MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5674: With to master

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Chapter 5672 with master 第5672章跟对主人了 Asura King: Kui Ting. 修罗王:魁庭 The Asura army top powerhouse, Yun Liang, Xiang Ji and other Chu Feng familiar faces, all appear in Chu Feng at present. 修罗大军顶尖强者,云凉,祥吉楚枫熟悉的脸孔,皆是浮现于楚枫眼前。 But compared in the past, they also had a big change. 但相比于以往,他们又有了不小的变化。 Their cultivation realm, had the promotion, and this promotion is big. 他们的修为,都有了提升,并且这提升还不小。 Xiang Ji and Yun Liang and other top powerhouses, in concludes the contract before Chu Feng is Sixth Rank Half God, after concluding the contract, cultivation realm backed up, turned into Third Rank Half God. 祥吉云凉等顶尖强者,在与楚枫缔结契约前是六品半神,缔结契约后修为倒退,变成了三品半神 But now, cultivation realm had achieved Eight Rank Half God. 而如今,修为已是达到了八品半神 As for Asura King, before Chu Feng concluding a treaty contract is Seventh Rank Half God, after concluding the contract, cultivation realm backed up Fourth Rank Half God. 至于修罗王,与楚枫缔约契约前是七品半神,缔结契约后修为倒退到了四品半神 But Asura King cultivation realm, has achieved Ninth Rank Half God now, is the true Half God peak. 可现在修罗王修为,已是达到了九品半神,是真正的半神巅峰。 Only misses one step, can step into True God Realm. 只差一步,便可踏入真神境 This is they have never achieved cultivation realm, but such promotion, in just short flash. 这是他们从未达到过的修为,而这样的提升,就是在刚刚短短的一瞬间而已。 Therefore, regardless of Asura King, is other World Spirit, on their time faces, is flooding the endless confusedness and puzzled. 所以,无论修罗王,还是其他界灵,他们此时的脸上,都是充斥着无尽的迷茫与不解。 everyone senior, does not see for a long time.” 诸位前辈,好久不见。” Followed Chu Feng's this sound, Asura King and others also notices Chu Feng. 伴随楚枫的这道声音,修罗王等人也注意到了楚枫 Compares in own confusedness, on Chu Feng's face, actually not slightly surprised, is joyful. 相比于自己的迷茫,楚枫的脸上,却并没有丝毫惊讶,只有喜悦。 This makes Asura King realize, this matter reason, Chu Feng should know. 这让修罗王意识到,此事缘由,楚枫应该知晓。 greets Sir Chu Feng.” But Asura King had not inquired immediately, but leads ten million/countless the Asura army, is serving with the worshipping on bended knees big ritual to Chu Feng. 拜见楚枫大人。”但修罗王并未立即询问,而是率领千万修罗大军,对着楚枫施以跪拜大礼。 Exempted.” Chu Feng rushes to bridge over this gate, steps into, supported by the arm Asura King personally. “免了免了。”楚枫赶忙跨过这道门,踏入其中,亲手搀扶起了修罗王 Sir Chu Feng, our cultivation realm?” Asura King looks to Chu Feng, the look is completely to the hope of truth. 楚枫大人,我们的修为?”修罗王看向楚枫,眼神尽是对真相的渴望。 „Related with this front door.” Chu Feng aims at that front door, immediately then account, informed Asura King and others. “与这大门有关。”楚枫指向那道大门,旋即便将事情的经过,告知了修罗王等人 Sir Chu Feng, therefore... our cultivation realm, are real, this is not the dream, did we really have the so big promotion?” 楚枫大人,所以…我们这修为,是真实的,这不是梦,我们真的有了如此大的提升?” Numerous position Asura World Spirit, asked. 众位修罗界灵,纷纷问道。 Naturally, this is your real cultivation realm, will not back up again.” Chu Feng said. “当然,这就是你们货真价实的修为,不会再倒退。”楚枫说道。 - 哇- Chu Feng such remarks, the Asura army falls into crazily. 楚枫此话一出,修罗大军陷入疯狂。 After all, they promote cultivation realm, may incessantly be Asura King, as well as Sir Yun Liang, Sir Xiang Ji and others, but is the overall promotion. 毕竟,他们提升修为的,可不止是修罗王,以及云凉大人,祥吉大人等人,而是整体提升。 For example, in this ten million/countless Asura army. 就比如,之前这千万修罗大军之中。 Majority is Martial Venerable Realm, but the Martial Venerable peak has about 1 million. 大部分都是武尊境,而武尊巅峰有近百万。 Half God Realm is less, about ten thousand. 半神境则是更少,近万。 But now, Half God Realm has 1 million. 而现在,半神境已有百万。 But the Martial Venerable peak, unexpectedly is in this ten million/countless Asura army, setting the base. 武尊巅峰,竟是这千万修罗大军之中,垫底的了。 This is their changes. 这便是他们的变化。 And directly, is powerful!!! 直接,且强大!!! Sir Chu Feng.” But suddenly, Sir Xiang Ji knelt in front of Chu Feng, not only knelt down, unexpectedly also nasal mucus tears, on the face were completely ashamed. 楚枫大人。”可忽然,祥吉大人又跪在了楚枫面前,不仅跪下了,竟还一把鼻涕一把泪的,脸上尽是惭愧。 At first regarding Xiang Ji this act, numerous position Asura World Spirit is also puzzled, until after he opens the mouth, the people responded. 起初对于祥吉此举,众位修罗界灵也是不解,直到他开口之后,众人才反应过来。 Old man cultivation so many years, cultivation realm from Third Rank Half God, promoted Sixth Rank Half God before.” “老夫之前修炼那么多年,才将修为三品半神,提升到了六品半神。” May follow Sir Chu Feng, but also less than one year, then arrived at Eight Rank Half God.” “可跟随楚枫大人,还不到一年时间,便到达了八品半神。” However the old man before, had not known the good and evil unexpectedly, questioned Sir Chu Feng, the old man was really the heinous crime.” “而老夫之前,居然还不识好歹,质疑楚枫大人,老夫真是罪该万死啊。” Xiang Ji such remarks, other Asura World Spirit, kneels down, on many Asura World Spirit faces emerges ashamed. 祥吉此话一出,其他修罗界灵,也是纷纷跪下,许多修罗界灵脸上都涌现出惭愧。 Initially, knew that must follow Chu Feng, so long as concluded the contract, after cultivation realm will also back up, in them also many World Spirit were the fears, resistance. 当初,得知要跟随楚枫,并且只要缔结契约,修为还会倒退之后,他们之中也有很多界灵是害怕的,抗拒的。 If not for Asura King takes the lead to conclude the contract with Chu Feng, in them inevitably some, will choose to reject. 若不是修罗王率先与楚枫缔结契约,他们之中必然有一些,会选择拒绝。 To put it bluntly, Chu Feng is too weak, even if they did not say, actually is also the intention question. 说白了,楚枫太弱,哪怕他们不说,其实也是心怀质疑。 But they know now, what kind of potential Chu Feng contains. 可现在他们才知道,楚枫蕴藏着怎样的潜能。 They are shortsighted, luckily Asura King and Sir Yun Liang the mental perception know the bead, otherwise if they will miss Chu Feng this powerful master. 他们乃是鼠目寸光,幸亏修罗王云凉大人慧眼识珠,如若不然他们将错过楚枫这位强大的主人。 Thinks of here, how can worthily? 想到这里,怎能不愧? everyone senior, please get up in a big hurry.” Chu Feng said. 诸位前辈,快快请起。”楚枫道。 World Spirit that but these kneel down, is actually not willing to get up, they are really ashamed, more is more ashamed. 可那些跪下的界灵,却并不肯起,他们真是惭愧,越想越惭愧。 What's wrong, did not recognize my lord, didn't my words listen?” Chu Feng brow slightly wrinkle. “怎么,不认我这个主子了,连我的话都不听?”楚枫眉头微皱。 Hears this words, these World Spirit rush to set out, and explained: Sir Chu Feng, you do not think like this. We are not this meaning, we are only......” 听闻此话,那些界灵才赶忙起身,且解释道:“楚枫大人,您千万别这样想。我们不是这个意思,我们只是……” Chu Feng knows that they want to say anything, not only has not blamed, instead beckons with the hand with a smile, hints them not to need to explain. 楚枫知道他们想说什么,不仅没有责怪,反而是笑着摆了摆手,示意他们不用解释。 „When initially concluded the contract, in you so many people in my Chu Feng, are actually willing to be used by me, this trust, my Chu Feng remembers.” “当初缔结契约之时,你们之中那么多人强于我楚枫,却还愿为我所用,这份信任,我楚枫记得。” My Chu Feng had then also said on the same day, I will not only make you restore cultivation realm, will let your cultivation realm promotion.” “我楚枫当日便也说过,我不仅会让你们恢复修为,也会让你们修为提升。” This... is also the matter that my Chu Feng should do.” Chu Feng said. “这…也是我楚枫应该做的事。”楚枫说道。 Yes, Sir Chu Feng has said that what Sir Chu Feng said is within hundred years, making us restore cultivation realm.” “是,楚枫大人说过,楚枫大人说的是百年之内,让我们恢复修为。” But this also less than one year, we not only restore cultivation realm, instead had the so big promotion.” “可这还不到一年时间,我们不仅恢复修为,反而有了如此大的提升。” It seems like Sir Chu Feng was modest.” Sir Yun Liang said with a smile. “看来楚枫大人还是谦虚了啊。”云凉大人笑道。 Sir Chu Feng long live!!!” Other Asura World Spirit, lighting up with pleasure at the same time, expressed gratitude in their ways to Chu Feng. 楚枫大人万岁!!!”其他修罗界灵,喜笑颜开的同时,纷纷以他们的方式向楚枫表示感谢。 Actually everyone does not need to thank me, my Chu Feng's merit is only little.” “其实诸位不用如此谢我,我楚枫的功劳只是一点点。” True merit, slaughters the Son of Heaven.” During the Chu Feng speeches, looks to that front door. “真正的功劳,还是杀戮天王。”楚枫说话间,看向那道大门。 This gate, itself is treasure, is a part of contract of these Asura World Spirit gods. 此门,本身便是至宝,也是这些修罗界灵神之契约的一部分。 Even Chu Feng felt, their cultivation realm seem like the progress to be slow, was possibly swallowed by the contract of god actually. 甚至楚枫觉得,他们的修为看似进展慢,实则可能是被神之契约吞噬了。 Now, but their cultivation cultivation realm, gives back to them. 现在,不过是将他们自己修炼修为,还给他们而已。 Chu Feng does not know why slaughters the Son of Heaven to do this, but this matter, indeed was makes Chu Feng obtain benefits in brief. 楚枫也不知道,杀戮天王为何这样做,但总之这件事,的确是让楚枫获益了。 Looks at that gate, the Asura army is also falls into silent. 看着那道门,修罗大军也是陷入沉默。 Slaughters the Son of Heaven, will once master, how they forget? 杀戮天王,曾经的主人,他们岂会忘? Sir Chu Feng, no matter how, cultivation realm of old man, after following you promotes.” 楚枫大人,不管如何,老夫的修为,是在跟随你之后提升的。” Old man naturally feeling grateful Sir you.” Xiang Ji said. “老夫自然感恩大人你。”祥吉说道。 Afterward, other Asura armies also took a stand. 随后,其他修罗大军也是纷纷表态。 This cultivation realm promotion is big, the emotions of Asura army run high very much. 此次修为提升较大,修罗大军的情绪都很高涨。 But suddenly, Asura King opens the mouth: Sir Chu Feng, this we were summoned by you time, number of times limit?” 可忽然,修罗王开口了:“楚枫大人,这一次我们被您召唤,还有次数限制吗?” He such remarks, the Asura army is peaceful immediately. 他此话一出,修罗大军立刻安静下来。 Just immersed in the joy, Asura King such remarks, they also responded. 刚刚沉浸于喜悦,修罗王此话一出,他们也才反应过来。 Definitely has the limit, only this limit is several times, must after I use your strengths, will feed back.” “肯定还是有限制的,只这次的限制是几次,要在我使用你们的力量之后,才会有所反馈。” But, advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, when this front door is closed again, although within certain amount of time, cannot borrow your strengths.” “但,有利有弊,当这大门再度关闭之时,虽一定时间内,不能借用你们的力量。” May also be the arrival of opportunity.” Chu Feng said. “可也是机会的到来。”楚枫说道。 Sir Chu Feng you said, next you can also open this gate time, our will cultivation realm also promote?” Asura King asked. 楚枫大人你是说,下一次你还能开启此门,我们的修为还会提升?”修罗王问。 Right.” “对。” But is not simple, my opening, opens Third Level continuously.” “但也没那么简单,我这一次开启,连续开启三重。” I can feel, Fourth Level is very difficult to open, I also need to spend some time to see the light suddenly.” Chu Feng said. “我能感觉到,第四重很难开启,我也需要花费一定时间去顿悟。”楚枫道。 That according to this logic, has Sir Chu Feng, our can cultivation realm, promote infinitely?” “那这样说来,有楚枫大人在,我们的修为,岂不是能无限提升?” The Asura army asked that they were very excited, disregarded the Chu Feng following words directly, only remembered that antithetical couplet. 修罗大军纷纷问道,他们很是激动,直接无视了楚枫后面的话,只记住了那个对字。 This can promote in your cultivation realm gate formation technique, has the limit.” “这能够提升你们修为的门内阵法,定有极限。” Has not known when the limit of this thing is.” “只是还不知道,此物的极限是何时。” But everyone felt relieved, even if this thing has the limit, you will not have the limit.” “但诸位放心,就算此物有极限,你们也不会有极限。” Wants my Chu Feng, will not let your cultivation realm, bogs down.” “只要我楚枫在,就不会让你们的修为,停滞不前。” Chu Feng said the time wear a look of happy expression of these words, especially last, is self-confident. 楚枫说这番话的时候面带笑意,尤其最后一句,则是自信满满。 Sir Chu Feng long live, Sir Chu Feng long live.” The next quarter, the Asura army raises the arm to shout loudly again, they have believed in firmly to Chu Feng. 楚枫大人万岁,楚枫大人万岁。”下一刻,修罗大军再度振臂高呼,他们对楚枫已是深信不疑。 Do not talk nonsense, Sir Chu Feng can only long live can it be that Sir Chu Feng works as and day with simultaneous/uniform.” “别胡说,楚枫大人岂是只能万岁,楚枫大人当与天同齐。” Asura King investigates the correct path loudly, but he actually is also all smiles, simultaneously are narrowing eyes, is actually the glimmer sparkles. 修罗王大声纠正道,但他却也是满面笑容,同时眯着的双眼,却是微光闪闪。 Performance, although is not obvious, but his excitement, is not weak in any Asura World Spirit. 表现的虽不明显,可他的激动,不弱于任何一位修罗界灵 He knows, initial decision is right. 他知道,当初的决定是对的。 They, with master. 他们,跟对主人了。 () ()
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