Information that Chapter 5673marktransmits
第5673章印记传来的信息„SirKui Ting, youare away fromTrue God Realm, differencecanbe many?”Chu FengaskedtoAsura King.
“魁庭大人,您距离真神境,差的可多?”楚枫对修罗王问。„Somedistances, butdifferenceare not many.”Asura Kingsaid.
“还有一些距离,但差的不多。”修罗王道。„Swallowsto trythis.”Source that during the Chu Fengspeeches, oneselfwill save, shiftstoWorld Spirit Space.
To leaveEggyandYu Sha, butYu Shahas not regained consciousness, Eggydoes not know when canrestore.
原本是想留给蛋蛋和羽纱的,但羽纱迟迟没有苏醒,蛋蛋也不知何时才能恢复。Withitsremains, might as wellfirstgivesAsura King, ifhecanbreak throughTrue God, thentoChu Feng, the helpis enormous.
与其留着,还不如先给修罗王,万一他能突破真神,那对楚枫而言,帮助极大。„SirChu Feng, this......”seesSource that Chu Fenghands over, Asura Kingis somewhat scruple.
“楚枫大人,这……”看到楚枫递过来的本源,修罗王有些迟疑。InthisSource, butalsocontains the True God Realmpowerhouse, the valueis extremely high.
这本源之中,可是还包含真神境强者的,价值极高。Asura King, justdid obeisanceChu Fengto bestow, steps into the Half Godpeak, nowgiveshimsuchpreciousSource, hissome not goodmeaning.修罗王,刚刚拜楚枫所赐,才踏入半神巅峰,现在又给他这么珍贵的本源,他有些不好意思。„You, ifgrows stronger, Ialsoprofit.”Chu Fenga few words, saidhisidea.
“你若变强,我也受益。”楚枫一句话,说出了他的想法。„Subordinateunderstood.”Asura Kingno longerhesitates, received after Source, said: „SirChu Feng, youlaterdo not say that weforSiragain, weareyoursubordinate.”
“属下明白了。”修罗王不再迟疑,将本源接过后,又道:“不过楚枫大人,您以后别再称我们为大人了,我们是您的属下。”„Wedo not haveso manycustoms, to be how comfortablehowto call, can definitely varioustheoriesvarious.”
“咱们没那么多规矩,怎么舒服怎么叫,完全可以各论各的。”„ActuallythisSource, what do you feel?”Chu Fengasked.
“倒是这本源,你感觉如何?”楚枫问道。„Sourceis too strong, the subordinateneedtimerefining up, canitsstrengthbiggestdisplay.”Asura Kingsaid.
“本源太强,属下需要时间炼化,才能将其力量最大发挥。”修罗王道。„SirKui Tingrefining upslowly, is not anxious.”Chu Fengsaid,thenleftthisplace.
After Chu Fengleaves, the Asuraarmygathersin front ofAsura King.楚枫离开后,修罗大军凑到修罗王面前。„Sir, weby the time that thisfront doorseals up, is not long, cultivation realm of SirChu Feng, hadsuchbigprogressionunexpectedly, thiscultivationspeedslaughtering the cultivationspeed of Son of HeavenSiris faster.”Xiang Jisaid.
“大人,咱们被这大门封住的时间,也不长,楚枫大人的修为,竟有了这么大的增进,这修炼速度比杀戮天王大人的修炼速度还快啊。”祥吉说道。„According toslaughtering the Sir said that his agetime, maynot havecultivation realm of SirChu Feng.”
“根据杀戮大人所讲,他这个年纪的时候,可没有楚枫大人的修为。”„HoweverSirChu Feng, does not appear briefly.”
“而楚枫大人,绝非昙花一现。”„Itin the future the achievement, fearing to aboveslaughtering the Sir.”Asura Kingsaid.
“其日后成就,恐要在杀戮大人之上。”修罗王道。Hearsthiswords, the Asuraarmyis even more excited.
听闻此话,修罗大军越发兴奋起来。Ifbefore, Asura Kingspokethissaying, theydid not believe.
若是之前,修罗王说这话,他们不信。Howevernow, theyletter/believed.
After Chu Fengconsciousnessprojects the main body, has not goneexcessivelyto think the matter of Asurasword.楚枫将意识投射回本体后,也没有去过多想修罗剑的事。
The Asuraswordis strong, ifcannotuseforoneself, thatdoes not have the significance.修罗剑再强,若不能为自己所用,那也没有意义。As for the Asuraarmy, althoughisChu Fengcurrenttaking advantage, because ofexistence of thatgate, only ifcompelsto have no other choice, cannoteasilyuse.
至于修罗大军,虽是楚枫当下的依仗,但因那道门的存在,除非逼不得已,也不能轻易使用。Chu Fengneedsto promotecultivation realm.楚枫还是需要提升自己修为。immemorialcontemplates the law, mayexerciseitsSpirit power, maystrengthenSpirit power, long-termcultivation, will have the promotiontoSpirit Formation technique.
……Meanwhile, for the Chu Fengand otherstemporarycultivationpalacegroupbeyond, hasoneto float the spatialwarship.
与此同时,供楚枫等人临时修炼的宫殿群外,有着一座浮空战船。Thiswarship, is notverybig, all over the body the bronze, is nothowluxurious, butworksis fine.
这艘战船,不是很大,通体古铜色,不是多么豪华,但做工却非常精致。Althoughis hanging the Seven Worlds Saint Palaceflag, in fact is actually the Ancient Eratreasure.
The warshiphas no guard, butin the deck is actually kneelingtwoSaint RankElder, surfacetoward the small-scalepalace of warship.
战船没有任何守卫,但甲板上却跪着两个圣级长老,面朝战船的一座小型宫殿。IsQinghe and town/subduesluck.
是界青禾与界镇福。Theyjusttold, enters the matter of mansiontrial, naturallymainlytold, experience of Chu FengandFuxing.
他们刚刚讲述了,入府试炼的事情,当然主要讲述了,楚枫与复星的经历。„Draws back.”Insidebroadcasts a old personsound, isSeven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lord.
“退下吧。”里面传来一位老者的声音,乃是七界圣府府主。ButQingheElderhas not actually left, butasked: „SirMansion Lord, thatfollowingtrial?”
唰-scrollgrazesfrom the palacetogether.
一道卷轴从殿内飞掠而出。QingheElderreceived, twopeopleopenlook, that isSeven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lord, tothenenters the decision of mansiontrial.
青禾长老接过,二人打开一看,那乃是七界圣府府主,对接下来入府试炼的决定。Regardingthisdecision, twoSaint RankElder are also quite joyful, after immediatelyserves with a ritual, thenleavesimmediately.
对于这个决定,两位圣级长老也颇为欣喜,旋即施以一礼后,便立刻离开。In the palace, Seven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lord, sits wellin the seat of honor, but the right handis actually manipulating a spheroid.
宫殿内,七界圣府府主,端坐于主位,但右手却摆弄着一个球体。In the spheroidis flowingseventypes of colorliquids, isSeven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lord, in the Age of Godscrackobtained.
球体内流动着七种颜色的液体,乃七界圣府府主,在神之时代裂缝内所得。„ThisChu Feng, even moresurprised the old man.”
“这个楚枫,越发让老夫意外了。”„Steps into the Nine Heavenssecretplace for the first time, canachievethisdegreeunexpectedly.”
“第一次踏入九天秘地,竟能做到这种程度。”„Perhaps... the prediction of Age of Godsreallymeetsto becometrue.”
“也许…神之时代的预言真的会成真。”„Chu Feng, makes the old manhave a look, yousuch as the predictioncan whether be ordinary, helping the old manremovethisheartknot.”
“楚枫,就让老夫看看,你能否如预言一般,帮老夫除掉这个心结。”On the face of Seven Worlds Saint PalaceMansion Lord, haswipes the anticipation.七界圣府府主的脸上,有着一抹期待。
……According tobeforesaid,thisactual combatinspects, according to the markorder, the leadingtenpeople, will enterSeven Worlds Saint Palace.
按照之前所说,此次实战考核,按照印记顺序,排名靠前的十人,将进入七界圣府。Because of the trip, Chu Fengprotectedtoomanypeople, Seven Worlds Saint Palacefeltinsufficientlyfairly.
但因为此行,楚枫保护了太多人,七界圣府觉得不够公平。ThereforebesidesChu FengandFuxing, others mustinspectagainonetime.
所以除了楚枫与复星之外,其他人都要再考核一次。Butalso the goodnews, that to enter the Seven Worlds Saint Palacetenpeople, expandedhundredpeople.
只不过也有一个好消息,那就是能够进入七界圣府的十人,扩充到了百人。But the place of thismake-up test, is the Seven Worlds Saint Palacetotalmansion.
而这补考的地方,乃是七界圣府的总府。Thisnews, makingmanyparticipateenter the people of mansiontrialto beexcited.
这个消息,让许多参加入府试炼的人都感到振奋。Firstdid not say, the Seven Worlds Saint Palacetotalmansion, isintheirheartsWorld Spiritistplace that mostyearns.
先不说,七界圣府的总府,乃是他们心中界灵师的最向往的地方。Andenters the quota of mansiontrial, increased90, they were also manysomeopportunities.
并且入府试炼的名额,也增加了九十个,他们也都多了一些机会。Meanwhiletheyalsobasicallyapproved a point.
但同时他们也基本认可了一点。Thistimefirst that enters the mansiontrial, producesbetweenChu FengandFuxing, and Chu Feng'sopportunityis bigger.
此次入府试炼的第一名,就是在楚枫与复星之间产生,并且楚枫的机会更大。On the way, Chu Fenghas contemplated the lawincultivationantique, no onedisturbshim.
途中,楚枫一直在修炼太古冥想法,也没有人来打扰他。Until the warshipgoes outfrom the teleportationtunnel, everyonebecomesexcited, Chu Feng the resting palace that restsfromoneselfgoes out.
直到战船从传送隧道走出,所有人都变得兴奋起来,楚枫才从自己休息的寝宫走出。Theyhad arrived at the Seven Worlds Saint Palacetotalmansion.
他们已经来到了七界圣府的总府。Chu Fengwaits and seesoutward, outsideis the boundlesssea of clouds, buthereseas of cloudsandotherplacesare different.楚枫向外观望,外面乃是茫茫云海,但这里的云海与其他地方不同。
The cloud layeris sincerer, the frequency of tumblingis quicker, looks like the trueseato be the same.
云层更厚重,翻滚的频率更快,就像是真正的海洋一般。Quick, covers the formationwall of the world to heave in sightfrom the distant placetogether.
很快,自远处一道覆盖天地的结界墙壁映入眼帘。Across the front door, appears at present, is a tall and pleasing to the eyeworld.
穿过大门,浮现在眼前的,便是一个美轮美奂的世界。Hereconstruction, the layout, withhas nothing to doresplendently in gold and jade green, butactuallyobviouslygrand.
这里的建筑,布局,与金碧辉煌无关,但却更显壮阔。Carefullyhas obviously designed, World Spiritist, reaches the pinnaclesimply.
明显是精心设计过的,在界灵师来看,简直登峰造极。Butquick, the Chu Fenglookchanges, thereforelooked at the visiontoownpalm.
但很快,楚枫神色变化,于是将目光望向了自己的手掌。Thathand, has left behind the palm of World SpiritImmortal Kingmark.
那只手,乃是留下过界灵仙王印记的手掌。Afterward, Chu Fengclosed a pupil, attentivesensibility, after the moment , the corners of the mouthare difficultto happily chatintent.
随后,楚枫闭上了眼眸,用心感悟,片刻后嘴角难言笑意。„so that's how it is.”
Before Chu Fengfeltone, neverfelt the information that had been, butthisinformation, makingtour of Chu Fengto the Seven Worlds Saint Palace, the confidencemultiply.楚枫感受到了一个之前,从未感受到过的信息,而这个信息,让楚枫对七界圣府之行,信心倍增。
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