MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5653: senior, do not regret

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Damn.” “该死。” Although the Fuxing strength rises sharply, but the Teleportation Formation law of that fellow is too quick, although she goes all out to pursue, but always late one step. 尽管复星战力大涨,可那家伙的传送阵法太快,尽管她卖力追赶,但总是晚了一步。 „Southwest corner goes.” “去西南角。” Until, Chu Feng's sound transmission resounds in secret, she also understands Chu Feng's meaning, therefore rushes to defer to Chu Feng's to prompt, transfers the figure, arrives at the position. 直到,楚枫的暗中传音响起,她也是明白楚枫的意思,于是赶忙按照楚枫的提示,调转身形,到达位置。 Really, the next quarter, Chu Feng appeared in him behind. 果然,下一刻,楚枫出现在了他的身后。 That fellow also arrives at the position that Chu Feng was. 紧接着,那个家伙也是来到了楚枫所在的位置。 Sees that a Fuxing sword then punctured, but that actually lifts conveniently, then kept off the offensive of Fuxing with the broadsword. 见状,复星一剑便刺了过去,但那位却是随手一抬,便用大刀挡下了复星的攻势。 A immediately figure revolution, wields to Chu Feng unexpectedly again cuts to go. 旋即身形一转,竟再度向楚枫挥砍而去。 Your what meaning?” Sees that Fuxing got angry, pursues to go tightly. “你什么意思?”见状,复星怒了,紧追而去。 That laughs fiercely, this said: He uses formation technique to enhance your strength, I then cope with him, so long as beats him, you also collapse of itself.” 那位狰狞大笑,这才说道:“他用阵法提升你战力,那我便对付他,只要击败他,你也是不攻自破。” Duplicate miss, this is not good, he was too quick, if you cannot help me keep off the offensive, I do not have the means to stimulate to movement to assist formation technique to help you full power.” “复姑娘,这样不行,他太快了,你若不能帮我挡下攻势,我也没办法全力催动辅助阵法来助你。” I can only escape with single-hearted devotion.” “我只能专心逃脱了。” What Chu Feng said is the fact, after the first failure, Chu Feng has been ahead of time in within the body, the arrange/cloth next many Teleportation Formation methods, protects formation technique. 楚枫说的是事实,经过第一次失败之后,楚枫就已经提前在体内,布下多个传送阵法,还有守护阵法 But after stepping into the main hall, formation technique that he arranges ahead of time becomes completely useless. 可是踏入大殿之后,他提前布置的阵法全部失效。 This makes him understand, ahead of time the set up formation, cannot only again the set up formation in the main hall. 这让他明白,提前布阵是不可以的,只能在大殿之内重新布阵。 Chu Feng can actually the set up formation, but he stimulates to movement assists formation technique at the same time, makes him arrange the Teleportation Formation method again, escaping, he cannot endure. 楚枫倒是可以布阵,但是他催动辅助阵法的同时,再让他一直布置传送阵法,不停的逃脱,他也是吃不消。 Chu Feng you first protect oneself, he copes with by me.” Fuxing also gave the response. 楚枫你先自保,他由我来对付。”复星也是给出了回应。 Sees Fuxing to agree, Chu Feng then stops stimulating to movement to assist formation technique, dedicated escaping. 见复星同意,楚枫这才停止催动辅助阵法,专注的逃脱。 But Fuxing, has been chasing that fellow. 而复星,也是一直追赶着那个家伙。 Even if there is this sword in the hand, but the Celestial Master god pill's drug efficacy is still limited , to continue to tow, is disadvantageous to them. 就算有此剑在手,可天师神丹的药效也是有限的,继续拖下去,对她们不利。 She must solve the opponent to be good as soon as possible. 她必须尽快解决对手才行。 Caught you.” “抓到你了。” Finally, that speed slowed down, Fuxing arrived at the attack range, but also thinks oneself can go well. 终于,那位的速度变慢了,复星到达了攻击范围,还以为自己能够得手。 Hey......” “嘿……” But who once thinks that turns head suddenly, later searches the hand to grasp, its speed is raised unexpectedly suddenly, pressed firmly between the fingers the neck of Fuxing directly. 可谁曾想,那位猛然回头,随后探手一抓,其速度竟忽然提升,直接捏住了复星的脖子。 Bang- 轰- Sees only his arm to fling, then Fuxing according to the ground, a foot stepped Fuxing to shake the hand of sword simultaneously, the broadsword in hand also withstand/top in the abdomen of Fuxing. 只见其手臂一甩,便将复星按在地上,同时一只脚踩住了复星握剑的手,手中的大刀也是顶在了复星的腹部。 After overpowering Fuxing, that direct raise one's head, looks to the distant place, panting Chu Feng. 制服复星之后,那位直接抬头,看向远处,也已气喘吁吁的楚枫 Admits defeat, otherwise butchered her.” “认输吧,不然宰了她。” Good all various professions, I admit defeat, do not injure him.” Chu Feng lets go to say. “行行行,我认输,别伤他。”楚枫摊手道。 Sees that the fellow not only lets loose Fuxing, stands up. 见状,那家伙不仅放开复星,更是站起身来。 Scoundrel!!!” But Fuxing of difficulty-relief is angry, refused to accept she sets out then to attack to the near fellow. “混账!!!”而脱困的复星则是大怒,不服的她起身便攻向近前的家伙。 But the long sword just approached that strength of the teleportation then covers her whole body. 可长剑刚刚靠近那位,一股传送之力便覆盖她全身。 The next quarter, had arrived at outside the main hall with Chu Feng together. 下一刻,已是与楚枫一同来到了大殿之外。 The strength of this teleportation, is not that method, but is the strength of main hall. 传送之力,不是那位的手段,而是大殿的力量。 Obviously, the strength of main hall has determined them to be defeated. 很显然,大殿的力量已经判定他们失败了。 Young man, you have the last time opportunity.” “后生,你们还有最后一次机会。” If defeats again, will not step into the qualifications of this palace again.” “若是再败,将再无踏入此殿的资格。” Thinks carefully how should defeat me, without the method, might as well give up directly.” “仔细想想,该如何战胜我吧,若没有手段,不如直接放弃。” That this words saying, then sets up the broadsword again before the body, closing one's eyes pupil. 那位此话说完,便再度将大刀立在身前,闭上眼眸。 That self-confident appearance, recognized just like him from the beginning, the Chu Feng two people are not his opponent. 那自信的模样,宛如从一开始他就认定,楚枫二人不是他的对手。 Duplicate miss......” “复姑娘……” Chu Feng just wants to say anything, the Fuxing actually big sleeve wields , a Celestial Master god pill, threw to Chu Feng. 楚枫刚想说什么,复星却大袖一挥,又将一颗天师神丹,丢向了楚枫 Meanwhile, she takes out a Celestial Master god pill, throws into the mouth, immediately then directly walks toward the main hall. 同时,她又取出一颗天师神丹,丢入自己口中,旋即便径直的向大殿走去。 Duplicate miss, must impulse not.” Sees that Chu Feng then wants to stop. “复姑娘,莫要冲动。”见状,楚枫便想阻拦。 He knows that Fuxing is angry very much, after all just the method of opposite party had insulting. 他知道复星很生气,毕竟刚刚对方的手段太具侮辱性了。 But Chu Feng one step, Fuxing is steps into the main hall late. 楚枫还是晚了一步,复星已是踏入大殿之内。 At this time, that opened a pupil. 此时,那位睁开了眼眸。 Sees Fuxing to step into the main hall, the vision is somewhat disappointed, the corners of the mouth raise wipe, helpless actually contemptuous smile: 看到复星踏入大殿,目光有些失望,嘴角则扬起一抹无奈却又轻蔑的笑容: Young man, is so swayed by personal feelings, you then do not match to come here.” “后生,如此意气用事,你们便不配走到这里。” Right?” The revival smiles lightly, the immediately big sleeve wields, in the long sword the hand threw to Chu Feng. “是吗?”复兴淡淡一笑,旋即大袖一挥,将手中长剑丢向了楚枫 This sword falls into the Chu Feng hand, then from the rosy magnificent long sword, changed to four chi (0.33 m) black iron sheet again. 此剑落入楚枫手中,便从玫瑰色的华丽长剑,再度化作了四尺长的黑色铁片。 But when Chu Feng raise one's head, before discovering the Fuxing body, ray hold, was Fuxing arranges one to assist formation technique greatly. 楚枫抬头之时,发现复星身前,光芒大盛,是复星布置出了一座辅助阵法 Duplicate miss, are you?” Chu Feng is somewhat surprised. “复姑娘,你这是?”楚枫有些意外。 Rubbish, I know that you can use this sword.” “别废话,我知道你能使用此剑。” With this sword, helping me teach this extremely arrogant fellow ruthlessly.” “用这把剑,帮我狠狠的教训这个狂妄的家伙。” Fuxing speech time clenches jaws, looked comes out she to be really angry very much. 复星说话的时候咬牙切齿,看的出来她是真的很生气。 Oh?” “喔?” Originally returns the main force?” “原来是还主力吗?” Some of my actually anticipations.” “那我倒是有些期待了。” Is seeing with own eyes Fuxing, prepares to assist Chu Feng, the fellow disappointed vision has relaxed. 眼见着复星,准备辅助楚枫,那家伙失望的目光有所缓和。 Obviously he also realized, Chu Feng and Fuxing, Chu Feng is more influential. 显然他也意识到,楚枫与复星,楚枫更具实力。 „Does senior, really anticipate?” 前辈,真的期待吗?” Do not regret.” “那你可别后悔啊。” Chu Feng shows a faint smile, while taking Celestial Master god pill, is steps into the main hall, formation power floods into that long sword. 楚枫微微一笑,在服用天师神丹的同时,也是踏入大殿之内,紧接着结界之力涌入那长剑之中。 In an instant, the world shakes, this indestructible main hall had the response. 刹那间,天地震荡,就连这坚不可摧的大殿都有了反应。 Four chi (0.33 m) black iron, changed to a ten-meter great sword. 原本四尺长的黑铁,化作一把长达十米的巨剑。 It as before is the black, but actually raised black flame, that Black Flame such as the hurricane twines its surroundings generally, making it seem like more aggressive and terrifying. 它依旧是黑色,但却升起了黑色气焰,那黒焰如飓风一般缠绕它的周围,使其看上去更加霸气且恐怖。 And that black flame, not only above the winding black big sword, also appears on Chu Feng's unexpectedly. 并且那黑色气焰,不仅缠绕黑色大剑之上,竟在楚枫的身上也同样出现。 Sees this, Fuxing immediately the look big change. 见到这一幕,复星顿时神色大变。 „Does he... with this sword, melt unexpectedly perfectly?” “他…竟与此剑,完美相融?” In the palace that exists, voices the opinions: 就连殿内那位存在,也是发出感叹: It seems like, must become finally interesting.” “看来,终于要变得有趣了。”
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