MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5665: No wonder she blushes

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Bang- 轰- A Xia Xingchen palm finger/refers, rumbled the smashing Chu Feng behind monster. 夏星辰手掌一指,将楚枫身后的怪物轰成了粉碎。 Simultaneously a china bowl of gives out white light appears, the copper bowl is the transparency, clarity that therefore looks. 同时一个散发白光的瓷碗浮现,铜碗为透明状,因此看的清楚。 That china bowl covers Chu Feng, the strong efficacy and formation technique start to integrate Chu Feng within the body, is Chu Feng therapy. 那瓷碗将楚枫笼罩,强大的药力与阵法开始融入楚枫体内,为楚枫疗伤。 That is one therapy treasure, but can only use one time. 那是一件疗伤至宝,但只能使用一次。 But sees this time Xia Xingchen, Chu Feng also knows, he does not need to trigger protects formation technique, can escape this tribulation mostly. 而看到此时的夏星辰,楚枫也知道,他不用触发守护阵法,多半也能够逃过此劫了。 This time Xia Xingchen, the whole body lingers Mist, that Mist is very beautiful, but also contains extremely powerful aura. 此时的夏星辰,周身萦绕气焰,那气焰很美,但却也蕴藏极为强大的气场 precisely that Mist, lets Xia Xingchen cultivation realm, from Third Rank True God, promoted Fifth Rank True God realm. 正是气焰,让夏星辰修为,从三品真神,提升到了五品真神境界 Vault of heaven Immortal Method, you not only stole the stone palace token, but also stole vault of heaven Immortal Method?” “苍穹仙法,你不仅盗取了石殿令牌,还盗取了苍穹仙法?” Xia Xingchen, you are really bold, heinous crime.” 夏星辰,你真是胆大包天,罪该万死。” Baldheaded old man, although was being stepped on the head, may be able to see clearly this time Xia Xingchen. 秃顶老头,尽管被踩着脑袋,可还是能够看清此时的夏星辰 Because of looking clarity, he is flustered. 正因看的清楚,他才如此慌张。 Complete vault of heaven Immortal Method, by outsider obtained, how can not be unhurried. 完整的苍穹仙法,被外人所得,怎能不慌。 old thing, what you said is what bullshit, vault of heaven Immortal Method, Heavenly Dome Immortal sect everyone has cultivation.” 老东西,你说的是什么屁话,苍穹仙法,苍穹仙宗每个人都有修炼。” How can say that I do steal?” “怎么可以说我偷的?” Oh, is it possible that is Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, to the ancestor cultivation vault of heaven Immortal Method, incomplete?” “喔,莫非苍穹仙宗,给宗人修炼的苍穹仙法,乃是不完整的?” No wonder my former cultivation realm was limited, but after cultivation this vault of heaven Immortal Method, was entirely different.” Xia Xingchen say/way. “难怪我之前修为受到限制,但修炼了这本苍穹仙法之后,就全然不同了。”夏星辰的道。 Xia Xingchen, you are little mystifying.” 夏星辰,你少阴阳怪气。” No wonder you must sentence the sect, you commit so the grave offense, even your talent is good, Sect Master will not let off you.” “难怪你要判宗,你犯下如此重罪,就算你天赋再好,宗主也不会放过你。” Baldheaded old man words saying, the whole body also emerges boundless Mist, its cultivation realm from Fifth Rank True God, promoted the Sixth Rank True God situation. 那秃顶老头此话说完,周身也是涌现出磅礴气焰,其修为五品真神,提升到了六品真神的地步。 Bang- 轰- But that baldheaded old man just about to sets out, was stepped on by Xia Xingchen on the ground cannot move. 可那秃顶老头刚要起身,又被夏星辰一脚踩在地上动弹不得。 Sees only the Mist direct impact horizon of Xia Xingchen whole body, but above the main hall the place of seeing, has everywhere Xingchen to reappear unexpectedly. 只见夏星辰周身的气焰直冲天际,而大殿上方所见之处,竟有漫天星辰浮现。 The phenomenon, powerful Immortal Method, has had the phenomenon!!! 异象,强大的仙法,已经产生异象!!! This also in main hall, if outside the main hall, the scene is more magnificent!!! 这也就是在大殿之内,若是大殿之外,景象更加壮观!!! But in this case, Xia Xingchen cultivation realm promotes again, is Sixth Rank True God Realm. 而这种情况下,夏星辰修为再度提升,已是六品真神境 True God Realm , to promote Third Rank cultivation realm continuously!!! 真神境,连续提升三品修为!!! You... you unexpectedly vault of heaven Immortal Method, cultivation to so situation?” The baldheaded old man expression is complex, is startled and fears. “你…你竟将苍穹仙法,修炼至如此地步?”秃顶老头表情复杂,又惊又恐。 „Very surprised?” “很吃惊吗?” Otherwise you think why I do come here?” “不然你以为我为什么来到这里?” Originally, my plan is flawless, presented a rebel how.” “本来,我的计划天衣无缝,奈何出现了一个叛徒。” The words to here, Xia Xingchen looked to her maid. 话到此处,夏星辰看向了她的婢女。 Sees that her maid does not realize wonderfully, turns around to escape. 见状,她婢女也意识到不妙,转身就想逃跑。 Wa Wa- 呜哇- The positive motion of her body, but has not moved to the palace, but is flying upside down goes, fell into the palm of Xia Xingchen. 她身体的确动了,只是没有向殿外移动,而是倒飞而去,落入了夏星辰的手掌之中。 Palm of Xia Xingchen, the neck of tight locked that maid. 夏星辰的手掌,紧紧的锁着那婢女的脖子。 immediately looked that to was stepped on the baldheaded old man of under foot. 旋即看向被踩在脚下的秃顶老头。 Is my maid, told you me to leave Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, as well as my whereabouts?” “是我这婢女,告诉你我要离开苍穹仙宗,以及我行踪的吧?” However you want to covet the merit, then arrived here to look for me.” “而你想贪功,便独自一人来到这里找我。” Was a pity, you underestimated my Xia Xingchen ability.” “只是可惜,你低估了我夏星辰的本领。” Your this old thing, although cultivation more than 20,000 years, but by cultivation realm of Heaven and Earth Treasure promotion, how can compare with me forcefully?” Say/Way of Xia Xingchen satire. “你这老东西,虽修炼了两万多年,但靠天材地宝强行提升的修为,怎能与我相比?”夏星辰讽刺的道。 Xia Xingchen, by the talent, the old man indeed is far less than you, even Sect Master was also inferior to you in the past.” 夏星辰,论天赋,老夫的确远不如你,甚至宗主当年也不如你。” You recall, my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect indeed is trying to train in you.” The baldheaded old man said. “你回想一下,我苍穹仙宗的确在尽全力培养于你啊。”秃顶老头道。 Gives me cultivation Immortal Method is incomplete, is this called trains full power?” Xia Xingchen sneers. “给我修炼仙法都是不完整的,这就叫做全力培养?”夏星辰冷笑。 Yes, you said right, but you have a look carefully, although the old man is the person of Qin, but old man cultivation is not complete vault of heaven Immortal Method.” “是,你说的没错,但你仔细看看,老夫虽是秦姓之人,可老夫修炼的也并非完整的苍穹仙法。” Complete vault of heaven Immortal Method, only has Sect Master to be able cultivation, you have such talent, in the future will have this opportunity, sits the position of Sect Master.” “完整的苍穹仙法,唯有宗主可以修炼,你有如此天赋,日后是有这个机会,坐上宗主之位的。” You actually turn head now, but also with enough time.” The baldheaded old man said. “你其实现在回头,还来得及。”那秃顶老头道。 Oh, really with enough time?” “喔,真的来得及吗?” Just you did not say, if Sect Master knows, I did learn complete vault of heaven Immortal Method secretly, Sect Master will certainly not let off me?” “刚刚你不是还说,若是宗主知道,我偷偷习得了完整的苍穹仙法,宗主一定不会放过我吗?” When really my Xia Xingchen is a three -year-old child, can be used by you?” “真当我夏星辰是三岁小孩,要被你们一直利用吗?” Xia Xingchen this words saying, in the eye the ruthless color appears, sees only his foot then to catch up suddenly, wants to stamp that baldheaded old man directly. 夏星辰此话说完,眼中狠色浮现,只见其脚便猛然发力,想要将那秃顶老头直接踩死。 Baldheaded old man within the body ray circulation, not only keeping off got down writing off of Xia Xingchen to strike, had the strength of teleportation to reappear. 只是秃顶老头体内光芒流转,不仅挡下了夏星辰的抹杀一击,更是有传送之力浮现。 „Is that?” “那是?” At this time, Xia Xingchen discovered, does not know in that old man hand, presented a stone token. 此时,夏星辰才发现,不知何时那老头手中,出现了一个石头令牌。 That stone token, does not turn on the stone palace formation technique token, but actually is also stone hall the treasure, has the strength of teleportation. 那石头令牌,并非是开启石殿阵法的令牌,但却也是石殿的宝物,拥有着传送之力。 Xia Xingchen, betrays my Heavenly Dome Immortal sect, this vast martial cultivation world, will not have the day of your taking shelter.” 夏星辰,背叛我苍穹仙宗,这浩瀚修武界,将无你容身之日。” This Chu Feng, he and you are a companion, must die without doubt, Totem Dragon Clan cannot preserve him.” “还有这个楚枫,他与你为伍,也是必死无疑,图腾龙族也保不住他。” The sound reverberation of baldheaded old man in main hall, but this time baldheaded old man, actually does not see. 那秃顶老头的声音回荡于大殿之内,可此时的秃顶老头,却已然不见。 But regarding this, Xia Xingchen is not accidental/surprised, the old man after all is Punishment Hall hall master, although cultivation realm is not specially strong, but the position is very high, has the treasure that so withdraws is also normal. 但对此,夏星辰也不意外,那老头毕竟是刑罚堂堂主,虽修为不是特别强,但地位很高,有如此脱身的宝物也是正常。 Therefore looked to the maid in palm. 于是看向了手掌之中的婢女。 You is a maid, but I actually share all my cultivation resources with you.” “你本是婢女,可我却与你共享我所有修炼资源。” If not I so treat you, even if you have the talent, will not have today cultivation realm.” “若非我如此待你,你就算有天赋,也不会有今日修为。” Your all are I give, but you actually betrayed me.” “你的一切都是我给的,可你却背叛了我。” I am so good to you, we have several hundred years of sentiment, but you to me... were also actually far less than the little friend who I just knew is loyal.” “我对你那么好,我们有几百年的感情,可你对我…却还远不如一个我刚刚认识的小友讲义气。” You know that I am disappointed?” “你知道我有多么失望?” Big... Sir, is I am obsessed, I am unfair to you, I knew mistakenly, I really knew mistakenly, you gave me an opportunity.” The maid whole face tears, implored urgently. “大…大人,是我鬼迷心窍,我对不起你,我知错了,我真的知错了,你给我一次机会吧。”婢女满脸泪水,苦苦哀求。 But looks at such maid, in the Xia Xingchen eye also somewhat changes countenance. 而看着这样的婢女,夏星辰眼中也有些动容。 Without true feelings true feelings, if not for really trusts, she not leaving the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect matter will tell this maid. 若没有真情实感,若不是真的信任,她也不会将离开苍穹仙宗的事情告诉这个婢女。 She in her heart, at all is not a maid, sisters but who grow up since childhood together. 她于她心中,根本不是婢女,而是从小一同长大的姐妹。 She was not the knowledge mistakenly, she knows she is dying.” “她不是知错了,她只是知道她要死了。” Gives her again an opportunity, she will betray you, and does not give you an opportunity.” “再给她一次机会,她还是会背叛你,并且不给你一点机会。” In the meantime, the Chu Feng's sound resounds. 就在此时,楚枫的声音响起。 The china bowl that therapy has dissipated, but the Chu Feng's mortal body has restored, although is very weak, but the foundation has not actually been damaged. 那疗伤的瓷碗已经消散,而楚枫的肉身则已恢复,虽然还很虚弱,但根基却并未受损。 Right that you said.” “你说的对。” Xia Xingchen looked at Chu Feng one, then takes back the vision immediately, but she has not looked at that maid again. 夏星辰看了楚枫一眼,便立刻将目光收回,但她也没再看那婢女。 Afterward sees only his palm to get hold, only listens to one, the neck of her maid was then wrenched apart by it, assigns/life the mourning in this. 随后只见其手掌握紧,只听咔嚓一声,她那婢女的脖子便被其扭断,命丧于此。 senior, her can Source give me?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,她的本源能给我吗?”楚枫问。 After all is True God Realm, this Source regarding World Spirit, is very fragrant. 毕竟是真神境,这本源对于界灵而言,还是挺香的。 Gives you.” “都给你。” Xia Xingchen has not looked at Chu Feng, but actually the big sleeve wields, the body of maid will lose to Chu Feng. 夏星辰没看楚枫,但却大袖一挥,将那婢女的尸体丢向了楚枫 Chu Feng searches the hand to grasp, then refining up that female directly, Source was taken away by it. 楚枫探手一抓,便直接将那女子炼化,本源被其收走。 But its treasure, Chu Feng actually total revenue cosmos sack, and arrives in front of Xia Xingchen, gave Xia Xingchen: senior, these give you.” 但其身上的宝物,楚枫却全部收入一个乾坤袋,且走到夏星辰面前,递给了夏星辰:“前辈,这些给你。” Said to you, you don't with my ink marks.” “说了都给你,你可别跟我墨迹。” Xia Xingchen looked at Chu Feng, then rushes to turn around, and at this time the cheeks also become red. 夏星辰看了一眼楚枫,便赶忙转过身去,并且此时脸颊也变得通红。 senior, this I really cannot want.” Chu Feng arrives in front of Xia Xingchen. 前辈,这个我真不能要。”楚枫则是又来到夏星辰面前。 Aiya, is the smelly little rascal, you sick is?” “哎呀,臭小鬼,你有病是不是?” thing must discuss separately, can you first wear the clothes?” 东西要不要都另说,你能不能先把衣服穿上?” Really not me, when outsider? I also compared with you greatly are several hundred years old, moreover I also single, was careful that I send to your beastly nature greatly!!!” “真不把我当外人啊?我也就比你大几百岁而已,而且我还单身呢,小心我对你兽性大发!!!” Xia Xingchen roared suddenly loudly, but this words saying, turns around immediately. 夏星辰忽然大声咆哮起来,但此话说完,还是立刻转过身去。 „, Not good meaning, to want Source wholeheartedly, forgot that the clothes wiped out by that bald person.” “啊,不好意思,一心想要本源,忘记衣服都被那秃顶打掉了。” Chu Feng lowers the head looked, scratches the head embarrassed to smile, realized although one mortal body restores, but indeed has not actually worn the clothes. 楚枫低头一看,挠头尬笑,才意识到自己虽肉身恢复,但却的确没穿衣服。 The own this nearly perfect body, shows in front of Xia Xingchen, no wonder she will blush. 自己这近乎完美的身躯,展现在夏星辰面前,难怪她会脸红。 Let alone she, oneself looked blushed. 别说她了,自己看了都脸红。
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