MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5657: Compares favorably with Qin Jiu?

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That little girl that you said called Jie Ranqing probably, this god remembers, she didn't seem able through the inspection?” The colossus asked. “你说的那个小丫头好像叫界染清吧,本神记得,她好像没能通过考核吧?”庞然大物问。 Returns to the Sir, although she cannot through the inspection, the performance that but her past performance, the first time was exceeded past slaughtering superstar inspected.” “回大人,她虽没能通过考核,可她当年的表现,是胜过当年的杀戮天王的第一次考核的表现的。” That said the little rascal who slaughters the Son of Heaven, steps into the Nine Heavens secret place for the third time, through inspection.” “那个自称杀戮天王的小鬼,第三次踏入九天秘地,才通过考核。” And with the first time, was separated by for the third time nearly millennium, finally when through inspection, challenge is not the road of junior.” “且第三次与第一次,相隔了近千年时间,最终通过考核时,挑战的已不是小辈之路。” But the subordinate felt, Seven Worlds Saint Palace that little girl, if steps into for the second time again, should be able to pass.” “但属下觉得,七界圣府那个小丫头,若是第二次再踏入,应该就可以通过。” And according to her the performance, should quick be able to come at that time again.” “并且按照她当时的表现来看,应该很快就可以再进来。” Because of some reasons, she had not then come again.” That said. “只是因为一些原因,她便一直没有再来。”那位说道。 If said like this, poured also reasonably.” The colossus gives the approval. “若这样讲,倒也合理。”庞然大物给予赞同。 „The subordinate just, learned an interesting matter actually.” That also said. “不过属下刚刚无意间,倒是得知了一件有趣的事。”那位又道。 What matter?” The colossus asked. “何事?”庞然大物问。 This Chu Feng, was actually in the past that little girl son.” That said. “这个楚枫,其实就是当年那个小丫头的儿子。”那位说道。 Oh? That according to this logic, can Chu Feng through the inspection, be her mother gives the direction?” The colossus asked. “喔?那这样说来,楚枫能通过考核,是她母亲给予指点?”庞然大物问。 Should not be, the subordinate just listened to Fuxing and Chu Feng's talks, knows their mother and child after Chu Feng grows up, because of some reasons, has not seen.” That said. “应该不是,属下刚刚听复星与楚枫的交谈,得知他们母子在楚枫长大后,因为一些原因,还未见过。”那位说道。 That depends on own skill?” “那就是靠自己本事了?” That this child talent is actually considerable.” “那此子天赋倒是可观。” Like this, you give this Chu Feng appraisal.” The colossus said. “这样,你给这楚枫一个评价。”庞然大物说道。 Returns to the Sir, lets be the appraisal words, the subordinate feels......” “回大人,让属下来评价的话,属下觉得……” If the Nine Heavens secret had not been destroyed, by this Chu Feng's ability, not only can through the inspection.” “若是九天秘地没有遭到毁坏,以这楚枫的能力,不仅能够通过考核。” Above the control stele of Nine Heavens secret place, can stay behind his name inevitably.” That said. 九天秘地的主宰石碑之上,也必然可以留下他的名字。”那位说道。 Leaves the name above the control stele, whether this appraisal was low?” The colossus asked. “在主宰石碑之上留下名字吗,这个评价是否低了?”庞然大物问。 Low?” That somewhat accidental/surprised, he thought that this appraisal is extremely high. “低了吗?”那位有些意外,他觉得这个评价已是极高。 That is the control stele of Nine Heavens secret place!!! 那可是九天秘地的主宰石碑!!! Knows that its person, was clear its weight/quantity is how much. 知道它的人,都清楚它的分量有多重。 This god, is only the first time then can if memory serves through inspection......” “本神若没记错的话,只是第一次便能通过考核者……” Ancient Era, as if also only then that has Qin Jiu achieved?” The colossus said. 远古时期,似乎也只有那秦九做到过吧?”庞然大物说道。 Returns to the Sir, on the ancient times control stele, left the name altogether had six people, first inspection then passing, indeed only then a that Qin Jiu person.” “回大人,远古的主宰石碑上面,留下名字的共有六人,第一次考核便通过者,的确只有那秦九一人。” Said here, that was also suddenly enlighted, smiled bitterly. 说道这里,那位也是恍然大悟,不由苦笑一声。 It seems like, the subordinate appraised to Chu Feng's is truly low.” “看来,属下对楚枫的评价确实低了。” Can compare favorably with Qin Jiu, seems more critical.” That said. “能够媲美秦九,似乎更加中肯。”那位说道。 This is Chu Feng, what making now? Left?” The colossus, was obviously more curious to Chu Feng. “这楚枫,现在在做什么?离开了吗?”庞然大物,显然对楚枫也更加好奇了。 Returns to the Sir, Chu Feng and Fuxing has not left, but in the observation gate.” That said. “回大人,楚枫与复星并未离开,而是在观察界门。”那位说道。 He cannot look, that gate has damaged, isn't able to open?” The colossus asked. “难道他看不出来,那界门已经损坏,无法开启了吗?”庞然大物问。 Possibly also requires some time to determine, after all in the past his mother left, cannot determine that the star gate had been destroyed.” “可能还需要一些时间才能确定,毕竟当年他母亲离开时,也未能确定星门已经被破坏。” Slaughters Son of Heaven that boy, then the third time is entered the Nine Heavens secret place, determined that the star gate has damaged, is unable to open.” That said. “杀戮天王那小子,则是第三次进入九天秘地,才确定星门已经损坏,无法开启的。”那位说道。 But this words saying, his suddenly complexion one stiff, the whole person was similar to the petrification generally. 可此话说完,他忽然脸色一僵,整个人都如同石化了一般。 What matter has?” The colossus asked. “发生何事?”庞然大物问。 The colossus can see from that eye that is observing the Nine Heavens secret place at this time. 庞然大物可以从那位的眼睛看出,那位此时是在观察着九天秘地。 Discovered anything inevitably, will have such response. 必然是发现了什么,才会有如此反应。 Returns to the Sir, the Chu Feng's power of observation, compared with strong that also the subordinate estimates.” “回大人,楚枫的观察力,比属下预想的还强。” Originally, previously in the inspection led in you greatly, he not only became aware the law of broken unsealed seal, was becomes aware the method of opening the star gate.” That said. “原来,先前在考核大带你内,他不仅悟得了破解封印之法,更是悟得了开启星门的方法。”那位说道。 „Becoming aware the method, pours also has nothing, must be able the arrange/cloth to have formation technique to be good.” The colossus said. “悟得方法,倒也没啥,要能够布出阵法才行。”庞然大物道。 Sir, he arranged, and Opening Formation that he arranged was close perfectly,... was not close, but was very perfect.” That said. “大人,他布置出来了,并且他布置的开启阵法接近完美,不…不是接近,而是十分完美。”那位说道。 „Did you determine?” The colossus asked. “你确定?”庞然大物问。 Subordinate determination, that is perfect Opening Formation.” That said. “属下确定,那是完美的开启阵法。”那位道。 „Can this world, present so the great ability unexpectedly?” “这个世界,竟还能出现如此大才?” Pitifully, the Nine Heavens secret was destroyed, otherwise he can indeed control the stele, stays behind the name.” At this time, the colossus also voices the opinions. “可惜,九天秘地遭到破坏,不然他的确可以在主宰石碑,留下名字。”此时,庞然大物也是发出感叹。 Sir.” Suddenly, that opens the mouth, in tone gives out shock. “大人。”忽然,那位又开口,语气之中都散发着震惊。 But the colossus is understands his, can make this have responded, had extremely the matter inevitably. 而庞然大物是了解他的,能让这位有如此反应,必然是发生了极为了得之事。 Therefore asked: What matter has?” 于是问道:“又发生何事?” Sir.” “大人。” You have not said that the destructiveness of Nine Heavens secret place is very serious, the star gate not possible to be opened?” That asked. “您不是说过,九天秘地的破坏程度很是严重,星门已不可能被开启了吗?”那位问道。 Right.” The colossus said. “对。”庞然大物说道。 Sir, that star gate now, had the response.” That said. “大人,那星门现在,有了反应。”那位说道。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” Makes this/Ben god also come to see.” “让本神也来看看。” Colossus words saying, immediately the vision becomes specially, it also starts to observe Chu Feng. 庞然大物此话说完,顿时目光变得特别,它也开始观察楚枫 Sir!!!” “大人!!!” Sees the colossus so, that wants to say anything. 见庞然大物如此,那位本想说什么。 But had not said finally, but the facial expression actually becomes intense, even rushes to reveal two black long spear. 可是最终没有说,不过神情却变得紧张,甚至赶忙亮出两把黑色长枪 These two black long spear, are the formation pointed weapons, is that power and influence, actually compared with before Chu Feng all Divine Weapon that sees want powerful many. 这两杆黑色长枪,乃是结界兵刃,可是那威势,却比楚枫之前见到的所有神兵都要强大的多。 Is priceless treasure!!! 乃是无价至宝!!! The hand grasps two long black long spear, that aura is becomes also more unapproachable, the world moves restlessly. 手握两杆长黑色长枪,那位的气息也是变得更为无可匹敌,天地都为之躁动。 But his vision dignifiedly, is actually staring at the abyss intense, as if under that has the fearful enemy who he is not even able to deal with. 但他却目光凝重,紧张的凝视着深渊,仿佛那下面,有着连他都无法应对的可怕的敌人。 ...... …… At this time, Chu Feng and Fuxing, stand, in that say/way reclines above the land, sky over hundred thousand mysterious great gate. 此时,楚枫与复星,站在那道横卧于大地之上,十万神秘巨门上空。 Chu Feng arranged extremely boundless great formation, that great formation shape was a key. 楚枫布置出了一座极为磅礴的大阵,那大阵的形态乃是钥匙。 And, after this great formation completes, that mysterious great gate had the response. 并且,当这道大阵完成之后,那神秘巨门产生了反应。 At this time the center of that say/way mysterious front door, there is formation power to reappear, is faint is forming a key hole unexpectedly. 此时那道神秘大门的中心,也有结界之力浮现,隐隐间竟在形成一道钥匙孔。 Fuxing Station in one side, difficult believing is looking at all these. 复星站在一旁,难以置信的望着这一切。 Chu Feng,... can you really untie the Nine Heavens secret place the secret?” 楚枫,难道…你真的要解开九天秘地的秘密了吗?” Fuxing is eyeful, even the body is shivering slightly, although has long known Chu Feng. 复星满眼惊骇,甚至身躯都在微微颤动,尽管早就知道楚枫比自己强。 But at this time, she realized, she underestimated Chu Feng. 但此时,她意识到,她还是低估了楚枫 Chu Feng leads her to come here, told her the secret of Nine Heavens secret place, in this mysterious great gate. 楚枫带她来到这里,告诉她九天秘地的秘密,就在这神秘巨门之中。 And Chu Feng from main hall, but also comprehended the method of opening this gate. 并且楚枫从大殿之内,还领悟到了开启此门的方法。 Chu Feng does not evade, told Fuxing the method of that set up formation directly, wants to share the achievement with her. 楚枫毫不避讳,直接将那布阵的方法告诉了复星,想与她分享成果。 But that formation technique is very special, did not say complex, but is extremely high to the perception test. 但那阵法很特别,不是说复杂,而是对悟性的考验极高。 Therefore Fuxing determined, Chu Feng told her method not to have the issue, was only her perception is insufficient, cannot comprehend, is not naturally able to arrange Opening Formation. 所以复星确定,楚枫告诉她的方法没问题,只是她悟性不足,领悟不上去,自然也就无法布置出开启阵法 But Chu Feng actually achieved!!! 楚枫却做到了!!! Was achieving because of Chu Feng, makes her realize, she and Chu Feng's disparity unexpectedly such big. 正因楚枫做到了,才让她意识到,她与楚枫的差距竟如此之大。 That feeling, looks like hundred stairs to be built on at present. 那种感觉,就像是一个百步台阶立于眼前。 She determined, own ability, most climb to the ninth step, but she is extremely the talent, she can only climb the ninth step, among the world then should no one be able to reach. 她确定,自己的能力,最多攀登到第九步,但她已是绝顶天才,她只能攀登第九步,天下间便应该没人可以登顶。 But Chu Feng actually reached!!! 可是楚枫却登顶了!!! Nine steps with hundred steps disparities, are she and Chu Feng's disparity. 九步与百步的差距,就是她与楚枫的差距。 But at this time, the Spirit Formation method formation of mysterious great gate center, really condensed a key hole, and with Opening Formation of Chu Feng arrangement, tallied completely. 而此时,神秘巨门中心的结界阵法成型,真的凝聚出了一道钥匙孔,且与楚枫布置的开启阵法,完全吻合。 ...... …… At this time, the place of mist filling the air, is the day swings shakes. 此时,雾气弥漫之地,已是天摇地晃。 In the abyss, is angrily roars such as the evil spirit to resound through innumerably generally, the innumerable say/way powerful aura, spew out from the abyss deep place. 深渊之中,更是无数怒吼如厉鬼一般响彻,无数道强大的气息,自深渊深处喷涌而出。 The owner of each aura, has among the thoughts, can destroy a terrifying power of side world. 每一道气息的拥有者,都具备着意念之间,便可摧毁一方世界的恐怖力量。 Sir, Sir!!!” “大人,大人!!!” Sees this situation, that intense incomparable, summon that colossus. 见此情形,那位紧张无比,不停的呼唤那位庞然大物。 Buzz- 嗡- Finally, the eye pupil of that colossus returns to normal, leaves from the observation. 终于,那庞然大物的眼眸恢复正常,是从观察之中抽身回来。 Peaceful.” “安静。” After that consciousness return, angrily roars. 那位意识回归后,怒吼一声。 All return to normal. 紧接着,一切恢复平静。 The terrifying aura dissipation, the world no longer trembles, the abyss deep place also restores such as beginning. 恐怖的气息消散,天地不再震颤,深渊深处也恢复如初。 ......” “呼……” Sees this situation, that is also the long stretch/leisurely one breath. 见此情形,那位也是长舒一口气。 He fully realized, although these fellows in abyss deep place are fearful, so long as this Sir guards earnestly, coming out that these fellows are impossible to escape. 他深知,深渊深处的那些家伙虽然可怕,但只要这位大人认真镇守,那些家伙也不可能逃的出来。 Hahaha...... interesting, interesting.” 哈哈哈……有趣,有趣。” Colossus excited laughs. 庞然大物兴奋的大笑起来。 Seeing that is also the law of use watching, watches the Chu Feng condition. 见状,那位也是动用观看之法,去观看楚枫状态。 But this does not look importantly, he also knows finally that Sir was why excited. 而这一看不要紧,他也是终于知道,为何那位大人如此兴奋了。 „The star gate of that breakage, can Chu Feng also open unexpectedly?” “那破损的星门,楚枫竟也能开启?” At this moment, that colossus also opens the mouth again. 此刻,那庞然大物也是再度开口。 It seems like we gave his appraisal to lower, not only he as if compared favorably with Qin Jiu, but had the opportunity to exceed Qin Jiu.” “看来我们给他的评价还是低了,他似乎不只是媲美秦九,而是有机会超越秦九啊。”
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