Chapter 5670thiskingateyou
第5670章本王吃了你Chu Fengconsciousness, projectstoWorld Spirit Space.楚枫将意识,投射到界灵空间之中。Justcame , a boundlesssuctionthencoveredChu Feng, underthatsuction, Chu Feng'sSpirit powerinfastwas swallowed.
刚刚进来,一股磅礴的吸力便笼罩住了楚枫,在那吸力之下,楚枫的精神力在快速的被吞噬。Thatsuctionfrom a sword.
This sword, isChu FenginDivine Vestige Inheritance Landobtained.
这把剑,乃楚枫在神迹传承地所得。According toEggysaid,inAsura Spirit World, hasthreeswords, because on whether there isprestigeenergy, butis honored as the strongestsword.
根据蛋蛋所说,在修罗灵界,有着三把剑,因有无上威能,而被誉为最强之剑。And, is the Asurasword!!!
其中一把,便是修罗剑!!!But the Asuraswordis extremely powerful, Eggyalsonevertruehas seen, thereforedoes not determineChu Fengobtainedthisreal.
但修罗剑太过强大,蛋蛋也从未真正的见过,所以不确定楚枫所得这把是不是真的。If, butonno small matter.
若是真的,可就非同小可了。Before, Eggyalsoattemptedto controlthissword, butactuallyencountered the resistance of thissword, close towas difficult.
之前,蛋蛋还尝试驾驭此剑,但却遭到了此剑的抗拒,靠近都难了。As forChu Feng, so long as the Chu Feng'sconsciousnessprojectstoWorld Spirit Space, thiswill then swallowChu Feng'sSpirit power the Asuraswordcrazily.
至于楚枫,只要楚枫的意识投射到界灵空间之内,这把修罗剑便会疯狂的吞噬楚枫的精神力。Byspeed that itswallows, how longcould not want, Chu Fengwill then exhaustto perishbecause of the energy.
以它吞噬的速度,要不了多久,楚枫便会因精力耗尽而亡。Since the Asuraswordis built on World Spirit Space, Chu Fengeasilydoes not daresinceownWorld Spirit Space, even ifcomes not to dareto stay for a long time.
所以自从修罗剑立于界灵空间之内,楚枫轻易都不敢进入自己的界灵空间了,就算进来也不敢久留。Becausebehind, Chu Fengonceattemptedto enterWorld Spirit Spacerepeatedly.
因为后面,楚枫曾多次尝试进入界灵空间。Butwithout exception, difficultresistsswallowing of thisAsurasword.
但无一例外,都难以抵挡这修罗剑的吞噬。Howeverthistime, Chu Fengiscomes prepared.
不过这一次,楚枫乃是有备而来。Sees onlyChu Fengto pinch the lawsecret art, thatAsuraswordswallowed the Spirit powerspeedthento startto slow down.
只见楚枫捏动法诀,那修罗剑吞噬精神力的速度便开始变慢了。Does not swallow the speedto slow down, butisChu Feng'sSpirit power, slows downby the speed that hedigests.
不是吞噬速度变慢,而是楚枫的精神力,被他消化的速度变慢了。This is contemplates the lawantique the advantage.
这便是太古冥想法的好处。Chu Fengthroughcontemplates the lawantique, canchange the structure of ownSpirit power.楚枫通过太古冥想法,可以对自己精神力的构造进行改变。Saidsimple, thischange, is no goodto the Chu Fengset up formation.
说的简单一点,这种改变,对楚枫布阵没有任何好处。Butwill letSpirit power, turns intoexistence of difficultdigestion, ifthere is an objectto swallowit, will be very difficultto be swallowed.
但却会让精神力,变成一种难以消化的存在,若是有物体吞噬它,将会很难被吞噬。Onfor examplethisAsurasword.
就比如这修罗剑。After the Asuraswordswallowsslows down, before Chu Fengisrushesto arrive atthatfront door .
在修罗剑吞噬减缓之后,楚枫则是赶忙来到那道大门之前。Inthatfront door, is the Asuraarmy.
那道大门之内,乃是修罗大军。Thisfront door, alreadybyseal, but the method of breaking open the seal, hidesabovethisfront door.
只是这道大门,已经被封印了起来,而破开封印的方法,就藏匿在这大门之上。Chu FengusesHeaven's Eyes, earnestobservation.楚枫动用天眼,认真观察。Aftercultivationcontemplated the lawantique, Chu Feng'sSpirit powerhad the enormouspromotion.
而在修炼了太古冥想法之后,楚枫的精神力有了极大的提升。AlthoughcannotmakeChu Fengrealmbe broken through, maymakeChu Fenggainmanyadvantage.
虽然没能让楚枫境界得到突破,可却让楚枫获得了诸多好处。Onfor exampleHeaven's Eyes, Chu Fengthis timeHeaven's Eyes, compared with the beforehandpower of observation, was more powerful.
就比如天眼,楚枫此时的天眼,比之前的观察力,强大了许多。In this case, Chu Fengsoonthenhad the harvest.
“原来是这样。”„Isaid that slaughtersSon of Heavensenior, will not supposethisbanwith no reason at all.”
The Chu Fenginnermost feelingsare wild with joy, hehas piercedthatto block the secret on front door of Asuraarmy.楚枫内心狂喜,他已经洞穿了那封锁修罗大军之大门上的秘密。First, the Asuraarmy the subordinate who comesslaughtered the Son of Heaven.
首先,修罗大军来本是杀戮天王的手下。CansummonsohugeAsuraWorld Spiritto useforoneself , because slaughters the Son of Heaven, is having a method of contract of namedgod.
能够召唤如此庞大的修罗界灵为自己所用,是因为杀戮天王,掌握着一种名为神之契约的手段。Test that althoughafterward, Chu Fengthroughslaughtering the Son of Heavenleft behind, makingthisAsuraarmybeChu Fenguses.
虽然后来,楚枫通过杀戮天王留下的考验,使得这修罗大军为楚枫所用。But the limit of contract of god, actuallycontinuouslyinboundAsuraarmy.
但神之契约的限制,却一直在束缚着修罗大军。Chu Fengsummoned the Asuraarmy, borrowedtheirstrength, somenumber of timeslimits.楚枫无论是召唤修罗大军,还是借用了他们的力量,都是有次数限制的。
After achieving the number of timeslimit, thisfront doorwill then be closed, thatdesignchanges to the door lock.
达到次数限制之后,这道大门便会关闭,那图案化作门锁。Even ifinChu Feng'sWorld Spirit Space, butChu Fengactually must be separated bywith the Asuraarmy, not to mentionborrowstheirstrength, is not good the communication.
哪怕是在楚枫的界灵空间之内,可楚枫却也要与修罗大军相隔,莫说借用他们力量,连沟通都是不行了。ButChu Fenghas expected, slaughters the Son of Heavennot to supposethisbanwith no reason at all.
但楚枫早就料到,杀戮天王不会无缘无故设下这个禁制。Now, Chu Fengwas more definitethis point.
现在,楚枫更加确定了这一点。Thatgate, not onlybound of has godcontract, is in itself a specialness, andcontained the treasure of extremelygreat power.
那道门,不仅仅有神之契约的束缚,本身更是一件特殊,且蕴藏了极为强大力量的宝物。Slaughters the Son of Heaven, seems like that abandons the Asuraarmy, in factso manyyearsquenching, have madethemfuse togetherwiththistreasure.
杀戮天王,看似将修罗大军遗弃,实际上这么多年的淬炼,早就让他们与这件宝物融为一体。So long asgraspingis powerfulenough, canlet the Asuraarmy, gains the powerfulstrengthfromthistreasure.
只要掌握者足够强大,就能让修罗大军,从这宝物内获取强大的力量。ButChu Feng, isthiscontrol.
而楚枫,就是这个掌控者。So long asChu Fengcanunderstand the mystery, andcanopenthisgate, not only can open the front door, canhelp the strength of Asuraarmystrengthen.
只要楚枫能够参透奥秘,并且能够开启此门,不仅可以打开大门,更是能够帮助修罗大军的力量增强。After an observation, Chu Fengalsobecame awarethisgatemysterycompletely.
经过一番观察,楚枫也是完全悟得了此门的奥秘。Normal, thismystery, at leastalsowantsChu Fengto become the God-cloakpeak to comprehend.
正常来说,这个奥秘,至少也要楚枫成为神袍巅峰才能领悟。Becausestimulates to movementthistreasure, itselfconsumes is also big.
因为催动这件宝物,本身消耗也是不小。ButChu Feng, aftercultivationcontemplated the lawantique, in additionSpirit powerwas powerful.
可是楚枫,在修炼了太古冥想法之后,再加上自身精神力本就强大。Now, Chu Fengcanstimulate to movementthistreasure, the attemptopens.
现在,楚枫就可以催动这件宝物,尝试开启。„SlaughtersSon of Heavensenior, althoughhas never seenyou, but the sinceritythankedthetreasure that youleft behind.”
“杀戮天王前辈,虽然从未见过你,但真心感谢您留下的这件宝物。”„Idecidewill not disappoint your painstaking care, I, will let the Asuraarmystep by step, restores to them the altitude of arrival.”
“我定不会辜负您的一片心血,我会一步一步的,让修罗大军,恢复到他们本该到达的高度。”This words saying,Chu Fengthenpinches the lawsecret art, laterboundlessSpirit power, gushes outfromChu Fengwithin the body, with the specificpath, entersinthatfront door.
此话说完,楚枫便捏动法诀,随后磅礴的精神力,自楚枫体内涌出,以特定的轨迹,进入那道大门之中。Opensthisgate, testis not the Spirit powerstrong and weak.
开启此门,考验的不是精神力的强弱。Butto the Spirit powercontrol, because ofeven ifcomprehensionmethod, but if does not have the sufficientcontrol, is unable to openthisgate.
而是对精神力的掌控力,因为哪怕领悟方法,但若没有足够的掌控力,也无法开启此门。But the control of Chu FengtoSpirit power, was good, is contemplating the lawin additionto holdantique, isbecomesstronger.
但楚枫对精神力的掌控力,本就不俗,在太古冥想法的加持下,已是变得更强。Hehas the self-confidence, canmake the Asuraarmybe delivered from oppression.
嗡-Butquick, Chu Fengnotices, thenAsuraswordslighttremorthree.
可很快,楚枫注意到,那把修罗剑轻微的颤动了三下。Butisthisnot the change that is easyto detect, makesChu Fengrushto stopstimulating to movementthatfront door.
可就是这样不易察觉的变化,却让楚枫赶忙停止催动那道大门。Butdiscreteis staring at the Asurasword.
轰-Suddenly, the suction of Asuraswordchanges, Chu Feng'sSpirit powerbyitsfastswallowing.
猛然间,修罗剑的吸力发生变化,楚枫的精神力被其快速的吞噬。Even ifChu Feng'sSpirit power, had been transformed, speed that but the Asuraswordswallowsat this time, stillrestores the initialterrifying degree.
哪怕楚枫的精神力,已经被改造了,可修罗剑此时吞噬的速度,仍是恢复到了最初的恐怖程度。„It is not wonderful.”
The Chu Fengbrowslightlywrinkle, falls into the difficultplace.楚枫眉头微皱,陷入两难之地。Butquick, a Chu Fengeye of revealhad made up mind, looks atthatfront door, startedto releaseSpirit powerfull power, opensthatfront door.
但很快,楚枫目露决意,将目光投向了那道大门,开始全力释放精神力,去开启那道大门。Freely, the Asuraswordis swallowingChu FengSpirit powercrazily.
尽管,修罗剑在疯狂吞噬楚枫精神力。Butstimulation of movementthatfront door, Spirit poweralsosimilarlynotsameterrifying of consumption.
而催动那道大门,消耗的精神力也同样非同恐怖。This way, so long as, Chu Fengwill be in dangereven the slightest misstep.
这样下去,只要稍有不慎,楚枫将有生命危险。ButChu Fenghowwithoutknowing to deal withAsurasword, withoutotherchoices.
可楚枫在不知该如何应对修罗剑的情况下,也没有其他选择。Onlycantake riskto open!!!
只能冒险开启!!!Is goodbecause, underChu Fengstimulates to movementfull power, the design on quickthatfront door, thenhad the response.
好在,在楚枫全力催动之下,很快那道大门上的图案,便有了反应。Became, Chu Fengachieved, so long asChu Fengwants, nowthisfront doorthencanopen.
The Asuraarmy, canbe delivered from oppression.修罗大军,将得以重见天日。ButChu Fenghas not promptly opened the front door, butis the lawsecret artchanges , to continue to releaseSpirit power, integratesin the front door.
可楚枫没有立即打开大门,而是法诀变化,继续释放精神力,融入大门之中。At present, is an opportunity!!!
眼下,是一次机会!!!Letopportunity that the Asuraarmystrengthstrengthens, so long asChu Fengwants, thencancontinueto open.
让修罗大军实力增强的机会,只要楚枫愿意,便可以继续开启。AlthoughopensSecond Levelto meetFirst Levelto be difficult, so long as achieves, the Asuraarmypromoteswill be more.
虽然开启第二重会第一重难,可只要做到,修罗大军提升的将更多。Butif the presentopens the front door, met with the Asuraarmy, thisopening, will stop, can only wait for the nextfront doorto lock, cancontinueto open.
但若是现在打开大门,与修罗大军见面,这一次的开启,也将到此为止,只能等待下次大门锁上,才能继续开启了。„Hateful, thisdamnAsurasword, is really in the way.”
“可恶,这该死的修罗剑,真是碍事。”„If not forit, IcanopenFirst Levelsurelyagain.”
“若不是它,我定能再度开启一重。”Chu Fengis somewhat unwilling, subconsciousthencursedmakes noise.楚枫有些不甘,下意识的便咒骂出声。Originally, hecanopen the twofold, because ofswallowing of AsuraswordtoSpirit power, makinghisdifficultcompletethismatter.
It is not heis not good, becausepurely the Asuraswordis in the way.
“这感觉?”ButChu Fengthis words saying,suddenlylookonestiff, looksto the Asurasword.
可楚枫此话说完,忽然神色一僵,不由看向修罗剑。Hewith astonishmentdiscovered, the AsuraswordstoppedswallowingownSpirit powerunexpectedly.
“什么意思?”„Can heunderstand?”Chu Fengpuzzledlooksto the Asurasword.
In Chu Fengis puzzled, thatAsuraswordtremblesslightly.
随后“轰”的一声!!!BoundlessSpirit power, spews outfrom the Asurasword, directly soarsChu Feng.
磅礴的精神力,自修罗剑内喷涌而出,直奔楚枫而来。ThatSpirit power, preciselyjustChu Feng, bySpirit power that the Asuraswordswallowed, thereforeverysmooththenreturned toChu Fengwithin the body, does not have anyrepel.
那精神力,正是刚刚楚枫,被修罗剑吞噬走的精神力,所以很是顺利的便回到楚枫体内,没有任何排斥。Butalsoreturns to within the body, withoutotherfeeling, thismadeChu Fengmore puzzledspecially, has not understoodmeaning of thisAsuraswordat once.
但也只是回到体内,没有其他特别之感,这让楚枫更加不解了,一时之间没明白这修罗剑的意思。Butin the meantime, in the soundAsuraswordtransmitstogetheralways doing nothing but:
而就在此时,一道声音竟自修罗剑内传来:„Installswhatattire, comes, makingthis/Benkingtake a look, whetheryoucan continueto open, ifcannot, thiskingeatyou.”
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