ThisBig Dippergravitytower, not onlyseven, the towerlevel is also divided intoseven.
The frontclimbs, firsttwohedoes not havetooin a big wayto feel, buttothird layer, hisstepobviouslyslowed down.
界锋一路攀登,前两层他没有太大感觉,但是到第三层,他的步伐明显变慢了许多。Howeverhein one vigorous effort, arrived atfourth layer.
不过他还是一鼓作气,来到了第四层。Infourth layer, hehalteddirectlymotionless, after restingsome little time, holds the staircase, waited and sawdownward.
在第四层,他直接站住不动了,休息了好一会后,才扶着楼梯,向下观望。„Didn't have the sound?”
“还没动静?”„First won't be good?”
The frontshakes the head, immediatelycontinuesto climb, but the followingroad, heeven moreis obviously strenuous.
界锋摇了摇头,旋即继续攀登,但后面的路,他明显越发吃力。Arrivedsixth layer, toseventh layerclimbed the time, heis the shoesstepfordifficult.
到了第六层,向第七层攀登的时候,他已是履步为艰。Eachstair, him, thatremote.
每一道台阶,于他而言,都是那么的遥远。Andquick, helifted the footsteps the strengthnot to haveforward, hisboth feet, wantsto be mountedabove the stairgeneral.
并且很快,他连向前抬起脚步的力气都没有了,他的双脚,就想被黏在了台阶之上一般。„Hateful, ishere, why can't Ireach?”
“可恶,又是这里,为何我就不能登顶?”„Are our generation of talents, inferior to the present agejuniorseriously?”
“我们这一代的天赋,当真就不如当代小辈吗?”Frontalthoughat this timewhole facewearycondition, butin the eye is completely actually unwilling.
界锋此时虽然满脸疲态,但眼中却尽是不甘。„What's wrong, limit?”Butin the meantime, the Chu Feng'ssoundresoundssuddenly.
“怎么了,极限了?”而就在此时,楚枫的声音忽然响起。Thenwaits and sees, the frontis startled.
回头观望,界锋吃了一惊。IndeedwasChu Fengpursues, was not only quiet, andwas without turning a hair, on the facelinkeddrop of perspirationnot to have.
的确是楚枫追上来了,不仅悄无声息,并且面不改色,脸上连一滴汗都没有。Probably of contraststreaming with sweat, their two people, climbis not the sameplacegravitytower.
对比汗如雨下的自己,他们两个人,好像攀登的不是同一座重力塔。„You... what's the matter?” The frontasked.
“你…你怎么回事?”界锋问道。„What 's the matter?”Chu Fengasked.
“什么怎么回事?”楚枫问。„Howyouseem like, effortlessly?” The frontasked.
“你怎么好像,毫不费力?”界锋问。„Went totwocharactersprobably, Iindeedeffortlessly.”During the Chu Fengspeeches, thencontinuesto climb.
“把好像两个字去了,我的确毫不费力。”楚枫说话间,便继续攀登。Thatfronteachstep, needsto consume the enormousstrength the steps, at this timein front ofChu Feng, such as the ordinarystepsis ordinary.
那界锋每一步,都需要耗费极大力气的阶梯,此时在楚枫面前,就如普通阶梯一般。Heveryrelaxedthenwalked, but alsopasses throughfromownside, stepped onat the front, so many
他很是轻松的便走了上来,还从自己身旁走过,踩在了界锋,这么多Abovesteps that the year, is unable to visit.
The frontstares the roundeyes, tightis staring atChu Feng.
界锋瞪圆双眼,紧紧的盯着楚枫。„Ishouldinstallstrenuous, otherwisesomewhatharmsyourself-respectprobably.”
“我是不是应该装的费力一点,不然好像有些伤你自尊。”„ButIam not really strenuous.”Chu Fengsaid.
“但我真的不费力。”楚枫说道。„Chu Feng, youare not wild, even ifyoucanarrive atseventh layer, youare still not necessarily ableto reachsmoothly.”
“楚枫,你莫要猖狂,就算你能到达第七层,你也未必能够顺利登顶。”„Youmustbearthat pressure on be good.”Saying that the frontclenches jaws.
“你需承受住那压力才行。”界锋咬牙切齿的说道。„many thanksreminded, Iwill pay attention.”Chu Fengthis words saying,thensteppedseventh layerdirectly.
“多谢提醒,我会注意。”楚枫此话说完,便直接踏上了第七层。At this moment, Chu Feng was also motionless, hehas not continued.
这一刻,楚枫也是不动了,他并未继续前行。„Thisseventh layer, reallyhas the pressure.”Chu Fengthis words saying,thenclosed a pupil.
“这第七层,确实有压力。”楚枫此话说完,便闭上了眼眸。Heuses the old means that firstadapts, thenin one vigorous effort.
……At this time, in the Saint Palacedeep place, has the place that fogwinds around.
此时,在圣府深处,有着一座云雾缭绕的地方。Above the cloud layer, hasgives outsteamunexpectedlyfloats the spatialbasin.
云层之上,竟有着一个散发热气的浮空水池。Inpondwater, gives outsteam, implicationunusualstrength.
池内之水,散发热气,同时也蕴含非同一般的力量。Thispool of water, eachdrop of valueis extraordinary.
这池水,每一滴都价值非凡。But an old man, actuallylightbody, closed eye meditationinthat.
In the take a bath.
正在泡澡。Thisold man, remainswhite-haired, as well asten-meterwhitebeard.
Others lie downin the pond, the beardactuallyfloatsin the midair, once for a whilesends outcomfortablyahemsound.
那叫一个惬意悠哉。Butsuddenly, the old personeyepupilopens, what emergesisincomparablypowerfulaura.
The old mansets outimmediately, do not look on the face is completely the wrinkle, buthisheightnot onlythreemeters, the body is completely the muscle.
!!But after seeingthatnewcomer, old personreceivespowerfulaura, revealswipes the auspicioussmile. „OriginallyissevenMansion Lord.”
但看到那来者之后,老者收起强大的气场,露出一抹祥和的笑容。“原来是七界府主。”SeessevenMansion Lord, an old manhurryingfigurerevolution, oneset of immortalfloatingwhitelong gown, putin the body.
After thisWhite-Cloakputs on, old personfeels, but also is really divine poise and sagelike features, butdoes not lose the dignity.
这白袍穿上之后,老者给人的感觉,还真是仙风道骨,但同时也不失威严。„Vault of heaven does Sect Master, howfeel?”SevenMansion Lordasked.??
“苍穹宗主,感觉如何?”七界府主问道。??Originally, thisold man, is nowHeavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master.
原来,这个老头,便是当今苍穹仙宗的宗主。„Feelingis quite good, yourSeven Worlds Saint Palacethisspatialspring, was really comfortable.”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastersaid with a smile.
“感觉相当不错,你七界圣府这座空泉,真是太舒服了。”苍穹仙宗宗主笑道。„Thisspatialspring, wasinitiallywetogetherobtained, said that alsohasyourone, Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master, iflikes, frequentlysoaks is.”
“这空泉,还是当初我们一同所得,说起来也有你一份,苍穹仙宗宗主若是喜欢,经常来泡便是。”„Butaccording to the old manlooks, vault of heavenSect Master should this, tosoakthisspatialspringtodayincessantly?”SevenMansion Lordasked.
“但依老夫看,苍穹宗主今日来此,应该不止是为泡这空泉吧?”七界府主问道。„Indeedtonot soakspatialspring, butwas the old manjustpassed byhere, came to seeyouwhile convenient.”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastersaid.
“的确不是为了泡空泉,而是老夫刚好路过这里,顺便来看看你。”苍穹仙宗宗主说道。SevenMansion Lordmeaningfulsmiles, immediatelyasked„Totem Dragon Clansuddenly, canhave?”
七界府主意味深长的笑了笑,旋即忽然问道“图腾龙族,可有去过?”Such remarks, letsHeavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master, stares, immediatelysaid
此话一出,让苍穹仙宗宗主,不由一愣,旋即说道„The old mantrip, has not gone to the plan of Totem Dragon Clan, sevenMansion Lordwhatthisword?”
“老夫此行,并没有去图腾龙族的打算,七界府主何出此言?”„No?”SevenMansion Lordvisionbecomeswift and fierce.
“没有?”七界府主目光变得凌厉起来。„Reallydoes not have.”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastersaid.
“真的没有啊。”苍穹仙宗宗主道。SevenMansion Lorddid not speakagain, butsmilinglooks atHeavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master.
七界府主再没有说话,而是笑眯眯的看着苍穹仙宗宗主。Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master, as a sideGalaxymaster, thathas also seen the world.苍穹仙宗宗主,身为一方天河的主人,那也是见过世面的。MaystarebysevenMansion Lordlike this, is not very comfortable.
可被七界府主这样盯着,还是很不自在。Suddenly, sevenMansion Lordasked„vault of heavenSect Master, youfelt, if a vastmartial cultivation worldseries, whichsideinfluencemakingcomethisto take responsibilityquitewell?”
忽然,七界府主问道“苍穹宗主,你觉得若是浩瀚修武界一统,让哪方势力来这个做主比较好?”„Thisalsoused saying that naturallywasSeven Worlds Saint Palace.”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastersaid.
“这还用说,自然是七界圣府。”苍穹仙宗宗主道。„Realsoul talk?”SevenMansion Lordasked.
“真心话?”七界府主问。„Naturallyis the realsoul talk, if is really vastmartial cultivation world, needs an influencemanagementgeneral situationtime, the old mansupportsyouabsolutely.”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastersaid.
“当然是真心话,若真是浩瀚修武界,需要有一个势力主持大局的时候,老夫绝对拥护你啊。”苍穹仙宗宗主说道。„Has your words, thensufficed.”Seven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lordsmiled.
“有你这句话,便够了。”七界圣府府主笑了。Althoughhehas been with smile on the face, mayappearuntilthis timesmile, the Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastermanner, wasrelaxed.
嗡-Butsuddenly, golden lightappearsfrom the distant placetogether, passes through the clouds.
可忽然,一道金光自远处浮现,贯穿云端。Clarity that even iftheyabove the cloud layer, actuallyalsolook.
哪怕他们在云层之上,却也看的清楚。Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master, withSeven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lord, cast the visionsimultaneously.苍穹仙宗宗主,与七界圣府府主,同时将目光投了过去。Although the great distancedistanceis very far, buttheycan, thatlight beamfrom a tower.
尽管相隔距离很远,但他们都能到,那光束来自一座塔。„SevenMansion Lord, is that the cultivationtower?”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastercuriousasking.
“七界府主,那是修炼塔吗?”苍穹仙宗宗主好奇的问。Coming out that becausehelooks, thatrayis not simple, thattoweris not simple, hadanythinginevitably, otherwisecannotso.
因为他看的出来,那光芒不简单,那座塔也不简单,必然是发生了什么,否则不会这般。„Is the Big Dippergravitytower that is builtby the old manpersonally, somepeoplereach, will havethisscene.”
“是由老夫亲手打造的七星重力塔,有人登顶,才会有此景象。”„It seems like, somepeoplereached.”SevenMansion Lordsurfacesaid.
“看来,是有人登顶了。”七界府主面道。„Oh, does thistowerreachis very difficult?”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Masterasked.
“喔,此塔登顶很难吗?”苍穹仙宗宗主问道。„Somedifficulties.”SevenMansion Lordspoke, the visionhas been staring at the person under thattower, healsowantsto know,waswhoreaches.
“有些难度。”七界府主说话间,目光一直盯着那座塔下的人,他也很想知道,是何人登顶。„Might as wellhave a look?”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Masterasked.
“不如去看看?”苍穹仙宗宗主问。„Vault of heaven does Sect Masterhave the interest?”SevenMansion Lordasked.
“苍穹宗主有兴致?”七界府主问。„Is idlingin any case the safe/without matter, whichlater generationmight as wellhave a lookisyourSeven Worlds Saint Palace, causes such scene.”Heavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Mastersaid.
“那便走吧。”Therefore, existences of thesetwoGalaxyOverlordlevels, thengrazeto goto the Big Dippergravitytower.
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