MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5655: Then averaged

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In Fuxing is puzzled, that exists, then looks at Chu Feng, suddenly smiled meaningfully: 就在复星不解之际,那位存在,则是看着楚枫,忽然意味深长的笑了: Young man, you also are really interesting.” “后生,你还真是有趣。” Chu Feng had not replied, but Fuxing actually came the interest: senior, what intention?” 楚枫没有回答,可复星却来了兴趣:“前辈,何意?” I can feel his Spirit power, he after edible fruit, then has been observing this main hall mural.” “我能感受到他的精神力,他从食用果子之后,便一直在观察这大殿壁画。” He does not get up, wants to delay the time, wants to gain more time, observes mural.” “他迟迟不起,是想拖延时间,想获取更多时间,来观察壁画。” But, the effect of fruit has diverged, by his own perception, cannot see through here draws.” “但,果子的效果已经散去,凭借他自己的悟性,根本就看不穿这壁画。” Even if gives him again the multi- time, does not help matters.” That answered. “就算给他再多时间,也是无济于事。”那位解释道。 „Does here mural, have far-reaching idea?” Hears this words, Fuxing responds. “这里的壁画,也暗藏玄机?”听闻此话,复星才反应过来。 Actually, after her perception promotes, there is an attempt to observe, but actually cannot see the profound and abstruse principles, therefore then concluded, here the picture has no secret. 其实,她悟性提升之后,也有尝试观察,但却看不出玄机,于是便断定,这壁画没有什么秘密。 Therefore then simply, comprehends Spirit power, has a look whether to break through. 于是便干脆,领悟精神力,看看能否突破。 Although has not broken through, but actually also uses the perception that just promoted, making her harvest many, will be to break through in the future built the good foundation. 虽然没有突破,但却也利用好了刚刚提升的悟性,使得她收获颇丰,为日后突破打下了良好的基础。 May until this time, after hearing that words, he realized, she was wrong. 可直到此时,听到那位的话后,他才意识到,她错了。 Originally true secret, on conceals in mural. 原来真正的秘密,就藏在壁画之中。 He is more intelligent than you, but does not have intelligent many.” After that looked at a Fuxing, then looks to Chu Feng. “他比你聪明,但也没有聪明多少。”那位看了一眼复星后,便又看向楚枫 Looks at Chu Feng, is not willing to set out as before, closes one's eyes as before, he shakes the head, in the eye flows out the disappointed color. 看着楚枫,依旧不肯起身,依旧闭着眼睛,他则是摇了摇头,眼中流出失望之色。 Young man, do not play the fool, I know that you had guessed correctly anything, but the time arrived, you should also face the reality.” “后生,别装傻了,我知道你已经猜出了一些什么,但时间到了,你也应该面对现实。” Since the choice ate this fruit, must withstand the harm that this fruit brings.” “既然选择吃了这果子,就要承受这果子带来的危害。” „The black fruit beforehand harm, was suppressed by past years the girl of that Seven Worlds Saint Palace.” “黑果之前的危害,都被当年的那个七界圣府的丫头镇压了。” Therefore you can obtain so many fruits, but is safe and sound.” “所以你们才能获得那么多果子,而安然无恙。” But... you challenge now, that girls cannot challenge the successful black fruit.” “但现在…你们挑战了,那个丫头都未能挑战成功的黑色果子。” That girl's suppression, cannot support.” “那个丫头的镇压,支撑不住的。” Now, should come by you anti-.” “现在,该由你们自己来抗了。” Even if cannot shoulder, must resist, this is the road that you choose.” “就算扛不住,也要抗,这是你们自己选的路。” That this words saying, strength of the teleportation, then forcefully promoted the main hall Chu Feng and Fuxing. 那位此话说完,一股传送之力,便强行将楚枫与复星推出了大殿。 And at this time the palace gate of main hall, is starts to close. 并且此时大殿的殿门,也是开始关闭。 What is main, the entire land starts to shiver fiercely, that tremor the intensity of degree, as if incessantly is the entire main hall, outside was also involved. 最主要的是,整个大地开始剧烈颤动,那颤动的程度之强烈,仿佛不止是整个大殿,就连外面也遭受牵连。 senior, what's the matter?” 前辈,到底怎么回事?” Fuxing realizes wonderfully, has not then been closed while the palace gate completely, rushes to closely examine to that. 复星意识到不妙,便趁着殿门没有完全关闭,赶忙对那位追问。 But that has not spoken, but is staring at Chu Feng, disappointed shaking the head. 但那位却没有说话,而是盯着楚枫,失望的摇了摇头。 Buzz- 嗡- But suddenly, the Chu Feng left hand pinches the secret art, the right hand gets hold, immediately the ray shines. 可忽然,楚枫左手捏诀,右手握紧,顿时光芒普照。 This young man, unexpectedly......” “这后生,竟然……” Sees in the Chu Feng hand the thing, that disappointed look, was replaced by surprised immediately. 看到楚枫手中之物,那位失望的眼神,顿时被惊讶所取代。 This sword, very powerful sealing formation technique?!” “这把剑,好强的封印阵法?!” But at this time, Fuxing also discovered, ray that in the Chu Feng hand presents, is a sword, powerful formation technique condenses the sword that becomes. 而此时,复星也是发现,楚枫手中出现的光芒,乃是一把剑,一把强大的阵法所凝聚而成的剑。 sealing formation technique, is extremely complex, but actually extremely resulting in sealing formation technique. 封印阵法,极其复杂,但却极为了得的封印阵法 senior, junior indeed in protracted time, but does not comprehend the mural content, but taking the opportunity set up formation.” 前辈,晚辈的确在拖延时间,但不是领悟壁画内容,而是借机布阵。” Now formation technique has become, then many thanks senior.” “如今阵法已成,便多谢前辈了。” Chu Feng sets out, has not closed while the palace gate completely, by the slit, is existing to serve with a ritual to the palace. 楚枫起身,趁着殿门尚未完全关闭,透过缝隙,对着殿内存在施以一礼。 immediately, a figure revolution, is then grasped the seal long sword that quickly builds by sealing formation technique becomes, fast dashes to go to outside. 旋即,身形一转,便快手持由封印阵法打造而成的封印长剑,快速的向外面飞奔而去。 Actually, Chu Feng before starting to go into the main hall, has seen clearly the situation. 其实,楚枫早在开始闯入大殿之前,就已经洞察到了先机。 Takes the fruit, indeed will strengthen Spirit power, but will also summon the fearful ominous beast. 服用果子,的确会增强精神力,但也会召唤出可怕的凶兽。 The taken fruit is stronger, the ominous beast that summoned is more fearful. 服用的果子越强,召唤出的凶兽越可怕。 Reason that they obtained so many fruits before, has not summoned the ominous beast , because that ominous beast hides in the altar. 之所以他们之前得到了那么多果子,都没有召唤出凶兽,是因为那凶兽藏在祭坛之中。 But that altar, by the Chu Feng mother, had lived in the purple demon dagger seal with that. 而那祭坛,已经被楚枫母亲,用那把紫魔匕首封印住了。 But the purple demon dagger is fierce, but with emphasis is not the purple demon dagger, but attaches sealing formation technique above purple demon dagger. 但紫魔匕首虽然厉害,但重点并非是紫魔匕首本身,而是附加在紫魔匕首之上的封印阵法 That sealing formation technique, is pointed formation technique, specifically is used to suppress in the altar the ominous beast. 封印阵法,是针对性的阵法,专门用来压制祭坛内之凶兽的。 On main hall mural that the purple ominous beast is, not only contains the opening black ominous beast in the method of main hall. 紫色凶兽所在的大殿壁画上,不仅蕴藏着开启黑色凶兽所在大殿的方法。 Also containing, that sealing formation technique layout method. 也蕴藏着,那封印阵法的布置方法。 The Chu Feng mother, comprehended that sealing formation technique, the seal lived under the altar ominous beast. 楚枫母亲,就是领悟了那封印阵法,才封印住了祭坛下方的凶兽。 But the Chu Feng two people, took the black fruit, will summon a more powerful ominous beast. 楚枫二人,服用了黑色果子,将会召唤出更强大的凶兽。 Chu Feng mother's sealing formation technique, is unable to continue to suppress the ominous beast. 楚枫母亲的封印阵法,也将无法继续镇压凶兽。 But more powerful sealing formation technique, then hidden in the mural of black main hall. 但更强大的封印阵法,则是隐藏在黑色大殿的壁画之中。 Had discovered that all these Chu Feng, naturally also understand, why that reminded the Chu Feng two people, discrete edible fruit. 早就发现这一切的楚枫,自然也明白,那位为何提醒楚枫二人,谨慎食用果子。 Therefore Chu Feng will be asking, after being whether virulent, eats directly. 所以楚枫才会在问出,是否有毒后,直接食用。 It is not the Chu Feng general idea/careless, but was he has long known that this consequence was anything , has long known the law of dealing. 不是楚枫大意,而是他早就知道这后果是什么,也早就知道应对之法。 Therefore after perception promotion, Chu Feng has not chosen to try itself to break through, but comprehends the content from the mural. 所以悟性提升之后,楚枫并没有选择尝试自己突破,而是从壁画之中领悟内容。 Finally, successfully sees the light suddenly sealing formation technique the law of arrangement. 最终,成功顿悟出封印阵法的布置之法。 And Chu Feng guessed, the ominous beast appears from the altar, actually is also artificial, but main hall that exists, likely is this back control. 并且楚枫猜测,凶兽从祭坛出现,其实也是人为,而大殿那位存在,很可能就是这背后的操控者。 Therefore the protracted time, arrangement this formation technique, wants intentionally in secret before that exists to release the ominous beast, then the sealing formation technique arrangement completes. 所以故意拖延时间,暗中布置此阵法,就是想在那位存在释放凶兽之前,便将封印阵法布置完成。 But was also really guessed by Chu Feng. 而还真就被楚枫猜中了。 That was feeling, after Chu Feng has been defeated, then really released the ominous beast. 那位在觉得,楚枫已经失败后,便真的释放了凶兽。 This intense land tremors, is the ominous beast breaks open the altar, but signal. 这强烈的大地震感,便是凶兽破开祭坛而出的信号。 But now formation technique has become, naturally also no longer is worried about these ominous beast difficulty-relief. 但如今阵法已成,自然也就不再担心那些凶兽脱困。 But when Chu Feng arrives at the altar, that altar full is the fissure, the Chu Feng mother's purple demon dagger, is about sways, difficult support. 但当楚枫来到祭坛之时,那祭坛已经满是裂痕,楚枫母亲的紫魔匕首,也是左右摇晃,难以支撑。 Sees that Chu Feng rises with a spring, jumps to the altar above, tears off the purple demon dagger. 见状,楚枫一跃而起,跳到祭坛之上,一把将紫魔匕首拔下。 Then seal long sword in the hand, in insertion altar. 紧接着,便将自己手中的封印长剑,插入祭坛之中。 But the backlash strength of altar is too strong, that moment that the purple demon dagger takes out, the powerful strength then spews out. 可祭坛的反噬力量太强,紫魔匕首取出的那一刻,强大的力量便喷涌而出。 Chu Feng the seal long sword, the insertion altar also consumed the enormous strengths and a lot of time. 楚枫将封印长剑,插入祭坛也是耗费了极大的力气和不少时间。 But..., when seal long sword, after complete insertion altar, the tremor of land not only stops, that full is the altar of fissure is also restores such as beginning. 但…当封印长剑,全部插入祭坛之后,大地的颤动不仅停止,那满是裂痕的祭坛也是恢复如初。 ......” “呼……” Close call.” “好险。” Sees this situation, Chu Feng was also long relaxes, sits down exhausted in the altar peak. 见此情形,楚枫也是长松了一口气,瘫坐在了祭坛顶端。 Just scene really bad risk, if cannot promptly the seal long sword insertion altar, if made inside ominous beast come out, that Chu Feng thought that he must die with Fuxing. 刚刚的景象着实凶险,若是不能及时将封印长剑插入祭坛,若是让里面的凶兽出来,那楚枫觉得他和复星也都要死。 Chu Feng, you... are you Jie Ranqing senior descendants?” 楚枫,你…你难道是界染清前辈后人?” But in the meantime, the sound resounds from Chu Feng together behind. 而就在此时,一道声音自楚枫身后响起。 Chu Feng immediately one startled, turn head waits and sees, Fuxing stands in unexpectedly behind, because Chu Feng previously concentrated on inserting the seal long sword, completely has not noticed arriving of Fuxing unexpectedly. 楚枫顿时一惊,回头观望,复星竟就站在身后,因为楚枫先前专注于插入封印长剑,竟全然没注意到复星的来到。 And at this time, the Fuxing vision closely is staring at the Chu Feng left hand. 并且此时,复星目光正紧紧的盯着楚枫左手。 Because of the Chu Feng left hand, is grasping that purple demon dagger. 因为楚枫左手,正握着那把紫魔匕首。 Knowledgeable, has heard, this purple demon dagger besides Jie Ranqing, then only has the Jie Ranqing parents to use with its descendants. 有见识的,都听闻过,这紫魔匕首除了界染清之外,便只有界染清父母与其后人可以使用。 Obviously, Chu Feng is the Jie Ranqing descendants matter, could not have concealed the truth. 显然,楚枫界染清后人的事情,已经瞒不住了。 However discovered after newcomer is Fuxing, Chu Feng is not only unhurried, instead relaxes. 不过发现来者是复星之后,楚枫不仅不慌了,反而是松了一口气。 immediately cracks into a smile: Then averaged, I have the secret, needed you to come conservatively.” 旋即咧嘴一笑:“这下扯平了,我也有秘密,需要你来保守了。”
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