MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5646: Striking contrast

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desolate Yueyue, its teacher named beast Jie Tian, is vast martial cultivation world, one of the renowned World Spiritist. 萧玥玥,其师尊名为兽界天尊,乃是浩瀚修武界,声名赫赫的界灵师之一。 Because comes the monster clan, is honored as strongest monster clan World Spiritist. 因为出身妖族,也被誉为最强妖族界灵师 desolate Yueyue also stems from the monster clan, but World Spiritist talent actually also excellent, but in fact she excels, is martial cultivation. 萧玥玥也出自妖族,但界灵师天赋却也极好,但实际上她更擅长的,乃是修武 Therefore she was not only Blue Dragon God-cloak, cultivation realm also achieved Third Rank Half God, and use monster clan bloodlines, may promote cultivation realm to Fourth Rank Half God. 所以她不仅是蓝龙神袍,修为也是达到了三品半神,且动用妖族血脉,可将修为提升到四品半神 By this perfect skill, she goes out of the jungle, arrives at this side world. 凭借这过硬的本事,她走出丛林,来到这方世界。 And according to the inference, realizes under the thunder clouds, is the only way out, walks to this place, met the ominous beast, obtained the fruit. 并且根据推断,意识到雷云下方,才是唯一出路,向此地走来,也遇到了凶兽,也得到了果子。 Do not visit her tall, in fact the innermost feelings are quite exquisite, the front ominous beast is very even if easy to cope, but she actually is also cautious. 别看她长得五大三粗,实际上内心颇为细腻,哪怕前面的凶兽很容易对付,可她却也是小心翼翼。 But who once thinks, is walking, suddenly the land surges, crawled several hundred golden ominous beasts. 但谁曾想,走着走着,忽然大地翻腾,紧接着从中爬出了数百只金色凶兽。 These ominous beasts, the position is scattered, but is just actually stranded her in middle. 这些凶兽,位置分散,但却刚好将她困在当中。 And these ominous beast induction forces are quite powerful, the law of hidden even if she uses, was seen through by these ominous beasts. 并且这些凶兽感应力极为强大,哪怕她使用的隐藏之法,也被这些凶兽看穿。 But, has to meet head-on. 无奈之下,只得迎战。 The strengths of these golden ominous beasts, are actually Third Rank Half God, but do not look that they do not have spiritual wisdom, but quantity enough many times, can arrange formation technique unexpectedly. 这些金色凶兽的实力,其实都是三品半神,但别看它们不具备灵智,可数量足够多的时候,竟然可以布置阵法 This formation technique might, achieved Fourth Rank Half God, and strength is extremely strong. 阵法的威力,达到了四品半神,并且战力极强。 Even if desolate Yueyue, promoted Fourth Rank Half God cultivation realm, actually also can only deal reluctantly, is unable to break through. 哪怕萧玥玥,将修为提升到了四品半神,却也只能勉强应对,根本无法突围。 This way, she thought that she could die here. 这样下去,她觉得自己可能要死在这里。 But when its ponder, how must break through, suddenly several rays graze. 而就在其思考,要如何突围之际,忽然数道光芒飞掠而来。 That is the formation long sword, a total of ten. 那是结界长剑,总共十把。 The formation long sword, such as the meteor shuttles back and forth in the ominous beast, the place visited, blood splattering, sweeps away all obstacles...... 结界长剑,如流星般在凶兽之中穿梭,所过之处,鲜血喷溅,所向披靡…… However suddenly, several hundred powerful golden ominous beasts, were cut to kill all. 不过眨眼之间,几百只强大的金色凶兽,尽数被斩杀。 That sword is the Spirit Formation method, by Gold Dragon God-cloak arrange/cloth. 那剑是结界阵法,由金龙神袍所布。 Fixes the eyes on to wait and see, sees only the gang horse to look at itself, but desolate Yueyue vision, actually locked is the body of person of head. 定睛观望,只见一伙人马正望着自己,但萧玥玥的目光,却锁定在了为首之人的身上。 Chu Feng, was he makes a move to save itself. 楚枫,是他出手救了自己。 At this time, she five senses mixed Chen. 此时,她内心五味杂陈。 Not only rejoices, and awkward. 既庆幸,又尴尬。 If can elect, she most does not want to save oneself person, is Chu Feng. 若是可以选,她最不希望救自己的人,就是楚枫 Why can also save me?” desolate Yueyue asked. “为何还要救我?”萧玥玥问。 But compares in awkward desolate Yueyue, Chu Feng is actually cracks into a smile: What nonsense spoke, aren't we teammates?” 但相比于尴尬的萧玥玥,楚枫却是咧嘴一笑:“说什么胡话,我们不是队友吗?” Already not.” desolate Yueyue said. “已经不是了。”萧玥玥道。 You said are not, that is your matter.” “你说不是,那是你的事。” In here, you was still.” “在我这里,你仍是。” The Chu Feng big sleeve wields, the fruits of all dead ominous beasts were collected by Chu Feng, but has not accepted, but delivered to front of desolate Yueyue completely. 楚枫大袖一挥,所有死去凶兽的果子被楚枫收集,但并未收下,而是全部送到了萧玥玥面前。 What meaning?” desolate Yueyue is puzzled. “什么意思?”萧玥玥不解。 Naturally gives you.” Chu Feng said. “当然是给你。”楚枫道。 „Do you give me completely?” desolate Yueyue surprise. “你全部都给我?”萧玥玥诧异。 We have.” Chu Feng said. “我们已经有了。”楚枫说道。 Right, the front road may present Sixth Rank Half God, even stronger ominous beast.” “对了,前面的路可能会出现六品半神,甚至更强的凶兽。” I prepare to deliver them to go back, oneself explore, do you want to go back together?” Chu Feng asked. “我准备送他们回去,自己去探索,你要一同回去吗?”楚枫问。 desolate Yueyue is short, looked at that float at present several hundred golden fruits, looking pensive. 萧玥玥短暂沉默,看了看那漂浮在眼前几百颗金色果子,若有所思。 Suddenly, she also cracks into a smile: Naturally goes back, Sixth Rank Half God I cannot be victorious.” 忽然,她也咧嘴一笑:“当然回去,六品半神我又打不过。” Sees that Chu Feng also shows a faint smile, no longer talks too much, but brings desolate Yueyue and others to returning walks. 见状,楚枫也微微一笑,不再多言而是带着萧玥玥等人向回走去。 After the people bring to the safety zone, Chu Feng then, to the deep place line goes. 将众人带到安全地带之后,楚枫便独自一人,向深处行去。 After Chu Feng walks, desolate Yueyue with clear/pain Shanshan and others has not sat together, but was arrived at the remote corner. 楚枫走后,萧玥玥也没有与楚扇扇等人坐在一起,而是自己来到了偏僻的角落。 But clear/pain Shanshan arrives in front of desolate Yueyue on own initiative, fills with the apology: desolate miss, really sorry, I before not......” 但楚扇扇则是主动走到萧玥玥面前,满怀歉意:“萧姑娘,实在抱歉,我之前并没有……” Go away!!!” But her words have not said, then traded desolate Yueyue one to angrily rebuke. “滚!!!”可她话未说完,便换来了萧玥玥的一声怒斥。 After desolate Yueyue shouted angrily, these with person of clear/pain Shanshan the travelling together, then arrived at clear/pain Shanshan behind, had for its potential of supporting greatly. 萧玥玥一声怒喝之后,那些与楚扇扇同行之人,则纷纷来到了楚扇扇身后,大有为其撑腰之势。 Previously that attempted with the man of purple demon dagger, is said to desolate Yueyue: desolate miss, were you excessive?” 先前那名,尝试去拿紫魔匕首的男子,更是对萧玥玥说道:“萧姑娘,你过分了吧?” Young Lady Chu and you do not have the enmity without the injustice, you why to she so big hostility?” 楚姑娘和你无冤无仇的,你何必对她如此大的敌意?” Previously, clear/pain Shanshan also argued with him obviously, but he did not bear a grudge, instead for clear/pain Shanshan over. 先前,明明楚扇扇还与他争辩,可他丝毫不记仇,反而替楚扇扇出头。 What meaning, depending the person are many, then wants to bully me?” “什么意思,仗着人多,便想欺负我?” I told you, your Chu Feng were not, does not want dead, to this Miss.” “我告诉你们,你们的楚枫可不在,不想死的,离本小姐远一点。” desolate Yueyue such remarks, the Third Rank Half God pressure is to also sweep away. 萧玥玥此话一出,三品半神的威压也是横扫开来。 Although has not harmed the people, but that pressure also lets the people brow tight wrinkle. 虽然没有伤害众人,可那威压却也让众人眉头紧皱。 In them, strongest is also Gray Dragon God-cloak, has experienced them of desolate Yueyue strength, fully realized that... they are unable to contend with desolate Yueyue. 他们之中,最强的也不过是灰龙神袍,见识过萧玥玥实力的他们,深知…他们无法与萧玥玥抗衡。 Therefore, these people many did not say anything, can only draw clear/pain Shanshan to hide in the distant place, maintains the distance with desolate Yueyue. 于是,那些人也不好多说什么,只能拉着楚扇扇躲到远处,与萧玥玥保持距离。 As for desolate Yueyue, is the big sleeve wields, arranges First Level to hide formation technique, oneself will block, does not want any exchange with clear/pain Shanshan and others again. 至于萧玥玥,则是大袖一挥,布置一重隐藏阵法,将自己封锁起来,不想再与楚扇扇等人有任何交流。 Buzz- 嗡- But is quick, the square center, the strength of formation technique surges. 而很快,广场中心,阵法之力涌动。 Afterward, 13 forms, appear above the square. 随后,有十三道身影,出现在广场之上。 Although these 13 people, are turning away from the people, coming out that but looks, they carry the severe wound one by one, almost no one is the intact state, the aura is also very bad. 虽然这十三人,是背对着众人,但还是看的出来,他们各个身负重伤,几乎没有一个人是完好状态,气息也很差。 But because is also turning away from the people, and because possibly is weak, has not used the induction force, therefore these 13 people, have not discovered clear/pain Shanshan the people. 但也因为背对着众人,且可能因为身体虚弱,也没有动用感应力,所以这十三人,并没有发现楚扇扇众人。 After they enter here, the first response is also very excited, when particularly their Yu Kong, waits and sees after the distant place, the excitement achieves the apex. 他们进入这里之后,第一反应也是十分激动,尤其是当他们御空而起,向远处观望之后,激动之情更是达到顶点。 And, the Blue Gowned man, some people raises the arm to shout loudly, face upwards the long and loud cry. 其中一位,蓝袍男子,更是有人振臂高呼,仰天长啸。 His mother, succeeded finally, we successfully fled that ghost jungle.” “他娘的,总算成功了,我们成功逃离了那片鬼丛林。” Nonsense Chu Feng, the nonsense decided but not yet announced first person, not after us?” “狗屁楚枫,狗屁内定的第一人,还不是在我们之后?” We, must capture this to enter the person of mansion trial quota.” “我们,才是要夺得这入府试炼名额之人。” clear/pain Shanshan and others, was observing them, hears Blue Gowned man these words, some people cannot bear smile to make noise directly. 楚扇扇等人,本就在观察他们,听到蓝袍男子这番话,有人忍不住直接笑出了声。 Who?” “谁?” Hears the laughter, the in the air 13 people, this waits and sees the vision downward. 听到笑声,空中的十三人,这才将目光向下观望。 Moreover, simultaneously is reveals the formation treasure, the release formation power. 不仅如此,同时更是亮出结界宝物,释放出结界之力 This also made people discover their strength. 这也让人们发现了他们的实力。 These 13 people, weakest is also Blue Dragon God-cloak, is strongest, achieved Purple Dragon God-cloak unexpectedly. 这十三人,最弱的也是蓝龙神袍,其中最强的,竟达到了紫龙神袍 But when they see, after below clear/pain leaves of people, without exception, the complexion is ugly. 但当他们看到,下方的楚扇扇众人后,却无一例外,面色难看。 After all follows Chu Feng to come here these people , not only safe and sound. 毕竟跟随楚枫来到这里的那些人,一个个的不仅安然无恙。 What is main, these people are reorganizing the fruit that oneself obtain at this moment. 最主要的是,那些人此刻都在整理自己所得到的果子。 Even also some people, tasting of big mouth. 甚至还有人,正在大口的品尝。 That satisfied appearance, with their distress, forms the striking contrast. 那惬意模样,与他们的狼狈,形成鲜明对比。
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