MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5677: Aristocrat who becomes friends with on own initiative

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This team of troops, a total of ten people, they have not hidden the aura, therefore Chu Feng can feel, they are very strong. 这队人马,总共十人,他们没有隐藏气息,所以楚枫能够感觉到,他们都很强。 Weakest, is Purple Dragon God-cloak, most unexpectedly is immortal dragon God-cloak!!! 最弱的,也是紫龙神袍,最强竟是仙龙神袍!!! Although they are not the juniors, but oldest is also is close 300 years old. 虽说他们都已不是小辈,可年纪最大的也不过是接近三百岁。 By cultivator frequently tens of thousands years of age, they are also very young. 修武者动辄几万年的年岁来看,他们也都是非常年少的。 These people directly soar Chu Feng to come, but has not actually stayed side Chu Feng, but passed by. 这些人直奔楚枫而来,但却并未在楚枫身旁停留,只是路过。 Most of them, the visual front, looked that has not looked at Chu Feng one. 他们之中的大多数人,目视前方,看都没看楚枫一眼。 Even if a few notices the Chu Feng's person, looked at one at will, in eye not contemptuous, but performs is arrogant. 哪怕少数注意到楚枫的人,也是随意看了一眼,眼中没有轻蔑,但尽是高傲。 The stance that keeps aloof, as if the Spiritual God passed by the world of mortals. 那高高在上的姿态,仿佛神灵路过凡间。 In fact, they indeed enjoyed the extraordinary treatment. 事实上,他们的确享受了非凡的待遇。 Because of their place visited, everyone is rushes to serve with the worshipping on bended knees big ritual. 因为他们一路所过之处,所有人都是赶忙施以跪拜大礼。 Guard who even if goes on patrol, stops immediately, allows to pass through for them. 哪怕巡逻的护卫,也是立刻停下,为他们让路。 „The places of some it seems like people, have the heterogeneous division, Seven Worlds Saint Palace are no exception.” “看来有人的地方,就有三六九等之分,七界圣府也不例外。” The Chu Feng innermost feelings sighed, immediately closes the palace gate. 楚枫内心感叹,旋即关上殿门。 He must adjust the state of mind. 他要调整心绪。 Now anything cannot do, wants cultivation. 现在什么都做不了,还是要修炼 He prepares to continue cultivation to contemplate the law antique, because is faint, Chu Feng feels the turning point of breakthrough. 他准备继续修炼太古冥想法,因为隐隐间,楚枫已是感受到了突破的契机。 Although also requires some time, but continues cultivation, sooner or later will break through. 虽然还需要一定时间,但继续修炼,迟早会突破。 But after cultivation half double-hour, suddenly some people sound the Chu Feng's gate, Chu Feng watch outward, these that just saw unexpectedly wear ten people of silver armor. 修炼了半个时辰之后,忽然有人敲响楚枫的门,楚枫向外观看,竟是刚刚看到的那些身穿银甲的十人。 Chu Feng opens the door, is a female, the appearance is not attractive, even the skin is somewhat dark, but has temperament very much , is very self-confident. 楚枫开门,为首乃是一名女子,长相不是多好看,甚至皮肤有些黝黑,但却很有气质,同时也很自信。 Such temperament, sometimes, even exceeds the beautiful appearance. 这样的气质,有些时候,甚至胜过美貌。 But she is also in these people, strength strongest person, immortal dragon God-cloak. 而她也是这些人中,实力最强的人,仙龙神袍 Chu Feng?” The females asked. 楚枫?”女子问。 Is I.” Chu Feng should say. “是我。”楚枫应道。 Introduced oneself, I called the spirit in years past, was the person of Seven Worlds Saint Palace Ling Clan lineage/vein, was the deputy team chief of Ling Clan broken space forces.” “自我介绍一下,我叫灵昔年,乃七界圣府灵氏一脉之人,也是灵氏破天军的副队长。” Chu Feng, do we facilitate to chat?” This spirit asked in years past. 楚枫,我们方便进去聊吗?”这灵昔年问。 Naturally.” Chu Feng these people, invited in the palace that into oneself temporarily resided. “当然。”楚枫将这些人,请入了自己暂住的宫殿之内。 Chu Feng, I called spirit cloud to be vast, was Ling Clan lineage/vein, was the person of Ling Clan broken space forces, but I was not a deputy team chief, was not the team leader, was the member.” 楚枫,我叫灵云浩,也是灵氏一脉,也是灵氏破天军的人,但我不是副队长,也不是队长,就是成员。” An appearance is gruff, but after actually the smile bright man enters the room, takes the lead a introduced. 一个长相憨憨,但却笑容灿烂的男子进屋后,率先介绍道。 Do not visit him gruffly, cultivation realm is not weak, on the scene, was next to that spirit in years past, was Emperor Dragon God-cloak. 别看他长得憨,修为可不弱,在场之中,仅次于那灵昔年,乃是皇龙神袍 Others on the scene, introduces itself to Chu Feng, the attitude is very friendly. 紧接着,在场的其余人,也是纷纷向楚枫介绍起自己,态度皆很友好。 But when several people, previously passed by, but has looked at Chu Feng's, their stances of that time, may be entirely different from the present. 而其中几个人,先前路过时,可是看过楚枫的,那个时候的他们的姿态,可与现在全然不同。 everyone 诸位 Looks for me, has the matter? ” Chu Feng asked. 来找我,是有事吗?”楚枫问。 Has the matter, is to become friends with you.” The spirit said in years past directly. “有事,乃是想与你交个朋友。”灵昔年直接说道。 Why?” Chu Feng asked. “为何?”楚枫问。 Just you also saw us to pass, to be honest, our precisely was summoned by my Ling Clan Elder.” “刚刚你也见到我们过去了,实不相瞒,我们正是受我灵氏长老召见。” Just my Ling Clan Elder said with us your matter, enters mansion smelting trial's first.” “刚刚我灵氏长老与我们说了你的事情,入府试炼第一名。” „The Nine Heavens secret place, obtains the black mark.” 九天秘地,获得黑色印记。” Chu Feng, you may not be really simple.” 楚枫,你可真是不简单啊。” By your talent, one generation that even if my Seven Worlds Saint Palace, pours forth on this day, fears also having your space.” “以你的天赋,哪怕我七界圣府,这天才辈出的一代,怕也是将有你一席之地。” The spirit said the process in years past directly sincerely, the attitude actually completely obviously. 灵昔年直接说出了经过,态度倒是尽显真诚。 Coming out that Chu Feng looks, although they are not the juniors, can their cultivation realm, non- common generation. 楚枫看的出来,他们虽不是小辈,可以他们的修为来看,也都非寻常之辈。 Ling Clan Elder, can explain these with them specially, looked coming out, Seven Worlds Saint Palace also quite attaches great importance to oneself. 灵氏长老,能特意与他们交待这些,看的出来,七界圣府对自己也颇为重视。 To put it bluntly, this wins over Chu Feng ahead of time. 说白了,这就是提前拉拢楚枫 Can this being proud, is willing to win over Chu Feng, has proven the Chu Feng's value. 能够让这种自负的人,甘愿拉拢楚枫,已经证明楚枫的价值。 Can know everyone, is my Chu Feng's is honored.” Chu Feng holds the fist in the other hand to say. “能结识诸位,也是我楚枫的荣幸。”楚枫抱拳说道。 No matter these person hearts are whether honest, but puts out a hand not to hit the smile person, let alone this is the Seven Worlds Saint Palace domain. 不管这些人是否心诚,但伸手不打笑脸人,何况这还是七界圣府的地盘。 Chu Feng, beginning you Seven Worlds Saint Palace, had not known about here, we do lead you to visit to be good?” The spirit asked in years past. 楚枫,你初来七界圣府,对这里还不了解,我们带你参观参观可好?”灵昔年问道。 That was then good.” Chu Feng should say. “那便再好不过了。”楚枫应道。 Afterward, the spirit this group, then brought Chu Feng to stroll in years past. 随后,灵昔年这一行人,便带着楚枫逛了起来。 All the way, brought to the attention of many. 一路上,引起了不少人的注意。 Everyone looks at some Chu Feng surprise, particularly saw the spirit in years past and others, after Chu Feng greeted with a smile unexpectedly, they discuss spiritedly. 所有人看楚枫都有些诧异,尤其是看到灵昔年等人,对楚枫竟笑脸相迎之后,他们更是议论纷纷。 After all enters the matter of mansion trial, although they hear, may regarding this result, many people not know. 毕竟入府试炼之事,他们虽有听闻,可对于这个结果,很多人还不知晓。 But the spirit the and others status, they were knew in years past, can and others be so treated by the spirit in years past, they were also guessing, Chu Feng's background. 但灵昔年等人的身份,他们是知晓的,能被灵昔年等人如此对待,他们也都在猜测,楚枫的来头。 But after the spirit the introduction of and others, Chu Feng also understood the Seven Worlds Saint Palace pattern in years past. 而经过灵昔年等人的介绍,楚枫也是更加了解了七界圣府的格局。 Seven Worlds Saint Palace, in the past was actually the influence that was organized together by all parties' World Spiritist. 七界圣府,当年其实是由各方的界灵师一起组织起来的势力。 Originally, does not have and Ling Clan. 原本,是没有界氏与灵氏的。 Decided in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, no longer recruits the new member outward, but was developed after then member. 七界圣府决定,不再对外招收新的成员,而是由当时的成员发展之后。 Then Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord, then the decision bestowed the surname. 当时的七界圣府府主,便决定赐姓。 Was bestowed the person of surname, from now henceforth, can not say with the beforehand surname again. 被赐姓之人,从今以后,将不得再以之前的姓氏自称。 Therefore had and Ling Clan. 所以才有了界氏与灵氏 But, is no one can be bestowed the surname, only has the meritorious military service illustrious person, can be bestowed the surname 但,可不是谁都能够被赐姓的,唯有战功赫赫之人,才能被赐姓 . Therefore, at that time can be bestowed the person of surname, was at that time the Seven Worlds Saint Palace strongest people. 因此,当时能够被赐姓之人,也都是当时七界圣府最强之人。 Over time, Seven Worlds Saint Palace naturally also had height division in any case. 随着时间流逝,七界圣府自然也有了高低贵贱之分。 Without a doubt, and Ling Clan, are noblest existences. 毋庸置疑,界氏与灵氏,便是最高贵的存在。 After that all Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord, hardly stems from, then stems from Ling Clan. 自那之后,所有七界圣府府主,几乎不是出自界氏,便是出自灵氏 Naturally, besides and Ling Clan, some powerful surname families. 当然,除了界氏与灵氏之外,还有一些强大的姓氏家族。 And is strongest, respectively is Jiang, Yao, Ying, Ji. 其中最强的,分别是姜氏、姚氏、嬴氏、姬氏。 These four big surnames, are in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, is next to and Ling Clan. 这四大姓氏,是七界圣府内,仅次于界氏与灵氏的。 Afterward is other surnames, various types had. 随后便是其他姓氏,就各种都有了。 Therefore, Seven Worlds Saint Palace from outside to inside, was divided into four mansion areas. 因此,七界圣府从外至内,被分为了四个府区。 Respectively is Saint Palace, the previous mansion and every mansion, under the mansion. 分别是圣府、上府、凡府、下府。 Next mansion 下府 Also is the region that Chu Feng and others is. 也就是楚枫等人所在的这个区域。 Here person are most, have several millions and millions. 这里的人最多,有数亿万 But these person of position are also lowest, even cannot come and go out Seven Worlds Saint Palace freely, has the matter to leave needs to report, after having been consented . 但这些人地位也最低,甚至不能自由出入七界圣府,有事离开需要报备,得到应允后才可以。 To put it bluntly, the person who gets down the mansion in name is the person in Seven Worlds Saint Palace, but actually takes care of these strong large clan, they basically are the servants. 说白了,下府的人名义上是七界圣府内的人,但其实是服侍那些强大族氏的,他们基本都是下人。 These people, naturally cannot make them come and go out casually, go out... to throw the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person. 这些人,自然不能让他们随便出入,出去了…丢七界圣府的人。 Every mansion 凡府 Then is the region that Jiang, Yao, Ying, Ji these four families live. 便是姜氏、姚氏、嬴氏、姬氏这四个家族所居住的区域。 On mansion 上府 Is region that and Ling Clan live. 乃是界氏与灵氏居住的区域。 Saint Palace 圣府 Is the forbidden area, there conceals Seven Worlds Saint Palace most precious treasure, as well as many powerful cultivation formation technique, forbidden land. 乃是禁区,那里藏着七界圣府最珍贵的宝物,以及诸多强大的修炼阵法,还有禁地 Even if Ling Clan person, cannot come and go out casually, is sacred land that the common people life is unable to step into. 哪怕界氏与灵氏的人,都不能随便出入,更是平民百姓一生无法踏入的圣地 The spirit in years past, bringing Chu Feng to be thorough. 灵昔年,带着楚枫一路深入。 Then spanned under the mansion quickly, every mansion, entered on the mansion. 很快便跨越了下府,凡府,进入了上府。 Chu Feng discovered, the most populous below government offices, are land surface area are unexpectedly smallest. 楚枫发现,人口最多的下府,竟是土地面积最小的。 Every mansion big many, on but the mansion is mansion also wants vast many. 凡府大了不少,而上府则是比凡府还要辽阔的多。 Therefore the next mansion, everywhere is the palace group, everywhere is the person's shadow, although is noisy, actually performs to reveal the smoke anger. 所以下府,到处都是宫殿群,到处都是人影,虽然嘈杂,却尽显烟火气。 But every mansion palace, is not only broad, the respective garden, under the contrast the mansion indeed shows the position. 而凡府的宫殿,不仅恢宏,还有各自的花园,对比下府的确彰显地位。 As for on mansion, majority is high mountain running water, immortal deer spirit beast, just like wonderland. 至于上府,大部分都是高山流水,仙鹿灵兽,宛如人间仙境。 Occasionally, can see a building. 偶尔,才能见到一处建筑。 But here construction also has the difference respectively. 但这里的建筑又各有不同。 Has summit the fine hut situated in mountain peak. 有位于山峰之巅的精致小屋。 Also there are just like the state common vast city, but it is said that is also only a territory of person. 也有宛如国度一般浩瀚城池,但据说那也只是一个人的领地而已。 In brief, on the mansion person, can have one's wish 总之,上府的人,可以随心所欲的 Builds own mansion, because their territories are enormous. 打造自己的府邸,因为他们的领地极大。 Naturally, although the master only has one, but the servant are many. 当然,主人虽然只有一个,仆人可是不少。 Incessantly is under the mansion person, so long as they want, even if in every mansion, is willing to work for them. 不止是下府的人,只要他们愿意,哪怕凡府之中,也愿意为他们效力的。 This makes Chu Feng think, Ling Sheng'er that personal maid. 这让楚枫不由想起来,灵笙儿的那个贴身婢女。 That maid is called Yao Luo, she comes is not simple, is willing to take care of Ling Sheng'er, naturally because of the Ling Sheng'er status. 那个婢女叫做姚落,她自己出身也不简单,愿意服侍灵笙儿,自然是因为灵笙儿的身份。 After all the Ling Sheng'er grandfather, is the lord of Ling Clan lineage/vein. 毕竟灵笙儿的爷爷,可是灵氏一脉之主。 Before Chu Feng only knows, Ling Sheng'er talent, status extraordinary. 之前楚枫只知道,灵笙儿天赋了得,身份不凡 But now after spirit in years past and others introduced in detail, Chu Feng knows, the Ling Sheng'er status, actually had how. 而现在经过灵昔年等人的详细介绍,楚枫才知道,灵笙儿的身份,究竟有多么了得。 Quick, the spirit brings Chu Feng in years past, arrived at a lake. 很快,灵昔年带着楚枫,来到了一座湖泊。 That lake is very big, is very deep, but the water actually may be clear enough to see bottom. 那湖泊很大,也很深,可水却可清澈见底。 Thus it can be seen, under water all lifeform of deep place. 因此能够看到,水底深处的所有生物。 Has to flash seven color rays schools of fish, there are ten thousand meters just like the flood dragon common long fish. 有闪着七彩光芒的鱼群,也有长达万米的宛如蛟龙一般的长鱼。 must know, the duck is deep, water black deep pool. 要知道,水绿则深,水黑则渊。 Normal, such deep water, not possible clear enough to see bottom. 正常来说,这么深的水,不可能清澈见底。 But, regarding World Spiritist, changing the water quality is not a difficult matter, therefore Chu Feng not slightly accidental/surprised. 但,对于界灵师来说,改变水质也并非难事,所以楚枫也没有丝毫意外。 Above this lake, has an aquatic palace. 这片湖泊之上,有着一座水上宫殿。 The palace is not Spirit Formation technique builds, but is built by white jade, all over the body white, just like statue, very specially. 宫殿并非结界之术打造而成,而是由白玉打造,通体白色,宛如雕像,很是特别。 Here, was spirit in years past mansion, was she builds personally. 这里,乃是灵昔年的府邸,也是她亲手打造。 The spirit the Chu Feng belt/bring to here, received cordially Chu Feng's in years past specially. 灵昔年将楚枫带到这里,就是专门款待楚枫的 Even, but also goes to the kitchen personally, without using Spirit Formation technique, but with the cook of the world of mortals, was Chu Feng made a good food of table. 甚至,还亲自下厨,没有使用结界之术,而是用凡间的厨艺,为楚枫做了一桌子的美食。 On the dining table, there is an artificial Chu Feng but actually liquor, has artificial Chu Feng to clamp the vegetable/dish, that called one to be passionate and considerate. 饭桌上,有人为楚枫倒酒,有人为楚枫夹菜,那叫一个热情周到。 Spirit cloud Hao is the mouthful is the oil is nibbling the chicken leg, say/way that while smiles 灵云浩更是一边满嘴是油的啃着鸡腿,一边笑眯眯的道 Oh, today borrows Little Brother Chu Feng up, I have not eaten for a long time, our deputy team chief the vegetable/dish of doing, was really delicious.” “唉,今天是借了楚枫兄弟的光了,我都好久没吃到,我们副队长的做的菜了,真是太好吃了。” „Is, Little Brother Chu Feng, you eat, we may thanks to your.” Others also echo. “就是就是,楚枫兄弟,你多吃点,我们可都是托了你的福。”其他人也是纷纷附和。 Flavor really good, cannot think that in years past the miss also had such craftsmanship.” Chu Feng these words praised, was from the bottom of one's heart. “味道真的不错,想不到昔年姑娘还有如此手艺。”楚枫这句话夸赞,可是发自肺腑。 Although Chu Feng their cultivation realm, do not eat and drink cannot starve to death, but will often experience the world of mortals good food. 虽说楚枫他们这种修为,不吃不喝也饿不死,但还是会经常体验凡间美食。 Spirit in years past cook, even does compared with many restaurants delicious. 灵昔年的厨艺,甚至比许多餐馆做的都好吃。 But Chu Feng such remarks, everyone was actually similar to petrifies general was motionless. 楚枫此话一出,所有人却都如同石化了一般不动了。 Even some people clamp the vegetable/dish of mouth, does not dare to eat. 甚至有人夹到嘴边的菜,都不敢去吃。 Previously also full was happy expression people, looked panic-stricken. 先前还满是笑意的人们,面露惊恐。 Previously the auspicious happy atmosphere, instantaneously became complex. 先前祥和欢乐的氛围,瞬间变得复杂起来。
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