MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5648: Collaborates with Fuxing

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That is a female, the facial features is ordinary, but the stature is excellent. 那是一名女子,面容一般,但身材极好。 She, was initially Chu Feng in that female who the artist mountain runs into. 她,便是当初楚枫在画师山所遇到的那名女子。 This female, with some Pill Dao Immortal Sect relations, once received the Pill Dao Immortal Sect advantage, wants to cut to kill Chu Feng, but behind does not beat Chu Feng, escapes with formation technique. 这名女子,与丹道仙宗有些关系,曾收取丹道仙宗好处,想斩杀楚枫,只不过后面不敌楚枫,用阵法逃脱。 This female status is mystical, grasped method also quite. 此女身份神秘,掌握的手段也颇为了得。 But Chu Feng is deepest to her impression, is in the female hand has a sword, then can greatly promote the formation strength the sword. 楚枫对她印象最深的,乃是女子手中有一把剑,那把剑可以大大提升结界战力。 Is the genuine priceless treasure, Chu Feng is also very greedy. 乃是真正的无价之宝,楚枫也是非常眼馋。 At that time, the female is Gold Dragon God-cloak. 当时,女子乃是金龙神袍 But at this time, her gives out formation power, has actually achieved Emperor Dragon God-cloak. 但此时,她身上散发结界之力,却已然达到了皇龙神袍 Leaves from the artist mountain, the time has not passed is too long, the female has such promotion. 距离画师山一别,时间也并未过去太久,女子却有如此提升。 Sees the fearfulness of its talent sufficiently. 足以看出其天赋之可怕。 It seems like, you are the talent test first.” “看来,你就是天赋测试第一。” Before somewhat was curious, does not have once to be the acquaintance.” Chu Feng said. “之前还有些好奇,没曾想原来是熟人。”楚枫说道。 Is the talent's first is unimportant, more importantly you are too high-profile.” “是不是天赋第一不重要,重要的是你太高调。” You... were inferior artist mountain time was intelligent.” The females said to Chu Feng, the speaking Chu Feng general idea/careless, was stranded by her formation technique. “你…不如画师山的时候聪明了。”女子对楚枫说道,暗讽楚枫大意,被她阵法所困。 Your this does formation technique prepare for me? May really bear a grudge.” Chu Feng sighed. “你这阵法就是为我准备的?可真是记仇啊。”楚枫叹道。 When the artist mountain, Chu Feng once fought with the female, finally by formation technique that arranged ahead of time, bound was occupied by the female. 在画师山的时候,楚枫曾与女子交手,最后凭借提前布置的阵法,束缚住了女子。 But now, the female comes this to arrange formation technique ahead of time, for was report then gut retaliation. 而如今,女子又提前来此布置阵法,为的就是报当时的一箭之仇。 And this Spirit Formation method, flooded formation power, is immortal dragon God-cloak. 并且这座结界阵法,充斥的结界之力,乃是仙龙神袍 Although observes earnestly, can see is mysterious, is far from looks that powerful. 虽然认真观察,可以看出是故弄玄虚,远没有一看上去那么强大。 But its might, indeed achieved the immortal dragon God-cloak rank. 但其威力,也的确达到了仙龙神袍的级别。 But the female is Emperor Dragon God-cloak, how can arrange formation technique of immortal dragon God-cloak? 可女子乃是皇龙神袍,怎能布置出仙龙神袍阵法 According to the Chu Feng observation, can infer, should be the female, is based on treasure, spends some time, can therefore build such formation technique. 根据楚枫观察,可以推断出,应该是女子,以至宝为基础,又花费一定时间,所以才能打造出这样的阵法 Relax, I have not planned to kill you, so long as told me, who your teacher was then.” The females asked. “放心,我没有打算杀你,只要告诉我,你师尊是谁即可。”女子问道。 You also are really curious.” Chu Feng could not bear smile. “你还真是好奇啊。”楚枫忍不住笑了。 Initially the female saw Chu Feng initially, indeed has not paid attention to Chu Feng, only wants to kill Chu Feng. 当初女子初见楚枫,的确没将楚枫放在眼里,只想杀了楚枫 But behind and Chu Feng fight, realized after Chu Feng is not simple, the female has closely examined Chu Feng, asked that who the Chu Feng teacher is. 可后面与楚枫交手,意识到楚枫不简单后,女子就一直追问楚枫,问楚枫师尊是谁。 She to the Chu Feng's life experience, displayed the enormous curiosity. 她对楚枫的身世,表现出了极大的好奇。 Chu Feng had not told her. 只是楚枫一直没有告诉她。 Chu Feng, you are World Spiritist, can feel fierce of my formation technique, I am based on treasure it that builds.” 楚枫,你是界灵师,能感受到我这阵法的厉害,我可是以至宝为基础,打造出的它。” Has been accused, you then gave up any idea of that makes a show.” “既已被控,那你便休想耍花样。” You, if did not say, do not blame me to use the formation technique strength to suffer you.” The females said. “你若不说,可别怪我动用阵法力量折磨你。”女子说道。 I said that is also not good.” “我说,也不是不行。” Like this, the madam first, you first told me, where you came from.” Chu Feng said. “这样,女士优先,你先告诉我,你到底来自何地。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng, are you refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality?” 楚枫,你是不见棺材不落泪吗?” During the female speeches, the law secret art pinches, in formation technique the thunder surges, will launch the offensive to Chu Feng momentarily. 女子说话间,法诀捏动,阵法之中雷霆涌动,随时都会对楚枫发动攻势。 Such thunder, if chops to fall, common Gold Dragon God-cloak, then vanished in a puff of smoke in the wink of an eye. 这样的雷霆,若是劈落而下,寻常的金龙神袍,瞬息之间便灰飞烟灭。 May facing the so terrifying weaponry, Chu Feng actually not fear: My Chu Feng skin coarse meat is thick, does not fear to suffer, if you did not say, I then did not say.” 可面对如此恐怖的阵仗,楚枫却是丝毫不惧:“我楚枫皮糙肉厚,不怕折磨,你若不说,我便不说。” You......” “你……” Snort!! ~ “哼!!~” Facing such Chu Feng, the female also is really helpless, after lightly snorted, then the big sleeve wields. 面对这样的楚枫,女子也甚是无奈,轻哼一声之后,便大袖一挥。 Did not say that then did not say, I do not have that to know.” “不说便不说,我也没那么想知道。” That Saint Rank treasure, I must decide, you stay here.” “那圣级宝物,我是要定了,你就留在这里吧。” Female words saying that then prepares to go to the deep place line, has not really acted to Chu Feng. 女子此话说完便准备向深处行去,并没有真的对楚枫出手。 - 滋啦啦- But suddenly, before its , the thunder surges. 可忽然,其身前雷霆涌动。 Is Chu Feng, before the ghosts and demons arrive at her body generally, when the female sees Chu Feng, Venerable Armament in Chu Feng hand, has put up above the neck of female. 楚枫,如同鬼魅一般来到她身前,且当女子看到楚枫之时,楚枫手中的尊兵,已是架在了女子的脖子之上。 Is so away from, clarity that the female looks. 如此距离,女子看的清楚。 Chu Feng, forehead Thunder Mark surges, wears Lightning Armour, shoulders Lightning Wings. 楚枫,额头雷纹涌动,身披雷霆铠甲,背负雷霆羽翼 Under the Third Level Heavenly Thunder Bloodline in addition holds, cultivation realm achieved Sixth Rank Half God. 三重天雷血脉加持之下,修为达到了六品半神 But the female eyes pupil, was still perfectly round that stared. 可女子眼眸,仍是瞪的溜圆。 Sixth Rank Half God, is unable to break open her to be based on the treasure strength, careful arrangement bound formation technique. 六品半神,也无法破开她那以至宝力量为基础,精心布置的束缚阵法 Even bluff, but that formation technique might, still can indeed endure compared with immortal dragon God-cloak. 就算虚张声势,可那阵法的威力,也的确能够堪比仙龙神袍的。 Seventh Rank Half God, although difficult believing, but Chu Feng this time strength indeed is endures to compare Seventh Rank Half God. 七品半神,虽然难以置信,可楚枫此时的战力的确已是堪比七品半神 Women's chuckle: Underestimated you.” 女子轻笑一声:“还是小看你了。” Do not fluster, asked that your issue, put you.” Chu Feng said. “别慌,问你个问题,就放了你。”楚枫说道。 Must kill to hack casually, gave up any idea of that inquires my matter.” Female words saying the closing one's eyes pupil. “要杀要剐随便,休想打探我的事情。”女子此话说完闭上眼眸。 „Doesn't miss need?” “姑娘不必吧?” I want to ask that what your name was, why to suicide?” Chu Feng asked. “我只是想问你名字叫什么,何必寻死?”楚枫问。 Asked that what my name does make?” The female opening eyes pupil, in the eye pupil emerges puzzled. “问我名字做什么?”女子睁开眼眸,眼眸之中涌现不解。 You know that I called anything, I actually do not know that you called anything, this was very unfair.” Chu Feng said. “你都知道我叫什么了,我却不知道你叫什么,这很不公平啊。”楚枫道。 Hears this words, the female first stares. 听闻此话,女子先是一愣。 The ponder moment, this opens the mouth: My name was Fuxing.” 沉思片刻,这才开口:“我叫复星。” Revival?” “复兴?” Which turns round which to be popular?” Chu Feng asked. “哪个复哪个兴?”楚枫问。 Duplicate of revival, but the star, is the star of star.” The females said. “复兴的复,但星,是星星的星。”女子道。 Oh, so that's how it is, but also thinks that you must revive anything.” “喔,原来如此,还以为你要复兴什么呢。” Chu Feng smiles, immediately receives Venerable Armament, cultivation realm also from Sixth Rank Half God, restored the Third Rank Half God situation. 楚枫笑了笑,旋即尊兵收起,修为也是从六品半神,恢复到了三品半神的地步。 Afterward stretches out another palm, the palm spreads out, the bead that is surging the strength of immortal dragon, gave the female. 随后伸出另一只手掌,掌心摊开,一颗涌动着仙龙之力的珠子,递给了女子。 This bead, the precisely female arranges that formation technique foundation, Chu Feng formation technique breaks open at the same time, seizes together this thing. 这颗珠子,正是女子布置那阵法的根基,楚枫阵法破开的同时,也将此物一同夺下。 Although the strength in bead consumed, may still be able to continue to use. 虽说珠子内的力量耗费了许多,可仍然可以继续使用。 But Chu Feng has not possessed of this thing, but gives the female: This also you.” 楚枫并未将此物占为己有,而是递给女子:“这个还你。” „Are you what intention?” The females asked. “你这是何意?”女子问。 Did not say, told me the name, then put you, this treasure... naturally also wanted the thing returning to rightful owner.” Chu Feng said. “不是说了,告诉我名字,便放了你,这宝物…当然也要物归原主。”楚枫道。 But I am your competitor, moreover I want to kill you before, just surrounded you.” The females said. “但我可是你的竞争者,而且我之前想杀你,刚刚更是困住了你。”女子道。 You want to kill before, I also want to kill you before.” “你之前想杀,我之前也想杀你。” You just surrounded me, actually does not want to kill me, explained that you have not killed the heart to me.” “你刚刚困住我,却没有想杀我,说明你对我已无杀心。” You want to cope with me initially, received the Pill Dao Immortal Sect advantage, but your I did not have the bitter hatred, does not need to be in sharp opposition.” “你当初想对付我,乃是收了丹道仙宗好处,但你我本就没有深仇大恨,本就不必针锋相对。” However this place very bad risk, your I , to leave safely, might as well collaborate.” Chu Feng said. “而此地十分凶险,你我若想安然离开,不如联手。”楚枫说道。 Chu Feng looks at Chu Feng to hand over, this own bead, looking pensive. 楚枫看着楚枫递过来的,本属于自己的珠子,若有所思。 The immediately big sleeve wields, has seized from the Chu Feng hand that bead, this said: 旋即大袖一挥,将那珠子从楚枫手中夺过,这才说道: Ok, if then facing the risk, I can contend with you jointly.” “行,接下来若是面对风险,我可以与你联手抗衡。” But my goal is the Saint Rank treasure, I can not act to you, but I can compete with you.” “但我的目标乃是圣级宝物,我可以不对你出手,但我还是会与你竞争。” Relax, turns over to collaborate jointly, but my goal is also the Saint Rank treasure.” “放心,联手归联手,但我的目标也是圣级宝物。” Critical moment, I will not be also lenient.” Chu Feng said. “关键时刻,我同样不会手软。”楚枫说道。
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