MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5658: Is close to the secret, the True God female

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The ray circulation, performing is the strength of teleportation. 光芒流转,尽是传送之力。 Chu Feng at this time, places in the teleportation tunnel. 楚枫此时,身处于传送隧道之内。 The teleportation tunnel, is unalarmed by strange sights, so long as after all will step into the Teleportation Formation method to enter in the teleportation tunnel to navigate. 传送隧道,见怪不怪,毕竟只要踏入传送阵法就会进入传送隧道之中航行。 But at this time, Chu Feng is in this teleportation tunnel, is actually eyeful panic-stricken. 可此时,楚枫身在这传送隧道之中,却是满眼惊骇。 Chu Feng exclaimed in surprise, is because the speed of this teleportation tunnel is too fast, quickly to being above imagination. 楚枫之所以惊叹,就是因为这传送隧道的速度太快,快到超乎想象。 The strength of here each wisp of teleportation, must be the strength that the priceless treasure can release. 这里的每一缕传送之力,都应当是无价之宝才能释放出的力量。 But strength of the teleportation like this, has millions and millions, collection forcefully this teleportation tunnel. 可这样的传送之力,却有亿万,硬生生的汇集成了这传送隧道。 Even if Chu Feng is experienced, may see this teleportation tunnel, the first response is also feels dreamlike. 哪怕楚枫见多识广,可看到这传送隧道,第一反应也是感觉如梦如幻。 This... has surpassed the cognition!!! 这…已超出了认知!!! „The strength of so powerful teleportation, if not personally sees, no one meeting letter/believes.” “如此强大的传送之力,若非亲眼所见,想必没人会信。” „The Nine Heavens secret place, what kind of secret do you have?” 九天秘地,你到底有着怎样的秘密?” When Chu Feng shocks, is even more curious. 楚枫震撼之际,越发好奇。 After all, he will enter so fierce teleportation tunnel, precisely because of Chu Feng with Opening Formation, opened that mysterious great gate. 毕竟,他之所以会进入如此厉害的传送隧道,正是因为楚枫开启阵法,去开启了那神秘巨门。 When Opening Formation and mysterious great gate melt, Chu Feng then entered this teleportation tunnel. 开启阵法与神秘巨门相融,楚枫便进入了这传送隧道。 Therefore the Chu Feng inference, the end of this teleportation tunnel, is then hiding the secret of Nine Heavens secret place mostly. 因此楚枫推断,这传送隧道的尽头,多半便藏着九天秘地的秘密。 After passing a double-hour, Chu Feng comes out from the teleportation tunnel finally. 过了一个时辰之后,楚枫终于从传送隧道之中出来。 At this time, he stands above a stage, around the stage scene, making Chu Feng realize, he places in a stone main hall. 此时,他站在一座高台之上,高台四周的景象,让楚枫意识到,他身处在一座石头大殿之内。 But stage that Chu Feng is, is the most center of main hall. 楚枫所在的高台,乃是大殿的最中心。 Turns round to wait and see, in Chu Feng's behind, sets up one to reach as high as ten thousand meters gate. 回身观望,在楚枫的身后,立着一座高达万米的门。 This gate, without linking up any wall, is similar to the statue to be the same, is situated in above the stage. 此门,没有衔接任何墙壁,就如同雕像一般,立于高台之上。 This gate, with former that mysterious great gate like, this gate did not look finer, such as the gold built, resplendent in gold and jade green. 此门,与之前的那神秘巨门并不像,这道门看起来更加精致,如金子打造而成,金碧辉煌。 However on this gate, remains the strength of teleportation. 不过这道门上面,却残留着传送之力。 Obviously, Chu Feng arrived here through this gate. 很显然,楚枫是通过此门来到这里的。 When the strength of teleportation dissipates, this gate except for fine, then other, Chu Feng from this, cannot observe any thing no other. 传送之力消散,此门除了精致,便别无其他,楚枫从这门上,观察不出任何东西 Then determined quickly, although this powerful, is in itself treasure. 很快便确定,此门虽然强大,本身是一件至宝 But this gate has not contained any mystery, is a powerful Teleportation Formation teleportation point. 但此门却没有蕴藏任何奥秘,就是一个强大传送阵传送点。 However its gives out aura, is actually very glorious, before that mysterious great gate, should be the product at the same time. 不过它散发的气息,却是十分悠久,与之前那神秘巨门,应该是同一时期的产物。 As for that Chu Feng is, is built the main hall that becomes by the stone, although also gives out glorious years aura. 至于楚枫所在的这座,由石头打造而成的大殿,虽也都散发着悠久的岁月气息。 But Chu Feng can infer, although this main hall is remote, but should construct at Ancient Era. 楚枫能够推断出,这大殿虽久远,但应该建于远古时期 But Chu Feng behind this fine great gate, with reclining that say/way mysterious great gate above land, is the thing of Remote Antiquity Era. 楚枫身后这道精致巨门,与横卧在大地之上那道神秘巨门,则是太古时期之物。 Therefore, this place, first has this gate, some latter palaces. 因此可以推断,此地,是先有此门,后有的宫殿。 The Chu Feng careful observation, found that the main hall has this Remote Antiquity Era front door besides the center, then does not have any ornaments. 楚枫仔细观察,发现大殿除了中心有这座太古时期的大门外,便没有任何摆设。 However main hall both sides have two stone door, should together to the deep place, but another should be leads to entrance or the exit|to speak. 不过大殿两端有两道石门,其中一道应该是通往深处,而另外一道应该是通往入口或者出口。 Two stone door, has the carving design. 两道石门,都有雕刻图案。 But only has in the design to deep place that gate, brought to the Chu Feng's attention. 但唯有通往深处那道门上的图案,引起了楚枫的注意。 That design has far-reaching idea, clearly is formation cultivation technique, and this formation cultivation technique is very mysterious. 那图案暗藏玄机,分明是一种结界功法,并且这结界功法很玄妙。 If can comprehend, will greatly strengthen the Chu Feng Spirit power concentration, cannot do well will make Chu Feng's Heaven's Eyes stronger, the method of set up formation will also be promoted. 若是能够领悟,将大大增强楚枫精神力的专注力,搞不好会让楚枫的天眼变得更强,布阵的手段也将会得到提升。 If this cultivation technique grasps, to Chu Feng's realm, although will not be helpful, but the overall strength will actually be increased enormously. 功法若是掌握,对楚枫的境界虽不会有帮助,但整体实力却将会极大提升。 Pitifully, cultivation technique in that is incomplete. 只是可惜,那门上的功法,并不完整。 But Chu Feng actually discovers the clue from the gate, complete cultivation technique, on conceals after this front door. 楚枫却从门上发现线索,完整的功法,就藏在这大门之后。 „Is cultivation technique after this, then the secret of Nine Heavens secret place?” “这门后的功法,便是九天秘地的秘密?” „It is not right, is not right.” “不对,不对。” Although that cultivation technique is fierce, but Chu Feng denied quickly, that cultivation technique is the possibility of Nine Heavens secret. 功法虽厉害,可楚枫很快否定了,那功法就是九天秘密的可能。 The Nine Heavens secret place, constructs at Remote Antiquity Era. 九天秘地,建于太古时期 This main hall, is Ancient Era builds. 这座大殿,乃是远古时期打造。 But changes mind thinks, although that stone door and main hall are the same, is Ancient Era builds. 但转念一想,虽说那石门与大殿一样,都是远古时期打造。 Does not represent in the main hall that Spirit power cultivation technique, is Ancient Era. 可不代表大殿之内那精神力功法,也是远古时期 Cannot do well that Spirit power cultivation technique, came from Remote Antiquity Era, it is the secret of Nine Heavens secret place. 搞不好那精神力功法,就是来自太古时期,它就是九天秘地的秘密。 could it be that, was some Ancient Era people discovered this place secret, construction this palace, did hide intentionally this secret?” 难道说,是远古时期有人发现了此地秘密,故意建造这座宫殿,将这秘密隐藏起来?” Thinks of here, the Chu Feng careful observation main hall, actually the discovery cannot see to untie the method of stone door. 想到这里,楚枫仔细观察大殿,却发现根本看不到解开石门的方法。 On stone door only has a key hole, the key that only corresponds usefully, can open this gate. 石门上面只有一个钥匙孔,唯有用对应的钥匙,才能开启此门。 Too despicable.” “太卑鄙了。” Chu Feng cannot bear curse one. 楚枫忍不住咒骂一声。 But on the Chu Feng mouth cursed, has not given up. 楚枫嘴上咒骂,并未放弃。 But moved toward, that possibly leads to the entrance stone door. 而是走向了,那可能通往入口的石门。 This stone door, does not have any barrier, can shove open directly. 这道石门,没有任何障碍,可以直接推开。 Opens this door, what heaving in sight is a profound stone corridor. 推开此门,映入眼帘的是一个深邃的石头长廊。 In the corridor does not have any mechanism/organization, Chu Feng following the corridor vanguard, opens access. 长廊内没有任何机关,楚枫顺着长廊前行,畅通无阻。 After coming to the end, the stone stage, the stage surrounding arrange/cloth has 100 steles. 走到尽头后,有一座石头高台,高台周围布有一百道石碑。 The stele not only with the stage is a body, and above inscribes the formation trace. 石碑不仅与高台乃是一体,且上面都刻有结界纹路。 This is Teleportation Formation, is constructs at Ancient Era. 此乃传送阵,乃是建于远古时期 On the wall of this corridor end, writes the method of controlling this Teleportation Formation. 在这长廊尽头的墙壁上,写着操控这传送阵的方法。 Chu Feng then knows the main point quickly, steps into formation technique, stimulates to movement. 楚枫很快便掌握要领,踏入阵法之中,催动开来。 The next quarter, Chu Feng arrived in piece of bamboo forest. 下一刻,楚枫来到了一片竹林之中。 This piece of bamboo forest, no Ancient Era aura, except for... the thing of Chu Feng under foot. 这片竹林,没有一点远古时期的气息,除了…楚枫脚下之物。 Although Chu Feng at this time in bamboo forest, but his under foot, is not a land, but is Teleportation Formation. 楚枫此时虽在竹林之中,可其脚下,并非土地,而是一座传送阵 This Teleportation Formation, was just exactly the same as Teleportation Formation of corridor end. 传送阵,与刚刚长廊尽头的传送阵一模一样。 But before Teleportation Formation, is actually setting up a giant stele. 传送阵之前,却立着一座巨大的石碑。 This stele was not the thing of ancient times, but was the person of this time builds. 这石碑也并非远古之物,而是这个时代之人所打造。 After Chu Feng sees the content on stele, feels the surprise. 楚枫看到石碑上的内容后,更是倍感诧异。 On that stele writes 13 large characters: 那石碑上面写着十三个大字: Heavenly Dome Immortal sect forbidden land, excels at rushing executing summarily!!! 苍穹仙宗禁地,擅闯者格杀勿论!!! Heavenly Dome Immortal sect?” 苍穹仙宗?” „Wasn't the Nine Heavens secret controlled by Seven Worlds Saint Palace? How to become the Heavenly Dome Immortal sect territory?” 九天秘地不是被七界圣府掌控了吗?怎么又会成为苍穹仙宗领地了?” „Isn't here, so how right?” “还有这里,怎么如此不对劲?” „Should I not, already not in Seven Worlds Galaxy?” Chu Feng more wants more startled. “我该不会,已经不在七界天河了吧?”楚枫越想越惊。 A double-hour, spans Galaxy, this was one says, matter that no one meeting letter/believed. 一个时辰,跨越天河,这是一件说出去,没有人会信的事情。 Did not say that the distance of the world and world, Star Region and Star Region distance is very remote. 都不说世界与世界的距离了,星域星域的距离都很是遥远。 But Galaxy and Galaxy distance, that is remote, the cultivation realm weak one exhausts ten thousand years of difficult to span. 天河天河的距离,那更是遥远至极,修为弱者耗尽万年都难以跨越。 Especially Seven Worlds Galaxy, in vast martial cultivation world Southern Territory. 尤其是七界天河,在浩瀚修武界南域 But Heavenly Dome Galaxy, then in vast martial cultivation world Western Territory, their distances was farther. 苍穹天河,则是在浩瀚修武界西域,它们的距离就更远了。 Short one double-hour, from Seven Worlds Galaxy, arrives at Heavenly Dome Galaxy, this indeed lets person difficult believing. 短短一个时辰,从七界天河,来到苍穹天河,这的确让人难以置信。 But Chu Feng, recalled in teleportation tunnel that was just, that arrives at strength of the unapproachable teleportation powerful. 可是楚枫,回想起刚刚所在的传送隧道内,那强大到无可匹敌的传送之力。 Also felt, this matter was actually achievable. 也就觉得,这件事其实是可以实现的了。 If so, should the secret of that Nine Heavens secret place, unable in a short time, then to span Galaxy Teleportation Formation?” “若真是如此,那九天秘地的秘密,该不会就是能够短时间内,便跨越天河传送阵吧?” Thinks of here, Chu Feng Yu Kong, and uses Heaven's Eyes, observes the distant place by this. 想到这里,楚枫御空而起,且动用天眼,以此来观察远处。 Determined, here is also the Nine Heavens secret place. 来确定,这里到底还是不是九天秘地。 Chu Feng semblance, although the body of mortal, energy that but he contains, has been the Spiritual God in person of eyes Lower Realm. 楚枫外表来看,虽还是凡人之躯,可他蕴藏的能量,早已是下界之人眼中的神灵。 Especially under Heaven's Eyes, regards the distance is fearful. 尤其天眼之下,所视距离更是可怕至极。 In the Chu Feng's line of sight, can see, beside bamboo forest is a jungle, the jungle end place, is sea. 楚枫的视线中,能够看到,竹林之外乃是一片丛林,丛林的尽头处,乃是一片海洋。 All sorts of signs were showing, here probably is really not the Nine Heavens secret within. 种种迹象都在证明,这里好像真的已不是九天秘地之内。 But what Chu Feng is unable to determine, here Seven Worlds Galaxy, is Heavenly Dome Galaxy. 楚枫无法确定的是,这里到底还是七界天河,还是苍穹天河 Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, the Chu Feng look moves, the sky of sea deep place, presented a dazzling ray suddenly. 忽然,楚枫神色一动,海洋深处的上空,忽然出现了一道耀眼的光芒。 The ray day tomorrow, will scatter in all directions the expansion. 光芒日明日,四散扩大。 Above the sea raised the dreadful monstrous waves, later the strong winds blow out the sea area, that approaches the forest of coast to be eradicated, later is reduced to ashes. 紧接着,海洋之上掀起了滔天巨浪,随后狂风吹出海域,那靠近海岸的森林皆被连根拔起,随后化为灰烬。 In a while, the land of Chu Feng under foot starts to shiver, and is getting stronger and stronger. 没过多久,就连楚枫脚下的大地都开始颤动,且越来越强。 Afterward grating thundering is also following. 随后刺耳的轰鸣也是随之而来。 The next quarter, the dreadful ripples, bloom above the sea unceasingly, wave after wave, sweeps away the horizon. 下一刻,滔天的涟漪,不断在海洋之上绽放,一波接着一波,横扫天际。 Some people are battling!!! 有人在交战!!! According to the Chu Feng inference, the position that the person of that battle is, should be the sea deep place. 根据楚枫推断,那交战之人所在的方位,应该是海洋深处。 The sea that but Chu Feng can see, the sea water is dropping fast. 可是楚枫所能看到的海洋,海水正在快速减退。 Was not the sea water suction, but is evaporating. 不是海水被吸走了,而是正在蒸发。 The sea water was evaporated, the forest outside sea also encountered the destruction of big surface area. 海水都被蒸发,大海之外的森林也是遭到了大面积的破坏。 Such destructive power, making Chu Feng realize that person of fight, strength. 这样的破坏力,让楚枫意识到那交手之人,实力非常之强。 This destructive power, mostly is True God Realm expert.” In the Chu Feng heart had the guess. “这种破坏力,多半是真神境高手。”楚枫心中有了猜测。 This feeling?” “这感觉?” Suddenly, Chu Feng returned to from that battlefield the vision moves, transferred to the jungle of not far away. 忽然,楚枫将目光从那战场回移,移到了不远处的丛林。 He discovered, bamboo forest has the strength of teleportation to fluctuate somewhere. 他发现,竹林某处有传送之力波动。 Therefore Chu Feng rushes to leave , discovered that piece of bamboo forest ground is inserting a dagger. 于是楚枫赶忙动身,靠近之后,发现那片竹林的地上插着一把匕首。 The dagger is very fine, is built by the stone, from Ancient Era. 匕首很是精致,由石头打造而成,源自远古时期 And the stone palace that the trace of above carve, with was just is similar, stems from the same person's hand mostly. 且上面刻写的纹路,与刚刚所在的石殿非常相似,多半出自同一人之手。 The strength of that teleportation, precisely by dagger gives out. 传送之力,正是由着匕首散发而出。 Suddenly, a ray spews out from the dagger, but flashes passes. 猛然间,一道光芒自匕首之中喷涌而出,但一闪即逝。 When the dagger vanishes, the form appeared above the dagger together. 当匕首消失之时,一道身影出现在了匕首之上。 That is a female. 那是一名女子。 That female sees Chu Feng, first is a face is astonished, in the immediately eye the murderous intention reveals completely. 那名女子看到楚枫,先是一脸惊愕,旋即眼中杀机毕露。 That look, clearly must kill Chu Feng. 那个眼神,分明是要杀死楚枫 But the next quarter, killing intent drops, the female, the body one fainted due to excessive injuries crookedly. 可下一刻,杀意减退,那女子因伤势过重,身子一歪昏死了过去。 At this time, Chu Feng can see, this female chest front has one to be in charge, her blood flowing from every orifice that this palm shakes, the injury is extremely serious, is chief criminal who lets her stupor. 此时,楚枫能够看到,这女子胸前有一个掌印,这一掌震的她七孔流血,伤势极重,乃是让她昏迷的罪魁祸首。 But besides blood flowing from every orifice, the face not damage of female, therefore careful looks, Chu Feng is also somewhat accidental/surprised. 但除了七孔流血之外,女子的脸庞并没有一丝损坏,所以仔细一看,楚枫也是有些意外。 This female, Chu Feng has seen. 这女子,楚枫见过。
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