MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5673: Prestige of the sword?

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That sound, resembling is a boy, but resembles is the girl, even Chu Feng difficult distinguishes clearly. 那个声音,似是男孩,但又似是女孩,连楚枫难以分清。 But... is very immature, the milk ominous milk is ominous. 但…很是稚嫩,奶凶奶凶的。 This sword opens the mouth, Chu Feng is the great happiness. 此剑开口,楚枫则是大喜。 This is the Asura sword, by strength that it displays, even if the sham, in the future definitely will have big using. 这可是修罗剑啊,以它展现的力量,哪怕是赝品,日后也绝对会有大用。 But Chu Feng's is joyful, has not actually displayed, but asked how, could you also understand?” 楚枫的喜悦,却并未表现出来,而是问道“怎么,你也看得懂?” Joke, this king what has not seen, won't be able to understand this small formation technique?” The Asura sword disdains, is more impatient “笑话,本王什么没见过,会看不懂这种小阵法?”修罗剑不屑,更不耐烦 Few idle talk, open Second Level immediately, if cannot achieve, ate you.” “少废话,立刻开启第二重,若做不到,吃了你。” I, if opened Second Level?” Chu Feng asked .??. “那我若是开启了第二重呢?”楚枫问。.??. Can't open?” “到底开不开?” Did not open eats you now.” “不开现在吃了你。” Asura sword words saying, the sword god shivers slightly, Black Flame appears, but Chu Feng actually felt, wrote off own strength sufficiently. 修罗剑此话说完,剑神微微颤动,黒焰只是浮现一点,可楚枫却感受到了,足以抹杀自己的力量。 Opens.” “开。” Chu Feng does not dare to neglect, rushes to stimulate to movement Spirit power in within the body again, floods into formation technique of that front door. 楚枫不敢怠慢,赶忙再度催动体内的精神力,涌入那道大门的阵法之中。 Quick, formation technique ray twinkle on that front door, the strength was just obviously stronger , the lining front door, was covered by the ray. 很快,那大门上的阵法光芒闪烁,力量明显比刚刚更强,就连整道大门,都被光芒覆盖。 Second Level, has opened successfully. 二重,已是成功开启。 Even but if, Chu Feng still had not so opened this gate, but looks to the Asura sword. 但哪怕如此,楚枫也仍然没有开启此门,而是看向修罗剑。 How to say?” Chu Feng asked. “怎讲?”楚枫问。 Has the skill to open First Level again.” Asura swordsmanship. “有本事再开一重。”修罗剑道。 Advantage? Hasn't eaten me?” Chu Feng asked. “好处呢?还只是不吃我?”楚枫问。 If can achieve, no longer eats your Spirit power.” “若能做到,不再吃你精神力。” „But if cannot achieve, this king Yijiu ate you.” Asura swordsmanship. “但若做不到,本王依旧吃了你。”修罗剑道。 Chu Feng smiles lightly says it and means it.” 楚枫淡淡一笑“一言为定。” The words fall, Chu Feng continues the law secret art to change, boundless Spirit power , to continue to attack that front door. 话落,楚枫继续法诀变化,磅礴的精神力,继续冲击那道大门。 However quick, the Chu Feng's complexion becomes ugly/difficult to look at, although his Spirit power different from ordinary person, is quite boundless. 但是很快,楚枫的脸色变得难看,他的精神力虽然异于常人,较为磅礴。 But is not eventually inexhaustible. 可终究并非无穷无尽。 Otherwise if, will then not fear this Asura sword before, swallowed own Spirit power. 如若不然,之前便不会惧怕这修罗剑,吞噬自己的精神力了。 Chu Feng has reached the limit, but he was still insisting. 楚枫已达极限,可他仍在坚持。 The trip this act, in Pangren, being no different dances above the knife point. 此行此举,于庞人来看,无异于是在刀尖之上起舞。 Either startled is the Celestial, either the life falls in this. 要么惊为天人,要么命陨于此。 But Chu Feng, he does not wrestle by the fate, but maps out strategic plans in an army tent. 但于楚枫来看,他可不是以命相搏,而是运筹帷幄。 Drinks!!!” “喝啊!!!” Suddenly, Chu Feng loudly shouts, but after an exceptionally boundless Spirit power release, Spirit power of Chu Feng within the body then no longer releases. 忽然,楚枫大喝一声,一股异常磅礴的精神力释放而出后,楚枫体内的精神力便不再释放。 At this moment, Chu Feng, partly knelt on the ground weakly directly, but the vision has actually been staring at that front door, as well as final Spirit power. 此刻,楚枫也虚弱不已,直接半跪在了地上,但目光却一直盯着那道大门,以及最后的精神力 Although the streaming with sweat, the body also trembles, may pinch the palm of law secret art, actually as before as stable as Mount Tai. 尽管汗如雨下,身体也瑟瑟发抖,可捏出法诀的手掌,却依旧稳如泰山。 Sees only under the Chu Feng's stimulation of movement, that final Spirit power, just like flood dragon entering the sea. 只见在楚枫的催动之下,那最后的精神力,宛如蛟龙入海。 After it integrates the front door thoroughly, above the front door also raises the great unrest. 当它彻底融入大门之后,大门之上也是掀起轩然大波。 A more powerful ray and strength, appear in formation technique, shine eight sides. 更为强大的光芒与力量,于阵法浮现,普照八方。 Chu Feng, became. 楚枫,成了。 Sees this one, the Chu Feng corners of the mouth shows the smile, immediately looks to the Asura sword. 见此一幕,楚枫嘴角露出笑容,旋即看向修罗剑。 It seems like, I the energy , returned to my World Spirit Space finally anytime and anywhere.” “看来,我终于又能,随时随地的,回到我的界灵空间了。” Performance is good, but also is only also good.” Asura swordsmanship. “表现还行,但也只是还行。”修罗剑道。 Even if good, explained well, whether to ask your matter?” Chu Feng asked. “哪怕还行,也说明不错,可否问你一件事?”楚枫问。 Said.” Asura swordsmanship. “说。”修罗剑道。 You come from Asura Spirit World, is inevitably experienced.” “你既来自修罗灵界,必然见多识广。” You may know, how can treat my good friend?” Chu Feng asked. “你可知,如何能医治我的好友?”楚枫问道。 Chu Feng refers, naturally is Eggy. 楚枫所指,自然是蛋蛋 Although knows probably treats the Eggy method, but in the Chu Feng heart still lacked self-confidence. 虽然大概知道医治蛋蛋方法,可楚枫心中仍然没底。 This Asura sword, feels all-resourceful to Chu Feng's, perhaps it knows the accurate method. 这把修罗剑,给楚枫的感觉神通广大,也许它知道准确方法。 What can't you see this king are?” “你看不到本王是什么吗?” This king is only sword.” “本王只是区区一把剑。” Why does sword use? The sword is the murder!!” “剑为何用?剑为杀人!!” You counted on unexpectedly a sword does help you save others?” “你居然指望一把剑帮你救人?” „Had your brain been kicked by the donkey?” The Asura sword scolded suddenly. “你脑子被驴踢过啊?”修罗剑忽然骂道。 But Chu Feng is not mad, but said may Eggy say, you are not the common sword, you are Asura Spirit World, strongest sword.” 楚枫也不气,而是说道“可蛋蛋说过,你不是寻常之剑,你乃修罗灵界,最强之剑。” Little flatters, your wife yourself rescues, do not count on this king.” Asura swordsmanship. “少拍马屁,你的娘子你自己救,别指望本王。”修罗剑道。 You said is very right, truly should I try to find the solution.” “你说的很对,确实应该我自己想办法。” You also said that you are a sword, the sword are not the life-saving, but is the murder.” “那你也说了,你是一把剑,剑不是救人的,而是杀人的。” „Can you... be used by me?” Chu Feng asked. “那你…能为我所用吗?”楚枫问。 Yo, cannot endure the temper, now then wants to make this/Ben king for you use?” “哟,这么耐不住性子,现在便想让本王为你所用?” Small thing, you thought that you do match?” Asura sword these words, the oppression is full. “小东西,你觉得你配吗?”修罗剑这句话,压迫十足。 But Chu Feng is actually without turning a hair I , if not match, then no one matches.” 楚枫却面不改色“我若不配,便无人配。” Yo, is so self-confident.” “哟,这么自信。” You try.” Asura sword words belt/bring smiles, harbors evil intentions. “那你来试试。”修罗剑此话带笑,不怀好意。 But the Chu Feng words had not said, arrives at the Asura sword near quickly, stretches out the palm, grasps directly to the sword hilt of Asura sword. 楚枫却话都未说,快步走到修罗剑近前,伸出手掌,直接抓向修罗剑的剑柄。 Tries then to try, Chu Feng had this intent. 试试便试试,楚枫本来就有此意。 But the palm just gripped the Asura sword, immediately the world trembles, later the Black Flame release, floods the entire Asura space. 可手掌刚刚握住修罗剑,顿时天地一颤,随后黒焰释放,充斥整个修罗空间。 That is not the pressure, but is killing intent, extremely terrifying killing intent. 那不是威压,而是杀意,极其恐怖的杀意 That terrifying killing intent, crazy floods into to Chu Feng within the body. 那恐怖的杀意,正疯狂的向楚枫体内涌入。 Through this killing intent, Chu Feng can feel, dies the ghost quantity under this sword. 通过此杀意,楚枫能感受到,死在此剑之下的亡魂数量。 The ghost under this sword, is above the imagination simply, cannot calculate at the population, but should by the world, even Star Region calculates. 此剑之下的亡魂,简直超乎想象,不能以人数来计算,而是应该以世界,甚至星域来计算。 Life that once some innumerable Star Region collected, died under this sword. 曾有无数星域所汇集的生命,死于此剑之下。 This is slaughtering of this sword!!! 这便是此剑的杀戮!!! This killing intent, can disrupt the mind, may bring back Chu Feng's killing intent, has to let the potential of Chu Feng cultivation deviation greatly. 杀意,能扰乱心神,可勾起楚枫的杀意,大有让楚枫走火入魔之势。 Chu Feng is also in great surprise. 楚枫也是大惊。 But he is startled, is not this killing intent disrupts mental. 但他惊的,不是此杀意扰乱心智。 But is he can feel, thing of deeper level. 而是他能感觉到,更深层次的东西 This sword, as if only has left one time. 此剑,似乎只出过一次。 Does a sword, then write off this many lives? 只是一剑,便抹杀这多的生命? This is really above the imagination. 这真的超乎想象。 According to the Chu Feng's cognition comes to see. 按照楚枫的认知来看。 This sword, is Sword Qi covers in millions and millions inevitably!!! 这一剑,必然是剑气覆盖亿万里!!! A sword, then pierced Galaxy, the Sword Qi place visited, innumerable Star Region are reduced to ashes. 只是一剑,便洞穿了一道天河,剑气所过之处,无数星域化为灰烬。 Otherwise, how can a sword, cut to kill like that many lives? 否则,怎能一剑,斩杀如之多的生命? This sword, mostly is not the sham, but is the real thing. 此剑,多半不是赝品,而是真品。 Otherwise, so to be how fearful? 否则,怎会如此可怕? But after shock, Chu Feng is wild with joy. 但震惊过后,楚枫狂喜。 So armament, cannot display its true prestige energy even, but still shows disdain for the outstanding heroes sufficiently. 如此兵器,就算不能发挥其真正威能,但也足以傲视群雄。 In world priceless treasure is innumerable, but in front of this sword, will all be overshadowed. 世间无价之宝数不胜数,但在此剑面前,皆将黯然失色。 This is the genuine priceless treasure, true unsurpassed treasure. 这才是真正的无价之宝,真正的无上至宝 No wonder this sword says as the king, it... has this qualifications. 难怪此剑自称为王,它…有这个资格。 Wild with joy, Chu Feng is also resisting with killing intent. 狂喜之下,楚枫也在与杀意对抗。 But this resistance, continued a moment later, killing intent then starts to stop invading Chu Feng within the body. 而这种对抗,持续了片刻之后,杀意便开始停止入侵楚枫体内。 Chu Feng looked again, World Spirit Space has returned to the original condition, all killing intent were taken back in this sword. 楚枫再看,界灵空间已恢复原状,所有杀意都被收回于此剑之内。 A little ability, but are not many, is not wild, because of you... also difference far.” “有点本领,但也不多,莫要猖狂,因为你…还差的远呢。” The Asura sword opens the mouth again, tone as before arrogant and pampered. 修罗剑再度开口,语气依旧傲娇 I knew that also has a very long way to go, but you whether to show a bright way?” Chu Feng asked. “我自知还有很长的道路要走,但你能否指条明路?”楚枫问。 He wants to inquire, how can control this sword. 他是想打探,如何才能驾驭此剑。 But the Asura sword had not replied. 修罗剑没有回答。 Chu Feng also inquired one after another, but the Asura sword had not replied as before. 楚枫又接连询问,可修罗剑依旧没有回答。 Chu Feng understands, this must feign death the sword. 楚枫明白,这把剑是要装死了。 Therefore the Chu Feng attempt wields this sword, actually the discovery, does not wield. 于是楚枫尝试挥动此剑,却发现,根本挥不动。 This sword flutters in the front, but Chu Feng difficult shakes the slightest. 此剑就飘于面前,但楚枫难以撼动分毫。 It seems like, but also is really bad far.” Chu Feng self-ridicules smiles, immediately then also lets loose. “看来,还真是差的远。”楚枫自嘲一笑,旋即便也放开。 After all this is also normal, this sword prestige can to destroy the heavens and exterminate the lands, but how so will be easy is Chu Feng uses? 毕竟这也正常,此剑威能毁天灭地,怎可么会这么容易为楚枫所用呢? Therefore Chu Feng the vision, goes to that say/way to block the front door of Asura army. 于是楚枫将目光,投向那道封锁住修罗大军的大门。 Sees only the Chu Feng method secret art to pinch, that front door then shivers fiercely. 只见楚枫法诀捏动,那道大门便剧烈颤动起来。 Afterward the ray in front door formation technique, surges just like the dreadful monstrous waves crazily, the ray is passing. 随后大门阵法内的光芒,宛如滔天巨浪疯狂涌动,光芒正在流逝。 The direction that but passes is not this side Chu Feng, but is another side of front door. 但流逝的方向不是楚枫这一边,而是大门的另一侧。 Until the ray dissipates thoroughly, the front door returns to normal, but locks in formation technique of front door, has restored to open the condition. 直到光芒彻底消散,大门才恢复平静,但同时锁住大门的阵法,也早已恢复开启状态。 Therefore, the law secret art changes, drinks one to open high.” 于是,法诀变化,高喝一声“开。” Rumble - 隆隆隆- The next quarter, World Spirit Space also trembles, but that front door also opens slowly. 下一刻,界灵空间都随之震颤,而那道大门也是缓缓开启。 The front door opens, the form maps the Chu Feng view ten million/countless. 大门开启,千万身影映入楚枫眼帘。 The Asura army, meets finally again. 修罗大军,终是再度相见。
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