Chapter 5665controlstele
第5665章主宰石碑„senior, wejustcooperated, howcansayowes the benevolence, at leastweweretwoclear, no oneowedanyone.”Chu Fengsaid.
“前辈,我们刚刚是合作,怎么能说欠恩情,至少咱俩是两清的,谁也不欠谁。”楚枫说道。„Calculation that thisI said that Isaid that owesthenowes, your little rascalfewandIbreak offpull.”
“这个我说的算,我说欠便是欠,你这小鬼少和我掰扯。”„Little rascal, should not be reasonablewith the woman, hears?”Expression of Xia Xingchenthreat.
“小鬼,别和女人讲道理,听到没?”夏星辰威胁的语气。ButChu Feng, anddoes not fear.
可楚枫且丝毫不惧。„Ok, otheryouralsoink marks, showedyourwrist/skillme.”
“行了,你也别墨迹了,给我看看你的手腕。”During the speeches, thenalsoheld the Xia Xingchenwrist/skill, hewantsto have a look, canhelpXia Xingchenmakethisthreat.
说话间,便又抓住了夏星辰手腕,他想看看,能不能帮夏星辰将这个威胁弄出来。„Can youmake?”Xia Xingchenalsosaw through the Chu Feng'sintention.
“你能弄出来吗?”夏星辰也看穿了楚枫的意图。„Mypresentcultivation realmis insufficient.” After a Chu Fengobservation, draws the conclusion.
“我现在的修为还不够。”楚枫一番观察后得出结论。Thisthingis indeed thorny, tradesto be others, only ifabsolutestrength, otherwiseis unable to make.
此物的确棘手,换做其他人,除非绝对的实力,否则根本无法弄出来。Because ofthisthing, isthing of the fatherto recognize as master, oneselfbenefitted fromfatherbloodlines, cultivation realm that evenhas not suppressedabsolutely, can still make.
但因为此物,乃是自己父亲认主之物,自己沾了父亲血脉的光,就算没有绝对压制的修为,也可以弄出来。Butat leastalsowantsTrue God Realmto be good, the present is not able to achieve.
可至少也要真神境才行,现在是做不到的。„Or, calledyour father?”Xia Xingchensaid.
“要不,把你父亲叫过来?”夏星辰道。„senior, thistimereallydoes not deceiveyou, Ido not know where my fatheris.”Chu Fengsaid.
“前辈,这次真不骗你,我也不知道我父亲在哪。”楚枫道。„Oh? right, your fathershouldnot be atsideyou, howotherwiseto look that youwere bullied?”
“喔?也对,你父亲应该不在你身边,不然怎么会看着你被欺负?”Xia Xingchensmiles, immediatelywithdrawsfrom the Chu Fenghandownhand.夏星辰笑了笑,旋即将自己的手从楚枫手中抽回。„Alsounobstructive, thisthingto me is actually not the threat, so long asyour fatherdoes not harmme, itwill then not injureme.”Xia Xingchensaid.
“不过也无碍,这东西对我来说其实也不算威胁,只要你父亲不害我,它便不会伤我。”夏星辰道。„senior, my fatherseesyourtimeis big, iswhatcultivation realm?”Chu Fengcuriousasking.
“前辈,我父亲见你的时候多大,是何修为?”楚枫好奇的问道。„Howwhataskedme, turn headsawyour fatherto askyour father not to?”
“怎么什么都问我,回头见到你父亲问你父亲不就得了?”„Should younot be ripewithyour father?”Xia Xingchenasked.
“你该不会和你父亲不熟吧?”夏星辰问。„Iindeedvery fewseemy father.”Chu Fengsaid.
“我的确很少见到我父亲。”楚枫道。„No wonderis so curious, actuallyI am also very curious, your father'spresentcultivation realm, but don't youdefinitelyknow?”Xia Xingchenasked.
“难怪这么好奇,其实我也挺好奇,你父亲现在的修为的,但你一定不知道吧?”夏星辰问。„Truly.”Chu Fengshows the awkwardsmile.
“确实。”楚枫露出尴尬的笑容。„Your fatherheartis bigenough, such outstandingson, does not bringunexpectedlyin the side.”Xia Xingchensomewhatcomplained.
“你父亲心够大的,这么优秀的儿子,居然都不带在身边。”夏星辰则是有些埋怨。„My fatherhashisidea.”Chu Fengsaid.
“我父亲有他的想法。”楚枫说道。„Heis not protectingyou, youare protectinghimactually, lookedcomes outyouto be not only loyal, but also is very filial.”Xia Xingchenlooks atChu Fengto show the smile.
“他都不护着你,你倒是护着他,看的出来你不仅讲义气,还挺孝顺。”夏星辰看着楚枫露出笑容。Sheislikessmiling the person, butlooks at the Chu Feng'ssmileat this time, when unlikejustknew the Chu Fengsmile.
她是爱笑之人,但此时看楚枫的笑容,则与刚认识楚枫时的笑容不同。„senior, why do youleaveHeavenly Dome Immortal sect?”Chu Fengasked.
“前辈,那你为何离开苍穹仙宗?”楚枫问。„What's wrong, endsmeandyour father'srelationscuriously, was then curiousI?”Xia Xingchensaid.
“怎么,好奇完我和你父亲的关系,便又好奇起我了?”夏星辰道。„Thisdoes not care aboutyou, do wecalculate the life-and-death friendship?”
“这不是关心您嘛,咱们怎么也算生死之交吧?”„seniordoes not want to say that Ido not forceabsolutely.”Chu Fengsaid.
“不过前辈不想说,我绝对不勉强。”楚枫说道。„Actuallyno, Heavenly Dome Immortal sectthatold manhad a liking forme, did not sayAge of Gods, was the juniorimportant?”
“其实没啥,苍穹仙宗那老头看上我了,不是说神之时代,小辈至关重要吗?”„Buthisdescendantis one by one waste, thereforethenwantsto makemehave the kidtoher, living a talentis good.”
“但他的后代一个比一个废,于是便想让我给她生娃,生个天赋好的。”„Ireject, thenescaped.”
“我拒绝,便逃出来了。”„It is not completeas forourcultivationvault of heavenImmortal Method, actually is also hetellsme.”
“至于我们修炼的苍穹仙法并非完整的,其实也是他告诉我的。”„He said that so long asImarryhim, hethenteachesmycompletevault of heavenImmortal Method.”Xia Xingchensaid.
“他说,只要我嫁给他,他便传授我完整的苍穹仙法。”夏星辰道。„old man who senior said that isHeavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master?”Chu Fengasked.
“前辈所说的老头,是苍穹仙宗宗主?”楚枫问。„Except forhim, whodares?”Xia Xingchensaid.
“也对。”„seniorfelt relieved,Ikeep secretabsolutely.”
“前辈放心,我绝对保密。”„seniorcannot have a liking forHeavenly Dome Immortal sectSect Master, is it possible thatalsohad the one's beloved?”Chu Fengsaid.
“不过前辈连苍穹仙宗宗主都看不上,莫非也有心上人了?”楚枫说道。„No, my this lifetimehas not run into the person who has been ableto letmyheart movement.”
“没有,我这辈子还没遇到过能让我心动的人。”„, Won't senior run into the heart movementperson?”Chu Fengasked.
“不会吧,前辈没遇到过心动的人?”楚枫问。„Isn't thisverynormal? Have youmet?”Xia Xingchenasked.
“这不是很正常?难道你遇到过?”夏星辰问。„Has met.”Chu Fengsaid.
“遇到过啊。”楚枫道。„Reveresfalsehonkhonk, has your kid, met?”Xia Xingchenis somewhat surprised.
“尊嘟假嘟,你一个小屁孩,遇到过?”夏星辰有些意外。„Iwas also big, withoutcultivation, calculated the man old before his time.”
“我也不小了,若是没有修炼,也算小老头了。”„Average personin my age, childseveral, got marriedearlypossiblybecame the grandfather.”Chu Fengsaid.
“普通人在我这个年纪,孩子都好几个了,成亲早的可能都当爷爷了。”楚枫道。„Probablyis also reasonable, although the martial cultivationworld you are a kid. Butdoes not have the martial cultivationaverage personto only havedozens years old life span, according totheirlogic, you was also indeed big.”
“好像也有道理,虽说修武世界你是小屁孩。但没有修武的普通人只有几十岁寿命,按照他们的逻辑,你的确也不小了。”„Yousaid, the heart movementiswhatfelt?”Xia Xingchenasked.
“那你说说,心动是什么感觉?”夏星辰问。„If a personcanletmyheart movement, thatin my eyes, shechangesis very special.”
“若一个人能让我心动,那于我眼中,她将变的很特别。”„Saw that shewill be then happy, thinksshe will also be happy, thinkssheas well asexperiences the matterwithher, canunconscioussmiling.”
“看到她便会开心,想到她也会开心,想到她以及与她经历之事,都会不自觉的笑。”„Could not seecanthinkher, wantsto seeher, wishes one could the timein the same place.”
“见不到的时候会想她,很想见她,恨不得时刻在一起。”„Ifseparateswill not abandonvery much, thattypedoes not abandonat heart and nosecan the acid, with the distinction of friend, entirely different.”Chu Fengsaid.
“若是分开会很不舍,那种不舍心里和鼻子都会酸酸的,与朋友的分别,全然不同。”楚枫说道。„Is thisthen the heart movement?”Xia Xingchenasked.
“这便是心动?”夏星辰问。„Only the excitedperson, canletmeso, othersIdo not know,in any caseIamthis.”Chu Fengsaid.
“只有心动的人,才能让我如此吧,别人我不知道,反正我是这样。”楚枫道。„Ihave not truly run into the heart movementperson.”Xia Xingchensaid.
“那我确实没遇到过心动的人。”夏星辰道。„senioris so outstanding, marriage requirementshighalsonormal, butdo not fluster, wouldmeeting.”Chu Fengsaid.
“前辈如此优秀,择偶标准高也正常,但别慌,总会遇到的。”楚枫道。„Flusters, Iam not rare.”Xia Xingchensaid,immediatelythinks ofanything, thendrawsChu Fengto walkoutward.
“慌个屁,我根本不稀罕。”夏星辰道,旋即想到什么,便拉着楚枫向外走去。„Firstleaveshereto chatagain.”During the Xia Xingchenspeeches, thenbroughtChu Fengto leavehere.
“先离开这里再闲聊。”夏星辰说话间,便带着楚枫离开了这里。Leaves the stoneto bring up the rear, Xia XingchenlookstoChu Feng: „Having does the place that wantsto go, might as wellfollowif noI?”
离开石殿后,夏星辰看向楚枫:“有想去的地方吗,没有的话不如跟着我?”„Can seniorgo?”Chu Fengasked.
“前辈要去哪?”楚枫问。„Does not know,was finally free, takes a strolleverywhere, has one's wish, does not have the accuratedestination.”Xia Xingchensaid.
“不知道,总算自由了,到处溜达溜达,随心所欲,没有准确的目的地。”夏星辰道。„junioralsohas the matter, laterhas the opportunityto accompanyseniorto take a strollagain.”Chu Fengsaid.
“晚辈还有事,以后有机会再陪前辈溜达。”楚枫道。„Your father is also not atsideyou, youoffendHeavenly Dome Immortal sectnow, withmysafety point.”Xia Xingchensaid.
“你父亲又不在你身边,你如今得罪了苍穹仙宗,跟着我安全点。”夏星辰道。„Will theyissue a warrant for arrestme?”Chu Fengasked.
“他们会通缉我吗?”楚枫问。„For face-saving consideration, perhapsnot, butwill chase downmostlyin secret.”Xia Xingchensaid.
“碍于面子,也许不会吧,但多半会暗中追杀。”夏星辰道。„Unobstructive, I am chased downsince childhoodin a big way, no onechases downme, Ihave not been familiar with.”Chu Fengsaid.
“无碍,我是从小被追杀到大的,没人追杀我,我还不习惯。”楚枫道。„Yourthislittle rascal, reallypoor, such being the case, did thatthensay goodbyeinthis?”Xia Xingchenasked.
“你这小鬼,是真的贫,既然如此,那便在此告别?”夏星辰问。„Has another chance to meet.”Chu Fengholds the fist in the other handto say.
“后会有期。”楚枫抱拳说道。„Bye.”During the Xia XingchenspeechesthenYu Kong, leftthisplace, is very natural.
“再会。”夏星辰说话间便御空而起,离开了此地,十分潇洒。Herspeedis quick, in an instantthenspread outveryfarwithChu Feng, butshestopssuddenly.
她速度很快,转眼间便与楚枫拉开了很远的距离,可忽然她停下来。„What's the matter, the feeling of thistype of acid?”
The Xia Xingchenvisiontwinkle, the feelingis unthinkable, but alsothinks that was wounded, thereforerushesto stop, takeselixir, arrangesformation technique.夏星辰目光闪烁,感觉匪夷所思,还以为是负伤了,于是赶忙停下,服用丹药,布置阵法。Butuseless, herheartwas revolvedby the feeling of thatacid, is very uncomfortable.
可没用,她的心还是被那酸酸的感觉围绕,很不舒服。Looked likeveryimportantthingto lose, makinghernot abandon, makinghermoodverylow.
就像是很重要的东西丢了,让她不舍,让她情绪十分低落。Butsheobviouslyallsmooth, not onlyleavesHeavenly Dome Immortal sect, nowalsograspstruevault of heavenImmortal Method, even ifTrue God Realm may also promoteThird Rankcultivation realm.
但她明明一切顺利,不仅离开苍穹仙宗,如今还掌握了真正的苍穹仙法,哪怕真神境也可提升三品修为。Should the great happinessbe right.
When puzzled, hersubconsciousturning head, lookedtopreviouslywith the Chu Fengdistinctiondirection.
不解之际,她下意识的回头,看向了先前与楚枫分别的方向。Recalled that justexperience, the lowmoodrelaxedfinally, even the corners of the mouthalsoturned upwardsslightly.
回想起刚刚的经历,低落的情绪总算缓和,甚至嘴角也不由微微翘起。Thereforethis, shegazed atsome little time.
于是就这样,她注视了好一会。Suddenly, shelookbig change, eye of revealstartledcolor: „Can't? I......”
……As forChu Feng, pretendsto leave, butquickreturned tostonehall.
至于楚枫,假装离开,但很快又回到了石殿。Chu Fengmustreturn to the Nine Heavenssecretplace, completesinto the mansiontrial.楚枫必须回到九天秘地,完成入府试炼。
Before hearrives atthatgreatgate, althoughthisgreatgate, is entirely different from the mysteriousgreatgate of Nine Heavenssecretplace.
But after the Chu Fengarrangementopensmysteriousgreatgateformation technique, thisgreatgatealsohad the response.
可当楚枫布置开启神秘巨门的阵法后,这道巨门也是有了反应。Chu Fengguessed right, thisindeedis the Teleportation Formationmethod.楚枫猜对了,这的确是传送阵法。formation techniquesmoothopening, Chu Fengenteredthatquickinconceivableteleportationtunnel.阵法顺利开启,楚枫又进入了那快道不可思议的传送隧道。
After a double-hour, Chu Fenggoes outfrom the teleportationtunnelfinally.
一个时辰之后,楚枫终于从传送隧道走出。Chu Fenghas not returned, position that the mysteriousgreatgateis, heenteredin an ancientjungle.
只是楚枫并没有回到,神秘巨门所在的位置,他进入了一片古老的丛林之中。Allflowers and plantstrees in thispiece of jungle, are dodging the differentrays, tall and pleasing to the eye, just likedreamland.
这片丛林内的一切花草树木,都闪着不同的光芒,美轮美奂,宛如梦境。ButmostattractsChu Feng's, is actually threesteles.
但最吸引楚枫的,却是三座石碑。Threesteles, allarehighlyexceedingly high, just likethreeStairway to Heaven, is built on the world.
The firststelehas disrupted, fullis the fissure, cannot see the abovecontent.
The thirdstelepeak, writes the controlstelefourlarge characters, butunder is actually the blank.
The secondstelepeak, writes the controlstelefourlarge characters, has the name under.
The names of a total ofsixpeople.
总共六个人的名字。First: Qin Jiu.
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