MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5682: Seven Worlds Saint Palace honor

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Two Galaxy Overlord approach, but has not actually come, but above the cloud layer, waits and sees as before downward. 两位天河霸主靠近,但却并未现身,而是依旧在云层之上,向下观望。 Phenomenon that however, that Big Dipper gravity tower triggers, attracts may incessantly be these two Galaxy Overlord. 然,那七星重力塔引发的异象,吸引来的可不止是这两位天河霸主 More and more, this cultivation the character in Saint Palace, is one after another quick. 越来越多,本在圣府修炼的人物,接连快来。 Some many choices do not make an appearance. 有许多选择不露面的。 But solely is to make an appearance, then already several hundred people, and population was still expanding unceasingly. 但单单是露面的,便已有几百人,并且人数仍在不断扩大。 In these people, there is Elder, has the later generation, but can come Saint Palace cultivation, the status is unusual. 这些人中,有长老,有后辈,但能够来圣府修炼的,身份都是非同一般。 True Dragon World Spiritist this existence, came many. 真龙界灵师这种存在,就来了多位。 In this case, no matter who come, naturally must first give the status high exists to salute .??.?? 这种情况下,不管谁来,自然都要先给身份高的存在施礼。.??.?? But the old man is actually the exception. 可有一个老头却是例外。 This old man is very old, is not only humpbacked, walks continually must lean on the walking stick, is very obviously thin may that full be the skin of wrinkle actually loose. 这个老头很是年迈,不仅驼背,连走路都要拄着拐杖,明明很瘦可那满是皱纹的皮肤却松的很。 But he wears the World Spirit long gown, and has not hidden cultivation realm, can see him is the God-cloak peak. 但他身穿界灵长袍,且没有隐藏修为,可以看出他乃是神袍巅峰。 This strength is not naturally weak, but on the scene also has True Dragon World Spiritist this character. 这个实力自然不弱,但在场可是还有真龙界灵师这种人物在呢。 But he has not only saluted to anybody, instead moved toward the spirit gradually in years past. 但他不仅没有对任何人施礼,反而缓步走向灵昔年。 After people discover him, not only has not blamed, instead Elder or later generation, neat is serving with a ritual to this old man. 而当人们发现他之后,不仅没有丝毫责怪,反而无论是长老还是后辈,都齐刷刷的对着这个老头施以一礼。 greets sea Sir.” 拜见沧海大人。” Is called the old man of sea Sir not to speak, even if Elder of True Dragon World Spiritist this rank, he has not paid attention. 被称为沧海大人的老头没有说话,哪怕真龙界灵师这种级别的长老,他都没有理会。 But after spirit in years past, stops. 而是靠近灵昔年后,才停下。 Sees that the spirit rushed to arrange Spirit Formation technique in years past, condenses a chair, places this sea Sir behind. 见状,灵昔年赶忙布置结界之术,凝聚出一把椅子,放在这位沧海大人身后。 Plan that but this sea Sir simply has not sat, even did not have to see the spirit in years past, but looks gravity tower that released the light beam 但这位沧海大人根本没有坐的打算,甚至也都没有正眼看灵昔年,而是看着那座释放光束的重力塔 „Did some people reach? Is who?” “有人登顶了?是何人?” Returns to the sea Sir, what going is the front, Chu Feng.” The spirit said in years past truthfully. “回沧海大人,进去的是界锋,还有楚枫。”灵昔年如实道。 Chu Feng? outsider?” The sea Sirs asked. 楚枫外人?”沧海大人问。 Just participate entered the mansion trial, and result is very good, accidental/surprised is this time enters the mansion trial first, in the future will also be “是刚刚参加入府试炼,并且成绩很好,不出意外就是此次入府试炼第一,日后也将是 My Seven Worlds Saint Palace. ” The spirit said in years past. 七界圣府的一员。”灵昔年道。 What entering the mansion trial is? Is the day dyes that boy to do?” The sea Sirs asked. “入府试炼是什么?是天染那小子搞的?”沧海大人问。 The day in his mouth dyes, is Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord Jie Tian dyes now. 他口中的天染,乃是当今七界圣府府主界天染。 In Seven Worlds Saint Palace, who dares to say the Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord name like this? 七界圣府,谁敢这样直呼七界圣府府主的名字? Let alone behind also adds on the boy two characters, such disrespect. 何况后面还加上小子两个字,如此的不尊重。 Trades to be others, if dares, then is so overpowered immediately, light then throws into the prison, heavy executes at the scene. 换做其他人,若敢如此,立刻便会被制服,轻则丢入大牢,重则当场处死。 But the sea Sirs spoke this words, actually no one dares to say anything. 可沧海大人说此话,却没有一个人敢说什么。 Returns to the sea Sir, is Sir Mansion Lord agrees.” The spirit said in years past. “回沧海大人,是府主大人同意的。”灵昔年道。 Un.” The sea Sir slight nod, then no longer said a word, but is staring at that tower. “嗯。”沧海大人微微点头,便不再言语,而是盯着那座塔。 But above the horizon, vault of heaven Sect Master is wear a look of the happy expression, looks to seven Mansion Lord present Seven Worlds Saint Palace, dares to call your person like this, aren't many?” 而天际之上,苍穹宗主则是面带笑意,看向七界府主“如今七界圣府,敢这样称呼你的人,不多了吧?” Regarding this, seven Mansion Lord are also light smiles is, but can the person call me like this, is good.” 对此,七界府主也是淡淡一笑“是,但能有一个人这样称呼我,也是蛮不错的。” „Hasn't sea Sir, why broken through the True Dragon boundary? Really such as the hearsay is ordinary, cultivation special Spirit power cultivation technique?” Vault of heaven Sect Master asked. “沧海大人,为何迟迟没有突破真龙境?是真的如传闻一般,修炼了特殊的精神力功法吗?”苍穹宗主问。 This old man is not clear, but is unimportant, the old man only hopes sea Sir good health then.” Seven Mansion Lord said. “这个老夫也不清楚,但不重要,老夫只希望沧海大人健康长寿即可。”七界府主道。 Also yes, present Seven Worlds Saint Palace, does not need the sea Sirs to increase the strength.” “也是,如今的七界圣府,也不需要沧海大人来增添战力。” But said no matter how, the sea Sirs are also under True Dragon most World Spiritist, this given name no one can vacillate until now.” Vault of heaven Sect Master said. “但不管怎么说,沧海大人也是真龙之下最界灵师,这个名号至今无人能动摇。”苍穹宗主说道。 But the words to here, vault of heaven Sect Master with seven Mansion Lord, the vision all change slightly. 可话到此处,苍穹宗主与七界府主,目光皆是微微变化。 Because the formation gate of that gravity tower had two forms to walk, was the front and Chu Feng. 因为那重力塔的结界门有两道身影走了出来,是界锋与楚枫 Just, the front was being supported by the arm by Chu Feng, but compares in Jiefeng that weak appearance, Chu Feng also flowed several drops of perspiration. 只不过,界锋是被楚枫搀扶着出来的,但相比于界锋那虚弱的样子,楚枫也只是流了几滴汗而已。 Sees this, under blasted out the pot immediately. 见到这一幕,下方顿时炸开了锅。 Whatever is coming out that who looks , that person of reaching, is Chu Feng, but possibly did not ridicule. 任凭是谁都看的出来,那登顶之人,乃是楚枫,而不可能是讥讽。 This enters that Chu Feng of mansion trial?” Vault of heaven Sect Master also asked. “这就是入府试炼的那个楚枫?”苍穹宗主也是问道。 Un.” Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord said.?? “嗯。”七界圣府府主道。?? With Chu Feng that Totem Dragon Clan that two little rascal are acquainted?” Vault of heaven Sect Master also asked. “可是与图腾龙族那两个小鬼相识的楚枫?”苍穹宗主又问。 precisely he.” Seven Mansion Lord said. 正是他。”七界府主道。 Cannot think of this child, some Spirit Formation technique also talents.” Vault of heaven Sect Master said. “想不到此子,结界之术还有些天赋。”苍穹宗主道。 Actually to this Big Dipper gravity tower, he does not have to understand. 其实对这七星重力塔,他没那么了解。 Looks below these people's responses, he also knows, the matter that Chu Feng handles is not simple. 只是看下方那些人的反应,他也知道,楚枫做的事情并不简单。 But who is he? What talent hasn't he seen? 但他是何人?什么天才他没见过? Therefore without knowing Chu Feng's, in his opinion, Chu Feng also has the talent, rather than top. 所以在不了解楚枫的情况下,在他看来,楚枫也只是有天赋,而不是多么顶尖。 this child skill, perhaps but so, he can reach incessantly five gravity towers.” Seven Mansion Lord said. 此子的本事,可不止如此,也许他能登顶五座重力塔。”七界府主道。 But under, Chu Feng has become the focus for everyone. 而在下方,楚枫已经成为众人关注的焦点。 The spirit and others, was walked up in years past, encircled Chu Feng. 灵昔年等人,更是走上前去,将楚枫团团围住。 „Was Little Brother Chu Feng, really you reaches?” The spirit asked in years past. 楚枫弟弟,真的是你登顶了吗?”灵昔年问。 Un.” Chu Feng nods. “嗯。”楚枫点头。 You, since reached, unexpectedly what matter?” “你既然登顶了,居然什么事都没有?” You are an attire, camouflage was also too good?” “你是装的吧,伪装的也太好了?” The spirit Yun's vast hand, touches to keep on Chu Feng, even also some people start are Chu Feng feel the pulse. 灵云浩的手,在楚枫身上摸个不停,甚至还有人开始为楚枫诊脉。 To have a look, Chu Feng this tranquil appearance, installs at this time. 就是想看看,楚枫此时这平静的模样,是不是装出来的。 Because this too did not gather the common sense. 因为这太不合常理了。 I am really all right.” Chu Feng said. “我真的没事。”楚枫说道。 „If really all right, why doesn't continue to challenge?” At this time, Elder of True Dragon boundary said. “若真的没事,为何不继续挑战?”此时,一位真龙境的长老说道。 But he is not the good tone, instead has several points of provocation to mean. 但他可不是什么好的语气,反而有着几分挑衅意味。 „Can I continue to challenge?” Chu Feng asked. “我可以继续挑战吗?”楚枫问。 Naturally, living that so long as your body withstands.” That Elder said. “当然,只要你身体承受的住。”那长老说道。 many thanks.” Even if knows that the opposite party is not the good intentions, but Chu Feng said the many thanks two characters. 多谢。”哪怕知道对方不是善意,但楚枫还是说了多谢二字。 Meanwhile, moved toward the second gravity tower. 同时,走向了第二座重力塔。 In a while, the second gravity tower is also the ray soars to the heavens, that is reaches the successful signal. 没过多久,第二座重力塔也是光芒冲天,那是登顶成功的信号。 What is main, this time speed, quick, even can say that is quick. 最主要的是,这次的速度,很快,甚至可以说非常快。 So to be how quick?” The not to mention junior, Elder feels puzzled. “怎么这么快?”莫说小辈,就连长老们都感到不解。 And quick, Chu Feng came out, this time he compares previous, was weak, but also was only some. 并且很快,楚枫就出来了,此时的他比之先前,是虚弱了一些,但也只是一些而已。 Chu Feng directly soars the third tower. 楚枫直奔第三座塔。 Although this time was slower, but also reaches smoothly. 虽然这一次时间慢了一些,但也是顺利登顶。 Fourth, fifth. 紧接着,第四座,第五座。 After the fifth gravity tower also reaches is successful, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person is not thoroughly calm. 当第五座重力塔也登顶成功后,七界圣府的人彻底不淡定了。 This ties the record that Ling Xiao held . Moreover the Chu Feng's reaching speed, is quickly in Ling Xiao. 这可是打平了灵霄保持的记录,而且楚枫的登顶速度,是远快于灵霄的。 What is main, before Ling Xiao reaches five, once entered the Big Dipper gravity tower several times, adapts to that inside pressure. 最主要的是,灵霄登顶五座之前,也曾数次进入七星重力塔,适应那里面的压力。 But Chu Feng, is the first time. 楚枫,是第一次啊。 This fellow, do not break the record of Ling Xiao?” “这个家伙,不会要打破灵霄的记录吧?” When saw that Chu Feng walks from the fifth tower, although is also the complexion becomes pale, but step actually as before steady. 当看到楚枫从第五座塔走出来的时候,虽也是脸色变得惨白,但步伐却依旧稳健。 Seven Worlds Saint Palace people, visible flustered. 七界圣府的众人,肉眼可见的慌张。 Even if Chu Feng will soon join Seven Worlds Saint Palace, may in their hearts, actually Chu Feng be outsider, is inferior essentially their. 就算楚枫即将加入七界圣府,可在他们心中,楚枫究竟是外人,本质上是不如他们的。 But the record of Ling Xiao, what representative is their Seven Worlds Saint Palace honor. 灵霄的这个记录,代表着的是他们七界圣府的一项荣誉。 If were really broken by Chu Feng this outsider, entire Seven Worlds Saint Palace, that feels ashamed. 倘若真的被楚枫这个外人打破,整个七界圣府,那都是脸上无光。 Therefore, suddenly the form, fell in front of the sixth gravity tower together. 于是,忽然一道身影,落在了第六座重力塔面前。 Follows the front, comes this together the person of broken space forces. 乃是跟随界锋,一同来此的界氏破天军的人。 He stands before entrance, to the Chu Feng say/way Chu Feng, you should be tired, reluctantly.” 他站在入口前,对楚枫道“楚枫,你应该累了吧,可不要勉强。” On the mouth said like this, coming out that but everyone looks, he is stopping Chu Feng, does not think that Chu Feng continues to climb. 嘴上这样说,但所有人都看的出来,他是在阻拦楚枫,不想楚枫继续攀登。
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