MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5647: Chu Feng was stranded

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„Have you come in?” “你们早就进来了?” Previously raised the arm the Blue Gowned man congealing sound that shouted loudly to ask. 先前振臂高呼的蓝袍男子凝声问道。 „Do you feel?” In the people, some people asked back. “你觉得呢?”众人之中,有人反问。 What in your hands is that?” The Blue Gowned man also asked. “你们手中那是什么?”蓝袍男子又问。 This is, can promote the Spirit power fruit that Sir Jie Ranqing said.” In the people, some people replied. “这便是界染清大人所说的,能够提升精神力的果子。”众人之中,有人回答道。 „Do you actually obtain the fruit?” “你们竟然已经得到了果子?” Why, you why?” “凭什么啊,你们凭什么?” This moment not to mention Blue Gowned man, that 13 people, without exception, all is a face refuse to accept. 此刻莫说蓝袍男子,那十三个人,无一例外,皆是一脸不服。 After all their these more than ten people, is a side hero, not only comes extraordinary, the strength is good, otherwise is impossible to come here. 毕竟他们这十几个人,都是一方豪杰,不仅出身不凡,实力更是不俗,不然也不可能走到这里。 Therefore, clear/pain Shanshan and others, has not distinguished with the waste in their eyes. 所以,楚扇扇等人,在他们眼里与废物也没有区别。 But... is the waste in this crowd of their eye, now, not only returns safe and sound, the fruit in that legend, unexpectedly in also their hands, and quantity are many, this naturally makes them very uncomfortable. 可…就是这群他们眼中的废物,如今一个个的,不仅毫发未损,就连那传说中的果子,竟在也他们手中,且数量还不少,这自然让他们很是不爽。 You do not use so excitedly, we have no skill, all takes advantage of Chu Feng young hero.” “你们不用如此激动,我们没啥本事,全是依仗楚枫少侠。” Right, was in your mouth that was decided as first Chu Feng young hero.” “对了,就是你口中那个,被内定为第一的楚枫少侠。” But I must tell you am, he not decided but not yet announced that he is very strong.” “但我要告诉你们的是,他不是被内定的,他是真的很强。” That was burnt the man of palm to say by the purple demon dagger, and raised the Chu Feng's time, the pride and pride of his whole face. 那名被紫魔匕首灼伤手掌的男子说道,且提起楚枫的时候,他满脸的骄傲与自豪。 Chu Feng?” 楚枫?” Hears the Chu Feng two characters, these face discolorations complex. 听闻楚枫二字,那些人脸色变得复杂。 They with other person of differences, they from the beginning, have not been thinking follows Chu Feng, but is thinking uses Chu Feng. 他们与其他人不一样,他们从一开始,就没有想着跟随楚枫,只是想着利用楚枫 Therefore their participate that inspection, had not felt, if participate then fell the worth. 所以他们都未曾参加那考核,觉得如果参加了便掉了身价。 To put it bluntly, even if knows Chu Feng to be fierce, but their goals are to also compete first, therefore from the beginning, they refuse to accept Chu Feng. 说白了,哪怕知道楚枫厉害,可是他们的目标也是争夺第一,所以从一开始,他们就不服楚枫 But they also really have the skill, can come here safely, has proven their ability. 而他们也确实有本事,能够安然走到这里,就已经证明了他们的能力。 Even but if they come here, still paid a big price. 可是他们就算来到这里,也付出了不小的代价。 The person who formed an alliance has 21 people, but is only left over 13 people now, another eight people have died. 原本结盟的人有二十一人,可现在只剩下了十三人,另外八人已经死了。 Even if they are living, more or less is also wounded. 哪怕他们活着,或多或少也都负了伤。 May have a look at clear/pain Shanshan these people again, sends unscathed unexpectedly, but they can send unscathed, what relied on is Chu Feng. 可再看看楚扇扇这些人,竟然毫发无损,而他们能毫发无损,凭借的是楚枫 This... highlighted Chu Feng's to be fierce. 这…更凸显了楚枫的厉害。 They refuses to accept Chu Feng, while experienced the Chu Feng's skill with own eyes, let in their hearts five senses mixed Chen, was very contradictory. 他们一边不服楚枫,一边又亲眼见识到了楚枫的本事,让他们心中五味杂陈,十分矛盾。 Chu Feng? He where?” That Blue Gowned man asked. 楚枫呢?他在何处?”那名蓝袍男子问道。 Because he observes, has not seen Chu Feng in the crowd. 因为他观察一番,在人群之中并未见到楚枫 Chu Feng young hero, goes to the deep place, explores the most dangerous region.” 楚枫少侠,前往深处,去探索最危险的区域了。” I reminded you, that was the domain that you are unable to visit, your best obediently to treat here, do not go rashly.” “我提醒你们,那是你们无法踏足的领域,你们最好乖乖待在这里,还是别贸然前去了。” That was burnt the man of palm to say by the purple demon dagger. 那名被紫魔匕首灼伤手掌的男子说道。 Oh?” Hears this words, that Blue Gowned man, the look changes immediately. “喔?”听闻此话,那蓝袍男子,眼神立刻变化。 Rapidness that clear/pain Shanshan responded actually, rushed saying: Young Master Chu Feng went a while, according to time that before explored, should on the road, must arrive immediately.” 倒是楚扇扇反应的快,赶忙说道:“楚枫公子去了有一阵子了,按照之前探索的时间来看,应该在回来的路上,马上就要到了。” But clear/pain Shanshan such remarks, that Blue Gowned man actually grinned to smile suddenly. 可楚扇扇此话一出,那蓝袍男子却忽然咧嘴笑了。 This miss responded quickly, but your intense look betrayed you pitifully.” “这位姑娘反应很快,但可惜你那紧张的眼神出卖了你。” „The Chu Feng short time, will not come back right?” That Blue Gowned man shows the evil smile. 楚枫短时间,根本不会回来对吧?”那蓝袍男子露出邪恶的笑容。 You said that what meaning this saying to be? How do you want?” Seeing that clear/pain Shanshan and others was hurried. “你说这话是什么意思?你想怎样?”见状,楚扇扇等人慌了。 What's wrong? Killed you, weren't your fruits, our?” “怎样?杀了你们,你们那些果子,不就是我们的了?” One crowd of useless waste, these fruits, you with having?” “一群没用的废物,那些果子,你们配拥有吗?” All brings to me.” “全都给我拿过来。” The Blue Gowned men's straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards are but actually vertical, the murderous intention reveals completely, at the same time the formation treasure loses, has changed to one to attack to kill great formation, goes to clear/pain Shanshan the and others oppression. 蓝袍男子剑眉倒竖,杀机毕露,与此同时结界宝物丢出,已化作一座攻杀大阵,向楚扇扇等人压迫而去。 This might no small matter, writes off their twinkling sufficiently. 此阵威力非同小可,足以将他们所有人瞬息抹杀。 Rumble- 轰隆隆- However, that attacks to kill great formation not to fall, then crushes in the midair. 然而,那攻杀大阵还未落下,便在半空粉碎。 Was desolate Yueyue stands before the people body. 是萧玥玥站在了众人身前。 Moreover, at this time she displays bloodline power, cultivation realm from Third Rank Half God, promoted Fourth Rank Half God. 不仅如此,此时她更是施展血脉之力,将修为三品半神,提升到了四品半神 desolate Yueyue?” “萧玥玥?” „Didn't you... go separate ways with them?” “你…不是与他们分道扬镳了吗?” Sees desolate Yueyue, that 13 people are to also look anxiously. 见到萧玥玥,那十三人也是面露不安。 Closes your trifling thing?” “关你们屁事?” desolate Yueyue cursed angrily one, immediately then displayed Martial Technique to attack to that 13 people. 萧玥玥怒骂一声,旋即便施展武技攻向了那十三人。 13 people see that the set up formation deals hastily. 十三人见状,连忙布阵应对。 But one fights, discovered unexpectedly difficult exceeds desolate Yueyue, but has to turn around to escape. 可是一番交手,竟发现难以胜过萧玥玥,无奈之下只得转身逃脱。 After all they are afraid to tow, Chu Feng really comes back, at that time... may really be miserable. 毕竟他们害怕拖下去,楚枫真的回来,那个时候…可就真要惨了。 But that 13 people run away, desolate Yueyue has not gone to pursue. 但那十三人逃走,萧玥玥也没有去追。 Although that 13 people the moral behavior is not much, is the strength is actually not weak, has carried the severe wound obviously, may collaborate the set up formation in the situation, desolate Yueyue wants to exceed them is not easy. 那十三人虽然人品不咋地,可是实力其实不弱,明明都已经身负重伤,可联手布阵的情况下,萧玥玥想胜过他们也不容易。 Therefore desolate Yueyue flies to fall, walks to the place that oneself just rested. 于是萧玥玥飞落而下,向自己刚刚休息的地方走去。 But, clear/pain Shanshan and others actually arrives at the near in the meantime again, simultaneously is serving with the big ritual to desolate Yueyue: desolate miss, thank you.” 可就在此时,楚扇扇等人却是再度走到近前,同时对着萧玥玥施以大礼:“萧姑娘,多谢你了。” Does not need to thank me, I do not help you, but looks in the Chu Feng's face.” “不用谢我,我不是帮你们,而是看在楚枫的面子上而已。” desolate Yueyue this words saying, then the big sleeve wields again, with hiding formation technique will cover. 萧玥玥此话说完,便再度大袖一挥,用隐藏阵法将自己覆盖了起来。 desolate Yueyue attitude is still indifferent, but the people to desolate Yueyue impression, had actually had the enormous change. 萧玥玥态度依然冷漠,可众人对萧玥玥的印象,却已然发生了极大的变化。 ...... …… At this time, Chu Feng had arrived at the thunder clouds deep place. 此时,楚枫已经来到了雷云深处。 He discovered, passes through region that the copper color ominous beast was , after entering this thunder clouds, thunders gratingly except for the top of the head, the land exceptionally is instead safe. 他发现,穿过了铜色凶兽所在的区域,进入这雷云正下方之后,除了头顶轰鸣刺耳,大地反而异常安全。 Chu Feng took quite long First Rank road, an ominous beast has not seen. 楚枫走了好长一段路,一只凶兽都没看见。 But Chu Feng does not dare to treat it lightly, but is all around the discrete observation. 楚枫仍不敢掉以轻心,而是谨慎的观察四周。 After all according to the previous experience infers, the ominous beast that then presents, might achieve Sixth Rank Half God. 毕竟按照先前的经历来推断,接下来再出现的凶兽,很可能会达到六品半神 The ominous beast of this rank, two, Chu Feng naturally does not fear, many of but if presenting, if can also under the arrange/cloth strengthen the strength great formation, then regarding Chu Feng, is very dangerous. 这种级别的凶兽,一只两只的,楚枫自然不惧,但若是出现的多,万一也能布下增强战力的大阵,那对于楚枫而言,也是非常危险的。 Rumble prosperous- 隆隆隆隆- Suddenly, the Chu Feng under foot shivers fiercely. 忽然,楚枫脚下剧烈颤动。 When Chu Feng did not detect when , suddenly several chains run out arrogantly, the rapidness of speed, Chu Feng also evades not to be possible unexpectedly to evade, then twined Chu Feng in the wink of an eye. 楚枫察觉不对之际,忽然数道锁链自大地冲出,速度之快,楚枫竟也避无可避,瞬息之间便将楚枫缠绕了起来。 Meanwhile, in all directions, is raises more than 100 formation pillars, the release the powerful thunder and lightning, forms the thunder and lightning cage. 与此同时,四面八方,更是升起一百多根结界柱子,释放出强大的雷电,形成雷电牢笼。 Blocks formation technique, blockade formation technique of powerful, is immortal dragon God-cloak spends lots of time extremely the arrange/cloth. 封锁阵法,极为强力的封锁阵法,乃是仙龙神袍花费大量时间所布。 Yo, you have the general idea/careless time?” “哟,你也有大意的时候啊?” In the meantime, the sound resounds together. 就在此时,一道声音响起。 Waits and sees along the sound, the form is walking together from the distant place. 顺声观望,一道身影正自远处走来。 Is you?” Chu Feng somewhat is also accidental, because this person... Chu Feng recognizes. “是你?”楚枫也有些意外,因为此人…楚枫认得。
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