MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5671: The trial ended

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Chapter 5669 trial ended 第5669章试炼结束 Hears the colossus, that helpless sound, the god pupil female facial expression has also changed. 听到庞然大物,那无奈的声音,神眸女子神情也有所变化。 Monster god senior, was your past wound good?” Is concerned in a tone with a touch. “妖神前辈,您当年的伤还好吗?”语气略带关切。 Many years, this god waste, is not good.” “都多少年了,本神没那么废物,早就好了。” Regarding this issue, colossus somewhat unhappily, even ironic asking: „The wound of spirit god, not to recover completely?” 对于这个问题,庞然大物有些不悦,甚至反讽的问道:“难道灵神的伤,还未痊愈?” Indeed does not have to recover completely.” The god pupil female said. “的确没有痊愈。”神眸女子道。 Hears this words, the colossus was silent, obviously god pupil female reply, was he has not thought. 听闻此话,庞然大物则是沉默了,显然神眸女子这个回答,是他没有想到的。 Monster god senior, the Nine Heavens secret place, in the past, the restore, is still no longer short now even.” “妖神前辈,如今九天秘地,不复当年,就算修复,也有所欠缺。” Moreover Chu Feng is the exceptional case, besides him feared that is also no one can enter the place of control again.” “况且楚枫乃是特例,除他之外怕是也无人能够再进入主宰之地。” „The Nine Heavens secret place, has not needed such strong strength support, to might as well too the Ancient World source beast remove, is good to reduce monster god senior your burden.” The god pupil female said. 九天秘地,已无需这么强的力量支撑,不如将太古界源兽除掉一些,也好减轻妖神前辈你的负担。”神眸女子道。 These thing, although is rogue, but is actually the priceless treasures, how could it not be removes to waste?” “这些东西虽然凶恶,但却都是无价之宝,除掉岂不浪费?” This god was even old, can still suppress them.” “本神就算老了,也能镇压它们。” But, was the care of many thanks spirit god.” Colossus this time tone, was gentle. “不过,还是多谢灵神的关心了。”庞然大物此时的语气,柔和了许多。 The politeness that if most starts is an attire, then this time gentleness, then proceeds from the bottom of one's heart. 如果说最开始的客气是装的,那么此时的柔和,则是发自肺腑。 That is then good.” “那便好。” The god pupil female, double refers to pinches, golden talismans appears together, later flutters to the black armor man. 神眸女子,双指一捏,一道金色符纸浮现,随后飘向黑甲男子。 Black soul, if necessary, pinches this symbol.” The words, the god pupil female then left this place. “黑魂,若有需要,捏动此符。”话罢,神眸女子便离开了此地。 But black armor man, then looked at talismans in hand, immediately looks to the cliff deep place: 而黑甲男子,则是看了看手中的符纸,旋即望向悬崖深处: Sir, the spirit god Sir should she...... no longer haggle over the past matter?” “大人,灵神大人她……应该已经不再计较当年的事了吧?” How haggles over, how does not haggle over, this god still does not think that this god's past decision was wrong.” The colossus said. “计较又如何,不计较又如何,本神至今也不觉得本神当年的决定是错误的。”庞然大物道。 „The Sir felt, Chu Feng he will be different?” The black armor man also asked. “那大人觉得,楚枫他会不一样吗?”黑甲男子又问。 How do you see?” The colossus asked. “你如何看?”庞然大物问。 Returns to the Sir, only through the inspection, Chu Feng has the stratagem bravely, ability extraordinary, his age, when is first.” “回大人,只通过考核来看,楚枫有勇有谋,能力不凡,他这个年纪,当属第一。” As for the moral behavior, was regarded as the person of friend by it, he is loyal very much, person but who he cannot get used to seeing, is not softhearted.” “至于人品,被其视为朋友之人,他很讲义气,但他看不惯的人,也绝不心慈手软。” Style, although is extreme, but... works decisively, has to become the special characteristics of great person.” The black armor man said. “行事风格虽然极端,但…做事果断,具备成为大人物的特质。”黑甲男子道。 Time will tell, he will also come in any case again, observes.” The colossus said. “日久见人心,反正他还会再来,多观察观察。”庞然大物道。 ...... …… At this time, Chu Feng and Fuxing, had gone out of the Nine Heavens secret place. 此时,楚枫与复星,已经走出了九天秘地。 When they walk, already in the Nine Heavens secret in another side of mountain range. 当他们走出来的时候,已是在九天秘地所在山脉的另外一侧。 Then waits and sees, the front door that they go out, looks like with the Nine Heavens secret entrance front door very much. 回头观望,他们走出的大门,与九天秘地入口的大门很像。 The width is about 30 meters, actually ten thousand meters, just like a special long sword, are built on the mountain ranges highly. 宽度不过三十米,高度却有万米,宛如一柄特殊的长剑,立于山脉之间。 But this gate, can only leave cannot enter. 但这道门,只能出不能进。 Chu Feng looks at this gate, is filled with all sorts of feelings. 楚枫看着此门,感慨万分。 Nine Heavens secret place, before he arrives, no one knows its secret. 九天秘地,在他来到之前,没人知道它的秘密。 But is now different, he knew. 但现在不一样了,他知道了。 This Nine Heavens secret place, regarding others, as before is the unsolved mystery. 九天秘地,对于其他人而言,依旧是未解之谜。 May to Chu Feng, after this possibly be him, place that frequently steps into. 可对楚枫而言,这可能是他以后,经常踏入的地方。 Freely, person who guard the exit|to speak or entrance, have Seven Worlds Saint Palace, and arrange/cloth got down the Spirit Formation method. 尽管,无论是出口还是入口,都有七界圣府的人把守,且布下了结界阵法。 But... formation technique under their arrange/cloth, cannot block Chu Feng. 但…他们布下的阵法,根本拦不住楚枫 Because from some perspective, Chu Feng is the person of Nine Heavens secret place. 因为从某种角度上来说,楚枫才是九天秘地的人。 Chu Feng does not need to step into through entrance, so long as in the range of Nine Heavens secret place, pinches the law secret art, Chu Feng by direct teleportation to the Nine Heavens secret within. 楚枫根本无需通过入口踏入,只要在九天秘地的范围之内,捏动法诀,楚枫将会被直接传送九天秘地之内。 Incessantly is he, he even can lead others to go. 不止是他,他甚至可以带其他人进去。 But the achievement of Chu Feng trip, may continue the Nine Heavens secret place. 楚枫此行的收获,可不止九天秘地。 That unexpected benefit, immemorial contemplates the law, similarly no small matter. 那意外收获,太古冥想法,同样非同小可。 Even the present, immemorial contemplates the law to help Chu Feng's, will be bigger. 甚至于现在而言,太古冥想法对楚枫的帮助,会更大。 Looks quickly, Chu Feng young hero mark.” “快看,楚枫少侠身上的印记。” Follows calls out in alarm intermittently resounds through, several forms also the palace from distant place graze. 伴随阵阵惊呼响彻,数道身影也是自远处的宫殿飞掠而来。 That through the person of Nine Heavens secret trial, has by the person of Chu Feng asylum, there is through the Chu Feng asylum but passes the person of trial. 那都是通过九天秘地试炼之人,有被楚枫庇护的人,也有没有通过楚枫庇护但通过试炼之人。 Incessantly is they, after discovering Chu Feng and Fuxing, Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, is in abundance the road surface, and looks surprisedly. 不止是他们,发现楚枫与复星后,就连七界圣府的人,也是纷纷路面,且面露惊讶。 After all Chu Feng and Fuxing, at this time, not only there is a purple mark, black mark. 毕竟楚枫与复星,此时身上,不仅有紫色印记,还有黑色印记。 The black mark, this is existence of hearing something never heard of before, in situation that particularly in the purple mark and black mark have simultaneously. 黑色印记,这可是闻所未闻的存在,尤其是在紫色印记与黑色印记同时存在的情况下。 The aura of black mark, obviously far strong in purple mark. 黑色印记的气息,明显远强于紫色印记。 This showed sufficiently, Chu Feng and Fuxing's experience in Nine Heavens secret, are more than they expected. 这足以证明,楚枫与复星在九天秘地内的经历,已经超出他们的预期。 Quick, the form appears together, is Seven Worlds Saint Palace town/subdues luck Elder. 很快,一道身影浮现,乃是七界圣府的镇福长老 Congratulates two little friends, through my Seven Worlds Saint Palace entering mansion trial.” “恭喜两位小友,通过我七界圣府的入府试炼。” According to the custom, we must wait for a period of time again, when other little friends through the trial, return to Seven Worlds Saint Palace again together.” “不过按照规矩,我们还要再等候一段时间,待其他小友通过试炼,再一同返回七界圣府。” Two little friends, first please enter the palace to rest.” “两位小友,先请入殿休息吧。” Subdue luck Elder this words saying, then two Seven Worlds Saint Palace Elder fell side Chu Feng and Fuxing respectively. 镇福长老此话说完,便分别有两位七界圣府长老落在了楚枫与复星身旁。 They bring Chu Feng and Fuxing, arrives in the palace group that builds temporarily to rest. 他们带着楚枫与复星,来到了那临时打造的宫殿群内休息。 But does not have/leave Chu Feng to expect, Chu Feng and Fuxing were separated, was placed in the different palaces. 但不出楚枫所料,楚枫与复星被分开了,被安置在了不同的宫殿之中。 It seems like, this time first that enters the mansion trial, in their two people?” “看来,此次入府试炼的第一名,就在他们二人之中了吧?” Really different, we are ten person palaces rest, only then their independent palace.” “果然不一样啊,咱们都是十个人一个宫殿休息,只有他们两个单独一座宫殿。” The people of understanding the true situation also envy wear a look, but Chu Feng and Fuxing know why Seven Worlds Saint Palace makes them separate. 不明真相的众人还面带羡慕,但楚枫与复星都知道,七界圣府为何让他们分开。 Really, Chu Feng enters the palace shortly , the gate outside resounds together the old person sound. 果然,楚枫进入宫殿没多久,门外便响起一道老者的声音。 Little Friend Chu Feng, does the old man facilitate?” 楚枫小友,老夫方便进来吗?” This sound, is not town/subdues luck Elder. 这个声音,并非镇福长老 But Chu Feng knows that who he is, is Qinghe Elder. 楚枫知道他是谁,乃是青禾长老 This Qinghe Elder, just like town/subdues luck Elder, is Seven Worlds Saint Palace Saint Rank Elder. 这位青禾长老,与镇福长老一样,都是七界圣府圣级长老 On the same day when Chu Feng sheared the rice, was Qinghe Elder comes with town/subdues luck Elder together, was Chu Feng upholds the justice, then inquired that Chu Feng had what tendency to the Saint Rank treasure. 当日在楚枫割稻子的时候,就是青禾长老是与镇福长老一同现身,为楚枫主持公道,而后询问楚枫圣级宝物有何倾向的。 To be honest, did not discuss regardless Seven Worlds Saint Palace grudge. 说实话,抛开七界圣府恩怨不谈。 Chu Feng to town/subdues luck Elder, is Qinghe Elder, the impression is good. 楚枫无论是对镇福长老,还是青禾长老,印象都不错。 Therefore Chu Feng opens the door on own initiative, saw that Qinghe Elder stands in out of the door, serves with a ritual: junior, greets Qinghe Elder.” 于是楚枫主动开门,看到青禾长老站在门外,也是施以一礼:“晚辈,拜见青禾长老。” Immediately was a whole family, was overly courteous.” Qinghe Elder smiles, immediately then walked. “马上就是一家人了,无需多礼。”青禾长老笑了笑,旋即便走了进来。 Chu Feng is also the sensible door closes. 楚枫也是懂事的将门关上。 Qinghe Elder has taken a seat, and waves to Chu Feng: Little Friend Chu Feng, you also sit, without outsider, does not need to restrict.” 青禾长老已经入座,且对楚枫挥了挥手:“楚枫小友,你也坐,没有外人,不必拘束。” Chu Feng first pours tea for Qinghe Elder, later sat. 楚枫先是为青禾长老斟茶,随后才坐了下来。 Later, Qinghe Elder, first chatted several with Chu Feng, later then started to inquire, experience about Nine Heavens secret place. 之后,青禾长老,先是与楚枫闲聊几句,随后便开始询问起,关于九天秘地的经历。 Nothing but wants to know, Chu Feng experienced anything, wants to collect about the Nine Heavens secret place, news that they do not know. 无非就是想知道,楚枫到底经历了什么,也想收集关于九天秘地,他们不知道的消息。 Chu Feng then deferred to planned before, conducted the reply. 楚枫便按照之前计划的,进行了回答。 When Chu Feng replied, Qinghe Elder has been staring at Chu Feng, although there is an intentional hidden. 楚枫回答之时,青禾长老一直盯着楚枫,虽然有故意隐藏。 But Chu Feng feels, Qinghe Elder is using the law of special observation to observe itself. 楚枫还是感觉到,青禾长老在用特殊的观察之法观察自己。 To seek for the flaw, looked whether Chu Feng lies. 就是想寻找破绽,看楚枫是否有说谎。 But Chu Feng almost does not have the flaw, answered Qinghe Elder each issue. 楚枫几乎没有破绽的,回答了青禾长老的每个问题。 But after an inquiry, Qinghe Elder then sets out to be about to leave, when arrives at the entrance, actually halts to look suddenly to Chu Feng. 而一番询问后,青禾长老便起身准备离开,只不过来到门口时,却忽然止步看向楚枫 Little Friend Chu Feng, my Seven Worlds Saint Palace does not confiscate with the person, although this trial is brutal, but actually must conduct.” 楚枫小友,我七界圣府不收没用之人,这试炼虽残酷,但却也是必须要进行的。” However your talent is extraordinary, so long as you join my Seven Worlds Saint Palace sincerely, my Seven Worlds Saint Palace decides does not lose you.” “而你天赋非凡,只要你真心加入我七界圣府,我七界圣府定不负你。” His these words, are hope that Chu Feng do not have the poor impression to Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 他这番话,是希望楚枫不要对七界圣府有不好的印象。 Meanwhile also basically announced, Chu Feng can join Seven Worlds Saint Palace. 但同时也基本宣布,楚枫能够加入七界圣府 Afterward, Qinghe Elder then left. 随后,青禾长老便离开了。 After leaving, Qinghe Elder arrived above the upper air. 离开之后,青禾长老来到了高空之上。 Shortly, town/subdues luck Elder then also came. 没多久,镇福长老便也来了。 Asked?” Qinghe Elder asked. “问完了?”青禾长老问。 Un, you?” Subdue luck Elder asked. “嗯,你呢?”镇福长老问。 Without asking, what me comes to here to make?” Qinghe Elder said. “没问完,我来这里做什么?”青禾长老道。 right, comes... us, has a look at these two talent later generations, said may have discrepancies.” Subdue luck Elder said. 也对,来…我们对一下,看看这两个天才后辈,说的可有出入。”镇福长老道。 ...... …… Chu Feng sends off Qinghe Elder, then closes the palace gate, walks into the main hall deep place, sits cross-legged to sit down. 楚枫送走青禾长老,便关上殿门,走入大殿深处,盘膝坐下。 He did not worry, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person will detect is not right. 他丝毫不担心,七界圣府的人会察觉到不对。 He believes that Fuxing has, can hide the truth from the Seven Worlds Saint Palace ability. 他相信复星还是有,能够瞒住七界圣府的本领的。 Therefore Chu Feng can feel at ease cultivation now. 所以楚枫现在可以安心修炼 Do not look contemplates the law antique, although is long-term cultivation cultivation technique. 别看太古冥想法,虽是长期修炼功法 May first grasp, Chu Feng gained the advantage additionally, before Chu Feng , because the matter are too many, without opportunity utilization. 可初次掌握,楚枫还是额外获得了好处,楚枫之前因为事情太多,没机会运用。 But now, Chu Feng determined actually, he from contemplates the law obtained advantage antique, is the expected time. 而现在,倒是楚枫来确定,他从太古冥想法所得之好处,是否达到预期的时候了。 () ()
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