MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5688: The death of sea, Saint Palace discovered

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If protects formation technique to trigger, may be seen here by others, he may on the danger. 若是守护阵法触发,可能会被其他人看到这里,那他可就危险了。 After may observe discovered, that is special blockade formation technique, the blockade is not the life of spirit sea, but is on the spirit sea treasure. 可观察后发现,那是一种特别的封锁阵法,封锁的不是灵沧海的生命,而是灵沧海身上的宝物。 The Chu Feng attempt with defending the nightmare, breaks this to block formation technique, but is useless, blocks formation technique with protecting formation technique, entirely different. 楚枫尝试用守之梦魇,破掉这封锁阵法,可却没用,封锁阵法与守护阵法,全然不同。 Even if defends the nightmare to be powerful, does not have any effect. 哪怕守之梦魇再强大,也没有任何效果。 old thing, is really sly, died disgustingly such.” 老东西,真是狡猾,死了都这么让人恶心。” Chu Feng cursed angrily one, before immediately arrived at that crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality, a foot trampled the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality turns. 楚枫怒骂一声,旋即走到那丹鼎之前,一脚将丹鼎踹翻。 elixir that has not completed then appears. 一颗未完成的丹药便浮现而出。 That elixir blood smell is extremely heavy, is the bloodlines refinements of countless person. 丹药血腥气味极重,乃是无数人的血脉炼制而成。 But, has actually refined several tens of thousands of years. 但,却已经炼制数万年之久。 Chu Feng naturally cannot swallow such elixir, and has not completed, key Chu Feng cannot see this blood pill's function. 楚枫自然不会吞服这样的丹药,况且还是未完成的,关键楚枫也看不出这血丹的作用。 But Chu Feng this blood pill, as well as refining up the crucible used by alchemists to concoct the pill of immortality to take away completely, does not want to leave Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 楚枫还是将这血丹,以及炼丹鼎全部收走,不想留给七界圣府 Afterward, the Chu Feng big sleeve wields, receives cosmos sack the head of spirit sea. 随后,楚枫大袖一挥,将灵沧海的头颅也是收入乾坤袋 Then displays the god line, fled this place fast. 紧接着,便施展神行,快速的逃离了此地。 What method that Sir Chu Feng, you uses, why speed such rapidness?” 楚枫大人,你用的什么手段,为何速度如此之快?” Asura King is surprised incomparable. 修罗王都感到惊讶无比。 His cultivation realm obviously is Ninth Rank Half God, but the Chu Feng's speed, actually compares common Second Rank True God to be fast at present. 他的修为明明是九品半神,可眼下楚枫的速度,却比寻常的二品真神还要快。 This is the masterstroke/divine skill, I just through this masterstroke/divine skill, borrowed your strength again, killed that old man.” “此乃神技,我刚刚就是通过此神技,再借用你的力量,杀了那个老头。” Also luckily that old man general idea/careless, without arranging defensive formation, otherwise is not good to go well.” Chu Feng said. “不过也幸亏那个老头大意,没有布置防御阵法,否则也不好得手。”楚枫说道。 Originally is the masterstroke/divine skill, no wonder.” “原来是神技,怪不得。” Sir Chu Feng, really has Great Destiny.” Asura King sighed. 楚枫大人,真是身怀大机缘。”修罗王叹道。 Luck is good.” “运气好罢了。” But the luck is not quite good today, that old thing method is too disgusting.” “但今天运气不太好,那老东西手段太恶心。” Without that blocks formation technique, should be able to fish many advantage from him.” Chu Feng slightly feels regrettably. “若是没有那封锁阵法,从他身上应该能捞到不少好处。”楚枫略感遗憾。 ...... …… Meanwhile, in Seven Worlds Saint Palace piece of bamboo forest. 与此同时,在七界圣府的一片竹林中。 The spirit pupil, the town/subdues luck, Qinghe and other Saint Rank Elder, as well as many status extraordinary Elder, stands in bamboo forest. 灵眸子,界镇福,界青禾等圣级长老,以及多位身份不凡长老,站在竹林中。 everyone waited for a long time.” 诸位久等了。” The form drops from the clouds together, is seven Mansion Lord. 一道身影从天而降,乃是七界府主 greets Mansion Lord.” Sees seven Mansion Lord, these Seven Worlds Saint Palace great people, is rushes to salute. 拜见府主。”见到七界府主,这些七界圣府的大人物们,也是赶忙施礼。 Just settled vault of heaven Sect Master, came late, did you have the matter?” Seven Mansion Lord asked. “刚安顿好苍穹宗主,来晚了一些,你们是有事吗?”七界府主问。 Reply Sir Mansion Lord, is Chu Feng.” The spirit pupil said. “回禀府主大人,是楚枫。”灵眸子道。 „Did Chu Feng have what must say?” Seven Mansion Lord asked. 楚枫有何要说的?”七界府主问。 Sir Mansion Lord, you have not to know, Chu Feng he is led into Saint Palace by the spirit today in years past......” 府主大人,您有所不知,楚枫他今日被灵昔年带入了圣府之中……” Was reaches the Big Dipper gravity tower that matter?” Seven Mansion Lord asked. “是登顶七星重力塔了那件事吗?”七界府主问。 Yes, originally Sir Mansion Lord knew.” The spirit pupil asked. “是,原来府主大人知道了。”灵眸子问。 „Does this matter have what must ask?” Seven Mansion Lord asked. “此事有何要问?”七界府主问。 Sir Mansion Lord, the Big Dipper gravity tower, no one had reached after all before seven.” 府主大人,毕竟七星重力塔,之前没有人登顶过七座。” However Chu Feng is outsider, now this matter spreads, in the later generation to the mansion is quite influential, the subordinate wants to inquire Sir Mansion Lord, how when this matter processes.” The spirit pupil said. “而楚枫是一个外人,如今此事传开,对府内后辈颇有影响,属下是想询问府主大人,此事当如何处理。”灵眸子道。 Let alone the Big Dipper gravity tower, the tour of Nine Heavens secret place, Chu Feng obtains the black mark that dyed clear cannot obtain.” “别说七星重力塔,九天秘地之行,楚枫可是获得了染清都未能获得的黑色印记。” Although he can obtain the black mark, before dyeing clear sealing formation under arrange/cloth, has the inseparable relations.” “虽然他能够获得黑色印记,与染清之前布下的封印阵,有着密不可分的关系。” But achieved before eventually, thing that no one achieves.” “但终究还是做到了之前无人做到的事。” Now in the mansion the later generation, is true to idle, Chu Feng gives them some pressures is also good, does not need the special handling, allow nature to take its course then.” Seven Mansion Lord said. “如今府内后辈,属实懈怠,楚枫给他们一些压力也好,无需特殊处理,顺其自然即可。”七界府主道。 Subordinate understood.” The spirit pupil said. “属下明白了。”灵眸子道。 At this time, town/subdues luck Elder and Qinghe Elder smiled. 此时,镇福长老与青禾长老都笑了。 Spirit Elder, I said that this matter does not need to alarm Sir Mansion Lord, the Chu Feng's talent, Sir Mansion Lord was clear compared with you.” Subdue luck Elder said. “灵长老,我就说此事无需惊动府主大人,楚枫的天赋,府主大人比你清楚。”镇福长老道。 Inquired Sir Mansion Lord, after all right.” “询问府主大人,总归没错。” This also concerns in the mansion the later generation, in the future to the Chu Feng's attitude.” The spirit pupil said. “这也关乎府内后辈,日后对楚枫的态度。”灵眸子道。 right right.” Subdue luck Elder said. 也对也对。”镇福长老道。 In mansion the later generation, how treats Chu Feng, we do not need to interfere, although the Chu Feng talent is good, but the future matter will not say, all will allow nature to take its course.” Seven Mansion Lord also said. “府内后辈,如何对待楚枫,我们无需干涉,楚枫天赋虽好,但日后的事情都不好说,一切顺其自然。”七界府主又道。 Subordinate understands.” Numerous Elder should say with one voice. “属下明白。”众长老齐声应道。 Sir Mansion Lord.” But in the meantime, there is Elder, over the face startled running over. 府主大人。”而就在此时,又有一位长老,满面惊慌的跑了过来。 What matter has?” Seven Mansion Lord asked. “发生何事?”七界府主问。 Sir Mansion Lord, the important matter is not good.” That Elder has not spoken frankly, but put out a life sign. 府主大人,大事不好了。”那位长老没有直说,而是拿出了一块生命牌。 On that life sign, writes the spirit sea three characters, but that life sign not only disrupts at present, does not have the life aura. 那生命牌上面,写着灵沧海三个字,但眼下那生命牌不仅碎裂,更是全无生命气息。 „Did sea Sir, pass away?” “沧海大人,仙逝了吗?” Sees this token, seven Mansion Lord as well as all Elder, all are the complexion big changes. 看到这令牌,七界府主以及所有长老,皆是脸色大变。 „It is not right, today also sees the sea Sir. At that time Sir Xianhai was not unusual, how to pass away suddenly?” The spirit pupil feeling matter is not right. “不对啊,今日还见到了沧海大人。当时仙海大人并无异样,怎么会突然仙逝呢?”灵眸子感觉事情不对。 - 唰- Seven Mansion Lord, is the figure in a flash, vanishing on the spot. 七界府主,则是身形一晃,消失在原地。 Sees that numerous position Elder do not dare to neglect, simultaneously Yu Kong, pursues seven Mansion Lord, goes to the mansion in spirit sea together. 见状,众位长老也不敢怠慢,同时御空而起,追赶七界府主,一同前往灵沧海的府邸。 But the numerous position Elder speed, naturally is inferior to seven Mansion Lord. 但众位长老的速度,自然不如七界府主 When they enter the mansion, after discovering underground palace, is look at each other in shock, is somewhat surprised. 当他们进入府邸,发现有个地宫后,也是面面相觑,有些意外。 But enters underground palace, after smelling that rich bloody air/Qi, is the complexion change. 而进入地宫,闻到那浓郁的血腥之气后,皆是脸色变化。 Then can see from their surprised expressions, regarding this underground palace matter, they did not know before. 从他们那惊讶的表情便可以看出,对于这地宫的事情,他们之前也不知晓。 They are thorough, arrives at the underground palace end quickly. 他们一路深入,很快来到地宫尽头。 Seven Mansion Lord, have stood here, but the ground is the corpse of spirit sea. 七界府主,已经站在这里,而地上则是灵沧海的尸体。 Sea Sir.” “沧海大人。” Was seeing with own eyes the spirit sea head was cut, and head in this place, everyone does not have a big shock. 眼见着灵沧海头颅被斩,且头颅不在此地,所有人都大惊失色。 Even some people cried directly. 甚至有人更是直接失声痛哭。 Spirit sea, in the Seven Worlds Saint Palace position, the clarity of their these older generations. 灵沧海,在七界圣府的地位,他们这些老一辈的更加清楚。 Seven Mansion Lord, bend down to trace the nape of the neck of spirit sea: Is cultivator.” 七界府主,俯身摸了摸灵沧海的脖颈:“是修武者。” Seven Mansion Lord straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards reciprocals, cold voice said: 七界府主剑眉倒数,冷声道: Checks, recently invited into mansion cultivator, as well as in mansion all martial practitioner cultivation realm in the person of True God Realm.” “去查,最近邀请入府的修武者,以及府内所有武者修为真神境的人。” Compliant.” Numerous position Elder must leave. “遵命。”众位长老就要离开。 But seven Mansion Lord said again: Waits for.” 可七界府主却再度说道:“等一下。” „The death of sea Sir, first do not disclose outward.” “沧海大人的死,先不要对外声张。” Moreover, the matter about this underground palace, you best rottenly also in the belly, cannot raise to anybody.” “另外,关于这地宫的事,你们最好也都烂在肚子里,不许对任何人提起。” If makes the old man know, who dares to slander the sea Sirs are pure, not light bonus.” “若是让老夫知道,谁敢诋毁沧海大人清白,决不轻饶。” Seven Mansion Lord last few words, are the hidden murderous intentions. 七界府主最后一句话,是暗藏杀机的。 Subordinate understands.” “属下明白。” Although numerous position Elder, did not know this underground palace matter before, but they detect, seven Mansion Lord possibly know. 虽然众位长老,之前不知道这地宫的事,但他们察觉到,七界府主可能知晓。 But regarding this, they do not dare to raise any objection. 可对此,他们不敢提出任何异议。 In fact, even if they know before, the spirit sea has done what not good matter, they will still pretend not to know. 事实上,就算他们之前知道,灵沧海做过什么不好的事,他们也会装作不知道。
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