MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5670: The matter of immemorial

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„Does Chu Feng, what have to observe?” Fuxing asked. 楚枫,有观察出什么吗?”复星问道。 No, is very difficult to determine.” Chu Feng said. “没有,很难确定。”楚枫道。 Your mark? Hidden?” Fuxing also asked. “你身上的印记呢?隐藏了吗?”复星又问。 Yes.” During the Chu Feng speeches, the thought rotates, the mark then appears. “是。”楚枫说话间,意念转动,印记便浮现而出。 Before Chu Feng, felt oneself possibly arrived at Heavenly Dome Galaxy, therefore then hid the mark, does not want to discover, he with Nine Heavens secret related. 楚枫之前,觉得自己可能到达了苍穹天河,于是便将印记隐藏了,就是不想让人发现,他与九天秘地有关。 Therefore before even if, is red the body, Xia Xingchen had not been discovering that on Chu Feng has the mark. 所以哪怕之前赤着身子,夏星辰也没发现楚枫身上有印记。 As if, should leave.” After the mark restores, Chu Feng also slightly feels regrettably. “似乎,该离开了。”将印记恢复后,楚枫也是略感遗憾。 Although Chu Feng now grasped some strengths of Nine Heavens secret place, but to the Nine Heavens secret understanding is also limited. 楚枫如今虽掌握了九天秘地的部分力量,但对九天秘地了解也是有限。 On for example this mark, although Chu Feng can hide, but the effectiveness of mark, is actually not Chu Feng can control. 就比如这印记,虽然楚枫能够隐藏,但印记的时效,却不是楚枫能够掌控的。 But this mark, is Chu Feng proved basis that own this trial displays. 而这印记,又是楚枫证明自己此次试炼表现的根本。 They must before the mark dissipates leaves here, whereabouts Seven Worlds Saint Palace proves own performance. 他们必须在印记消散前离开这里,去向七界圣府证明自己的表现。 But now leaves, represented cannot continue to explore the Nine Heavens secret place temporarily. 但现在离开,也就代表着暂时不能继续探索九天秘地了。 However what regrets, cannot fully understand many matter about Nine Heavens secret place, but also that is all. 不过遗憾的是,未能完全了解更多关于九天秘地的事,但也仅此而已。 After all Chu Feng has known now, this Nine Heavens secret distributes in each Galaxy teleportation gate, general position that is. 毕竟楚枫如今已经知道,这九天秘地分布于各个天河传送门,所在的大概位置。 Although does not know the accurate position, but only must know probably, can find. 虽不知准确位置,但只要知道大概,也都是能够找到的。 Therefore Chu Feng can return to here momentarily. 所以楚枫随时都能回到这里。 Even later must run long-distance, Chu Feng can definitely hurry along through the Nine Heavens secret. 甚至以后要跑长途,楚枫完全可以通过九天秘地赶路。 From far place, even if these Galaxy Lord as well as top expert, having the treasure that can increase speed, actually also took on several th, even dozens days distance. 距离较远的地方,哪怕那些天河之主以及顶尖高手,有能够提速的宝物,却也要十几日,甚至几十日的路程。 But Chu Feng, so long as can enter the Nine Heavens secret place, then wants a double-hour, can span Galaxy. 楚枫,只要能够进入九天秘地,便只要一个时辰,就能跨越天河 Even, if distance neighboring Galaxy, the speed is possibly faster. 甚至,若是距离相邻的天河,速度可能更快。 Therefore Chu Feng looks to Fuxing: Seven Worlds Saint Palace, making us step into this place, is not the simple trial, wants to use us.” 于是楚枫看向复星:“七界圣府,让我们踏入此地,不是简单的试炼,也是想利用我们。” „After we go out, definitely will inquire us.” “我们出去之后,必然会对我们进行询问。” If replied, has slightly does not conform to them to anticipate, not to mention cannot obtain the treasure, meets the life not to guarantee mostly.” “若回答,稍有不符合他们预期,莫说得不到宝物,多半会性命不保。” How do we want to reply?” Fuxing asked. “那我们要如何回答?”复星问。 I took away purple demon dagger matter naturally unable to say.” “我拿走了紫魔匕首这件事自然不能说。” Said we arrive at the altar time, the purple demon dagger has disappeared, possibly was swallowed by the altar.” “就说我们来到祭坛的时候,紫魔匕首已经不见了,可能是被祭坛吞噬了。” However I arranged seal formation, the seal lived in the altar.” “而我则是重新布置了封印结界,才封印住了祭坛。” As for defeating that process, wants to tamper, cannot mention your armament.” “至于击败那位的经过,也要有所篡改,不能提及你的那把兵器。” Afterward, Chu Feng described one quite reasonably, and not by the Seven Worlds Saint Palace suspicion after... tampers with process. 随后,楚枫描述了一个较为合理,且不会被七界圣府怀疑的…篡改后的经过。 These I remembered, what but also there is to need to conceal?” Fuxing also asked. “这些我记下了,还有什么需要隐瞒的?”复星又问。 Do not say that I have entered this mysterious great gate, but can say that we discovered this is not simple, but does not know how should open this gate.” “不要说我进入过这道神秘巨门,但可以说我们发现此门不简单,但不知该如何开启此门。” As for other, then does not need to conceal, tells the facts then.” Chu Feng said. “至于其他的,便无需隐瞒,实话实说即可。”楚枫道。 Understood.” Fuxing understands Chu Feng's meaning. “懂了。”复星明白楚枫的意思 Seven Worlds Saint Palace, had known about the Nine Heavens secret inevitably. 七界圣府,必然对九天秘地已有所了解。 Chu Feng and Fuxing can arrive this step, said that anything had not discovered, Seven Worlds Saint Palace will instead not believe. 楚枫与复星能够走到这一步,说什么都没有发现,七界圣府反而不会信。 Secret that except that cannot say, conceals with it intentionally, good that might as well told the facts. 除了不能说的秘密,与其故意隐瞒,还不如实话实说的好。 After two people reach an agreement, then walks outward. 二人商量好之后,便向外走去。 ...... …… At this time, then by the mysterious place that the seven colors mist covers. 此时,那被七色雾气覆盖的神秘之地。 That wears the black armor, is actually the man of ten -year-old child voice, stands near the cliff as before. 那身穿黑色铠甲,却是十岁孩童声音的男子,依旧站在悬崖边上。 Sir, Chu Feng came back from the star gate.” “大人,楚枫从星门内回来了。” The black armor man, reported to the cliff deep place, the sound was still immature, such as the true child was common. 黑甲男子,向悬崖深处禀告,声音依旧稚嫩,就如真正的孩童一般。 „Did teleportation come back? What can he have to say?” The cliff deep place, transmits the colossus the sound. 传送回来了?他可有说什么?”悬崖深处,传来庞然大物的声音。 Has talked with Fuxing actually, said that he by teleportation to a place, came out with great difficulty, added that he guessed the Nine Heavens secret is Teleportation Formation, but was possibly destroyed.” “与复星倒是有所交谈,说他被传送到了一个地方,好不容易才出来,还说他猜测九天秘地是传送阵,只是可能被人破坏了。” As for other, after is leaves here, deals with the Seven Worlds Saint Palace excuse , there is nothing to do with my Nine Heavens secret it.” “至于其他的,便是离开这里之后,应付七界圣府的说辞,与我九天秘地本身无关。” „Does he want to leave?” The colossus asked. “他要离开了吗?”庞然大物问。 Yes, they come here, is the trial of that Seven Worlds Saint Palace organization, this trial decides result by the mark strong and weak, but the mark was about to vanish.” The black armor man said. “是,他们来到这里,是那七界圣府组织的试炼,这试炼以印记强弱定结果,而印记快消失了。”黑甲男子道。 so that's how it is.” The colossus said. 原来如此。”庞然大物道。 Sir, the subordinate has the incident to be puzzled.” “大人,属下有一事不解。” Chu Feng can open the star gate, should be qualified for the place of control.” 楚枫既能开启星门,应该就有资格进入主宰之地。” Why to the Nine Heavens secret, only then guessed, but isn't able to determine?” “为何又对九天秘地只有猜测,而无法确定?” Can't control the stele to leave a good name?” The black armor man asked. “是未能在主宰石碑留名吗?”黑甲男子问。 By the Chu Feng's talent, normal is can control the stele to leave a good name absolutely.” “以楚枫的天赋,正常来说是绝对可以在主宰石碑留名的。” Pitifully, the ninth Galaxy lord star gate was only destroyed thoroughly, other eight Galaxy lord star gates were also involved.” “只可惜,第九道天河的主星门被毁坏彻底,其他八道天河的主星门也被牵连。” Causes to control the stele also to present the breakage.” “导致主宰石碑也出现破损。” Otherwise, Chu Feng is this time, first in the person of control stele leaving a good name.” “不然的话,楚枫就是这个时代,第一个在主宰石碑留名之人。” In the tone of colossus, regretted. 庞然大物的语气之中,略带遗憾。 But hasn't the god pupil Sir, been repairing the Fuxing gate and control stele?” “但神眸大人,不是一直在修复星门与主宰石碑吗?” Actually to want how long, can restore?” “究竟要多久,才能修复好?” Should, not be really able to restore forever?” “该不会,真的永远无法修复好了吧?” Although the black armor man voice is immature, but actually completely worried obviously, he will care about this Nine Heavens secret place very much the future. 黑甲男子声音虽稚嫩,但却尽显担忧,他很关心这九天秘地的未来。 That girl? Grew pair of three god pupils, can count on her? „ “那个丫头?就只是长了一双三界神眸罢了,能指望她?“ If restored, Chu Feng has entered the place of control, how can also unable to leave a good name?” “若是修复好了,楚枫都已经进入主宰之地了,又岂会无法留名?” Mentioned this matter, colossus complaint. 提及此事,庞然大物略带怨言。 Hey, does?” “喂喂喂,干什么?” Why did the back speak the my family master malicious remarks?” “为什么背后说我家主人坏话?” But, the voice of little girl resounds in the meantime together. 可就在此时,一道小女孩的声音响起。 Waits and sees, the little girl who sees only a 12 -year-old appearance along the sound, stands on the cliff of not far away. 顺声观望,只见一个十二岁模样的小女孩,就站在不远处的悬崖上。 She wears the golden long skirt, is gripping long double pony-tail, is very cute. 她身穿金色长裙,扎着长长的双马尾,十分可爱。 But at present, actually both hands fork waist, angrily is staring the black armor man. 但眼下,却双手叉腰,气鼓鼓的瞪着黑甲男子。 Sees the double pony-tail little girl, black armor man immediately one startled, rushes to hold the fist in the other hand to salute: greets pen god Sir.” 见到双马尾小女孩,黑甲男子顿时一惊,赶忙抱拳施礼:“拜见笔神大人。” Urges to go faster, now shouted the god Sir, how previously to question the my family master?” “去去去,现在叫笔神大人了,先前怎么质疑我家主人的?” But the little girl is actually unforgiving, rolls up the sleeves, gets hold of the fist, panting in indignation walks toward the black armor man. 但小女孩却不依不饶,挽起袖子,握紧拳头,气呼呼的向黑甲男子走去。 Sees that the black armor man of aura above True Dragon, some unexpectedly fears. 见状,气息在真龙之上的黑甲男子,竟有些害怕。 Buzz- 嗡- But suddenly, the little girl whole body golden light twinkle, the figure changes later, changes to a writing brush. 可突然,小女孩周身金光闪烁,随后身形变化,化作一支毛笔。 But that writing brush precisely previous, Chu Feng holds, is controlling that pen that the stele leaves a good name. 而那毛笔正是先前,楚枫所持,在主宰石碑留名的那支笔。 After changing to the pen, then flying upside down goes, finally fell into a snow white palm. 化作笔后,便倒飞而去,最终落入了一只雪白的手掌之中。 Is that god pupil female. 是那名神眸女子。 The god pupil female, after the little girl changes to the pen, it placed behind. 神眸女子,将小女孩化作笔后,又将其放在了身后。 But that pen is actually one sways fiercely. 可那支笔却是一阵剧烈摇晃。 Snort, if not for the my family master is blocking me, I hold your mouth inevitably ruthlessly, smelly black soul.” “哼,若不是我家主人拦着我,我必然狠狠掌你的嘴,臭黑魂。” Although changed to the pen, but the little girl can speak as before. 虽化作了笔,但小女孩依旧能够说话。 But black armor man, is a face is suffering, in heart secretly thought/secret path: Coarse words are not I said that how only about me to get angry?” 而黑甲男子,则是一脸委屈,心中暗道:“难听的话也不是我说的啊,怎么只对我发火?” But this put in great inconvenience to him not to dare saying that because that god pupil female was fiercer. 但这委屈他不敢说,因为那名神眸女子更厉害。 Therefore the black armor man, has knelt on the ground, serves with the worshipping on bended knees big ritual to it: greets spirit god Sir.” 所以黑甲男子,早已跪在地上,对其施以跪拜大礼:“拜见灵神大人。” The colossus of cliff deep place, in this god pupil female blows, also transforms the tone immediately, when speech void shake, but it is grinning: 就连悬崖深处的庞然大物,在这神眸女子吹按后,也是立刻转换口吻,虽然说话之时虚空震荡,可它却是笑嘻嘻的: Spirit god Sir, your honorable self visits, infrequent visitor infrequent visitor.” “灵神大人,大驾光临,稀客稀客啊。” Monster god senior, does not need is so polite.” “妖神前辈,不必如此客气。” Moreover the control stele, and eight star gates excluding ninth Galaxy, has fixed.” The god pupil female said. “另外主宰石碑,以及除第九道天河外的八道星门,都已修好了。”神眸女子道。 Restored?” “修复好了?” That why can't Chu Feng control the stele to leave a good name?” The colossus expressed puzzled. “那为何楚枫没能在主宰石碑留名?”庞然大物表示不解。 How senior knows, can't Chu Feng leave a good name?” The god pupil female asked back. 前辈怎知,楚枫未能留名?”神眸女子反问。 According to this logic, did Chu Feng leave a good name?” The colossus asked. “这样说来,楚枫留名了?”庞然大物问。 Un.” God pupil female slight nod. “嗯。”神眸女子微微点头。 Tone that Chu Feng how is unable to determine?” “那楚枫怎么一副无法确定的口吻?” Oh, doesn't the boy want to speak the truth with the companion?” “喔,那小子是不想与同伴说实话?” Suffices slyly.” The colossus sighed, immediately asked: „Do spirit god so many years have not come to this god here, now arrive, want to tell this god news?” “够狡猾的啊。”庞然大物感叹,旋即问道:“灵神这么多年没有来本神这里,如今来到,就是想告诉本神这个消息?” „The matter of past years, destroyed the Nine Heavens secret formation technique foundation, to preserve the Nine Heavens secret place, has to change great formation, each one is a camp.” “当年之事,破坏了九天秘地阵法根基,为保住九天秘地,不得不改变大阵,各自为营。” Monster god senior cannot feel the change of place of control, I cannot feel the matter outside place of control.” “妖神前辈感受不到主宰之地的变化,我也感受不到主宰之地外的事情。” I this, indeed want to tell the monster god senior present age control stele today, some people have left the name.” “我今日来此,的确是想告诉妖神前辈当代主宰石碑,已有人留下名字。” Also wants to inquire while convenient to monster god senior, about that Chu Feng's matter.” The god pupil female said. “顺便也想向妖神前辈打探一下,关于那楚枫的事情。”神眸女子说道。 Spirit god, you also knows, this god in this place, is responsible for suppressing these thing.” “灵神啊,你也知道,本神于此地,乃是负责镇压这些东西。” Was old, the body was inferior to the past, suppressing was also even more strenuous, cannot Avatar, the inspection be the black soul does.” “年岁大了,身体不如从前,镇压起来也是越发费力,不能分身,考核都是黑魂做的。” If did not mind, makes the black soul tell for you.” The colossus said. “若不介意,就让黑魂为你讲述吧。”庞然大物道。 Sure.” The god pupil female looks to the black armor man. “当然可以。”神眸女子看向黑甲男子。 Afterward, the black armor man then for the god pupil female, told the process. 随后,黑甲男子便为神眸女子,讲述了经过。 Knows the process, the god pupil female has not spoken, but looking pensive. 得知经过,神眸女子没有说话,而是若有所思。 What's wrong, is the spirit god to this named Chu Feng's young man, what appraisal?” The colossus asked. “怎样,灵神对这个叫楚枫的后生,是何评价?”庞然大物问。 Monster god can senior have the appraisal?” The god pupil female asked. “妖神前辈可有评价?”神眸女子问。 Above Qin Jiu.” The colossus said. 秦九之上。”庞然大物道。 Unexpectedly such high?” The god pupil female sighed. “竟如此之高?”神眸女子叹。 Your appraisal?” The colossus asked. “那你的评价呢?”庞然大物问。 Above Qin Jiu, may all.” The god pupil female said. 秦九之上,亦无不可。”神眸女子道。 Cannot think that young man, can receive the spirit god such high appraisal unexpectedly.” “想不到那个后生,竟也能得到灵神这么高的评价。” Such being the case, can not leave while him, sees one side him?” The colossus asked. “既然如此,要不要趁他还未离开,见他一面?”庞然大物问。 „It is not anxious, observes again.” The god pupil female said. “不急,再多观察一番。”神眸女子道。 Was destroyed because of the Nine Heavens secret, wants to step into place of very difficult control.” “因九天秘地遭到破坏,想踏入主宰之地非常之难。” If not the this child talent, aroused the ninth Galaxy Lord star gate resonance, even if perhaps the spirit god you fixed another eight Lord star gates, he is unable to step into the place of control, let alone is controlling the stele to leave a good name.” The colossus said. “若非此子天赋了得,引起第九道天河主星门的共鸣,恐怕就算灵神你修好了另外八道主星门,他也无法踏入主宰之地,更别说在主宰石碑留名了。”庞然大物道。 Monster god senior, I understand that your mood, Chu Feng's is really the rare good seedling.” “妖神前辈,我明白你的心情,楚枫的确是难得的好苗子。” But monster god senior do not forget, if not for in the past urgently the matter of immemorial, is telling Ancient Era that two, will then not bring in the disaster for the Nine Heavens secret.” The god pupil female said. “可妖神前辈不要忘了,当年若不是急着将太古之事,告诉远古时期那两位,便也不会为九天秘地引来灾祸。”神眸女子道。 Hears this words, the colossus was silent. 听闻此话,庞然大物沉默了。 A moment later, helpless say/way: That then observes again.” 片刻之后,才无奈的道:“那便再多观察观察吧。”
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