MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5676: Seven Worlds Saint Palace massacre

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The Seven Worlds Saint Palace total mansion, besides the majestic, dignified magnificent semblance, guarding is also extremely stern. 七界圣府总府,除了大气磅礴,威严壮观的外表外,守卫也是极为森严。 Everywhere obviously Seven Worlds Saint Palace guard. 到处可见七界圣府的守卫。 They grasp the formation pointed weapons, wears the unified World Spirit long gown, the body rides the formation mount, does an inspection in the aerial flight abreast in row. 他们手持结界兵刃,身着统一的界灵长袍,身骑结界坐骑,并排于空中飞行巡查。 But the guard is only its one, here also proliferates the Spirit Formation method, although is very secret, but Chu Feng can spy on 12. 但守卫只是其一,这里还遍布结界阵法,虽然很是隐秘,可楚枫还是能够窥探一二。 But, outside that passes through the formation tall wall of the world, is quite firm, even if True God peak and True Dragon peak, difficult destruction. 但,外面那贯穿天地的结界高墙,极为坚固,哪怕真神巅峰与真龙巅峰,都难以破坏。 To enter Seven Worlds Saint Palace, endures the ratio to ascend to heaven .??. 想进入七界圣府,堪比登天。.??. Has under such formation protection, Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is arrange/cloth so many guards, obviously Seven Worlds Saint Palace defense intensity, how airtight. 有如此结界守护之下,七界圣府内部,还是布有这么多的守卫,可见七界圣府的防御强度,是多么的密不透风。 No wonder Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is honored as vast martial cultivation world, fortress that is most difficult to break through.” “难怪七界圣府,被誉为浩瀚修武界,最难攻破的堡垒。” Today sees .” “今日一见,果然了得。” The juniors, sighed, even if obviously is the experienced generations. 众位小辈,纷纷感叹,哪怕明明都是见多识广之辈。 May come here, actually seems like the hick to enter a city to be the same, eyeful is curious. 可来到这里,一个个的却像是土包子进城一样,满眼都是好奇。 But in the meantime, together in secret sound transmission, maps the Chu Feng ear curtain. 而就在此时,一道暗中传音,也是映入楚枫耳帘。 Actually Seven Worlds Saint Palace, before not so many guards, because their very self-confident outside that matter defends formation.” “其实七界圣府内部,以前没有这么多守卫,因为他们很自信外面那层防御结界。” This in secret sound transmission, is not Fuxing, but is desolate Yueyue. 这道暗中传音,并非是复星,而是萧玥玥。 Chu Feng knows, although desolate Yueyue hidden in crowd, but has actually been observing Chu Feng. 楚枫知道,萧玥玥虽然隐于人群,但却一直在观察楚枫 Now speaks in oneself on own initiative, has relinquished difference evidently. 现在主动于自己说话,看样子已经不计前嫌了。 Why does that make them change?” Chu Feng by secret the sound transmission inquiry. “那为何让他们改变?”楚枫以暗中传音询问。 Many years ago, Seven Worlds Saint Palace has had a massacre, still has not caught the murderer.” desolate Yueyue said. “多年之前,七界圣府发生过一件惨案,至今没有抓到凶手。”萧玥玥道。 Massacre? In the Seven Worlds Saint Palace total mansion?” Chu Feng asked. “惨案?在七界圣府总府之内?”楚枫问。 Right, is in the Seven Worlds Saint Palace total mansion.” “对,就是七界圣府总府之内。” Overnight, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace ten million families exterminated an entire family.” desolate Yueyue said. “一夜之间,七界圣府千万个家庭被灭门。”萧玥玥道。 ten million/countless?” Chu Feng surprise. “千万?”楚枫诧异。 After all ten million families, are not ten million/countless individuals, ten million families were extinguished, person of dying 毕竟千万个家庭,可不是千万个人,千万个家庭被灭,死掉的人 At least is also several million people, even possibly hundreds of millions people. 最起码也是几千万人,甚至可能几亿人。 Right, and these families, have characteristics.” desolate Yueyue also said. “对,并且那些家庭,都有一个特点。”萧玥玥又道。 What characteristics?” Chu Feng asked. “什么特点?”楚枫问。 In family/home, has one not to reach one -year-old baby.” desolate Yueyue said. “家中,都有一个未满一岁的婴儿。”萧玥玥道。 „Did baby also die?” Chu Feng asked. “婴儿也死了?”楚枫问。 Accurate, was missing, but has not appeared again, is impossible to live?” desolate Yueyue said. “准确来说,是失踪了,但再也没有出现过,也不可能活着吧?”萧玥玥道。 „But who is the knowledge behavior?” Chu Feng asked. “可知是何人所为?”楚枫问。 Does not know, what clue cannot check.” desolate Yueyue said. “不知,什么线索都查不到。”萧玥玥道。 No wonder.” Chu Feng understands why guarded was so stern, but immediately also asked that can know the specific time that this matter had?” “难怪。”楚枫明白,为何守卫如此森严了,但旋即又问“可知此事发生的具体时间?” Mentioned also skillfully, was Jie Ranqing comes back from the Nine Heavens secret not long.” “说来也巧,就是界染清九天秘地回来没有多久。” Naturally, these two have no connection, I told with you that the time of massacre.” desolate Yueyue said. “不过当然,这两者没有任何关联,我就只是跟你讲述一下那惨案发生的时间。”萧玥玥道。 Chu Feng thought that also thought that the two have not been connected. 楚枫想了一下,也觉得二者没有关联。 Chu Feng, this matter concerns the Seven Worlds Saint Palace face countenance, do not ask.” 楚枫,这件事关乎七界圣府的颜面,你可不要去问。” Otherwise, your talent is even good, should still possibly provoke the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person.” desolate Yueyue said. “不然,就算你天赋再好,也可能会惹恼了七界圣府的人。”萧玥玥道。 I understand.” Chu Feng naturally knows, this matter cannot inquire, therefore said with a smile you aren't angry?” “我懂。”楚枫自然知道,这件事不能去询问,于是笑着说道“你不生气了?” I am not the mean-spirited person.” desolate Yueyue said. “我又不是小气的人。”萧玥玥道。 „Was desolate miss, why you hostile to clear/pain Shanshan before?” Chu Feng is really curious. “萧姑娘,你之前到底为何那么敌视楚扇扇?”楚枫实在好奇。 The tour of Chu Feng Nine Heavens secret place, originally first with desolate Yueyue alliance. 楚枫九天秘地之行,原本最先与萧玥玥联盟。 But only built words because of clear/pain Shanshan and Chu Feng, desolate Yueyue is angry suddenly, even wants to kill clear/pain Shanshan directly. 但只因楚扇扇和楚枫搭了句话,萧玥玥忽然大怒,甚至想直接杀了楚扇扇。 May look like in Chu Feng, desolate Yueyue like the mindless person, did not think that must have the secret facts. 可在楚枫看来,萧玥玥不像那么不讲理的人,觉得必有隐情。 I do not like this human race beautiful inexpensive goods.” “我只是不喜欢这种人族的妖艳贱货。” My father in the past, loved my mother very much, behind was enticed by the human race beautiful inexpensive goods, behind killed my mother.” “我父亲当年,本来很疼爱我娘亲,后面就是被人族的妖艳贱货勾引,后面更是害死了我娘。” I, was nearly killed by that cheap person.” “就连我,也险些被那个贱人害死。” But, I also thanked you to intend to block me.” “不过,我也感谢你出手拦下了我。” Because behind contacts, I felt that clear/pain Shanshan and that cheap person have very big difference.” “因为后面接触,我感觉楚扇扇与那贱人还是有很大区别。” Was I impulsed at that time, nearly slaughtered innocents.” “是我当时冲动了,险些滥杀无辜。” Mentioned this matter, desolate Yueyue was also some apologies, but was not to Chu Feng, but to clear/pain Shanshan. 提及此事,萧玥玥也是有些歉意,但不是对楚枫,而是对楚扇扇。 As for Chu Feng, was silent. 至于楚枫,也沉默了。 He has not thought, desolate Yueyue also has such unfortunate experience, no wonder suddenly like that. 他没想到,萧玥玥还有这样不幸的经历,也难怪忽然那般。 When Chu Feng and desolate Yueyue talked in secret. 楚枫与萧玥玥暗中交谈之际。 Floats the spatial warship, has fallen on place of anchoring. 浮空战船,已是落在了一处停泊之地。 Afterward, Chu Feng and others, by the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, was then taken to the rest place respectively. 随后,楚枫等人,便被七界圣府的人,各自带往了休息的地方。 As for Chu Feng, then by Qinghe Elder, delivered to a palace personally. 至于楚枫,则是由青禾长老,亲自送到了一座宫殿之中。 Although without own garden, is only a palace in palace group, but according to Qinghe Elder said, this is the treatment of high specification. 虽然没有属于自己的花园,就只是宫殿群中的一座宫殿,但根据青禾长老所说,这已是较高规格的待遇了。 Only then he with Fuxing is this treatment. 只有他和复星是这个待遇。 Other participate enter the person of mansion trial, may not have such good place to live. 其他参加入府试炼的人,可没这么好的地方住。 Little Friend Chu Feng, if goes out, takes this token, will otherwise be blocked.” 楚枫小友,若是出门,就拿着这块令牌,不然是会被拦下来的。” Qinghe Elder spoke, the token will give Chu Feng together, that above writes the honored guest two characters. 青禾长老说话间,将一块令牌递给了楚枫,那上面写着上宾二字。 „Is this also the special amenities?” Chu Feng asked. “这也是特殊待遇?”楚枫问。 Naturally, so many people, are impossible to make everyone run all over the place.” Qinghe Elder said with a smile. “当然,这么多人,不可能让所有人都乱跑。”青禾长老笑道。 „Did Sir Elder, when ranking announce?” Chu Feng asked. 长老大人,排名何时宣布?”楚枫问。 Actually does not need to announce, you are first.” Qinghe Elder said with a smile, but these words, are in secret sound transmission. “其实无需宣布,你就是第一。”青禾长老笑着说道,不过这句话,乃是暗中传音 „Has Eh...... set?” Chu Feng asked. 额……已经定下了?”楚枫问。 Right, but must proclaim “对,不过还是要宣 arrange/cloth Paiming on the same day, will issue the Saint Rank treasure for you, you wait again. ” Qinghe Elder said. 布排名当日,才会为你颁发圣级宝物,你再等等。”青禾长老道。 Has Lao Qinghe Elder.” Chu Feng said. “有劳青禾长老。”楚枫道。 Does not need to be polite, later was one of us.” “不必客气,以后都是自家人了。” You rest well.” Qinghe Elder this words saying, then left this place. “你好好休息。”青禾长老此话说完,便离开了此地。 Only is left over a Chu Feng person, stands in the palace entrance. 只剩下楚枫一个人,站在宫殿门口。 Actually arrives at Seven Worlds Saint Palace, the Chu Feng's innermost feelings are also quite complex, even the cultivation thoughts did not have. 其实来到七界圣府,楚枫的内心也是颇为复杂,连修炼的心思都没有了。 Because he knows, his mother, was detained mostly here, but where concrete is Chu Feng does not know. 因为他知道,他的母亲,多半就被关押在这里,只是具体是什么地方楚枫并不知道。 The Chu Feng attempt observes with Heaven's Eyes, actually discovered that all constructions of Seven Worlds Saint Palace, have powerful isolation formation. 楚枫尝试用天眼观察,却发现七界圣府的所有建筑,都有强大的隔绝结界 Chu Feng continually is casual an ordinary construction unable to see through, let alone found, detained his mother's place. 楚枫连随便一座普通建筑都看不穿,就别说找到,关押他母亲的地方了。 Chu Feng can feel, here is only Seven Worlds Saint Palace most Outer Circle, is not the Seven Worlds Saint Palace Lord city. 况且,楚枫能够感觉到,这里只是七界圣府的最外围,并不是七界圣府的主城区。 Outer Circle is so, Lord city inevitably. 外围已是如此,主城区必然更加了得。 Although to Seven Worlds Saint Palace, detains mother incident Chu Feng to hate. 虽说对七界圣府,关押自己母亲一事楚枫十分痛恨。 Actually also has to acknowledge, Seven Worlds Saint Palace is indeed powerful. 却也不得不承认,七界圣府的确强大。 May even if knew perfectly well oneself now, but also does not have the ability to rescue mother, but Chu Feng stands waits and sees here for a long time. 可哪怕明知自己现在,还没能力解救自己母亲,但楚枫还是站在这里观望许久。 Place that Seven Worlds Saint Palace, this he most hates. 七界圣府,这个他最憎恶的地方。 Before has not thought that he by such stance here. 之前可没有想到,他会以这样一种姿态这里。 Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, Chu Feng vision change. 忽然,楚枫目光变化。 He discovered one team of troops. 他发现了一队人马。 These people, although is not the junior, but from the aura, their age is not very big. 那些人,虽然已经不是小辈,但从气息来看,他们年龄都不是很大。 Generally is among 200 to 300 years old, they all are the Seven Worlds Saint Palace people, clothes that but they wear, somewhat is special. 普遍都是200岁到300岁之间,他们皆是七界圣府的人,但他们穿着的衣服,却有些特别。 Has not worn the World Spirit long gown, but wears the silver armor, is throwing over cape, that wear, is ordinary just like the officers. 没有穿界灵长袍,而是身穿银色铠甲,身后披着的斗篷,那个穿着,宛如将士一般。 But they, come in oneself direction probably. 但他们,好像是朝着自己的方向过来的。
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