MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5652: He escapes, he pursues, she also pursues

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Reveals this sword, Fuxing does not have to instill into formation power anxiously, but raised the sword to arrive at the one side. 亮出此剑,复星却没急着灌输结界之力,而是提剑走到了一旁。 Chu Feng realized, Fuxing possibly had the words to say, therefore also with the past. 楚枫意识到,复星可能有话想说,于是也是跟了过去。 Chu Feng, are you a good person?” Fuxing asked. 楚枫,你是好人吧?”复星问。 This issue... does not have the means to reply you, possibly in some people eyes I am a good person, but in many eyes I am an evil person.” smiles that Chu Feng self-ridicules. “这个问题…没办法回答你,可能有些人眼中我是好人,但很多人眼中我是恶人。”楚枫自嘲的笑了笑 „Can I trust you?” Fuxing also asked. “那我能信得过你吗?”复星又问。 Chu Feng makes the thinking slightly, said: Ok.” 楚枫稍作思索,道:“可以。” You must help me keep this secret.” “那你一定要帮我保守这个秘密。” If passes on, I will draw on the fatal disaster.” Fuxing this words saying, gave Chu Feng scroll. “若是传出去,我会招来杀身之祸。”复星此话说完,将一个卷轴递给了楚枫 Chu Feng opens scroll, this is special cultivation technique that World Spiritist uses. 楚枫打开卷轴,这是一个界灵师所使用的特殊功法 This cultivation technique name, is called the combat capability improvement secret art. 功法的名字,叫做战力提升诀。 Name simple, but also said that function of this cultivation technique. 名字简单的很,但却也道出了,这功法的作用。 But after seeing this cultivation technique source, Chu Feng knows why Fuxing so kept secret. 而看到这功法的出处之后,楚枫知道为何复星如此保密了。 The combat capability improvement secret art, is the Celestial Master God Sect founder creates, must take Celestial Master God Sect secret system elixir, Celestial Master god pill, may enhance the strength. 战力提升诀,乃天师神宗开山祖师所创,需服用天师神宗秘制丹药,天师神丹,才可提升战力。 „Are you Celestial Master God Sect person?” “你是天师神宗的人?” Chu Feng looks to Fuxing, although here does not have outsider, but to the sound transmission way inquire in secret. 楚枫看向复星,尽管此处没有外人,可还是以暗中传音的方式询问。 Yes, I am Celestial Master God Sect sucessor.” “是,我乃天师神宗传人。” You know Celestial Master God Sect, that should be clear, if my status were known by the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, can be what fate.” Fuxing said. “你既知道天师神宗,那就应该清楚,我的身份若被七界圣府的人知晓,会是什么下场。”复星说道。 Relax, I will keep secret for you.” Chu Feng said. “放心,我会为你保密。”楚枫道。 This law secret art, you grasp should not be difficult.” Fuxing asked. “这法诀,你掌握应该不难。”复星问。 Can display directly.” Chu Feng said. “可以直接施展。”楚枫道。 Sees that Fuxing stretches out the palm, inside is yellow elixir, looks averagely not wonderful. 见状,复星伸出手掌,里面是一颗黄色丹药,看着平平无奇。 This is Celestial Master god pill, only then I open a founder to refine, with one few one.” “此乃天师神丹,只有我开宗祖师可以炼制,用一颗少一颗。” But this pill, coordinates my Celestial Master God Sect combat capability improvement secret art, can let the formation strength large scale promotion, and does not have the side effect.” “但此丹,配合我天师神宗的战力提升诀,便可让结界战力大幅度提升,并且没有副作用。” Chu Feng received elixir, elixir starts as before ordinary, may use Spirit power to induce, can discover that this elixir is not very simple. 楚枫接过丹药,丹药入手依旧普通,可动用精神力感应,便可发现这丹药很不简单。 Is far from forbidden medicine may compare!!! 远非禁药可比!!! Really good thing.” Chu Feng sighed. “果然好东西。”楚枫叹道。 But Fuxing, then gave Chu Feng scroll. 而复星,则又将一个卷轴递给了楚枫 Chu Feng opens scroll, is special assistance formation technique, is used to strengthen the Fuxing strength. 楚枫打开卷轴,乃是一道特殊的辅助阵法,用来增强复星战力的。 Fuxing, wants to make Chu Feng assist her. 复星,是想让楚枫来辅助她。 Put in great inconvenience to you.” “委屈你了。” But our opponents are the same people, defeating it is most important.” Fuxing said. “但我们的对手是同一人,战胜它才是最重要的。”复星说道。 This but actually unobstructive, so long as can divide to the fruit on the line.” “这倒无碍,只要能分到果子就行。” During the Chu Feng speeches, merges two scroll, immediately gave Fuxing. 楚枫说话间,将两个卷轴合并,旋即递给了复星。 „Do you... no longer have a look?” Fuxing asked. “你…不再看看?”复星问。 Chu Feng smiles lightly, immediately pinches the law secret art to start the set up formation, quick boundless formation technique appears. 楚枫淡淡一笑,旋即捏动法诀开始布阵,很快一座磅礴的阵法浮现而出。 That precisely Fuxing, wants to let assistance formation technique of Chu Feng learned. 正是复星,想让楚枫学会的辅助阵法 „Before fortunately my teacher, has not discovered you, otherwise... will not receive me for the disciple.” Fuxing sighed. “还好我师尊之前没有发现你,不然…也不会收我为徒了。”复星叹道。 Afterward, Fuxing takes out a Celestial Master god pill, loses in entrance directly. 随后,复星又取出一颗天师神丹,直接丢入口中。 Pinches the law secret art, her formation strength, visible start growth. 捏动法诀,她的结界战力,肉眼可见的开始增长。 Meanwhile, her formation power release, wells up to start that the four-foot black iron sword. 与此同时,她的结界之力释放而出,涌入手中那把长四尺的黑铁剑中。 That black iron sword started to change, turned into a sharp red long sword, but was not blood red, but was the rose pink color. 那黑铁剑开始变化,变成了一把锋利的红色长剑,但不是血红,而是玫瑰红。 Not only sharp, but also is very magnificent. 不仅锋利,还很华丽。 Without a doubt, the long sword after change is no longer ordinary, instead dazzlingly, strengthened the strength of Fuxing enormously. 毋庸置疑,变化后的长剑不再平凡,反而非常耀眼,极大的增强了复星的战力。 Sees that Chu Feng also throws in Celestial Master god pill entrance, immediately pinches the law secret art, own formation strength was also promoted. 见状,楚枫也是将天师神丹丢入口中,旋即捏动法诀,自己的结界战力也是得到了提升。 After the promotion, Chu Feng takes the lead to step into the main hall, and immediately starts to arrange to assist formation technique. 提升之后,楚枫率先踏入大殿之内,且立刻开始布置辅助阵法 But at this time, in main hall that is also the opening eyes pupil, with standing up in Chu Feng nearby broadsword. 而此时,大殿之内那位,也是睁开眼眸,拿起立在楚枫旁边的大刀。 A blade wields to cut conveniently, boundless formation power, by the huge crescent moon shape, wields to cut to Chu Feng. 随手一刀挥砍而出,磅礴的结界之力,以巨大的月牙状,向楚枫挥砍而来。 Bang- 轰- But that formation power, has not approached Chu Feng, then scatters in all directions immediately. 可那结界之力,还未靠近楚枫,便立刻四散开来。 Sword Qi grazes together, the precisely Fuxing grasps the long sword, steps into the main hall, blocked before the Chu Feng body. 是一道剑气飞掠而出,正是复星手持长剑,踏入大殿之内,拦在了楚枫身前。 Seeing that Chu Feng also stimulates to movement formation technique, sees only assists in formation technique, the light beam raises together, later is connected with Fuxing. 见状,楚枫也是催动阵法,只见辅助阵法内,一道光柱升起,随后与复星相连。 The Fuxing whole body ray shines, the strength has been strengthened again. 复星周身光芒普照,战力再度得到增强。 This time Fuxing, directly soars that to attack without delay. 此时的复星,二话不说直奔那位攻去。 That front surface accepts a challenge, fought with Fuxing in one. 那位迎面应战,与复星战在了一处。 Had this sword and Chu Feng assists the formation technique in addition to hold, is joined to the Celestial Master god pill's strength again, the strength of Fuxing had the enormous enhancement. 有了此剑与楚枫辅助阵法的加持,再配上天师神丹的力量,复星的战力有了极大的增强。 Invincible existence, Fuxing has previously been able to fight at this moment. 先前不可战胜的存在,复星此刻已是能够一战。 Attacks one auxiliary?” “一攻一辅?” so that's how it is.” 原来如此。” But this law, extremely good broken.” “但此法,极为好破。” But that cold smiles, the strength of next quarter teleportation appears, he disappears in corpulently same place, when he appears again, before is grasps the broadsword to arrive at the Chu Feng's body . 可那位冷然一笑,下一刻传送之力浮现,他便便消失在原地,当他再度出现之时,已是手持大刀来到了楚枫的身前。 He gives up unexpectedly with Fuxing to the war, then attacks to Chu Feng. 他竟放弃与复星对战,转而攻向楚枫 May facing that offensive, Chu Feng show a faint smile, an under foot step revolution, the strength of teleportation covered the whole body together, Chu Feng also vanishes in this place. 可面对那位的攻势,楚枫则是微微一笑,脚下步伐一转,一道传送之力覆盖全身,楚枫也是消失在了此地。 When appears again, is the corner of main hall. 再度出现时,已是大殿的角落。 Stimulation of movement so formation technique at the same time, was also arranging the Teleportation Formation method unexpectedly in secret?” “催动如此阵法的同时,竟也在暗中布置了传送阵法?” You have the skill actually.” “你倒是有本事。” But... you can quick I?” “但…你能快的过我吗?” How that saw through Chu Feng to escape, although there is an accident/surprise, but were not many. 那位看穿了楚枫是如何逃脱的,虽有意外,但却也不多。 Sees only the strength of its whole body teleportation to reappear, when appears again, arrived at side Chu Feng. 只见其周身传送之力浮现,再度出现之时,又来到了楚枫身旁。 But some Chu Feng early expectations, almost while the opposite party vanishes, oneself also stimulate to movement the Teleportation Formation method, oneself teleportation to another end of main hall. 楚枫早有预料,几乎在对方消失的同时,自己也催动传送阵法,将自己传送到了大殿的另外一端。 Escapes anything, comes to fight with me.” “逃什么,来与我一战。” At this time, Fuxing also grasps the long sword, is tracing that fellow, but that fellow, basic, no matter Fuxing, pursues Chu Feng again. 此时,复星也是手持长剑,在追踪那个家伙,可那个家伙,根本不管复星,再度追赶楚枫而来。 He escapes, he pursues, she also pursues. 他逃,他追,她也追。 Then, three people of wars, formed the unusual chase scene. 就这样,三人的大战,形成了奇特的追赶场面。
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