MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5651: Hope of overturn

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I just determined that method contains these, but I have not grasped the complete content comprehension.” “我刚刚只是确定,那门的方法蕴藏在这其中,但我并没有把握将全部内容领悟。” Like this, we divide the work, you... comprehend this half, I comprehend this half.” “这样,咱们分工一下,你…领悟这一半,我来领悟这一半。” During the Chu Feng speeches, sets aside the region that each one must comprehend with the finger. 楚枫说话间,用手指划分出了各自需领悟的区域。 Also because, in the hand has 13 fruits, the perception enhancement time is also longer, therefore Chu Feng gives the region that oneself divide is also more. 并且因为自己,手中有十三颗果子,悟性增强时间也更长,所以楚枫给自己划分的区域也更多。 Good.” Fuxing should also under. “好。”复星也是应下。 Afterward, two people in one vigorous effort, swallow the fruit completely under. 随后,二人一鼓作气,将果子全部吞服而下。 The mark is also strengthened. 印记也是随之增强。 But two people of bases cannot attend to these, because this is their last chances, they must in the time of perception improvement, comprehend the content on main hall wall completely. 但二人根本顾不得这些,因为这是他们最后的机会,他们必须在悟性提升的时间内,将大殿墙壁上的内容全部领悟。 Otherwise, can only leave, is unable to spy on this Nine Heavens secret true secret. 否则,就只能就此离开,无法窥探这九天秘地真正的秘密。 The time passes to fly, but well in Chu Feng, smooth the responsible region will comprehend completely. 时间流逝极快,但好在楚枫,还是顺利的将自己负责的区域全部领悟。 When and his opening eyes pupil, a perception lifting time shorter Fuxing, is looking at itself. 且当他睁开眼眸之时,悟性提升时间更短的复星,正看着自己。 Seeing Fuxing is a serious person, but the corners of the mouth are also brimming with not the curve that is easy to detect at this time. 看到复星是个严肃的人,可此时嘴角也洋溢着不易察觉的弧度。 Sees her so, Chu Feng then knew result. 看到她如此,楚枫便知道了结果 It seems like.” Chu Feng said. “看来成了。”楚枫道。 You?” Fuxing asked. “你呢?”复星问。 Chu Feng rubbish, the big sleeve wields, the boundless formation power release, outlined a complex formation technique chart. 楚枫也不废话,大袖一挥,磅礴的结界之力释放而出,勾勒出一副复杂的阵法图。 Sees that Fuxing also releases formation power, arranges a formation technique chart. 见状,复星也是同样释放结界之力,布置出一座阵法图。 Two's formation technique chart can melt, superimposes a complete formation technique chart. 二者的阵法图可以相融,叠加成一个完整的阵法图。 But the content of this formation technique chart, precisely is used to open another gate. 而这个阵法图的内容,正是用来开启另外一道门的。 Chu Feng and Fuxing unite the set up formation, then arranges formation technique quickly. 楚枫与复星联合布阵,很快便布置出一座阵法 formation technique completes that moment. 阵法完成那一刻。 The entire main hall also shivers!!! 整座大殿随之颤动!!! Because formation technique in main hall has the response, boundless formation power, from is coming, to collect in formation technique that two people arrange in all directions. 因为大殿内的阵法产生反应,磅礴的结界之力,正自四面八方而来,汇集到二人布置的阵法之中。 Quick, a front door, stood in the midpoint of this main hall. 很快,一座大门,立在了这大殿的正中央。 And after the front door appears, then opens directly slowly. 且大门出现之后,便直接缓缓开启。 Although has not stepped into, but stands the clarity that is also looks in outside. 虽然没有踏入其中,但站在外面也是看的清楚。 The scene in this front door, was still a main hall, the main hall center also had a giant flower-bed. 这大门内的景象,仍是一座大殿,大殿中心也有一个巨大的花坛。 And besides the stone carving design of main hall wall different, surface area, is the scene arrangement, is exactly the same as the main hall that the Chu Feng two people of institutes are. 且除了大殿墙壁的石雕图案不同外,无论是面积,还是场景布置,都与楚枫二人所在的大殿一模一样。 After Chu Feng and Fuxing looked at one mutually, then steps into together. 楚枫与复星互相看了一眼后,便一同踏入其中。 After two people step into, that flower-bed the soil surges, the mist and dust rises from all directions immediately. 当二人踏入之后,那花坛顿时土壤翻腾,烟尘四起。 Meanwhile, a lofty tree, rises straight from the ground. 同时,一颗参天大树,拔地而起。 This trees are enormous, highly then ten thousand meters, and what is different from other trees, this trees are not withered. 这颗树木极大,高度便有万米,并且与其它树木不同的是,这颗树木并不是干枯的。 Branches and leaves cover, but the tree body or the leaf are the black, is strange. 枝叶茂密,但无论是树体还是树叶都是黑色,非常诡异。 What is strangest, such jet black lofty tree, unexpectedly also gives out intermittent glimmer. 最诡异的是,这样漆黑的参天大树,竟然还散发着阵阵微光。 The glimmer under the complementing of black trees, seems very bright. 微光在黑色树木的映衬下,就显得非常明亮。 As if indicates, this tree is not simple. 仿佛预示着,此树的不简单。 Because the trees all are the black, Chu Feng and Fuxing, cannot see in the trees, has the black fruit. 但因为树木皆是黑色,楚枫和复星,也根本看不到树木之中,是否有黑色的果子。 Young man, some skills.” “后生,有些本事。” You... only have three opportunities.” “不过你们…只有三次机会。” In the meantime, the immature sound, resounds from the big tree behind together. 就在此时,一道稚嫩的声音,自大树后面响起。 That sound, looks like one about ten -year-old child. 那声音,就像是一个十岁左右的小孩子。 But follows the sound resounds at the same time, the form also walked from the black big tree behind together. 而伴随声音响起的同时,一道身影也是自黑色的大树后面走了出来。 That is together the height two meters human form lifeform. 那是一道身高两米的人形生物。 Reason that said that he is the human form lifeform , because cannot see his face, but the physique is the same. 之所以说他是人形生物,是因为看不到他的脸庞,但是体态却与人一样。 His wear, is very special, is one set of aggressive black armor, but that black armor, is not built by the steel. 他的穿着,也很特别,是一套霸气的黑色铠甲,但那黑色铠甲,不是由钢铁打造而成。 Is more like builds by the bark of that black trees. 更像是由那颗黑色树木的树皮打造而成。 Although cannot see clearly the face, but can see the mouth and eye. 虽看不清脸庞,但可以看到嘴巴和眼睛。 He spoke, there is an sharp fang to reappear, that at all was not the mouth of person. 他说话的时候,有尖锐的獠牙浮现,那根本不是人的嘴巴。 And his eye, is the white, and is sparkling, just like monster beast. 并且他的眼睛,乃是白色,且闪闪发光,宛如妖兽 But what is different from monster beast, monster beast often the murderous intention reveals completely, the beastly nature is hard to endure. 但与妖兽不同的是,妖兽往往杀机毕露,兽性难忍。 But this eye, not only there is ominous, but also has the absolute self-confidence. 可这位的眼睛,不仅有凶性,还有着绝对的自信。 „The first opportunity, starts now.” “第一次机会,现在开始。” That this words saying, suddenly the body trembles, boundless formation power, such as the tide spews out from its within the body generally. 那位此话说完,忽然身躯一颤,紧接着磅礴的结界之力,如潮水一般自其体内喷涌而出。 That formation power really changes to the dreadful monstrous waves, attacks to Chu Feng and Fuxing. 紧接着,那结界之力真的化作滔天巨浪,向楚枫与复星冲击而来。 Emperor Dragon God-cloak, the strength is also Sixth Rank Half God, but his acts, Chu Feng and Fuxing, do not dare to be negligent. 皇龙神袍,战力也是六品半神,但是他这一出手,楚枫与复星,都是不敢大意。 His strength, is far from the beforehand purple ominous beast may compare. 他的战力,远非之前的紫色凶兽可比。 Sees that Chu Feng and Fuxing, rush to arrange together defensive formation jointly, such as the impregnable bastion is ordinary, divides into two this main hall, prevents the offensive of that fellow. 见状,楚枫与复星,赶忙联手布置出一道防御阵法,如铜墙铁壁一般,将这大殿一分为二,来阻挡那家伙的攻势。 Two formation power bump into, Chu Feng and Fuxing, feel the enormous pressure. 两股结界之力相撞,楚枫与复星,都是感受到了极大的压力。 formation power of opposite party was too strong, even if Chu Feng and Fuxing collaborate, must whole-heartedly. 对方的结界之力太强了,哪怕楚枫与复星联手,也必须全力以赴。 Otherwise defense formation that they arrange, will be destroyed by the opposite party momentarily. 否则他们二人布置的防御结界,随时会被对方摧毁。 However, suddenly the Chu Feng look moves, he with astonishment discovered, in him before the Fuxing body, there is a aura of strength of teleportation to reappear. 然而,忽然楚枫神色一动,他惊愕的发现,在他与复星身前,有传送之力的气息浮现。 Although could not see, but Chu Feng felt the change. 虽然看不到,但楚枫还是感受到了变化。 Be careful.” Does not see with own eyes wonderfully, Chu Feng rushes to give up stimulating to movement formation technique, the choice leaves same place. “小心。”眼见不妙,楚枫赶忙放弃催动阵法,选择离开原地。 And flees at the same time, carries off Fuxing together. 且逃离的同时,也是将复星一同带走。 Chu Feng this act, making defensive formation that they arrange jointly disintegrate immediately. 楚枫此举,使得他们联手布置的防御阵法立刻瓦解。 Fuxing is puzzled, somewhat was annoyed. 复星不解,原本还有些恼火。 Until she discovered that black fellow, grasps the formation broadsword unexpectedly, appears position that in she and Chu Feng just, this is suddenly enlighted. 直到她发现,那个黑色的家伙,竟手持结界大刀,出现在她与楚枫刚刚所在的位置之后,这才恍然大悟。 But when Fuxing, discovered that the moment of that fellow, the fellow is actually staring at Fuxing, and ghosts and demons smile. 可当复星,发现那个家伙的一刻,那家伙却正盯着复星,且鬼魅一笑。 - 唰- The next quarter, the fellow then disappears does not see. 下一刻,那家伙便消失不见。 Bang- 轰- Powerful formation power, covered Chu Feng and Fuxing. 紧接着,强大的结界之力,覆盖住了楚枫与复星。 Is that fellow, appeared in them behind, and formation power direct hit two people. 是那个家伙,出现在了他们的身后,且结界之力直接命中二人。 This powerful formation power, although no wound to them, actually the bang from the main hall flew their two people directly. 这强大的结界之力,虽没有伤到他们,却将他们二人直接从大殿之内轰飞了出去。 At this moment, the fellow flies to fall , the formation broadsword anti- on shoulder. 此刻,那家伙飞落而下,将结界大刀抗在肩上。 Freely, his eye as before is the white, strange, vicious. 尽管,他的眼睛依旧为白色,诡异,凶狠。 But Chu Feng and Fuxing, can see contemptuously in his vision. 楚枫与复星,能在他的目光中看到轻蔑。 Two opportunities.” “还有两次机会。” That this words saying, then sets up the formation broadsword in the side, later closed a pupil. 那位此话说完,便将结界大刀立在身旁,随后闭上了眼眸。 We, were looked down on.” Fuxing looks to Chu Feng. “我们,被小瞧了啊。”复星看向楚枫 Chu Feng has not spoken, but returns by a light smile. 楚枫没有说话,而是回以一个淡淡的微笑。 Indeed was looked down on, but the opposite party is very strong!!! 的确被小瞧了,可对方真的很强!!! Chu Feng believes, his formation strength is very strong. 楚枫自认为,他的结界战力已经很强。 But that fellow, almost reached the limit of formation strength. 可是那个家伙,几乎达到了结界战力的极限。 Moreover, his utilization to Spirit Formation technique, has achieved such as the fire innocent, situation of reaching the pinnacle. 不仅如此,他对结界之术的运用,也已达到了如火纯情,登峰造极的地步。 Just formation tide, was teleportation to them, as well as formation power that they rumbled. 无论是刚刚的结界浪潮,还是传送到他们近前,以及将他们二人轰出来的结界之力 That is actually formation technique, and is extremely exquisite, is powerful formation technique that Chu Feng has not grasped. 那其实都是阵法,并且是极为精妙,是楚枫都没有掌握的强大阵法 Top strength, in addition powerful formation technique, enough fight experience. 顶级的战力,加上强大的阵法,还有足够的战斗经验。 This fellow, simply is invincible existence. 这个家伙,简直就是一个不可战胜的存在。 Only if Chu Feng and Fuxing, can put out the enhancement strength the method, combat capability improvement extreme. 除非楚枫与复星,能够拿出增强战力的手段,也将战力提升到极致 Otherwise is the odds of success is also uncertain. 否则也是胜算渺茫。 - 唰- But in the meantime, a Fuxing wrist/skill revolution, a black iron sheet appeared in her hand. 而就在此时,复星手腕一转,一个黑色的铁片出现在了她的手中。 But that is actually not the iron sheet, but is a sword, because is extremely crude, at first sight thinks that is the iron sheet. 但那其实不是铁片,而是一把剑,只是因为太过简陋,乍一看才以为是铁片。 Saw this sword, Chu Feng licked the lip. 看到这把剑,楚枫不由舔了舔嘴唇。 This sword, is true good thing. 这把剑,可是真正的好东西 Also is they, hope of overturn. 也是他们,翻盘的希望。
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