MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5666: Owes your father and son benevolence

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Chapter 5664 owes your father and son benevolence 第5664章欠你们父子俩恩情 The Chu Feng big sleeve wields, a brand-new clothing, then put in the body. 楚枫大袖一挥,一件全新的衣衫,便穿在了身上。 Then arrives in front of Xia Xingchen. 这才又走到夏星辰面前。 senior......” 前辈……” Chu Feng hands over that cosmos sack. 楚枫又将那乾坤袋递上。 But Xia Xingchen, after receiving cosmos sack, actually squeezes in the Chu Feng's clothes: Ok, said that turns over to you to turn over to you, again nonsense, I hit you.” 夏星辰,接过乾坤袋后,却又塞入楚枫的衣服里:“行了,说归你就归你,再废话,我打你了喔。” That then many thanks senior.” Seeing the Xia Xingchen attitude is firm, Chu Feng also accepts simply with a smile. “那便多谢前辈了。”见夏星辰态度坚决,楚枫也是干脆笑着收下。 May hear Chu Feng saying that many thanks two characters, Xia Xingchen is actually the small face one stiff, in the vision of twinkle, performs obviously ashamed. 可听到楚枫多谢二字,夏星辰却是小脸一僵,闪烁的目光中,尽显惭愧。 She in formation technique, actually can also observe the main hall situation. 她在阵法之中,其实也是能够观察到大殿情况的。 Therefore she knows the arrival of that baldheaded old man, knows suffering that Chu Feng receives. 因此她知道那秃顶老头的到来,也知道楚枫所受的折磨。 That suffers, but heavy. 那折磨可是不轻。 But if not for she wants as far as possible through this cultivation formation technique, completes grasping of vault of heaven Immortal Method, Chu Feng can actually be short by some painstakingly. 但若不是她想要尽可能的通过这修炼阵法,完成苍穹仙法的掌握,楚枫其实可以少受一些苦。 Therefore she is ashamed. 所以她才惭愧。 But looks at this time Chu Feng, she feels the surprise. 但看着此时的楚枫,她却又感到诧异。 Little rascal, how are you same as the bystander?” “小鬼,你怎么和个没事人一样?” Xia Xingchen asked like this, is because the Chu Feng mortal body has not been affected much, the aura rapidly is also restoring. 夏星辰之所以这样问,是因为楚枫肉身已无大碍,就连气息也在快速恢复。 Turns over to ashamed ashamed, but Chu Feng is really all right probably. 惭愧归惭愧,但楚枫好像真的没啥事。 Skin flesh wound, being all right is very normal.” Chu Feng big mouth one, smiled carelessness. “皮外伤罢了,没事很正常。”楚枫大嘴一咧,笑的大大咧咧。 What, you manage that to call skin Waishang ? Xia Xingchen beautiful eyes winks, the feeling is inconceivable. “什么,你管那叫皮外伤?”夏星辰美眸眨动,感觉不可思议。 „It is not the skin flesh wound is anything, the baldheaded old man wants to make me keep sober, simply does not have really to destroy my soul, but injects the soul the pain.” “不是皮外伤又是啥,那秃顶老头想让我保持清醒,根本没有真的毁坏我灵魂吗,只是将痛感注入灵魂罢了。” „Isn't this also the skin flesh wound?” “难道这还不算皮外伤?” However I skin coarse meat is just thick, inborn anti- hits.” Chu Feng said. “而我刚好皮糙肉厚,天生抗打。”楚枫道。 Your this little rascal, may continue skin coarse meat to be thick, the innermost feelings are also very powerful.” “你这小鬼,可不止皮糙肉厚,内心也很强大。” Xia Xingchen said that because she is clear about that old man's method. 夏星辰道,因为她清楚那老头的手段。 The baldheaded old man has not boasted, he can sit the position of Heavenly Dome Immortal sect Punishment Hall hall master, depended indeed is not cultivation realm, but suffers the method of person. 那秃顶老头可没吹牛,他能坐上苍穹仙宗刑罚堂堂主之位,靠的的确不是修为,而是折磨人的手段。 Under his words and deeds extort evidence, almost few individuals can not transfer the matter. 在他的言行逼供之下,几乎没几个人能够不交待事情。 But Chu Feng said also right, the baldheaded old man suffers the method of person, indeed will not damage the soul directly. 楚枫说的也没错,秃顶老头折磨人的手段,的确不会直接损伤灵魂。 But that pain, that penalty method, the impact on the mind is enormous. 但那种痛苦,那种刑罚手段,对心灵的冲击极大。 Even if some people of crazies can cure, may still because leaves behind the heart demon, thus ruins the future future. 甚至就算有人疯癫能够治好,可也会因为留下心魔,从而断送日后的前程。 But Chu Feng, really anything does not have. 楚枫,却真的啥事都没有。 Right that senior said that I is truly powerful.” 前辈说的对,我这个人内心确实挺强大的。” But senior you told the facts, just did junior display well?” Chu Feng self-satisfied asking. “但前辈你实话实说,刚刚晚辈表现不错吧?”楚枫得意的问。 „Very good.” Xia Xingchen said. “很不错。”夏星辰道。 If senior thought that the junior performance, that junior matter wants to ask senior, but also asked senior to inform the truth.” Chu Feng said. “若是前辈觉得晚辈表现还可以,那晚辈有一件事想问前辈,还请前辈能告知实情。”楚枫说道。 „To know why I do leave Heavenly Dome Immortal sect?” Xia Xingchen asked. “是想知道,我为何离开苍穹仙宗吗?”夏星辰问。 Just you and that baldheaded old man talked, wasn't a complete picture?” Chu Feng asked. “刚刚你与那秃顶老头交谈,难道并非全貌?”楚枫问。 „It is not a complete picture, but you , to know, I can tell you, but you must keep secret, because I do not want other to know.” “并非全貌,但你若想知道,我可以告诉你,可你一定要保密,因为我不想让其他人知道。” Therefore I leave the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect complete picture, even my maid, does not know.” Xia Xingchen said. “所以我离开苍穹仙宗的全貌,连我那婢女,都不知晓。”夏星辰道。 senior, actually junior wants to ask another matter.” Chu Feng said. 前辈,其实晚辈想问另外一件事。”楚枫说道。 Another matter? What matter?” Xia Xingchen asked. “另外一件事?什么事?”夏星辰问。 You and are Chu Xuanyan, really enemies?” Chu Feng asked. “你与楚宣言,真的是敌人吗?”楚枫问。 Sees Chu Feng also curious this matter, Xia Xingchen smiled meaningfully: „Don't you really know Chu Xuanyan?” 楚枫还在好奇此事,夏星辰意味深长的笑了:“那你真不认识楚宣言吗?” Actually junior knew, he is my father.” Chu Feng said. “其实晚辈认识,他是我父亲。”楚枫道。 Hears the Chu Feng's words, Xia Xingchen is not accidental/surprised: I have long known.” 只是听闻楚枫的话,夏星辰却并不意外:“我早就知道了。” Regarding this, Chu Feng is not accidental/surprised, but said: It seems like senior, really has the method of test.” 对此,楚枫也不意外,而是道:“看来前辈,真的有测试的方法。” „Does your wrist/skill place, have with my father related thing?” “你的手腕处,难道有与我父亲相关的东西?” Chu Feng just started not to believe, Xia Xingchen has the method of test. 楚枫刚开始是不相信,夏星辰有测试的方法。 Reason that behind believes, is Xia Xingchen to the Chu Feng's attitude. 后面之所以相信,是夏星辰楚枫的态度。 Xia Xingchen, the opening stone palace last gate , helping Chu Feng opens contemplates the law antique the time, consumes to her actually enormously. 夏星辰,开启石殿最后一道门,帮楚枫开启太古冥想法的时候,对她消耗其实极大。 That consumption, is needs to restore for a long time, cultivator, is the taboo. 那消耗,是需要很长时间才能恢复的,修武者而言,乃是大忌。 Chu Feng has no friendship with her, her have no reason to help Chu Feng like this. 楚枫与她没有任何交情,她没理由这样帮楚枫 But this is only its one. 但这只是其一。 Behind, after helping Chu Feng open contemplates the law antique, unexpectedly also urges Chu Feng directly to leave, does not want to make Chu Feng help itself. 后面,帮助楚枫开启太古冥想法后,居然还劝楚枫直接离开,不想让楚枫帮自己了。 This was stranger, was equal to that white society Chu Feng, but does not want to make Chu Feng pay. 这就更奇怪了,就等于是白帮楚枫,而不想让楚枫付出。 Therefore Chu Feng guessed, Xia Xingchen possibly really through that test, determined oneself is the Chu Xuanyuan's son. 所以楚枫猜测,夏星辰可能真的通过那测试,确定了自己是楚轩辕的儿子。 Because of determination this point, she is so helping itself. 正因确定这一点,她才如此帮自己。 Does not look at own face, but looks own father's face. 不是看自己的面子,而是看自己父亲的面子。 Also because of this guess, behind Chu Feng was conducting the shoulder to suffer, does not betray Xia Xingchen. 也正因有了这个猜测,楚枫后面才扛着折磨,也不出卖夏星辰 You first said why before didn't acknowledge?” Xia Xingchen asked. “你先说,之前为何不承认?”夏星辰问。 Has reason, but also asked senior to excuse me.” Chu Feng said. “事出有因,还请前辈见谅。”楚枫道。 Unobstructive.” “无碍。” Your father indeed is my enemy, I have not deceived you.” “你父亲的确是我的敌人,我没骗你。” But you also said right, here indeed had thing that your father left behind, but this threatens my thing.” “但你也说对了,我这里的确有你父亲留下的东西,只不过这是威胁我的东西。” During the Xia Xingchen speeches, reached Chu Feng the hand. 夏星辰说话间,将手伸向了楚枫 Chu Feng understands, touched with the hand to the wrist/skill of Xia Xingchen. 楚枫心领神会,用手摸向了夏星辰的手腕。 Chu Feng anything could not feel. 只是楚枫什么都感觉不到。 Therefore Chu Feng, takes back the palm, another hand grasps to release formation power, condenses a dagger, cuts the palm. 于是楚枫,将手掌收回,另一只手握释放结界之力,凝聚出一把匕首,将手掌割伤。 After the blood flows out, gripped the wrist/skill of Xia Xingchen again. 当鲜血流出之后,再度握住了夏星辰的手腕。 The blood swamps into his wrist/skill fast. 鲜血快速涌入其手腕之中。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng can also feel, the Xia Xingchen wrist/skill place, is hiding thing. 同时,楚枫也能够感觉到,夏星辰的手腕处,藏着一个东西 Resembles the insect non- insect, resembles the thing non- thing, has not the poor lethality, but actually is also the extremely remote thing, from Ancient Era. 似虫非虫,似物非物,拥有不菲的杀伤力,但却也是极为久远之物,来自远古时期 „Does my father stay behind?” Chu Feng raise one's head looks to Xia Xingchen. “我父亲留下的?”楚枫抬头看向夏星辰 Un, this thing is a Ancient Ruins treasure, to recognize as master after your father, your father buried in the soul of my wrist/skill.” “嗯,此物本是远古遗迹的一件宝物,认主于你父亲后,你父亲埋藏在了我手腕的灵魂中。” This thing hidden is extremely strong, except for me, only then he and his descendants can induce.” Xia Xingchen said. “此物隐藏性极强,除了我,也只有他和他的后人能够感应到。”夏星辰道。 senior, you and do my father, have what grudge?” Chu Feng brow slightly wrinkle. 前辈,你与我父亲,到底有何恩怨?”楚枫眉头微皱。 He can feel that thing might is extremely strong, even if Xia Xingchen Third Rank True God, cultivation realm may achieve Sixth Rank True God, perhaps also difficult withdraws. 他能感觉到,那件东西威力极强,哪怕夏星辰三品真神,修为可达到六品真神,恐怕也难以脱身。 Can have anything, nothing but struggles the treasure.” “能有啥,无非就是争宝。” Originally did not know that meets the treasure naturally to fight over life and death, therefore used a method respectively, then becoming enemies resentment.” “本来就不认识嘛,遇到宝物当然要争个你死我活,于是都各自使用了点手段,便结下了仇怨。” Afterward I defeated, this.” “后来我败了,就这样咯。” Xia Xingchen is manipulating own wrist/skill, obviously there conceals, is being to her life threatening thing, but she smiles is very indifferent. 夏星辰摆弄着自己的手腕,明明那里藏着的,是对她生命有威胁的东西,可她笑的很无所谓。 Why do you also want so to help me?” Chu Feng asked. “那你为何还要如此帮我?”楚枫问。 Your father threatens me, is thinks that I and he cooperate.” “你父亲威胁我,就是想我与他合作。” Although I do not prefer, but to maintain life also coordinated.” “虽我不情愿,但为了保命倒也配合了。” Is only behind, met the bad risk, was he saved me.” “只是后面,遇到了凶险,是他救了我。” But his does not rescue my.” “但他本可不救我的。” Therefore, I owe him a benevolence.” “所以,我欠他一份恩情。” Since you are a his son, gives back to you.” “既然你是他儿子,还给你也可以。” Then thinking, helping you open stone hall, even also benevolence, as for whether to comprehend that is your own matter.” “便想着,帮你开启石殿,就算还了恩情了,至于能否领悟那是你自己的事。” But, your little rascal is loyal, to protect me, oneself life does not want.” “但没想到,你这小鬼这么讲义气,为了护我,连自己性命都不要了。” This chapter may be good, not only owes your father a benevolence, owes you one.” Xia Xingchen said. “这回可好了,不仅欠你父亲一个恩情,也欠你一个。”夏星辰道。 () ()
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