MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5680: Big Dipper gravity tower

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Energetic gravity tower that the front, you said that is which?” The spirit asked in years past. “界锋,你说的精神重力塔,是哪一座?”灵昔年问。 Which place can be, naturally is the Big Dipper gravity tower.” The front said. “能是哪座,自然是七星重力塔。”界锋说道。 However regarding this reply, the spirit and others was not accidental in years past, because they had guessed correctly, the front said that was the Big Dipper gravity tower. 不过对于这个回答,灵昔年等人并不意外,因为他们早就猜到,界锋所说的,乃是七星重力塔了。 Therefore at this time, the spirit in years past, spirit cloud vast and others sound transmission in secret then mapped in the Chu Feng's ear curtain simultaneously Chu Feng, do not go.” 于是此时,灵昔年,灵云浩等人的暗中传音便同时映入楚枫的耳帘之中“楚枫,别去。” They are urging you in secret, asking you not to go with me?” The front narrows the eyes, looks at Chu Feng. “他们是不是在暗中劝你,叫你别跟我去?”界锋微眯双眼,看着楚枫 Heard this words, the spirit in years past fortunately, spirit cloud vast and others complexion one stiff, sound transmission does not dare in secret. 听闻此话,灵昔年还好,灵云浩等人脸色一僵,连暗中传音都不敢了。 Energetic gravity tower that you said that also so general, forges Spirit power?” Chu Feng asked. “你说的精神重力塔,也如此地一般,是锻造精神力的?”楚枫问。 Yes.” The front nods. “是。”界锋点头。 I after all am an outsider, is not ripe to here, if some people guide, I am willing to try actually.” “我毕竟是外来人,对这里不熟,若有人带路,我倒是愿意一试。” „Are you... willing to guide?” Chu Feng asked to the front. “你…愿意带路吗?”楚枫对界锋问道。 „......” Hears this words, the front smiled. “呵……”听闻此话,界锋笑了。 Sure, I accompany you to go in together.” “当然可以,我陪你一同进去。” With.” Front words saying, then Yu Kong. “跟过来吧。”界锋此话说完,便御空而起。 Seeing that Chu Feng is also, with the past. 见状,楚枫也是一空而起,跟了过去。 Spirit cloud vast and others looked to the spirit in years past. 灵云浩等人都看向灵昔年。 But spirit in years past hesitant moment, is jumps, bringing spirit cloud vast and others to catch up with Chu Feng. 而灵昔年犹豫片刻,也是纵身而起,带着灵云浩等人追上了楚枫 Chu Feng, how did you comply?” 楚枫,你怎么就答应了?” In my Seven Worlds Saint Palace, has many energetic gravity towers, is used to exercise Spirit power.” “在我七界圣府,有着多座精神重力塔,用来锻炼精神力。” But that Big Dipper gravity tower, cannot go only.” The spirit urged in years past in secret. “但唯独那七星重力塔,不能去。”灵昔年暗中劝道。 Why?” Chu Feng asked. “为何?”楚枫问。 Because that is ten years ago builds the gravity tower that completes.” “因为那是十年前才打造完成的重力塔。” That Big Dipper gravity tower, actually seven, but each Spirit power is powerful, to does not gather the common sense powerful, actually has not debugged.” “那七星重力塔,其实共有七座,但每一座的精神力都非常强大,强大到不合常理,其实就是还未调试好。” At present does not suit the junior to step into.” “目前根本不适合小辈踏入。” Many juniors step into then faints directly, even most serious, still has not regained consciousness.” The spirit said in years past. “很多小辈踏入其中便直接昏死过去,甚至最严重的,至今没有苏醒。”灵昔年说道。 Therefore, that not place for junior cultivation?” Chu Feng asked. “所以,那不是适用于小辈修炼的地方?”楚枫问。 Right, is not suitable.” “对,非常不适合。” Even if Ling Xiao, has only reached five, but that time is his limit.” “哪怕灵霄,也只登顶过其中五座,但那一次已是他的极限。” Comes out from the fifth tower, then directly fainted, enough ten days regain consciousness, later is the recuperation thoroughly restores for a long time.” “从第五座塔出来的时候,便直接昏死了过去,足足十日才苏醒,之后更是调理许久才彻底恢复。” As for other juniors, so far also only then my Younger Sister Sheng'er has reached four.” “至于其他小辈,目前为止也只有我笙儿妹妹登顶过四座。” Although she has not looked like Ling Xiao to faint like that but also is pale, therefore does not have to challenge fifth.” The spirit said in years past. “虽然她没有像灵霄那般昏死过去,但也是脸色苍白,所以没有去挑战第五座。”灵昔年说道。 Younger Sister Sheng'er? You said that but Ling Sheng'er?” Chu Feng asked. 笙儿妹妹?你说的可是灵笙儿?”楚枫问道。 „?” Heard this words, the spirit gawked in years past, did immediately ask you to know Ling Sheng'er?” “啊?”听闻此话,灵昔年一愣,旋即问道“你知道灵笙儿?” Heard, you and are she ripe?” Chu Feng asked. “有所耳闻,你与她熟吗?”楚枫问。 Ripe, naturally was ripe, I visit her to grow up.” “熟啊,当然熟了,我可是看着她长大的。” She in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, did not go out cultivation, for a long time does not have much.” “不过她不在七界圣府,出门修炼了,已经很久没有回来了。” Said, she should come back, does not know why this time, has not turned over.” “说起来,她应该早就回来了,也不知为何这次,迟迟未归。” Otherwise, can recommend actually for you.” The spirit said in years past. “不然,倒是可以为你们引荐一下。”灵昔年道。 „Did she go to where cultivation?” Chu Feng asked. “那她去何处修炼了?”楚枫问。 This... I am not clear.” The spirit said in years past. “这个…我不清楚。”灵昔年道。 But she replied, there is a stop, was pondering. 但她回答的时候,有停顿,是在思考。 Although is very covert, but Chu Feng felt, the spirit knows where in years past Ling Sheng'er went to cultivation, but does not want to tell him. 虽然很隐蔽,可楚枫觉得,灵昔年知道灵笙儿去了何地修炼,只是不想告诉他。 Naturally, the spirit wants to become friends with Chu Feng in years past. 当然,灵昔年只是想与楚枫结交。 After all just knew, but also no friendship, something did not tell Chu Feng are also normal. 毕竟刚认识,还没什么交情,有些事情不告诉楚枫也是正常。 Little Brother Chu Feng, is your heart so how big?” 楚枫弟弟,你心怎么这么大?” I told you degree of hazard of that Big Dipper gravity tower, how you instead were curious my Younger Sister Sheng'er, were you so how lascivious?” Suddenly the spirit said in years past. “我告诉你那七星重力塔的危险程度,你怎么反而好奇起我的笙儿妹妹,你怎么这么好色啊?”忽然灵昔年道。 Eh... my is not lascivious.” Chu Feng is somewhat undeserved, actually he knows Ling Sheng'er, is only the curious Ling Sheng'er present situation. 额…我这也不是好色吧。”楚枫有些冤枉,其实他认识灵笙儿啊,只是好奇灵笙儿现在的情况罢了。 I said with you, appearance that the situation in Big Dipper gravity tower, how you were not afraid?” The spirit also said in years past. “我都与你说了,七星重力塔的情况了,你怎么一点都不害怕的样子?”灵昔年又道。 What has to fear that with for Ling Xiao and Ling Sheng'er of junior, hasn't reached?” “有什么怕的,同为小辈的灵霄灵笙儿,不是都登顶过吗?” Moreover, didn't I make that front guide?” “况且,我不是让那界锋带路了吗?” He can go, my naturally also energy.” Chu Feng said with a smile. “他都能进去,我自然也能。”楚枫笑道。 Little Brother Chu Feng, do not despise this front, he may ten years ago, then step into immortal dragon God-cloak.” 楚枫弟弟,你可别小看这界锋,他可早在十年前,便已踏入了仙龙神袍。” Also since Ling Xiao reaches, this front also once stepped into this energetic gravity tower repeatedly.” “并且自从灵霄登顶之后,这界锋也曾多次踏入这精神重力塔。” Although has not reached successfully, but after others try one time, is not willing to enter for the second time.” “虽然至今没有成功登顶过,但其他人尝试一次之后,便不愿进入第二次了。” His so many time goes, had certain experience inevitably.” “他这么多次进去,必然是有了一定经验。” I know that you make him guide, is thinking has him to travel together, you do not fear anything.” “我知道你让他带路,是想着有他同行,你也不怕什么。” But actually, you were his snare.” “但其实,你是中了他的圈套了。” He chose one intentionally, the place that he excels at comes to compare with you.” “他就是故意选了一个,他擅长的地方来与你比较。” You make him guide for you, instead is just right for his intention.” The spirit said in years past. “你让他为你带路,反而正合他的心意。”灵昔年说道。 Relax, I will not have the matter.” Chu Feng returns to the covered passageway with a smile. “放心吧,我不会有事的。”楚枫笑着回复道。 But after one hurries along, Chu Feng also finally saw that so-called Big Dipper gravity tower. 而经过一番赶路,楚枫也是终于见到了那所谓的七星重力塔。 That is seven tall tower, this tower altogether has seven, only has 30 meters highly. 那就是七座高塔,此塔共有七座,高度只有三十米。 Besides seven tall tower, the tower withstand/top is setting up a statue of star design, then has no special place. 除了七座高塔,塔顶都立着一颗星星图案的雕像外,便没有任何特别之处。 Even from the outward appearance, might as well that together spirit forging stone in Stone Forest was just fierce. 甚至从外观来看,还不如刚刚石林之中的那一块精神锻造石厉害。 Is here?” Chu Feng asked. “就是这里?”楚枫问。 Is here? The tone is big.” “就是这里?口气不小啊。” „When comes on road, no one told for you carefully, fierce of this energetic gravity tower?” “难道来时的路上,没有人仔细为你讲述,这精神重力塔的厉害?” Front words to here, satire looked to the spirit in years past and others. 界锋话到此处,讽刺的看向了灵昔年等人 You are also insufficient meaning, didn't urge your new friends? Do you also want to look at his joke?” “你们也不够意思啊,都不劝劝你们这个新朋友?难道你们也想看他的笑话?” Front, what wants to look at the Chu Feng joke is you?” “界锋,想看楚枫笑话的是你吧?” I know that you once stepped into this Big Dipper gravity tower repeatedly.” “我知道你曾多次踏入这七星重力塔。” Although you cannot reach, but you have adapted, had the experience.” “虽然你未能登顶,但你早已适应,有了经验。” You make Chu Feng come to here, is not “你让楚枫来这里,不就是 To show own skill? ” 想彰显自己的本事吗?” But this fair?” The spirit asked in years past. “但这公平吗?”灵昔年质问道。 Spirit in years past, you may really be impolite, you are only Deputy Chief Ling Clan, how to speak with my team leader?” “灵昔年,你可真是没大没小,你只是灵氏副队长,怎么和我这个界氏队长说话呢?” Also, you said is what dog bullshit, is really gauging the heart of a gentleman with a villain's mean measure.” “还有,你说的都是什么狗屁话,真是以小人之心度君子之腹。” I may not have you to think is so bad.” “我可没你想的那么坏。” I look at this Chu Feng, some truly skills, where also wants to have a look at into the mansion smelting trial's first limit to be.” “我只是看这楚枫,确实有些本事,也想看看入府试炼第一的极限在哪。” However this energetic gravity tower, just can examine, I lead him to come to here, is good for him.” “而这精神重力塔,刚好能够检验一下,我带他来这里,是为他好。” The words to here, the front look to Chu Feng Chu Feng, if you do not dare to go , can actually, I not compel you.” 话到此处,界锋看向楚枫楚枫,你若不敢进去,其实可以不去,我可不会逼着你。” You, if goes, I can accompany, if you really cannot support, I can hold you to come out actually, will not make you die in inside.” “你若要去,我可以陪同,你若真的撑不住,我倒是可以扶你出来,不会让你死在里面。” The front provokes looks at Chu Feng. 界锋挑衅的看着楚枫 Determined that this place, I can go, isn't contrary?” Chu Feng asked. “确定这个地方,我是可以进去的,不违规是吧?”楚枫问。 Naturally.” The front said. “当然。”界锋道。 Guides.” Chu Feng said. “带路。”楚枫道。 Has the courage and wisdom.” Sees Chu Feng to comply, on the front face reveals wipes the conspiracy works the smile. “有胆识。”见楚枫答应,界锋脸上露出一抹阴谋得逞般的笑容。 Afterward, the front then walked into the first energetic gravity tower. 随后,界锋便走入了第一座精神重力塔。 Because this tower does not have the gate, entrance formation is also nothing prevents, therefore Chu Feng can also directly enter. 因为这塔没有门,入口结界也是没有任何阻挡,所以楚枫也是可以直接进入。 Just stepped into the energetic gravity tower, Chu Feng then felt that a pressure, this pressure was not weak, but was also not enough to perplex Chu Feng. 刚刚踏入精神重力塔,楚枫便感觉到了一股压力,这压力不弱,但还不足以难住楚枫 Actually similar place, Chu Feng has stepped into many times, but here is different. 其实类似的地方,楚枫踏入过很多次,但这里有所不同。 Therefore Chu Feng stands in the entrance is motionless, but closing one's eyes pupil. 所以楚枫站在门口一动不动,而是闭上眼眸。 Way that he chooses, is the adaptation, does not adapt to the first pressure, but must adapt to the pressure of entire tower. 他选择的方式,是适应,不是适应第一层的压力,而是要适应整个塔的压力。 Seeing Chu Feng stands in entrance is motionless, that has stepped onto the staircase front, is self-satisfied smiles 楚枫站在入口不动,那已经走上楼梯的界锋,不由得意一笑 Chu Feng, I first came up, if you cannot withstand to remember to shout save a life, I can hear, meets to save you.” 楚枫,我先上去了,你若承受不住记得喊救命,我是能听见的,会下来救你。” The words, the front then climbs upwardly, but the mouth is also whispers 话罢,界锋便向上攀登,但嘴里却也是嘀咕起来 Enters the mansion trial first? Mediocre.” “入府试炼第一?不过如此。”
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