MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5683: Is going against the hostility, must reach

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Makes him go.” “让他进去。” I do not believe that he can continue to reach.” “我就不信,他能继续登顶。” But at this time, the sound of front actually also resounds. 可此时,界锋的声音却随之响起。 Sees that also draws back immediately. 见状,那位也是立刻退下。 But Chu Feng steps into directly. 楚枫则是直接踏入。 At this time, gathers the person in Big Dipper gravity tower, but comes has more than 1000 people. 此时,聚在七星重力塔的人,只是现身的都有一千多人。 And came a great person. 并且来了一位大人物。 That is a double pupil is the green thin old man. 那是一个双眸为绿色的瘦老头。 This personal name is the spirit pupil, is one of the Seven Worlds Saint Palace Saint Rank Elder. 此人名为灵眸子,乃是七界圣府圣级长老之一。 Besides this spirit pupil, and spirit sea and other old person, almost all people displayed flustered. 除了这个灵眸子,以及灵沧海等少数老者外,几乎所有人都表现出了一丝慌张。 They hope the Chu Feng failure very much, but thinks that the Chu Feng beforehand condition, they actually really lack self-confidence. 他们都很希望楚枫失败,但想到楚枫之前的状态,他们却又实在没底。 After moment, that gravity tower, the tower trembles slightly, immediately the tower withstand/top the ray to shoot up to the sky, passes through the clouds. 片刻过后,那座重力塔,塔身微微一颤,随即塔顶光芒冲天而起,贯穿云端。 Damn.” “该死。” Sees this one, many later generations, clenching jaws of air/Qi, even broken cursed. 见此一幕,许多人后辈,气的咬牙切齿,甚至破大骂 Chu Feng, breaks the record that Ling Xiao set eventually. 楚枫,终究还是打破了灵霄所创下的记录。 This makes them feel ashamed, the older generation is good, most obvious that the later generations display. 这让他们脸上无光,老一辈还好,后辈们表现的最为明显。 When Chu Feng goes out from the sixth gravity tower, saw vision that people that hates, he also realized that the situation is not wonderful. 楚枫从第六座重力塔走出时,看到众人那憎恶的目光,他也意识到情况不妙了。 But Chu Feng previous, reason that clear(ly) knew that making him Elder that continued to climb not be good intentions, still expressed gratitude to him. 楚枫先前,之所以明知道那位,让他继续攀登的长老并非善意,却仍对他道谢。 Is because, when Chu Feng reaches the first gravity tower, has felt...... 是因为,在楚枫登顶第一座重力塔的时候,就已经感受到了…… This Big Dipper gravity tower, is uses treasure as the foundation, builds. 这七星重力塔,乃是以一件至宝为根基,打造而成。 Do not look at seven towers, is situated in the different positions respectively, but in fact the tower bottom deep place, they stand above that treasure. 别看七座塔,分别立于不同方位,但实际上塔底深处,他们都立在那件宝物之上。 This treasure, contains not the poor strength. 这件至宝,蕴藏着不菲的力量。 If can seven gravity towers reach completely, will trigger that treasure strength. 若是能够七座重力塔全部登顶,将触发那件至宝的力量。 That is one type protects formation technique, perhaps very strong protection formation technique, the True Dragon peak is unable to injure to oneself. 那是一种守护阵法,很强的守护阵法,恐怕真龙巅峰都无法伤到自己。 Although, this protects formation technique, has the restriction on use, can only in the Seven Worlds Saint Palace range internal trigger, 虽说,这守护阵法,有使用限制,只能在七界圣府的范围内触发、 But if can obtain this formation technique, is safeguards to Chu Feng together. 可若能得到这阵法,对楚枫而言乃是一道保障。 Chu Feng, had not planned stays for a long time in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, if not to rescue Eggy, his participate will not enter the mansion trial. 楚枫,本来也没打算在七界圣府久留,若不是为了救蛋蛋,他都不会参加入府试炼。 Therefore attains the Saint Rank treasure, Chu Feng leaves. 所以拿到圣级宝物,楚枫就离开。 But fears Seven Worlds Saint Palace, does not put him to walk. 但就怕七界圣府,不放他走。 Although contacts, discovered that Seven Worlds Saint Palace also has the good person, but generally speaking, Seven Worlds Saint Palace is very overbearing. 虽说接触下来,发现七界圣府也有好人,但总体来说,七界圣府还是非常霸道。 If is really makes to not the happy situation, with the Seven Worlds Saint Palace attitude, may write off Chu Feng directly. 若真是闹到不愉快的地步,以七界圣府的作风,可能会直接抹杀楚枫 If can obtain this to protect formation technique, actually many a safeguard. 所以若能得到这守护阵法,倒是多了一份保障。 This is Chu Feng thanks that Elder reason. 这便是楚枫谢那位长老的原因。 His compliance, gave Chu Feng to obtain this to protect the formation technique opportunity. 他的应允,给了楚枫获得这守护阵法的机会。 Therefore, Chu Feng no matter also these people at this time was whether happy. 所以,楚枫也不管这些人此时是否高兴。 So long as they let, Chu Feng then continues to ascend. 只要他们让,楚枫便继续登。 Chu Feng, do not continue again.” 楚枫,别再继续了。” However, when Chu Feng gets to the seventh gravity tower entrance, spirit in years past sound transmission in secret, maps the Chu Feng ear curtain. 然而,就在楚枫走到第七座重力塔门口的时候,灵昔年的暗中传音,也是映入楚枫耳帘。 She... also urged Chu Feng unexpectedly. 她…竟也劝楚枫 But Chu Feng has not actually paid attention, but steps into. 楚枫却并未理会,而是踏入其中。 In a while, the seventh gravity tower, is the light beam soars to the heavens. 没过多久,第七座重力塔,也是光柱冲天。 And, when the seventh gravity tower ray soars to the heavens that moment, void above, seven light beams connect, form one star. 并且,当第七座重力塔光芒冲天那一刻,虚空之上,七道光柱交汇,形成一道星阵。 That spectacular scene, exceeds the previous several times to continue. 那壮观场面,胜过先前数倍不止。 The not to mention Seven Worlds Saint Palace people, as vault of heaven Sect Master of observer, looks to seven Mansion Lord: 莫说七界圣府的众人,就连身为旁观者的苍穹宗主,也是看向七界府主: Before then, can no one reach seven?” “难道在此之前,无人能够登顶七座?” this child is first.” Seven Mansion Lord said. 此子乃是第一个。”七界府主道。 „Is this Chu Feng talent unexpectedly powerful hence?” “这楚枫天赋竟强大至此?” Seven Mansion Lord, are really the mental perception knows the bead.” “七界府主,真是慧眼识珠。” Can result in so the talent, congratulations.” Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Sect Master, rushes to congratulate. “能得如此人才,恭喜恭喜啊。”苍穹仙宗宗主,赶忙道贺。 Originally, he only thought that some Chu Feng talents, feel now, the Chu Feng's talent matches the name on talent. 原本,他只觉得楚枫有些天赋,现在则是觉得,楚枫的天赋配的上天才之名。 Even vast martial cultivation world, can arrange at the first line level. 甚至于浩瀚修武界,也是能够排在第一线的水平。 Only looks at the talent, indeed is a talent!!! 只看天赋,的确是人才!!! To the expression of gratitude of vault of heaven Sect Master, seven Mansion Lord serene: „ My Seven Worlds Saint Palace, does not lack the talent. 对苍穹宗主的道谢,七界府主风轻云淡:“我七界圣府,不缺天才。 But he can use for my Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is actually his being honored.” “但他能为我七界圣府所用,却是他的荣幸。” This is natural.” Vault of heaven Sect Master said with a smile. “这是自然。”苍穹宗主笑道。 ...... …… Quick, that star drops from the clouds, falls into the seventh tower. 很快,那星阵从天而降,落入第七座塔内。 That star, fell into the Chu Feng body. 那星阵,落入了楚枫身体之中。 Chu Feng in body tower, the thought moves, that star strength then releases, regarding in its periphery. 身子塔内的楚枫,意念一动,那星阵之力便释放而出,围绕在其周围。 This, then protects formation technique, is very indeed strong. 这,便是守护阵法,的确很强。 Really.” Sees this star strength, Chu Feng felt, even if offends these people, poured still the value. “果然。”看到这星阵之力,楚枫觉得就算得罪那些人,倒也值了。 Wanted succeeding in obtaining, Chu Feng does not delay, walked directly. 想要的到手,楚枫也不拖延,直接走了出来。 But this time Chu Feng, shows weakness intentionally, he installs is very weak. 但此时的楚枫,也是故意示弱,他装的很虚弱。 Traded to make the past, Chu Feng completes so the magnificent feat, must have many people to go forward to congratulate. 换做以往,楚枫完成如此壮举,必有多人上前道贺。 But at this time, no one comes to congratulate. 可此时,没有一个人前来道贺。 Even if spirit in years past, spirit cloud vast and others, is looking at Chu Feng in the distant place, has not gone forward. 哪怕灵昔年,灵云浩等人,也只是在远处望着楚枫,没有上前。 Some people who even previously ate meal together, do not dare to look at Chu Feng. 甚至先前一同吃饭的一些人,都不敢看楚枫 That appearance, wants to pretend not to know Chu Feng simply, looks forward with Chu Feng regardless the relations. 那个样子,简直就想装作不认识楚枫,巴不得与楚枫撇开关系。 I hear, this Big Dipper gravity tower, has debugged, reduced the strength, it seems like is really true.” “我听闻,这七星重力塔,已经调试过了,降低了力量,看来真是属实啊。” Suddenly, the red hair man said. 忽然,有一个红发男子说道。 He is not a junior, but is not an elder, because of his probably is 500 years old, Seven Worlds Saint Palace, he is the later generation. 他不是小辈,但也不是长辈,因为他大概五百岁,于七界圣府而言,他算是后辈。 Therefore do not look several hundred -year-old, he does not have the mature appearance, instead performs obviously frivolous, the words that for example this time spoke, clearly talked nonsense. 所以别看几百岁,他也丝毫没有成熟的模样,反而尽显轻狂,就比如此时说的话,分明就是扯淡。 Originally is this, no wonder.” “原来是这样吗,怪不得啊。” After the words that however, his talked nonsense said that not only no one refuted, instead immediately some people echo. 然,他那扯淡的话语说出后,不仅没人反驳,反而立刻有人附和。 And the person who echoes are getting more and more. 并且附和的人越来越多。 They know obviously, this is the matter that makes out of whole cloth, this Big Dipper gravity tower has not adjusted. 明明他们知道,这是瞎编的事情,这七星重力塔并没有调整。 Because of the condition of front, is the best explanation. 因为界锋的状态,就已是最好的说明。 But many of them, looking like unified the idea to be the same, is compiling the lie that this did not have together. 可他们之中的许多人,就像是统一了想法一样,一同在编造这个不存在的谎言。 Sees these people, the lie that will just compile, said is like the real matter, quickly the Chu Feng innermost feelings cannot hold in wants to smile. 看到那些人,将刚刚编造的谎言,说的跟真事一样,楚枫内心都快憋不住的想笑。 These person of superficial if I can not do it , who can, keeping aloof, in fact the innermost feelings are so frail. 这些人表面舍我其谁,高高在上,实际上内心如此脆弱。 Otherwise if, how also to compile the lie, maintains own honor? 如若不然,又怎么会编造谎言,来维护自己的荣誉呢? Chu Feng wants to leave, but Chu Feng just moved, the red hair man, then falls side Chu Feng. 楚枫本想就此离开,可楚枫刚动,那红毛男子,便落在楚枫身旁。 Chu Feng, can you dare to challenge seven to select the battlefield?” 楚枫,你可敢挑战七界挑战阵?” Has no interest.” The hatred that Chu Feng draws are many enough, he does not want to continue to draw the hatred again. “没兴趣。”楚枫拉的仇恨已经够多了,他不想再继续拉仇恨。 After all the Saint Rank treasure has not succeeded in obtaining, has not torn to pieces the facial skin time. 毕竟圣级宝物还没到手,还不是撕破脸皮的时候。 Coward, does not dare to speak frankly, what do you pull to have no interest?” “孬种,不敢直说,你扯什么没兴趣?” The red hair man sees the Chu Feng rejection, unexpectedly direct speaking shame. 那红毛男子见楚枫拒绝,竟直接出言羞辱。 But so, Chu Feng should not, method of goading somebody into action of this rank, Chu Feng naturally unable to be enraged even if. 可哪怕如此,楚枫也没有应,这种级别的激将法,楚枫自然不会被激怒。 Little Brother Chu Feng, or you try.” 楚枫弟弟,要不你去试试吧。” But who once thinks, that spirit in years past sound transmission in secret, then reflects the hearing curtain again. 可谁曾想,那灵昔年的暗中传音,则是再度映入耳帘。
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