MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5654: Method withstanding the test

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In fact, Chu Feng looks at the present great sword, likes. 实际上,就连楚枫看着眼前的巨剑,也是十分喜欢。 Has drooled this sword, now this sword in the hand, personally experiences the strength that it gave, Chu Feng is really unable to put down, wishes one could to possess. 早就垂涎此剑,如今此剑在手,亲身感受到它赋予的力量,楚枫真是爱不释手,恨不得占为己有。 Good sword.” “好剑。” Chu Feng both hands grip this sword, goes to that fast, drags the line, sparks flying in all directions. 楚枫双手握住此剑,快速向那位而去,一路拖行,火花四溅。 That makes me have a look, your skill.” “那就让我看看,你的本事。” Chu Feng that the surface attacks, that unexpectedly also seems somewhat excited, grasps the broadsword, is the front surface attacks. 面对攻来的楚枫,那位竟也显得有些兴奋,手持大刀,也是迎面攻来。 In an instant, the ripples wreak havoc, formation flutters about, Chu Feng has fought with that in one. 转眼间,涟漪肆虐,结界纷飞,楚枫已与那位战在了一处。 That, when with previously faced Fuxing, the strength is obviously stronger. 只是那位,在与先前面对复星的时候,战力明显更强。 Looked coming out, he was earnest. 看的出来,他认真了。 In this case, even if Chu Feng took Celestial Master god pill, and hand grasps the so fierce big sword, the assistance formation technique in addition of Fuxing holds. 这种情况下,哪怕楚枫服用了天师神丹,且手握如此厉害的大剑,身后还有复星的辅助阵法加持。 Also fell unexpectedly leeward. 竟也是落入了下风。 But, although the strength fell leeward, but Chu Feng actually relies on the fight experience, and exquisite swordsmanship, can pester with the opposite party as before. 但,战力虽落入了下风,可楚枫却凭借战斗经验,以及精妙剑法,依旧能与对方纠缠。 Your this young man, does the small age, have such fight skill unexpectedly?” “你这后生,小小年纪,竟有如此战斗技巧?” Pitifully, really pitifully, if your strength is stronger, perhaps I am unable to win you.” “可惜,实在可惜,若是你战力再强一些,也许我无法胜你。” That one battles, opens the mouth to sigh. 那位一番交战下来,开口叹道。 senior, your saying said unavoidably was somewhat extremely arrogant.” 前辈,您这话说的不免有些狂妄了吧。” Although junior is unable to win you, but you are unable to win me, why otherwise... doesn't defeat junior directly?” Chu Feng said. “虽说晚辈无法胜你,但你也无法胜我啊,不然…为何不直接将晚辈击败?”楚枫说道。 Right?” “是吗?” I must win you, was too simple.” “我要胜你,太简单了。” That light smiles, the strength of immediately teleportation appears, the next quarter then arrived at side Fuxing, and broadsword in hand, directly soars Fuxing to divide to cut to go. 那位淡淡一笑,旋即传送之力浮现,下一刻便来到了复星身旁,且手中的大刀,直奔复星劈砍而去。 Old trick heavy!!! 故技重施!!! Under has no alternative to Chu Feng, then attacked to Fuxing. 在对楚枫无可奈何之下,便攻向了复星。 To shut off the Chu Feng enhancement strength the source. 想切断楚枫增强战力的源头。 But who once thinks, facing broadsword that this front surface chops, Fuxing has not only flinched, instead loudly shouts, the assistance formation technique strength before its rises sharply unexpectedly suddenly. 可谁曾想,面对这位迎面劈来的大刀,复星不仅没有退缩,反而大喝一声,其身前的辅助阵法力量竟忽然大涨。 Facing such Fuxing, that is also somewhat puzzled. 面对这样的复星,那位也是有些不解。 In his opinion, even if Fuxing is inferior to Chu Feng, but is still talent, not possible not to have discovered that he attacks this to strike is right. 在他看来,就算复星不如楚枫,但也是天才之列,不可能没有发现他攻来这一击才对。 But... not possible not to have discovered. 可…既不可能没有发现。 Why doesn't that hide? 那又为何不躲? In that is puzzled, sees only its right arm stabbing pain, the right arm that grasps the broadsword, cut off unexpectedly. 就在那位不解之际,只见其右臂一阵刺痛,那手握大刀的右臂,竟被斩断开来。 Then looks, is Chu Feng, when does not know, grasps Chu Feng of black big sword, appeared in him behind. 回头一看,是楚枫,不知何时,手持黑色大剑的楚枫,出现在了他的身后。 When he sees Chu Feng at that moment, the black big sword in Chu Feng hand, is punctures again to him, passes through his chest, his nail ruthlessly on the ground. 而当他看到楚枫那一刻,楚枫手中的黑色大剑,已是再度向他刺来,贯穿他的胸膛,将他狠狠的钉在了地上。 But in fact, this strikes, Chu Feng can lose his life. 但实际上,这一击,楚枫是可以夺他性命的。 Then Chu Feng has not done this, but overpowered him. 即可楚枫没有这样做,只是制服了他。 senior, sorry, I must win, can only offend.” 前辈,抱歉,我必须要赢,只能得罪了。” After that defeats, Chu Feng wear a look of apology. 将那位击败后,楚枫面带歉意。 Hahaha......” may that is not only not mad, instead laughs loudly. 哈哈哈哈……”可那位不仅不气,反而放声大笑起来。 so that's how it is, so that's how it is.” 原来如此,原来如此啊。” You previously hid the strength intentionally, this little girl has not displayed to assist the formation technique complete strength intentionally.” “你先前故意隐藏战力,这个小丫头也故意没有施展辅助阵法的全部力量。” Is makes me treat it lightly, waits for this opportunity?” “就是让我掉以轻心,等这个机会吧?” Young man, your moves are cloudy enough, do you use frequently?” That asked. “后生,你们这招够阴的,你们是不是经常用?”那位问道。 senior , there is nothing to do with me, is he teaches me.” 前辈,与我无关,是他教我的。” His in secret sound transmission in me, making me probably stimulate to movement to assist the formation technique complete strength not, when his news displays again full power.” Fuxing said. “他暗中传音于我,让我莫要催动出辅助阵法的全部力量,等他消息再全力施展。”复星说道。 Naturally, she does not fling the pot, but cracks a joke. 当然,她可不是甩锅,而是开玩笑。 Because she also gradually realizes, this has the surface to look at the extremely arrogant unfeeling, in fact pities person. 因为她也逐渐认识到,这位存在表面看着狂妄绝情,实际上乃是惜才之人。 senior, this not strange duplicate/restores miss, indeed is my idea.” 前辈,这不怪复姑娘,的确是我的主意。” Does not have the means that the senior strength is too strong, we do not dare to be negligent, can only offer this bad plan.” “没办法啊,前辈实力太强,我们不敢大意,只能出此下策了。” Right that but you said that this move of I indeed use frequently, and withstands the test.” Chu Feng hehe said with a smile. “但你说的对,这一招我的确经常用,并且百试不爽。”楚枫嘿嘿笑道。 First shows weakness, then when the opposite party general idea/careless, attacks suddenly full power. 先示弱,再在对方大意之时,突然全力出击。 This move, Chu Feng's uses firmly frequently, and what is really very easy-to-use. 这一招,楚枫的确经常用,并且也的确是非常好用。 Your this young man performing skill is too mainly good, I also think that you have really displayed the full power, has not thought that you have also retained.” “主要你这后生演技太好,我还以为你真的已经施展了全力,不曾想你还有所保留。” „, Here fruit, you have the qualifications to take.” “罢了,这里的果子,你们有资格拿。” That whole body formation power appears suddenly, the next quarter is separated from the Chu Feng's big sword, and arm that cut off by Chu Feng also restores. 那位忽然周身结界之力浮现,下一刻便脱离楚枫的大剑,且被楚枫斩断的手臂也是恢复。 But regarding this, Chu Feng and Fuxing are not accidental/surprised. 但对此,楚枫与复星都不意外。 They had long realized that strength possibly is not only Emperor Dragon God-cloak. 他们早就意识到,那位的实力不可能只是皇龙神袍 He aims at the strength of Chu Feng and Fuxing, suppresses cultivation realm realm to Emperor Dragon God-cloak intentionally. 他只是针对楚枫与复星的实力,故意将修为境界压制到皇龙神袍而已。 Why this is also, directly reason that Chu Feng has not lost its life. 这也是为何,楚枫没有直接夺其性命的原因。 If so, not only could not kill the opposite party, instead will make the bad impression on the opposite party. 若真是那样,不仅杀不了对方,反而会给对方留下坏印象。 At this time, that is searching the hand to grasp to behind trees, two black fruits, fell into his hand. 此时,那位对着身后的树木探手一抓,两颗黑色的果子,落入了其手中。 These two fruits, were your.” “这两颗果子,是你们的了。” But edible, but if wants to be clear.” “但要不要食用,可要想清楚。” In that words has the words!!! 那位话里有话!!! The Fuxing brow slightly wrinkle, sizes up that fruit earnestly, thought that the matter is not simple. 复星眉头微皱,认真打量那果子,觉得事情并不简单。 Suddenly, a that finger ball, before two fruits are flutter Chu Feng and Fuxing body . 突然,那位手指一弹,两颗果子已是飘到了楚枫与复星身前。 senior, should this fruit not have the poison?” Chu Feng asked. 前辈,这果子应该没毒吧?”楚枫问。 Fruit does not have the poison.” That said. “果子没毒。”那位道。 That is then good.” Chu Feng has grasped the fruit directly, then swallows down. “那便好。”楚枫直接抓过果子,一口便吞了下去。 Chu Feng, you?” 楚枫,你?” Sees that some Fuxing worries. 见状,复星有些担心。 Her complexion hesitates, after all that just words, had been suggesting the fruit cannot easily take. 她脸色十分犹豫,毕竟那位刚刚的话语,已经暗示着果子不能轻易服用。 „.” “罢了。” But quick, she made the decision , before is grasps passes away the fruit, starts to eat fast. 可很快,她做出了决定,也是抓过身前的果子,开始快速食用。 She cannot guess correctly the issue , choice and Chu Feng altogether onset and retreat. 她猜不到问题所在的时候,选择与楚枫共进退。 The fruit enters the body, the body of Chu Feng and Fuxing, presented the black mark. 果子入体,楚枫与复星的身上,都是出现了黑色印记。 Not only but the Spirit power big enhancement, two people of perceptions also obtained the enormous promotion. 但不仅精神力大大增强,二人的悟性也是得到了极大的提升。 In this case, two people are to naturally be unwilling to neglect, simultaneously sits cross-legged to sit down, closing one's eyes pupil, attentive sensibility. 这种情况下,二人自然是不甘怠慢,同时盘膝坐下,闭上眼眸,用心的感悟。 Wants in the time of perception improvement, as far as possible obtains some returns. 想要在悟性提升的时间内,尽可能的获得一些收益 Even cannot break through realm, but is still best to comprehend breaks through the turning point. 就算不能突破境界,但也最好领悟更多突破契机。 Finally, that perception diverges, Fuxing opened a pupil. 终于,那悟性散去,复星睁开了眼眸。 But Chu Feng not, but as before closing one's eyes pupil. 楚枫并没有,而是依旧闭着眼眸。 This makes Fuxing beautiful eyes wink, was some surprise. 这让复星美眸眨动,也是有些诧异了。 Chu Feng first eats obviously, properly speaking should also be the perception that Chu Feng strengthens, first dissipates is right. 明明楚枫先食用的,按理来说也应该是楚枫增强的悟性,先消散才对啊。 How she got up, Chu Feng also in cultivation? 怎么她都起来了,楚枫还在修炼
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