MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5656: Slaughtered the Son of Heaven to rank third

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Then, are really you Jie Ranqing senior son?” “这么说来,你真是界染清前辈的儿子?” After hearing the Chu Feng's words, Fuxing whole face is instead surprised. 当听闻楚枫的话后,复星反而满脸惊讶。 Right, famous Jie Ranqing, is my Chu Feng's mother.” “对,大名鼎鼎的界染清,就是我楚枫的母亲。” Chu Feng said truthfully, and said Jie Ranqing is mother time, his whole face was proud and is proud. 楚枫如实说道,且说出界染清是自己母亲的时候,他满脸骄傲与自豪。 Even because feared that Fuxing does not believe that Chu Feng also manipulated intentionally started the purple demon dagger. 甚至因为怕复星不信,楚枫还故意摆弄了一下手中的紫魔匕首。 Things have gotten to this point, he thought that does not need to conceal. 事已至此,他觉得没有必要隐瞒了。 After Fuxing is surprised, on the face emerges suddenly wipes to feel relaxed. 复星惊讶过后,脸上忽然涌现一抹释然。 „The Jie Ranqing senior son, you in me, poured also has nothing unacceptable.” “既界染清前辈的儿子,那你强于我,倒也没什么不能接受的了。” She and Chu Feng, took the black fruit. 她与楚枫,都服用了黑色果子。 But why does not know, the Chu Feng's mark is stronger, therefore she is very clear, this trial she loses to Chu Feng. 但不知为何,楚枫的印记却更强,所以她很清楚,这场试炼她是败给楚枫了。 Actually, being sincerely convinced that she defeats. 其实,她败的心服口服。 Although she also played the enormous role, but she is very clear, the Chu Feng's performance surpasses her. 尽管她也发挥了极大的作用,但她很清楚,楚枫的表现是优于她的。 „Aren't you Seven Worlds Saint Palace person?” “你也不是七界圣府的人吧?” Otherwise for the Saint Rank treasure, will not go all out in this.” “不然也不会为了圣级宝物,在此拼命。” „, Will not be bullied by Pill Dao Immortal Sect that influence.” Fuxing said. “更不会,被丹道仙宗那种势力欺负。”复星说道。 Chu Feng first is complex smiles, this said my mother, although was Jie Ranqing, but actually I and Seven Worlds Saint Palace have not related.” 楚枫先是复杂一笑,这才道“我母亲虽是界染清,但其实我与七界圣府没有关系。” Then, the hearsay is true.” Fuxing said. “这么说来,传闻属实。”复星道。 What have you heard?” Chu Feng asked. “你听说过什么?”楚枫问。 „Are we friends?” Fuxing asked. “我们算是朋友吧?”复星问。 Naturally, moreover is the friend of sharing hardships.” “当然,而且是患难与共的朋友。” We just, but altogether undergoes the life and death.” Chu Feng said. “我们刚刚,可是共历生死。”楚枫道。 I do not have scruples anything, had the words to say directly.” “那我也就不顾忌什么,有话直接说了。” I once heard a news, this news is very secret, even no one dares to pass on.” Fuxing said. “我曾听闻一个消息,这个消息十分隐秘,甚至都没人敢传。”复星道。 You but said that might as well.” Chu Feng said. “你但说无妨。”楚枫道。 I hear, Jie Ranqing senior is not to undergo closed-door training cultivation, but was forced to detain by Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” “我听闻,界染清前辈并非闭关修炼,而是被七界圣府强制关押了起来。” Reason that is Jie Ranqing senior will so make the huge mistake.” Fuxing said. “之所以会如此,乃是界染清前辈犯下大错。”复星道。 what wrong?” Chu Feng asked. “何错?”楚枫问。 If the hearsay is true, that is the huge mistake.” “若传闻属实,那便是天大的错。” Because this hearsay said that Jie Ranqing senior, beside a person with Seven Worlds Saint Palace in the same place, and also lives one.” “因为此传闻说,界染清前辈,与一个七界圣府之外的人在一起,并且还生有一子。” Seven Worlds Saint Palace, has felt the person outside non- Seven Worlds Saint Palace is the trash.” 七界圣府,一直觉得非七界圣府外的人皆是垃圾。” Therefore Seven Worlds Saint Palace can only the interior have the marriage affinity, inherits the high-quality bloodlines of Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” “所以七界圣府只能内部结下姻缘,将七界圣府的优质血脉传承下去。” Jie Ranqing senior, has the King-level bloodlines in legend, is Seven Worlds Saint Palace attaches great importance.” 界染清前辈,拥有传说中的王级血脉,乃是七界圣府最重视的。” When therefore Jie Ranqing senior, with outsider in the same place, and after giving birth to one child, Seven Worlds Saint Palace flies into a rage.” “所以当界染清前辈,与外人在一起,且生下一子后,七界圣府勃然大怒。” They thought that the bloodlines of Jie Ranqing senior suffered the tarnish, wanted Jie Ranqing senior to kill that man and that child personally.” “他们觉得界染清前辈的血脉遭受了玷污,要界染清前辈亲手杀了那个男人和那个孩子。” But Jie Ranqing senior, not to mention accepts this unreasonable request, has the expectation early, ahead of time delivers to the safe place own child.” “但界染清前辈,莫说答应这个无理的要求,更是早有预料的,提前将自己的孩子送到安全地方。” Regarding own husband and child's news, is the silent does not raise, will therefore be closed.” “对于自己的丈夫与孩子的消息,更是闭口不提,所以才会被关起来。” These words language of Fuxing, maps others ear curtain, will feel absurd. 复星的这一番话语,映入别人耳帘,会觉得荒唐。 May map the Chu Feng ear curtain, the character character makes him grieved. 可映入楚枫耳帘,却字字让他心痛。 Because he was clear, this is not the hearsay, this is the fact. 因为他清楚,这不是传闻,这是事实。 Especially when hears Fuxing to tell own mother, in the past bore that pressure alone time. 尤其是当听到复星讲述自己母亲,当年独自承受那份压力的时候。 He can imagine that pressure from Seven Worlds Saint Palace heavily, therefore... his heart was seized general hurting. 他能想象那份来自七界圣府的压力有多沉重,因此…他心被人揪住一般的疼。 Does not love dearly itself, but loves dearly own mother. 不是心疼自己,而是心疼自己的母亲。 Fuxing pays attention to the Chu Feng's mood to change, not only the expression is dignified, even was faint to feel killing intent. 复星注意着楚枫的情绪变化,不仅表情凝重,甚至隐隐间感受到了杀意 That killing intent is very vague, but after she detects, can feel that killing intent terrifying. 杀意很隐晦,可当她察觉到之后,能够感受到那杀意的恐怖。 Chu Feng, it seems like hearsay real.” 楚枫,看来传闻是真的。” You could rest assured that Seven Worlds Saint Palace will certainly regret for their stupid decisions.” “你放心,七界圣府一定会为他们的愚蠢决定而后悔的。” Because you... have not tarnished the bloodlines of Jie Ranqing senior, you are now vast martial cultivation world, strongest World Spiritist later generation.” “因为你…没有玷污界染清前辈的血脉,你就是当今浩瀚修武界,最强的界灵师后辈。” Seven Worlds Saint Palace these talents, no can compare with you.” Fuxing said to Chu Feng. 七界圣府的那些天才,没有一个能够与你比拟。”复星对楚枫说道。 She can also imagine, in the past with oneself family for Jie Ranqing of enemy, what kind of pressure is shouldering. 她也能想象,当年与自己家族为敌的界染清,背负着怎样的压力。 But she felt, Chu Feng shoulders is heavier. 但她却觉得,楚枫背负的更加沉重。 From the beginning by this vast martial cultivation world, the strongest influence was included to the dead list. 从一开始就被这浩瀚修武界,最强大的势力列入必死名单。 Although oneself mother is powerful, but is actually not able to shelter in him. 自己的母亲虽然强大,可却根本无法庇护于他。 Path that... he grows, how no use, how difficult? 那…他成长的道路,是多么的无助,是多么的艰难? Chu Feng, you were laborious.” 楚枫,你辛苦了。” Suddenly, Fuxing supplements one. 忽然,复星又补充一句。 These words are subconscious blurting out, is her sends by the feeling. 这句话是下意识的脱口而出,也是她的由感而发。 She looks at present Chu Feng, recalls Chu Feng's to be powerful, as if also saw that powerful behind difficult with paying. 她看着眼前的楚枫,回想楚枫的强大,仿佛也看到了那强大背后的艰辛与付出。 She... sympathize. 她…感同身受。 At this time, Chu Feng smiled suddenly, the previous dignified expression sweeps to go, what replaces it is the sunlight is bright. 此时,楚枫忽然笑了,先前的凝重表情一扫而去,取而代之的是阳光灿烂。 „It is not laborious.” “不辛苦。” This world, which person does not make easy.” “这个世界,哪个人都不让容易。” Fuxing first stares, because she felt. Knows since childhood the person of own life experience, the growth difficult person, should not have the so bright smile to be right. 复星先是一愣,因为她觉得。一个从小知道自己身世的人,一路成长艰难的人,不该有如此灿烂的笑容才对。 But recalls, she first time is not saw Chu Feng to smile, wasn't Chu Feng past smiling, continuously so? 可是回想起来,她不是第一次见楚枫笑,楚枫以往的笑,不是一直如此吗? Thinks of here, she deeply feels to admire about Chu Feng, this is not to admiring of Spirit Formation technique, but to admiring of Chu Feng powerful innermost feelings. 想到这里,她对楚枫深感佩服,这不是对结界之术的佩服,而是对楚枫强大内心的佩服。 Therefore she also smiled, similarly is bright, and said: Right.” 于是她也笑了,同样灿烂,且道:“对。” Walks.” Chu Feng said. “走吧。”楚枫道。 Goes?” Fuxing asked. “去哪?”复星问。 Studies, the Nine Heavens secret true secret.” Chu Feng said. “去研究一下,九天秘地真正的秘密。”楚枫说道。 Hears this words, Fuxing is also eyeful curious, therefore follows Chu Feng immediately. 听闻此话,复星也是满眼好奇,于是立刻跟上了楚枫 ...... …… Nine Heavens secret place, unusual place. 九天秘地,一个奇特之地。 This stretch of the world, had been embezzled by the misty thick fog, but the thick fog of this place is not gloomy, instead gorgeous incomparable. 这片天地,已被蒙蒙大雾所吞没,而此地的大雾却并不阴森,反而绚丽无比。 Because of this mist, has seven colors unexpectedly, such as the rainbow is ordinary, tall and pleasing to the eye. 因为这雾气,竟有七种颜色,如彩虹一般,美轮美奂。 Existence in that previous main hall, walks in this thick fog. 那位先前大殿内的存在,行走在这大雾之中。 At this time he isn't the gives out aura, Emperor Dragon God-cloak, how Emperor Dragon God-cloak can compare with his time aura? 此时他所散发的气息,已不是皇龙神袍,皇龙神袍怎能与他此时的气息相比? This type of powerful aura, clearly also above True Dragon. 这种强大的气息,分明还在真龙之上。 He walks on this day, is the king of this day place, should sweep away all obstacles. 他于这天地行走之间,就是这天地的王,本该所向披靡。 But he does not have an arrogance, instead step by step careful. 可他没有一丝狂妄,反而步步小心。 Until, before a cliff, settles down to stop. 直到,一座悬崖前,才驻足停下。 Under the cliff, is the abyss, is too deep to see the bottom. 悬崖下方,乃是深渊,深不见底。 He stands before the cliff, to, respectful ritual. 他站在悬崖前,对着下方,恭敬一礼。 Sir, inspected some people to pass.” “大人,考核有人通过了。” Such remarks, the world shakes. 此话一出,天地震荡。 This shake, does not stem from him. 这震荡,不是源于他。 But more powerful existence, regains consciousness in this time. 而是更为强大的存在,于此时苏醒。 A pair just like two rounds of tomorrow's giant blood pupils, appears from the abyss. 一双宛如两轮明日般的巨大血眸,从深渊之中浮现。 The hugeness of this thing, if the Chu Feng stand here, is unable to get a panoramic view two eye pupils. 此物之巨大,若是楚枫站在这里,都无法将两个眼眸尽收眼底。 Because the great distance distances of two eye pupils were too big, is only from the spacing inference of eyes, this thing complete volume, perhaps over one side Upper Realm. 因为两只眼眸的相隔距离太大了,只是从双眼的间距推断,此物完整体积,恐怕超过一方上界 Is the genuine colossus!!! 是真正的庞然大物!!! Is that named the little rascal of Chu Feng and Fuxing?” “是那个叫楚枫和复星的小鬼?” In the abyss, broadcasts the low and deep actually vigorous sound, the sound of precisely that colossus. 深渊之中,传来低沉却浑厚的声音,正是那庞然大物的声音。 Returns to the Sir, accurate, was Chu Feng adopted the inspection.” That said. “回大人,准确来说,是楚枫通过了考核。”那位说道。 Inspection is you do, you felt, this child and past that... said the little rascal who slaughters the Son of Heaven who is stronger?” The colossus asked. “考核都是你来做的,那你觉得,此子与当年那个…自称杀戮天王的小鬼谁更强?”庞然大物问。 Returns to the Sir, the subordinate thought that Chu Feng is stronger.” “回大人,属下觉得楚枫更强。” Even the subordinate felt, slaughters the Son of Heaven, in later generation that the ancient times stepped into my Nine Heavens secret place, can only arrange to third.” That said. “甚至属下觉得,杀戮天王,在远古之后踏入我九天秘地的后辈之中,只能排到第三。”那位说道。 Oh?” “喔?” Your meaning, Chu Feng first, Fuxing second? Can the past little rascal only third?” The colossus asked. “你的意思,楚枫第一,复星第二?当年的小鬼只能第三?”庞然大物问。 Returns to the Sir, Fuxing was inferior that in the past that said little rascal who slaughters the Son of Heaven.” “回大人,复星不如当年那个自称杀戮天王的小鬼。” Subordinate said that is that Seven Worlds Saint Palace girl.” “属下说的,是那个七界圣府的丫头。”
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