„cultivationinforbidden land of ancestor, isn't easy?”Chu Fengasked.
“在祖之禁地内修炼,不容易吧?”楚枫问。„Thisweare not clear, butyoulook at the power and influence of thatthunder and lightning, won't be definitely easy?”Spiritcloudvastsay/way.
“这个我们也不清楚,不过你看那雷电的威势,肯定不会太容易吧?”灵云浩道。Actuallydid not needspiritcloudHao saying that Chu Fengalsoguessedto obtain, he asked that butwantsto determine.
其实不用灵云浩说,楚枫也猜得到,他问,只是想确定一下。At this time, Chu Fengsomewhatis worried aboutownmother.
此时,楚枫不免有些担心自己的母亲。Butchanges mindthinks,Seven Worlds Saint Palaceso manypeople, know the Chu Fengmother, inforbidden land of cultivationancestor.
但转念一想,七界圣府这么多人,都知道楚枫母亲,在祖之禁地修炼。Then the fact, is possibly not true.
那么事实,可能就并非如此。Perhapsis only the camouflage, the Chu Feng'smother, notinforbidden land of ancestor.
But no matter, Chu Fenghopesownmothercanbe kindly treated.
但不管是在哪,楚枫都希望自己母亲能够得到善待。Otherwiseif, hewill not let offSeven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lordabsolutely, even if... heisoneselfgrandfather.
When Chu Fengtheytalked, the under foothas not actually stayed.楚枫他们交谈之际,脚下却并未停留。All the way, canseetall tower, the palace, Stone Forest, the lake, waits formanythings.
一路上,能够看到高塔,宫殿,石林,湖泊,等诸多事物。Buttheseare not the ornaments, containssomestrengths, is the place of cultivation.
但那些都不是摆设,都是蕴藏着一些力量,皆是修炼之地。Finally, Chu Fengand othersenteredpiece of Stone Forest.
最终,楚枫等人进入了一片石林。Herestone, all sorts of strange and unusual, butalmostevery, containsformation power.
这里的石头,千奇百怪,但几乎每一个,都蕴藏着结界之力。Finally, theystoppedin front of a giant stone.
最终,他们在一座巨石面前停了下来。Thisgiant stone, is the circular, the diameteralsokilometer, less than110meters, looks like a large-scaleboard game pieceto fallon the groundhighly.
这座巨石,乃是圆形,直径也就千米,高度不足百十米,就像是一个大型的棋子落在地上。Butbythisgiant stone, sets up a stele, steleabovewrites, spiritualforgingstonefivecharacters.
而在这巨石旁边,立着一块石碑,石碑上面写着,精神锻造石五个字。„Little Brother Chu Feng, here was mySeven Worlds Saint Palacesevenboundary stoneplaces.”
“楚枫弟弟,这里便是我七界圣府的七界石地了。”„Heremanystone, canbe used forcultivation, butthisspiritualforgingstone, the effectis best.”
“这里的很多石头,都是可以用来修炼的,而这块精神锻造石,效果最好。”„Youjuststepped into, possiblyneedssometemporal adaptations, butwithout the relations, don't be upset, byyourtalent, severaldouble-hour, shouldbe ableto adapt.”
The spiritspokein years past, thenjumps, fellonthatspiritualforgingstone.
When falls to the ground, Chu Fengcanfeel
落地之际,楚枫能够感Realized, an invisiblestrength, runs outfromthatspiritualforgingendolithic, coversher.
觉到,一股无形的力量,自那精神锻造石内冲出,将她覆盖。Thatflash, the spirit was also the browwrinkledin years pastslightly, butquickwas then good, andshowed the brightsmiletoChu Fengagain.
那一瞬间,灵昔年也是眉头微微皱了一下,但很快便好了,且再度对楚枫露出灿烂的笑容。Afterward, spiritcloudvastand others is also in abundance the jumping upspiritforgingstone, falls to the groundthatflash, theywere coveredbythatinvisiblestrength.
随后,灵云浩等人也是纷纷跳上精神锻造石,落地那一瞬间,他们都被那无形力量覆盖。Light, ifspiritin years pastknitting the browshead, seriousgrimaces.
轻一点的,如灵昔年皱皱眉头,严重的则是呲牙咧嘴。„Little Brother Chu Feng, do not fear,comes updirectly.”Spiritcloudsaid with a smilevastslightly, butsmiledactuallyalsosomewhatharbored evil intentions.
“楚枫兄弟,别怕,直接上来吧。”灵云浩微微笑道,但笑的却也有些不怀好意。„Icame.”DuringChu Fengspeeches, isjumps upthatspiritualforgingstone.
“我来了。”楚枫说话间,也是跳上那精神锻造石。Chu Fengfalls to the groundthat moment, everyoneon the scene, will look on Chu Feng's, and eyerevealanticipated.楚枫落地那一刻,在场的所有人,都将目光锁定在了楚枫的身上,且目露期待。Theywantto look,what kind ofresponseChu Fengwill have.
他们都想看一看,楚枫会有怎样的反应。ButChu Fengfalls to the ground, is actually unemotional.
可楚枫落地,却是面无表情。Hefeltthatstrength, broke in within the body, indeedwill bring the pain.
他感受到了那股力量,冲入体内,的确会带来痛苦。Butthisache, Chu Feng, superficial.
但这种疼痛,于楚枫而言,不痛不痒。Thismaylet the spiritin years pastand others, is surprised.
这可让灵昔年等人,大感意外。Evensomepeoplesize uprepeatedly, but alsothinks that Chu Fengused the treasureto protect itself.
甚至有人反复打量,还以为楚枫使用了宝物护住了自己。Butfinallyactuallydiscovered,Chu Feng is like them, withstandsthisspiritualforgingstonenormally the strength.
但最终却发现,楚枫与他们一样,都是正常承受这精神锻造石的力量。„Little Brother Chu Feng, you... do not have the sensation of pain?”SpiritcloudHaoasked.
“楚枫兄弟,你…没有痛觉的吗?”灵云浩问。„Has, butIfeelthisfortunately.”Chu Fengsaid.
“有啊,不过我觉得这个还好。”楚枫道。„Fortunately?”Spiritcloudvastand otherslook at each other in shock.
“还好?”灵云浩等人面面相觑。Theymaystillremember,fallswhen the spiritualforgingstone for the first time, theirpainappearance.
他们可还记得,第一次落在精神锻造石上时,他们痛苦的模样。Almostno one, iscompleteunscathed, evensomepeoplefleesimply.
几乎没有一个人,是完好无损的,甚至有人干脆逃离。Even ifexperiencesso manyyears, has adapted tothisspirit
The forgingstone, mayjustcontact the pain that flickers, will letsome of theirfacedistortions.
The Chu Fengfirsttime, is unexpectedly unemotional, thisadaptiveness, makesthembe also startledsimply..楚枫第一次,竟然面无表情,这适应能力,简直让他们也大吃一惊。。InSeven Worlds Saint Palace, canlook likeChu Fengso, since all previous generations, notovertenpeople.七界圣府内,能像楚枫这般的,历代以来,也不超过十人。„MyLittle Brother Chu Feng, but also is really not an average person, no wondercanbecomeinto the mansiontrialfirst.” The spirit not the parsimoniouspraisesaidin years past.
“我楚枫弟弟,还真不是一般人,难怪能够成为入府试炼的第一。”灵昔年毫不吝啬的夸赞道。„Nothing butisskincoarse meatis thick, thishasanythingto blow.”
“无非就是皮糙肉厚罢了,这有什么吹的。”But, the soundresoundsin the distant placein the meantimetogether.
可就在此时,一道声音在远处响起。Waits and seesalong the sound, abovevoid of not far away, twoforms, thatistwomen.
顺声观望,在不远处的虚空之上,有两道身影,那是两名男子。Alsoput onwith the spiritin years past the and otherssamearmor, buttheirbehindcapes, writewas not the spiritcharacter, butwas the character.
When thattwomenspoke, is approaching, at this timefell on abundance, nearinspiritualforgingstone radicalstone.??.
那两名男子说话之时,正在靠近,此时纷纷落在了,精神锻造石旁边的石头上。.??.„How did youcome?”
“你们怎么来了?”„Today, ismyLing Clanbrokenspace forcescultivationday.”
“今日,乃是我灵氏破天军修炼的日子。”Seesthesetwo, spiritcloudHaosaysimmediately.
见到这两位,灵云浩立刻说道。„What's wrong, is not the cultivationday, can't wethenenterSaint Palace?”
“怎么,不是修炼的日子,我们便不能进入圣府了吗?”In the meantime, there is a formtogetherto grazeto come, thatisfacial featuresis handsome, butactually a man of white hair.
就在此时,又有一道身影飞掠而来,那是一个面容俊朗,但却一头白发的男子。Heseems likesuch as the junior is also common, is very young.
他看上去也如小辈一般,很是年轻。Thatwhite hair, grippedhighpony-tail, was joined tothissilver armor, had the heroic spiritactually.
那一头白发,扎成了一个高马尾,配上这一身银甲,倒是颇具英气。As for the age, was close to the spiritin years past , is approaches300 years old, has hiddenas for the aura, Chu Fengcannot distinguishhiscultivation realm.
至于年龄,则与灵昔年相近,也是接近三百岁,至于气息有所隐藏,楚枫分辨不出他的修为。Butsince the speedjudged,was not at the spiritabsolutelyin years past, mostly was also immortaldragonGod-cloak, evenwas possibly stronger.
但从速度判断,绝对不在灵昔年之下,多半也是仙龙神袍,甚至可能更强。„The frontteam leader, I... Iam notthismeaning.”
“界锋队长,我…我不是这个意思。”„Youcan certainlyenterSaint Palaceat any time.”
灵云浩立刻开Mouth, not only the toneshows weaknessvery much, even the speechdoes not dareto look at each otherwith the opposite party, obviouslyfears the white hairman of thisnamedfrontvery much.
口,不仅语气很是示弱,甚至说话不敢与对方对视,明显很惧怕这个名为界锋的白发男子。„Remember, incessantlyisI, mybrokenspace forces, cancome and go outSaint Palaceat will.”
“记住,不止是我,我界氏破天军,都可以随意出入圣府。”Thatfront words saying,lookedtoChu Feng.
那界锋此话说完,看向了楚枫。„Are youthatChu Feng?”
“你就是那个楚枫?”Frontwordsjustleft, spiritYun'svastsound transmissionin secret, maps the Chu Fengearcurtainimmediately.
界锋此话刚出,灵云浩的暗中传音,立刻映入楚枫耳帘。„Chu Feng, thisfront is not only the team leader of brokenspace forces, one of his grandfatherorSeven Worlds Saint PalaceSupreme Elder, youandhespoketen million/countlesspolitely, wecould not offendhim.”
The spiritYun'svastlanguagefastwas extremely quick, is very afraidto sayslowly, Chu Fengdid not knowthisfrontstatus, thusoffended the front.
灵云浩的语速极快,深怕说慢了,楚枫不知道这界锋身份,从而得罪界锋。„IindeedcalledChu Feng, butdid not determine that you said that wasI.”Chu Fengsaid with a smile.
“我的确叫楚枫,但不确定你说的那个,是不是我。”楚枫笑道。Buthissmile, neither arrogant nor servile, is onlypolite.
但他的笑容,不卑不亢,只是礼貌性的。„Enters the mansiontrialfirst.”
“入府试炼第一。”„You, if not forhasthisgiven name, youthink that theywill become friends withyou? Leadsyouto comecultivationtohere?” The frontspoke, lookedto think the spiritin years pastand others.
“你若不是有这个名号,你以为他们会结交你?带你到这里来修炼?”界锋说话间,看想灵昔年等人。„The front, Ias the Ling Clanbrokenspace forcesdeputy team chief, havethisqualificationsto bringChu Fengto enterthisplace.” The spiritsaysin years pastimmediately.
“界锋,我身为灵氏破天军副队长,有这个资格带楚枫进入此地。”灵昔年立刻说道。„Spiritin years past, should not be anxious, Ihad not saiddoes not letthisChu Fenginthiscultivation.”
“灵昔年,你别紧张,我可没说不让这楚枫在此修炼。”„I want to take a look, to enter the mansiontrialfirst, what kind ofabilityhas.”Front words saying,lookstoChu Feng.
“我只是想看看,入府试炼第一,到底有着怎样的能耐。”界锋此话说完,看向楚枫。„Chu Feng, heredoes not havemeaning, leadingyouto playvery difficult.” The frontsaid.
“楚枫,这里没意思,带你去玩个高难度的。”界锋说道。„Can youleadhimto go?” The spiritaskedin years past.
“你要带他去哪?”灵昔年问。At this time, such asspiritcloudvastand others, does not dareto speak, onlyhad mystical powersdared the upfrontto confrontwith the frontin years past.
此时,如灵云浩等人,都已经不敢说话了,唯有灵昔年敢正面与界锋对峙。Obviously the status of thisfront, is very indeed strong.
可见这界锋的身份,的确很强。„Energeticgravitytower, what kind of?” The frontsaid.
“精神重力塔,怎么样?”界锋说道。„Energeticgravitytower?”Hearsthiswords, the spiritin years pastand othersallwas the lookbig change.
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