MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5645: Ominous beast altar

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Real false, I listen is not this.” The man said. “真的假的,我听的可不是这样。”那男子说道。 I said that absolutely real.” “我所说的,绝对是真的。” And is the direct line bloodlines, besides the parents of Sir Jie Ranqing, only then her later descendants can use.” “并且是直系血脉,除了界染清大人的父母外,只有她以后的后人才能使用。” Even if its own Elder Sister is unable to use.” clear/pain Shanshan said. “哪怕其亲姐姐都无法使用。”楚扇扇说道。 Even if clear/pain Shanshan said so earnest, but the people are also skeptical. After all person this, believes oneself hear. 只是哪怕楚扇扇说的如此认真,但众人也是表示怀疑。毕竟人都这样,更相信自己所听到的。 Precious will the so thing, why place here?” The people also raised the question quickly. “只是如此珍贵之物,为何会放在这里?”众人很快又提出疑问。 Chu Feng is also observing, but can only see this is a altar, other actually cannot look. 楚枫也在观察,但只能看出这是一座祭坛,其他的却根本看不出来。 But Chu Feng also had the guess. 楚枫也是有了一些猜测。 formation technique on purple demon dagger, is sealing formation technique, I guessed... under the altar is very possible to hide anything.” “紫魔匕首上的阵法,乃是封印阵法,我猜测…祭坛下方很可能藏着什么。” Sir Jie Ranqing with this dagger, suppresses these to exist.” The Chu Feng analysis said. 界染清大人用这匕首,来镇压住了那些存在。”楚枫分析道。 Suppresses under the altar the thing?” “压制祭坛下方之物吗?” could it be that, here is, most dangerous stage that Sir Jie Ranqing said? Is this following suppression, that ten million/countless is then ominous the beast?!” 难道说,这里便是界染清大人所说的,最危险的阶段?这下面镇压的,便是那千万凶兽?!” The people flustered, in abundance far away from altar. 众人慌了,纷纷远离祭坛。 When the people flinch, Chu Feng actually stretches out the palm, gripped the purple demon dagger. 可在众人退缩之际,楚枫却是伸出手掌,握住了紫魔匕首。 Suddenly, that purple demon dagger trembles fiercely. 忽然,那紫魔匕首剧烈一颤。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng felt that own bloodline power starts to boil, own king's bloodlines some response, wanted to flood into that purple demon dagger. 与此同时,楚枫感觉自己的血脉之力开始沸腾,就连自己的王之血脉都有了反应,想要涌入那紫魔匕首之中。 clear/pain Shanshan said is true, this purple demon dagger, is the direct line bloodlines is also really workable. 楚扇扇所说属实,这紫魔匕首,果然是直系血脉也可使用。 After all, Chu Feng is the Jie Ranqing biological son. 毕竟,楚枫就是界染清的亲儿子啊。 At this time, this purple demon dagger, Chu Feng can definitely pull out it. 此时,这紫魔匕首,楚枫完全可以将其拔出来。 But Chu Feng has not pulled out it, instead arranges formation power, camouflages own palm also to be burnt. 楚枫并没有将它拔出来,反而布置结界之力,伪装自己的手掌也被烧伤。 First, Chu Feng cannot expose own status here. Otherwise let alone attains the Saint Rank treasure, Seven Worlds Saint Palace may root out it directly. 首先,楚枫不能在这里暴露自己的身份。否则别说拿到圣级宝物,七界圣府可能会直接将其斩除。 Next, this purple demon dagger cannot pull out, particularly Chu Feng had realized, this purple demon dagger, possibly is used for in the seal altar the ominous beast the time, cannot pull out. 其次,这紫魔匕首不能拔,尤其是楚枫已经意识到,这紫魔匕首,可能是用来封印祭坛内凶兽的时候,更是不能拔。 And according to the observation, Chu Feng discovered that the formation technique strength in this purple demon dagger, has integrated the altar deep place. 且根据观察,楚枫发现这紫魔匕首内的阵法力量,已经融入祭坛深处。 And the purple demon dagger is only auxiliary, the formation technique strength is the key. 并且紫魔匕首只是辅助,阵法力量才是关键。 Gold Dragon God-cloak formation technique, actually arranged is not weak in Xianlong the God-cloak strength. 金龙神袍阵法,却布置出了不弱于仙龙神袍的力量。 This was her mother's past formation level, is just equivalent to Chu Feng unexpectedly now. 这便是她母亲当年的结界水平,竟刚好与楚枫现在相当。 But formation technique that his mother arranges is very complex, is pointed sealing formation technique. Even Chu Feng ascertains airtight. 但其母亲所布置的阵法很复杂,是一种针对性的封印阵法。连楚枫都捉摸不透。 Chu Feng lets loose the hand, everyone looks at Chu Feng with the shocking look. 楚枫将手放开,所有人都用震惊的眼神看着楚枫 Because Chu Feng just touched the purple demon dagger time, the purple demon dagger shivered fiercely. 因为楚枫刚刚触碰到紫魔匕首的时候,紫魔匕首剧烈颤动了一下。 That strange feeling, was that person had not triggered a moment ago. 那种奇异的感觉,是刚才那个人所没没有触发的。 And the Chu Feng's palm was also being fired, but Chu Feng actually insisted is very long. 并且楚枫的手掌也在被灼烧,但楚枫却坚持了很久。 Young Master Chu Feng are you all right?” clear/pain Shanshan concerned asking. 楚枫公子你没事吧?”楚扇扇关切的问道。 Compares in the vibration that most starts, she is kinder Chu Feng's injury. 相比于最开始的震动,她还是更关切楚枫的伤势。 I am all right.” Chu Feng is certainly all right, he will not be burnt, that wound is his own set up formation camouflage. “我没事。”楚枫当然没事,他根本不会被灼伤,那伤是他自己布阵伪装的。 Almost determined, in this purple demon dagger contains very strong sealing formation technique, but sealing formation technique, extended the altar deep place, therefore outside felt not clear.” “不过几乎确定了,这紫魔匕首内蕴藏着很强的封印阵法,只不过封印阵法,延伸到了祭坛深处,所以外面感受的不清楚。” I guessed, here likely is, Sir Jie Ranqing suppresses ten million/countless the place of ominous beast.” Chu Feng said. “我猜测,这里很可能便是,界染清大人镇压千万凶兽的地方。”楚枫说道。 Unexpectedly is really this place?” “竟真的是此地?” The people believe in firmly to the Chu Feng's judgment, for this reason, even more fears regarding this altar. 众人对楚枫的判断深信不疑,正因如此,对于这祭坛也越发恐惧。 Pours does not need to be worried, this place had been suppressed by Sir Jie Ranqing, here does not have the danger temporarily.” “倒也不必担心,此地已被界染清大人镇压,这里暂时不存在危险。” Danger, is a front.” Chu Feng this words saying, then continues. “危险的,乃是前方。”楚枫此话说完,便继续前行。 The people also follow together, but leads the way shortly, in the desert presented a ten-meter tree unexpectedly. 众人也是一同跟上,而前行没多久,沙漠之中竟出现了一颗高达十米的树。 Sees that tree, although becomes excited. 看到那颗树,虽然都变得兴奋起来。 That trees have been dried up, a leaf does not have, but above actually tied a fruit of gives out glimmer. 那树木已经干枯,一片叶子都没有,可上面却结了一颗散发微光的果子。 That is a white fruit, the shape and peach looks like very much. 那是一颗白色的果子,形状与桃子很像。 That is, can strengthen the Spirit power fruit that Sir Jie Ranqing said?” The people all are reveal the anticipation the look. “那是界染清大人所说的,能增强精神力的果子吗?”众人皆是露出期待的眼神。 But actually no one dares to act rashly. 但却没有人敢贸然出手。 They have only gazed by Chu Feng, default only then Chu Feng is entitled, picks this fruit. 他们早就以楚枫唯首是瞻,也都默认只有楚枫才有资格,去摘这果子。 Chu Feng searches the hand to grasp, strong suction bound lives in that fruit. 楚枫探手一抓,强大吸力束缚住那颗果子。 Although that fruit was covered by the suction, but had not actually torn off by Chu Feng. 那果子虽被吸力覆盖,但却始终没有被楚枫扯下。 - 嗷- But quick, a low roar spreads from that withered trees. 但很快,一声低吼自那干枯的树木之中传出。 The land surges, a build as turtle, actually eight claw, an ominous beast of pair of white eye pupil drills from the place bottom. 紧接着,土地翻腾,一只体型似龟,却有八只爪子,一双白色眼眸的凶兽从地底钻出。 But that withered trees, is long is connected in its back. 而那颗干枯树木,则是长在它的后背相连。 Originally this fruit, long on ominous beast, that withered trees are also only a part of this ominous beast body. 原来这果子,长在了凶兽身上,那干枯树木也只是这凶兽身体的一部分。 Picks its fruit, awakens it, it opens the fang big mouth, then to/clashes to Chu Feng and others. 摘其果实,将其唤醒,它张开獠牙大口,便向楚枫等人冲来。 However Chu Feng is prepared early, sees only wrist/skill one revolution, formation power appears, changes to a formation broadsword to drop from the clouds, cuts two that ominous beast directly. 然而楚枫早有准备,只见手腕一转,结界之力浮现,化作一把结界大刀从天而降,直接将那凶兽斩成两段。 At this time searches the hand to grasp again, that fruit is separated from the ominous beast directly, falls into the Chu Feng hand. 此时再探手去抓,那颗果实直接脱离凶兽,落入楚枫手中。 The fruit starts, Chu Feng is impolite, bit one directly. 果实入手,楚枫也不客气,直接咬了一口。 Not only the flavor peach, the taste also looks like very much, and is delightful, may probably be more delicious than the peach, and did not have the peach seed. 不仅味道似桃,口感也很像,并且非常甜美,比桃子可要好吃多了,并且还没有桃核。 Flavor is good.” Chu Feng said with a smile, this fruit indeed contained Spirit power, but regarding their help, was actually minimal. “味道还不错。”楚枫笑道,这果子的确蕴藏精神力,只不过对于他们的帮助,却是微乎其微。 As for the mark, after taking the fruit, Chu Feng's firmly felt, the body presented some marks, but actually very pale, even must with observe the method specially, coming out that can look. 至于印记,服用完果子之后,楚枫的确感觉,身上出现了一些印记,但却非常的淡,甚至要用特殊观察手段,才能看的出来。 immediately then continues, on the following road, that ominous beast trees are getting more and more. 旋即便继续前行,接下来的路上,那种凶兽树木越来越多。 And each on has a fruit solitarily. 并且每只身上都有一颗果子。 Chu Feng is easy, then cuts to kill these ominous beasts. 楚枫轻而易举的,便将这些凶兽斩杀。 As for the fruit, Chu Feng apportioned the people. 至于果子,楚枫则是分给了众人。 Quick, follows the Chu Feng's person, then tasted the white fruit. 很快,跟随楚枫的人,便都尝到了白色的果子。 As is thorough, starts to present the silver fruit. 而随着深入,开始出现银色果子。 That silver fruit, similarly long on ominous beast. 那银色果子,同样长在凶兽身上。 And the ominous beast strength of silver fruit is stronger, but after edible, the help of fruit to Spirit power is also bigger, the mark that the body appears is also stronger. 且银色果子的凶兽实力更强,但食用之后,果子对精神力的帮助也更大,身上浮现的印记也更强。 Continues thoroughly, presented the golden fruit, as well as copper color fruit. 继续深入,又出现了金色果子,以及铜色果子。 The copper color fruit, is better than the golden fruit. 铜色果子,比金色果子更好。 Arrived copper color fruit time, the strength of that ominous beast, has then gone to the Fifth Rank Half God situation. 到了铜色果子的时候,那凶兽的实力,便已经达到了五品半神的地步。 On the scene, besides Chu Feng, few can resist these ominous beasts. 在场之中,除了楚枫之外,几乎没有人能够对抗那些凶兽。 Chu Feng walks, all ominous beasts that will see cut to kill completely. 楚枫一路走来,将所看到的所有凶兽全部斩杀。 The obtained fruit also apportioned everyone, almost the manpower three copper color fruits, other color fruits are more. 得到的果子也都分给了大家,几乎人手三颗铜色果子,其他颜色果子则更多。 But Chu Feng, stopped in this time. 楚枫,也在此时停了下来。 Although Chu Feng and others, under the thunder clouds cover, but thunder actually main centralized in deep place. 虽然楚枫等人,早在雷云覆盖之下,可雷霆却主要集中在深处。 As thorough, at this time that thunder is away from Chu Feng and others to be very near, the sense of crisis that land that but that side thunder clouds cover, transmits is also stronger. 随着深入,此时那雷霆距离楚枫等人已很近,但那方雷云覆盖的大地,所传来的危机感也更强。 everyone, my Chu Feng can only lead you hence.” 诸位,我楚枫只能带你们至此了。” Told the facts, front inevitably bad risk, if continued thoroughly, you will become my burden.” “实话实说,前方必然更加凶险,若继续深入,你们将成为我的累赘。” My Chu Feng comes this, when to not do good to come, concerns the safety, I must first protect oneself, will not give self up to save you.” “我楚枫来此,不是为了做好事而来,关乎安危之际,我必先自保,可不会舍身救你们。” Therefore I first explore the way, when found the safe road, I come back to meet you again.” “所以我先去探路,待找到安全的路,我再回来接你们。” But the offensive talk said in front, I possibly do not have the means to come back to meet you.” Chu Feng said. “但丑话说在前头,我也可能没办法回来接你们。”楚枫说道。 Young Master Chu Feng, follows you, we attain many, is attains without effort, has been deeply grateful.” 楚枫公子,一路跟着你,我们所获颇丰,乃是不劳而获,已是感激不尽。” My clear/pain Shanshan not thinks the report, this is my intention, asking Young Master Chu Feng to accept.” “我楚扇扇无以为报,这是我的一点心意,请楚枫公子务必收下。” clear/pain Shanshan said that not only not strange Chu Feng, instead gives Chu Feng cosmos sack. 楚扇扇说不仅不怪楚枫,反而将一个乾坤袋递给楚枫 Young Master Chu Feng, this is also my intention, please must accept, if not receive, I rather die, must continue to follow you.” 楚枫公子,这也是我的一点心意,请您务必收下,若是不收,我宁愿死,也要继续跟着你。” Others also take out cosmos sack to give Chu Feng in abundance. 紧接着,其他人也纷纷取出乾坤袋递给楚枫 They highly believe Chu Feng, understands Chu Feng. 他们非常相信楚枫,也非常理解楚枫 I then accepted.” Chu Feng is not artificial, the big sleeve wields, received cosmos sack that everyone hands over. “那我便收下了。”楚枫也不矫情,大袖一挥,将所有人递过来的乾坤袋都收了下来。 Protects them to come here , apportioned their so many fruits, Chu Feng's really has the qualifications to accept these advantage. 护他们到这里,又分给了他们那么多果子,楚枫的确有资格收下这些好处。 Walks, I deliver you to go back.” Chu Feng said. “走吧,我送你们回去。”楚枫说道。 Does not use Young Master Chu Feng, we go back to be able.” clear/pain Shanshan said. “不用了楚枫公子,我们自己回去便可。”楚扇扇说道。 These ominous beasts, may regenerate.” Chu Feng said the reason that must escort. “那些凶兽,可能会再生。”楚枫说出了要护送的原因。 These words, then make everyone shut up. 只是这一句话,便让所有人闭上了嘴。 Because walks, besides the trees ominous beast not initiative attack person of white fruit, other trees ominous beast initiative attack people. 因为一路走来,除了白色果子的树木凶兽不会主动攻击人外,其他树木凶兽都会主动攻击人。 If really these trees ominous beasts can the rebirth, they also really be difficult resist. 若真的那些树木凶兽可以重生,那他们还真是难以招架。 Afterward, Chu Feng then leads them to returning walks. 随后,楚枫便带着他们向回走去。 Really, such as Chu Feng expected, gone back on the way, these were cut the trees ominous beast that kills to appear by Chu Feng. 果然,如楚枫所预料,回去的途中,那些原本被楚枫斩杀的树木凶兽又出现了。 These trees ominous beasts, really can resurrection. 那些树木凶兽,果然是可以复活的。 Good Chu Feng escorts, otherwise these people, want to go back safely, but also is not really easy. 还好楚枫护送,不然这些人,想安然回去,还真不容易。 Un?” “嗯?” But suddenly, the Chu Feng look moves. 可忽然,楚枫神色一动。 The distant place, some people were being attacked by the golden trees ominous beast, and this person Chu Feng recognizes. 远处,有人正在被金色的树木凶兽所攻击,并且这个人楚枫认得。
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