MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5669: God pupil female

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Chapter 5667 god pupil female 第5667章神眸女子 senior?” 前辈?” When Chu Feng is puzzled, looks to the hand is grasping that pen. 楚枫不解之际,看向手中握着的那支笔。 Buzz- 嗡- However, sees only the ray twinkle, that pen in hand vanishes to disappear unexpectedly. 然而,只见光芒闪烁,手中的那支笔竟消失不见了。 senior? senior?” 前辈前辈?” Chu Feng looks around, summoned continuously, but has not responded. 楚枫四下张望,连续呼唤,但却没有回应。 It seems like, is anything does not want to disclose with me.” “看来,是什么都不想与我透露啊。” Chu Feng can distinguish, just that pen has spiritual wisdom, but was not formation technique. 楚枫能够分辨的出,刚刚那支笔是具有灵智的,而并非阵法所化。 At this time vanishes, but does not want to talk with Chu Feng. 此时消失,只是不想与楚枫交谈罢了。 Therefore, Chu Feng also no longer summoned, but pinched the law secret art, later carefully observed the control stele, with that eight direct access to the highest authorities great gates. 于是,楚枫也不再呼唤,而是捏动法诀,随后仔细观察主宰石碑,与那八道通天巨门。 He wants to observe many thing. 他想观察出更多东西 But what Chu Feng does not know, that pen has not actually vanished, was only the shift. 楚枫不知道的是,那支笔其实并未消失,只是转移了。 At this time that pen in Chu Feng's behind not far away. 此时那支笔就在楚枫的身后不远处。 And that pen, had reduced, reduced to only have one meter five altitude. 并且那支笔,已经缩小了,缩小到了只有一米五的高度。 But in side of that pen, but also is standing a female. 而在那支笔的旁边,还站着一名女子。 The females wear the golden long skirt, the long skirt modeling is relatively ordinary, but is quite fine, performs to reveal temperament. 女子身穿金色长裙,长裙造型相对普通,但却极为精致,尽显气质 Although the long skirt packages solid, actually can also see, the female stature is excellent. 尽管长裙包裹的严严实实,却也能看出,女子身材极好。 But on her face, then brings the golden veil, because although the veil covers, cannot see the face, but that pair of eyes pupil is very special. 而她脸上,则是带着金色面纱,虽因面纱遮挡,看不到脸庞,可那双眼眸却很特别。 She, has the purple blue gold three color eye pupils unexpectedly. 她,竟拥有着紫蓝金三种颜色的眼眸。 This pupil incessantly is beautiful, very mysterious, as if contains the strength of difficult estimate, unattainable, can only look up to the feeling. 这眼眸已经不止是美了,非常的神秘,仿佛蕴藏着难以估算的力量,给人一种高不可攀,只能仰望之感。 This, does not seem like the eye that the person has, as if from gods. 这,根本就不像是人所拥有的眼睛,仿佛来自神明。 This female says this god, indeed has this qualifications. 此女自称本神,的确有这个资格。 - 唰- She searches the hand to grasp, grasped into that pen the hand. 她探手一抓,将那支笔抓入了手中。 Just, why didn't test it?” “刚刚,为何不考验它?” The females asked, but her sound, is unexpectedly same as the sound that previously in that pen broadcast, very governing, pleasant to hear, is very gentle. 女子问,而她的声音,竟与先前那支笔内传来的声音相同,很御,好听,也很温柔。 Master, I tested, but does not have the effect, this small thing, the formation bloodlines in within the body are somewhat strange.” “主人,我考验了,但没有效果,这个小东西,体内的结界血脉有些诡异。” My strength integrates directly was absorbed by it, therefore his anything could not feel, as if nothing has happened.” “我的力量融入其中直接被其吸收了,所以他什么都感觉不到,就像没事人一样。” In that pen broadcasts the sound, but this time is a voice of little girl. 那支笔内传来声音,但这一次是一个小女孩的声音。 Originally, this pen has the main body. 原来,这支笔另有本体。 But this pen, had not just talked with Chu Feng. 但这支笔,刚刚并未与楚枫交谈。 Is female rely on this pen, comes to talk with Chu Feng. 乃是女子借助这支笔,来与楚枫交谈罢了。 Oh?” “喔?” What bloodlines, can make your test invalid?” “什么血脉,能够让你的考验无效?” During the female speeches, then looks again to Chu Feng, but at this time, her has the tricolor eye pupils to start the rapid rotation. 女子说话间,便再度看向楚枫,只不过此时,她那拥有三色的眼眸开始快速旋转。 At this moment, as if can see through all vision together, oneself female eyes pupil projects, falls on Chu Feng. 这一刻,一道仿佛能够看穿一切的目光,自己女子眼眸射出,落在楚枫身上。 Quick, the eye pupil stops rotating, but in the female eyes pupil, has the startled color to reappear. 很快,眼眸停止转动,但女子眼眸之中,却有惊色浮现。 Unexpectedly is king's bloodlines.” The females said. “竟是王之血脉。”女子道。 King's bloodlines, do this time unexpectedly some people have king's bloodlines?” That pen also expressed the surprise. “王之血脉,这个时代竟有人拥有王之血脉?”那支笔也表示诧异。 „Will the present era, desolate is right, why have king's bloodlines to appear?” Female similar surprise. “当今时代,早已落寞才对,为何会有王之血脉出现?”女子同样诧异。 - 唰- But in the meantime, Chu Feng turns around, looked that to direction that the female is, and respectful serves with a ritual. 而就在此时,楚枫则是转过身来,看向女子所在的方向,且恭敬的施以一礼。 senior, haven't you walked?” 前辈,您没走吧?” I know that you were just observing junior.” “我知道您刚刚在观察晚辈。” senior, can inform junior, actually here has had what, had been destroyed?” 前辈,能否告知晚辈,这里究竟发生过什么,是被破坏过吧?” Is artificial, is other reasons?” Chu Feng asked one after another. “是人为,还是其他原因?”楚枫接连问道。 Hears this words, in the female eyes the startled color is stronger. 听闻此话,女子眼中惊色更浓。 „, His can't cultivation realm, feel the observations of master three god pupils unexpectedly?” That pen is the direct opens the mouth. “不是吧,他这个修为,竟能感受到主人三界神眸的观察?”那支笔则是直接开口。 But this pen, with this female's dialogue, Chu Feng cannot hear. 只不过这支笔,与这女子的对话,楚枫是听不到的。 In fact, Chu Feng cannot see them, but just Chu Feng's felt firmly, the vision of female. 实际上,楚枫也看不到他们,但刚刚楚枫的确感受到了,女子的目光。 Although is very vague, but Chu Feng detected, and just determined that was the female is observing own. 虽然很隐晦,但楚枫还是察觉到了,并且也是刚刚才确定,那就是女子在观察自己的。 Since senior is not willing to disclose that junior does not force, junior said goodbye.” “既然前辈不愿透露,那晚辈也不勉强,晚辈告辞了。” Chu Feng sees the opposite party not to respond, the hand during technique secret art fluctuates. 楚枫见对方没有回应,手中法诀变幻。 But after this law secret art appears, strength of the teleportation packages Chu Feng, Chu Feng then vanishes does not see. 而这个法诀出现后,一股传送之力包裹楚枫,楚枫便消失不见。 Master, he really discovered you, was blind ignorant?” That pen asked. “主人,他是真的发现你了,还是瞎懵的啊?”那支笔问道。 Regarding this issue, the female had not replied, but said: King's bloodlines, he has this qualifications.” 对于这个问题,女子没有回答,但却道:“王之血脉,他有这个资格。” ...... …… Just law secret art, was Chu Feng after on the control stele left a good name, the strength of obtains. 刚刚的法诀,便是楚枫在主宰石碑上留名之后,所获得的力量。 Now, in this Nine Heavens secret, many place Chu Feng can twinkling teleportation. 如今,在这九天秘地内,很多地方楚枫是能够瞬息传送的。 However some places, were Chu Feng teleportation. 但是有一些地方,是楚枫传送不了的。 Chu Feng grasped the strengths of some Nine Heavens secret places, but has not grasped completely. 楚枫掌握了部分九天秘地的力量,但并未掌握全部。 However is good because, position that mysterious great gate is, is Chu Feng can the teleportation range. 但是好在,那神秘巨门所在的位置,是楚枫可以传送的范围。 At this moment, Chu Feng appeared above the mysterious great gate, but Fuxing also waited here. 此刻,楚枫出现在了神秘巨门之上,而复星还在这里等候。 Chu Feng, are you all right?” 楚枫,你没事吧?” Fuxing discovered Chu Feng, immediately inquires. 复星发现了楚枫,立刻询问道。 All right.” Chu Feng said. “没事。”楚枫道。 Which did you just go?” Fuxing asked. “你刚刚去哪了?”复星问。 By teleportation to a place, came out with great difficulty.” “被传送到了一个地方,好不容易才出来了。” I guessed, this Nine Heavens secret place, should be Teleportation Formation.” Chu Feng said to Fuxing. “我猜测,这九天秘地,应该是一个传送阵。”楚枫对复星说道。 He does not have the choice to speak the truth, is not does not believe Fuxing, but was some secrets wants to say said, does not want to say did not say. 他没有选择说实话,不是不相信复星,而是有些秘密想说就说,不想说就不说。 This are not related with the relational quality, after all everyone has own secret. 这与关系好坏没关系,毕竟每个人都有自己的秘密。 About the Nine Heavens secret place, Chu Feng feels the no small matter, therefore this secret, Chu Feng does not want to tell anybody temporarily. 关于九天秘地,楚枫觉得非同小可,所以这个秘密,楚枫暂时不想告诉任何人。 Teleportation Formation, is the Nine Heavens secret only Teleportation Formation?” Fuxing feels the surprise. 传送阵,九天秘地只是传送阵?”复星感到诧异。 Because of Teleportation Formation, everywhere is, Nine Heavens secret so big reputation, secret of hidden, if only Teleportation Formation, has not met her expectation. 因为传送阵,到处都是,九天秘地如此大的名声,隐藏的秘密,若只是传送阵,并没有达到她的预期。 „It is not simple Teleportation Formation, but... I am also unascertainable, is only the guess.” “不是简单的传送阵,但是…我也不能确定,只是猜测。” Here, was destroyed probably.” During the Chu Feng speeches, then sizes up the mysterious great gate carefully. “这里,好像被人破坏了。”楚枫说话间,便仔细打量神秘巨门。 Although Chu Feng through this gate, enters Heavenly Dome Galaxy, but Chu Feng guessed, this gate can lead to truly, incessantly Heavenly Dome Galaxy, but is ninth Galaxy, is the antique god territory. 虽然楚枫通过这道门,进入苍穹天河,但楚枫猜测,这道门真正可以通往的,不止苍穹天河,而是第九道天河,也就是太古神域。 Because Chu Feng can feel, the Nine Heavens secret in each Galaxy, has Teleportation Formation. 因为楚枫能感觉到,九天秘地在每个天河,都有多道传送阵 But ninth Galaxy Teleportation Formation is largest. 而其中第九道天河传送阵数量最多。 Although, Chu Feng can feel existences of these Teleportation Formation, but is actually not able to turn on the teleportation tunnel. 可是,楚枫虽能感受到那些传送阵的存在,但却无法开启传送隧道。 All teleportation tunnels, were closed. 所有传送隧道,都被关闭了。 As for other eight Galaxy teleportation tunnels, although from Remote Antiquity Era, but has the restore trace. 至于其他八道天河传送隧道,虽源自太古时期,但却有修复痕迹。 Therefore Chu Feng guessed, the Nine Heavens secret had been destroyed, but ninth Galaxy teleportation tunnel, destroyed most serious, will therefore close. 所以楚枫猜测,九天秘地被人破坏过,而第九道天河传送隧道,被破坏的最为严重,所以才会关闭。 Normal, so long as there is a Teleportation Formation method, established the teleportation tunnel, that will not be unidirectional, but exchanges. 正常来说,只要有传送阵法,又建立了传送隧道,那就不会是单向的,而是互通。 The Nine Heavens secret with ninth Galaxy, the teleportation tunnel of link was destroyed, the ninth Galaxy person is not then able to come out through Nine Heavens secret place Teleportation Formation teleportation. 九天秘地与第九道天河,链接的传送隧道被破坏,第九道天河的人便无法通过九天秘地的传送阵传送出来。 This is very possible, is present's ninth Galaxy, can only enter, one of reasons cannot have. 这很可能,也是如今第九道天河,只能进,不能出的原因之一。 But this reason, may be the natural disaster, but may also be is artificial. 而这个原因,有可能是自然灾害,但也有可能是人为。 If artificial, that has a conspiracy inevitably. 若是人为,那必然有所阴谋。 But Chu Feng felt, the artificial possibility is bigger. 可偏偏楚枫觉得,人为的可能性更大。 () ()
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