能够出现在这里的后辈,大多数都是完成过至少一项挑战的人。 For example spirit cloud is vast, has completed two challenges. 比如灵云浩,完成过两项挑战。 But the spirit with the front, had completed three challenges in years past. 而灵昔年与界锋,都完成过三项挑战。 But wants to complete four challenges, very difficult, the person who until now completes is very few. 但想完成四项挑战,就非常的难,至今为止完成的人少之又少。 As for five, since Seven Worlds Saint Palace development, only then five people have completed. 至于五项,七界圣府发展至今,只有五个人完成过。 Now in junior, only then Ling Xiao and Ling Sheng'er have completed five challenges. 当今小辈之中,只有灵霄灵笙儿完成过五项挑战。 But completes five, is actually their limits. 但完成五项,却已是他们的极限。 As for six, only then a person has achieved, that is Jie Ranqing. 至于六项,只有一个人做到过,那便是界染清 But six challenges, are not the Jie Ranqing limit, the Jie Ranqing limit are seven challenge are fully completed. 但六项挑战,并非界染清的极限,界染清的极限是七项挑战全部完成。 Jie Ranqing, Seven Worlds Saint Palace in history, only achieves the person of this magnificent feat. 界染清,也七界圣府有史以来,唯一一个做到这个壮举之人。 ...... …… But these seven selected the battlefield, the contrast just Big Dipper gravity tower, indeed magnificent many. 而这七界挑战阵,对比刚刚的七星重力塔,的确壮观了不少。 Seven select the battlefield, has seven dissimilar in shape and form statues, each Gundam/reaches as high as ten thousand meters. 七界挑战阵,有着七道形态各异的雕像,每个高达万米。 These seven statues, separately are representing seven spirit worlds, becomes the circular to encircle a square in middle. 这七座雕像,分别代表着七灵界,成圆形将一座广场围在当中。 That square, is floats spatially, and is not fixed, but is the fluctuating condition. 那座广场,乃是浮空的,并且不是固定的,而是起伏状态。 According to the spirit said in years past, so long as steps into the square, then can start to challenge. 按照灵昔年所说,只要踏入广场,便可以开始挑战。 But the Chu Feng vision, actually went to Saint Valley deep place. 楚枫目光,却投向了圣谷的更深处。 There , some statues. 那里,也有一些雕像。 These statues be only the kilometer, was far less than that seven select battlefield these seven statues to be big. 那些雕像只有千米,远不如七界挑战阵这七座雕像高大。 But these statue quantities occupy slightly superiorly, ten, occupy superiorly as for the shape. 而那些雕像数量则稍微占优,共有十座,至于形态就更加占优。 Compares in representative seven spirit worlds, actually shape somewhat fuzzy seven statues. 相比于代表七灵界,却形态有些模糊的七座雕像。 That ten kilometer high statue, is wears the armor, the hand grasps the officers of long blade. 那十座千米高的雕像,乃是身披铠甲,手握长刀的将士。 Although is the statue, but is lifelike, just like living creature. 尽管是雕像,可却栩栩如生,宛如活物。 Most essential is, under that ten statues, there is great formation. 最关键是,那十座雕像下方,有大阵 The great formation strength has not shown directly, but Chu Feng can observe, that great formation strength is very strong. 大阵力量没有直接展现,但楚枫能够观察出,那大阵力量很强。 great formation, is so used to nourish ten statues. 如此大阵,乃是用来滋养十座雕像。 This makes Chu Feng feel that is not the simple statue is so simple. 这让楚枫觉得,那绝非是简单的雕像那么简单。 What is that?” Chu Feng asked. “那是什么?”楚枫问。 „To delay the time?” The red hair man said. “想拖延时间?”红发男子道。 When do I delay? Challenges these seven to select the battlefield, did a beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people saying, have the best time?” Chu Feng asked back. “我拖延什么时间?难道挑战这七界挑战阵,还有天时地利人和一说,有最佳时间?”楚枫反问。 Chu Feng, do not delay the time, quickly comes up.” The red hair man urged. 楚枫,不要拖延时间,赶快上去。”红发男子催促道。 When I want to challenge, then when challenges, you could not see that I am very weak?” “我想何时挑战,便何时挑战,难道你看不出我很虚弱吗?” Seeing me is so weak, but also urged in me, do you want to look at me to laugh?” Chu Feng asked directly. “见我如此虚弱,还催促于我,你就是想看我笑话吧?”楚枫直接问道。 But such remarks, without doubt was in the stamp the sore spot of people. 而此话一出,无疑是戳中了众人的痛处。 Yes, they want to look at the Chu Feng joke, wants to make Chu Feng be defeated. 是啊,他们就是想看楚枫笑话,就是想让楚枫失败的。 However Chu Feng said that obviously was not quite good. 但是楚枫说出来,显然不太好。 Does not dare not to dare, little feigns ignorance here.” That red hair man becomes angry out of shame, again crack cursed. “不敢就不敢,少在这里装蒜。”那红发男子恼羞成怒,再度破口大骂 But Chu Feng is not only mad, instead smiled: Your this method of goading somebody into action, is really shoddy.” 楚枫不仅不气,反而笑了:“你这种激将法,实在拙劣。” Little Friend Chu Feng, that ten statues, is a my Seven Worlds Saint Palace Sir remain, actually to have what intention, we are not clear.” 楚枫小友,那十座雕像,乃是我七界圣府的一位大人所留,究竟有何用意,我们也不清楚。” Does not know that also hopes Chu Feng enters a bit faster, the conscience found that Saint Rank Elder spirit pupil, spoke finally. 不知是也希望楚枫快点入阵,还是良心发现,那位圣级长老灵眸子,终于说话了。 Elder, does not know Sir who you said that is which Sir?” Chu Feng asked. 长老,不知你所说的大人,是哪位大人?”楚枫问。 World Spirit Sir Immortal King.” The spirit pupil said. 界灵仙王大人。”灵眸子说道。 Originally is the World Spirit Immortal King writing skill, no wonder is so special, is somewhat familiar.” “原来是界灵仙王的手笔,难怪如此特别,又有些熟悉。” In the Chu Feng heart unties curiously, then rises with a spring, falls directly, in that seven selected above the battlefield. 楚枫心中好奇解开,便一跃而起,直接落在了那七界挑战阵之上。 Just fell, that seven statues, then the tremor, the resembles body of giant statue, all releases the ray slightly later. 刚刚落下,那七座雕像,便微微颤动,随后巨大的雕像的像身,皆是释放出光芒。 At this moment, the square similar ray emerges, this entire seven select the battlefield to open. 此刻,广场同样光芒涌现,这整座七界挑战阵已是开启。 Chu Feng now, can then decide by the thought, which formation technique first challenges. 楚枫现在,可以凭借意念便决定,先挑战哪座阵法 But Chu Feng not 11 challenges, but is the big sleeve wields. 楚枫没有一一挑战,而是大袖一挥。 In an instant, seven statues, ray hold, that seven statues, the ray projects greatly later simultaneously, covers Chu Feng. 刹那间,七座雕像,光芒大盛,随后那七座雕像,同时有一道光芒射出,将楚枫所笼罩。 „Does he... challenge seven unexpectedly simultaneously?” “他…竟同时挑战七项?” Sees this one, on the scene, no one is not startled. 见此一幕,在场之中,无一人不是吃惊。 Even if past Jie Ranqing, completed challenged seven magnificent feats, but also challenged one by one. 哪怕当年的界染清,完成了挑战七项的壮举,但也是逐一挑战的。 Chu Feng, challenges seven simultaneously, isn't this sincere does not want to complete? 楚枫,同时挑战七项,这不是诚心不想完成吗? this child, the ambition is full,” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master to say. 此子,野心十足啊、”苍穹仙宗宗主道。 But seven Mansion Lord actually turn around directly, walks toward the distant place. 而七界府主却是直接转身,向远处走去。 Doesn't look?” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master asked. “不看了?”苍穹仙宗宗主问。 He has no interest in challenge, is playing the temper, looked that and has the what intention righteousness?” Seven Mansion Lord said. “他无心挑战,乃是在耍性子,看下去又有何意义?”七界府主道。 right, his way challenges, cannot pass.” Vault of heaven Sect Master also said. 也对,他这个方式进行挑战,一项都过不去。”苍穹宗主也是说道。 Compared in just Big Dipper gravity tower, these seven selected the battlefield is prestigious, even vault of heaven Sect Master has hearing early. 相比于刚刚的七星重力塔,这七界挑战阵可谓是威名赫赫,连苍穹宗主都早有耳闻。 He knows this difficulty, thinks that seven Mansion Lord said in the principle, Chu Feng simply does not want to challenge to complete. 他知道此阵的难度,也认为七界府主所言在理,楚枫根本没想挑战完成。 Oh, seven Mansion Lord, wait for the old man.” “唉,七界府主,等等老夫啊。” Therefore, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master does not look, but pursues seven Mansion Lord to go. 于是,苍穹仙宗宗主也不看了,而是追赶七界府主而去。
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