MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#5649: Mysterious great gate

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Follows I to walk.” “跟着我走吧。” Fuxing spoke, then fast to leading the way. 复星说话间,便快速向前行去。 Seeing that Chu Feng is also rushes to follow. 见状,楚枫也是赶忙跟上。 Duplicate miss, you determined probably behind won't have the bad risk?” “复姑娘,你好像确定后面不会有凶险?” Chu Feng asked like this, is Chu Feng felt, the Fuxing so fast vanguard, should find out the route. 楚枫之所以这样问,是楚枫觉得,复星如此快速前行,就是应该已经摸清了路线。 Otherwise, so will not be discrete. 不然,不会如此不谨慎。 Will present a palace in the desert end place.” “在沙漠尽头处会出现一座宫殿。” Before entering that palace, this road is safe.” “在进入那座宫殿之前,这条路都是安全的。” In that palace, only may use formation power, any method besides formation power is unable to display.” “那宫殿内,只可使用结界之力,除了结界之力外的任何手段都无法施展。” In that has the purple ominous beast, your I can definitely cope jointly.” “那里面有紫色凶兽,你我联手完全可以对付。” So long as defeats the purple ominous beast, the formation gate of palace another end will open, that then can leave the Nine Heavens secret place the gate.” “只要击败紫色凶兽,宫殿另一端的结界门就会开启,那便是可以离开九天秘地的门。” But actually, in that palace also has another gate.” “但其实,那宫殿内还有另外一道门。” In that gate, has the black ominous beast, its strength decides according to our strongest strengths.” “那道门内,有着黑色凶兽,其实力是按照我们的最强战力而定。” „Can your present formation strength, achieve what realm?” Fuxing looks suddenly to Chu Feng. “你现在的结界战力,可达到何境界?”复星忽然看向楚枫 Gold Dragon God-cloak, but only by the strength, may reach Emperor Dragon God-cloak, formation technique that but if the pure set up formation, I arrange may achieve immortal dragon God-cloak.” Chu Feng said. 金龙神袍,但只论战力,可达皇龙神袍,但若是单纯布阵,我布置的阵法可达到仙龙神袍。”楚枫说道。 After having listened to the Chu Feng's words, Fuxing looks at Chu Feng, the look is complex, in that vision seemed like many words to say, but has not finally said that 听过楚枫的话后,复星看着楚枫,眼神复杂,那目光中似乎有很多话想说,但最终并没有说出来, But continued the topic, said: Then inside black ominous beast, the strength then was also Emperor Dragon God-cloak.” 而是继续刚才的话题,说道:“那么里面的黑色凶兽,战力便也是皇龙神袍了。” So long as can defeat it, will obtain the black fruit, the effect of that black fruit, deciding however is better than the purple fruit.” “只要能够将它击败,将得到黑色果子,那黑色果子的效果,定然比紫色果子更好。” And in that main hall, possibly contains about the Nine Heavens secret true secret.” “并且那座大殿里,可能蕴藏着关于九天秘地真正的秘密。” But, I must remind you, that black ominous beast was past Jie Ranqing senior, the ominous beast that cannot defeat, its bad risk degree, you can imagine.” “不过,我要提醒你,那只黑色凶兽乃是当年界染清前辈,都未能击败的凶兽,它的凶险程度,你可以自行想象。” You , if not willing to challenge, can give up, but... I must challenge in brief.” Fuxing said. “你若不愿意挑战,可以放弃,但总之…我一定要挑战。”复星说道。 I come for the Saint Rank treasure, how possibly to give up?” “我是为圣级宝物而来,怎么可能放弃?” „Does the Fuxing miss, how you know these?” “不过复星姑娘,你怎么知道这些的?” Actually are you Seven Worlds Saint Palace internal person?” Chu Feng curious asking. “难道其实你是七界圣府内部的人?”楚枫好奇的问道。 I... am not the Seven Worlds Saint Palace person, but my clue is absolutely reliable, walks to be confirmed.” Fuxing said. “我…并不是七界圣府的人,但我的线索绝对可靠,一路走来已得到验证。”复星说道。 Good.” Saw this Fuxing not to say, Chu Feng also no longer closely examined. “好吧。”见这复星不愿多说,楚枫也不再追问。 Lessons that after all Jie Ranqing learns, the Seven Worlds Saint Palace interior is knows, so long as some people know, has the biography possibility. 毕竟界染清总结的经验,七界圣府内部是知晓的,只要有人知晓,就有传出来的可能。 Even if Fuxing is not the person of Seven Worlds Saint Palace, but may still know the specific content. 就算复星不是七界圣府之人,但也有可能知晓具体内容。 Suddenly, Chu Feng at present one bright, slows down the footsteps. 忽然,楚枫眼前一亮,不由放慢脚步。 Because above the front land, presented an object. 因为前方的大地之上,出现了一个物体。 That is a giant stone door. 那是一个巨型石门。 This big? The width then 50,000 meters, are the hundred thousand meter highly. 此门有多大?只是宽度便有五万米,高度更是达到十万米。 At present this stone door, reclines above the land, when the Chu Feng careful observation, is the innermost feelings shakes. 眼下这石门,横卧在大地之上,当楚枫仔细观察,更是内心震荡。 This stone door, the craft is magnificent, firm incomparable, a ten thousand meters thing, his actually difficult shakes the slightest. 这石门,工艺华丽,坚固无比,不过万米之物,他却难以撼动分毫。 This is not simple, you can have a look earnestly.” At this time, Fuxing also slowed down the footsteps. “此门不简单,你可以认真看看。”此时,复星也放慢了脚步。 „Does duplicate/restores miss, this you understand?” “复姑娘,这门你了解吗?” Chu Feng does not know the origin of this gate, but has actually discovered fierce of this gate. 楚枫不知此门的来历,但却已然发现此门的厉害。 This gate, absolutely was extremely the thing. 此门,绝对是极为了得之物。 Did not understand, only knows this indestructiblity, difficult shakes, in addition, why no one will know it to appear here.” “不了解,只知此门坚不可摧,难以撼动,除此之外,没人知晓它为何会出现在这里。” I have observed, the design in that does not carve at will, contains formation profound truth, but is too abstruse, I could not completely understand.” Fuxing said. “我已经观察过了,那门上的图案不是随意雕刻而成,蕴藏结界奥义,但太深奥,我看不透。”复星说道。 Hears this words, Chu Feng also observes this gate earnestly, but Chu Feng is unable to completely understand this above content. 听闻此话,楚枫也是认真观察此门,但楚枫也无法看透此门上面的内容。 Chu Feng knows that this gate is not very simple, wants to obtain the harvest. 楚枫知道此门很不简单,很想从中获得收获。 But also then determined quickly, present, without this ability comprehend this gate. 但也是很快便确定了,现在的自己,没这个能力参悟此门。 Therefore Chu Feng looks to Fuxing: I hear Sir Jie Ranqing, to solve the riddle of Nine Heavens secret place, ponders for many years. Does not know in matter that she ponders, there are including this gate.” 于是楚枫看向复星:“我听闻界染清大人,为解开九天秘地之谜,思考多年。不知道她思考的事情中,有没有包括此门。” Should have the ponder, but do not ask me, I really do not know.” “应该有思考吧,但是别问我,我真的不知道。” Jie Ranqing senior to the Nine Heavens secret place, complete summary, only then Seven Worlds Saint Palace Mansion Lord knows.” 界染清前辈九天秘地,完整的总结,只有七界圣府府主知道。” Fuxing knows, Chu Feng spoke this saying, wants to inquire more news to her, therefore replied like this. 复星知道,楚枫说这话,是想向她打探更多消息,于是才这样回答。 Fuxing this words saying that and asked: What kind of, what can see?” 复星此话说完又问道:“怎么样,能看出什么吗?” Cannot see.” Chu Feng said. “看不出。”楚枫说道。 That then walks.” Fuxing continues, Chu Feng is also follows close on after that. “那便走吧。”复星继续前行,楚枫也是紧跟其后。 Quick, the front really presented a palace. 很快,前方真的出现了一座宫殿。 That palace, with the difference that Chu Feng thinks. 只是那宫殿,与楚枫想的不一样。 Greatly, very big, the altitude of that palace, passes through the clouds unexpectedly. 大,非常的大,那宫殿的高度,竟贯穿云端。 That where is a palace, that clearly is a giant mountain range. 那哪里是一座宫殿,那分明就是一座巨型山脉。 This palace is not only big, is gives out formation, formation like the wall, the blockade world. 这宫殿不仅大,更是散发结界,结界如墙,封锁天地。 Here, as if is also the end of this world. 这里,似乎也是这个世界的尽头。 Before Chu Feng arrives at the palace, then observes the front door of palace earnestly. 楚枫来到宫殿前,便认真观察宫殿的大门。 The front door of this palace, is also very big, similarly is indestructible, similarly magnificent incomparable. 这座宫殿的大门,同样很大,同样坚不可摧,同样壮观无比。 But the contrast previously saw, reclines stone door above land, the modeling, is in the imposing manner, was weaker. 但对比先前看到的,横卧在大地之上的石门,无论是造型,还是气势上,却都弱了很多。 This shows, stone door that just saw, is outstanding. 这更彰显出,刚刚所见到的石门,有多么不同凡响。 Opens this door, does inside have the purple ominous beast?” Chu Feng asked. “打开这道门,里面就有紫色凶兽?”楚枫问。 Un.” Fuxing nods. “嗯。”复星点头。 Several?” Chu Feng also asked. “几只?”楚枫又问。 Is indefinite.” Fuxing also said. “不确定。”复星又道。 „, I come to break the formation, you prepare.” “罢了,我来破阵,你做准备。” Chu Feng no longer asked that but starts to break the formation directly. 楚枫不再多问,而是直接开始破阵 „Did you completely understand?” Fuxing is somewhat surprised. “你就看透了?”复星有些意外。 She is also observing, although also saw some clue, but has not seen through completely. 她也在观察,虽然也看出了一些端倪,但还未全部看穿。 Buzz- 嗡- However the next quarter, decodes the formation technique arrangement together, and perfect melts with that front door. 然而下一刻,一道破解阵法布置而出,并且完美与那大门相融。 Follows one to thunder, the gate of giant palace, then starts to open slowly. 紧接着,伴随一声轰鸣,巨大的宫殿之门,便开始缓缓打开。
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