MGA :: Volume #9 预言之战

#4469: greets master

The sound that broadcasts suddenly, making the Chu Feng mind shake, rushes to get back one's composure to wait and see. 身后忽然传来的声音,让楚枫心神一震,赶忙回神观望。 But the discovery, anything does not have. 但却发现,身后什么都没有。 But Chu Feng can determine, just oneself, indeed heard a summon. 楚枫能够确定,刚刚自己,的确听到了一声呼唤。 Excuse me, who was be just speaking with me?” “请问,刚刚是谁在与我说话?” senior?” 前辈?” Can come?” “能否现身?” Chu Feng asks, wants to summon itself the person to call that. 楚枫开口询问,想要将那呼唤自己之人唤出。 But in the main hall, besides own echo, then does not have any sound resounds. 但大殿之内,除了自己的回声之外,便没有任何声音响起。 But Chu Feng is unwilling, therefore the Chu Feng's summon is getting more and more loud. 楚枫却不甘心,于是楚枫的呼唤越来越大声。 Your this little rascal, running up to enough may be quick.” “你这小鬼,跑到可够快的。” Finally, Chu Feng got the response, is only this response, makes in the Chu Feng heart sink. 终于,楚枫得到了回应,只是这个回应,却让楚枫心中一沉。 That is the sound of black and white double ghost. 那是黑白双煞的声音。 Turns round to wait and see, really discovered, the black and white double ghost had arrived at the entrance place of main hall. 回身观望,果然发现,黑白双煞已经来到了大殿的入口处。 Blocked Chu Feng to leave the road in main hall. 挡住了楚枫离开大殿的路。 How to come is so quick?” “怎么来的这么快?” Sees these two, Chu Feng deeply frowned. 见到这两位,楚枫眉头紧锁。 According to his speculation, that corridor is very long, this black and white double ghost should not come here to be right quickly. 按照他的推测,那长廊很长,这黑白双煞本不应该这么快就来到这里才对。 Little rascal, you just ran quick.” “小鬼,你刚刚跑的很快啊。” How to achieve, on you have some treasure?” “是怎么做到的,你身上是有着某种至宝吧?” You hand over that treasure, our two, can lead you to leave safely.” “你将那宝物交出来,我们两个,可以带你安然离开。” Otherwise......, hehe......” “否则……,嘿嘿……” Black and white double ghost, harboring evil intentions looks at Chu Feng. 黑白双煞,不怀好意的看着楚枫 treasure?” 至宝?” I have said that Chu Hanxian is my grandfather.” “我说过,楚翰仙乃是我爷爷。” In my grandfather's territory, I naturally can round trip free, do I also need treasure?” “我爷爷的领地内,我自然可以来去自如,我还需要至宝吗?” Do not forget, if not for I, you are unable to enter this place.” “你们可别忘了,若不是我,你们都无法进入此地。” The Chu Feng congealing sound said. 楚枫凝声说道。 Regarding these two old fogies, Chu Feng except for threatening them, then does not have any means. 对于这两个老家伙,楚枫除了恐吓他们,便没有任何办法。 Little rascal, at this moment, but also is mooching.” “小鬼,事到如今,还在招摇撞骗。” You felt, our Little Brother two people, will also believe?” “你觉得,我们兄弟二人,还会相信吗?” The black and white double ghost sneers again and again, they do not believe words that Chu Feng spoke. 黑白双煞冷笑连连,他们根本就不相信楚枫所说的话。 Rumble 隆隆隆 But suddenly, thunders from the top of the head intermittently transmits. 可突然之间,阵阵轰鸣自头顶传来。 Top this main hall, then had the change. 紧接着,这大殿顶部,便有了变化。 The copper ingot moves unceasingly. 铜砖不断移动。 Several forms, fly to fall from the crown under. 紧接着,数道身影,从顶部飞落而下。 In an instant, over a thousand forms, appear in the main hall. 转眼间,上千道身影,出现在大殿之内。 That is completely, the monster of person wolf head. 那全部是,人身狼头的怪物。 And the potential of surrounding, was stranded Chu Feng in middle. 且以包围之势,将楚枫困在了当中。 Little rascal, aren't you here master?” “小鬼,你不是此处的主人吗?” That this you were encircled time, falling that but can also escape?” “那这一次你被团团围住,还能逃的掉吗?” Sees this one, the corners of the mouth of black and white double ghost, raise the smile of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. 见此一幕,黑白双煞的嘴角,掀起幸灾乐祸的笑容。 …… But in next quarter, these monsters, unexpectedly neat kneeling on the ground. 可就在下一刻,那些怪物,竟齐刷刷的跪在地上。 Not only holds the fist in the other hand to salute, opens the mouth. 不仅抱拳施礼,更是同时开口。 Suddenly, that vigorous powerful sound, reverberates in this main hall. 一时间,那浑厚有力的声音,在这大殿内回荡开来。 greets master!!!” 拜见主人!!!” ...... …… This occurrence, making Chu Feng also feel surprised. 这一幕的发生,使得楚枫也是倍感吃惊。 But that black and white double ghost, the complexion is becomes more splendid. 而那黑白双煞,脸色则是变得更加精彩。 What situation? 什么情况? Before these monsters, do not massacre this little rascal. 之前这些怪物,不是还要杀掉这个小鬼。 How at present, knelt on the ground, but also called the master? 怎么眼下,就跪在了地上,还叫主人? Masters? 主人? could it be that, is really he here master is inadequate? 难道说,他真是此处的主人不成? …… 唰啦啦 But in the next quarter, these kneels in over a thousand monsters of ground, then neat standing up. 而就在下一刻,那些跪在地上的上千个怪物,便齐刷刷的站起身来。 Not only sets out, they also the vision, went to the black and white double ghost simultaneously. 不仅起身,他们还同时将目光,投向了黑白双煞。 Offends master, kill without mercy!!!” “得罪主人者,杀无赦!!!” Over a thousand monsters, send out angrily roars at the same time, boundless killing intent, takes away as many things as possible to the black and white double ghost. 上千个怪物,发出怒吼的同时,磅礴的杀意,也是向黑白双煞席卷而去。 We have this token in the body, do you dare not to divide the high and low?” “我们有此令牌在身,你们胆敢不分尊卑吗?” Does not see with own eyes wonderfully, the black and white double ghost that token, shone again. 眼见不妙,黑白双煞将那令牌,再度亮了出来。 Offends master, kill without mercy!!!” “得罪主人者,杀无赦!!!” But who once thinks, these sees that token time, these monsters not only do not have the meaning of withdrawing, instead killing intent is thicker. 可谁曾想,这一次看到那令牌,那些怪物不仅没有退后之意,反而杀意更浓。 Again when opens the mouth, over a thousand pressure plunge the black and white double ghost simultaneously. 再度开口之际,上千道威压同时扑向黑白双煞。 Ha 呜啊 Facing that pressure, the black and white double ghost, is unable to resist, is ordinary like the dead dog, pressed lying down cannot move on the ground. 面对那威压,黑白双煞,根本无法抵挡,如同死狗一般,被压的躺在地上动弹不得。 Because that pressure is too strong, their mortal bodies start to disrupt. 由于那威压太强,他们的肉身都开始碎裂开来。 young hero, we knew mistakenly, let off us.” 少侠,我们知错了,放过我们吧。” The black and white double ghost, starts to beg for mercy to Chu Feng. 黑白双煞,开始向楚枫求饶。 They know, they made a mistake, Chu Feng unexpectedly is really the master of this place. 他们知道,他们错了,楚枫竟真是此地的主人。 However facing their begging for mercy, Chu Feng somewhat feels helpless. 但是面对他们的求饶,楚枫却有些不知所措。 Chu Feng, has not made clear the present situation. 就连楚枫自己,也没有搞清楚眼下的局势。 …… But, these monsters arrive at two people of nears in the meantime, draws out the long blade of waist, then wields to two people cuts under. 可就在此时,那些怪物已是来到二人近前,拔出腰间的长刀,便对二人挥砍而下。 At once, the blood flutters about. 一时之间,鲜血纷飞。 When some monsters call a halt, the black and white double ghost is the whole body knife wound, is blood-soaked, horrible to look, they had died thoroughly. 当些怪物停手之际,黑白双煞已是浑身刀伤,鲜血模糊,惨不忍睹,他们已是彻底死去。 As for these monsters, then the long blade insertion waist, serves with a ritual to Chu Feng later, then leaps to empty, drilled into the crown in main hall, vanishes does not see. 至于那些怪物,则是将长刀插入腰间,随后对楚枫施以一礼,紧接着便跃空而起,钻入了大殿的顶部,消失不见。 That terrifying aura, is the cleanness of disappearance. 就连那恐怖的气息,也是消失的干干净净。 If not for the corpse of black and white double ghost, but also there swayed. 若不是黑白双煞的尸体,还在那里摆着。 Chu Feng cannot believe, these monsters have appeared. 楚枫都不敢相信,那些怪物出现过。 All happen is too sudden, is simply dreamlike. 一切发生的太突然,简直如梦如幻。 Especially they, actually called Chu Feng the master. 尤其是他们,竟然称楚枫为主人。 What situation? 什么情况? Just in monster that the entrance place presented that but must kill Chu Feng. 刚刚在入口处出现的怪物,还要杀了楚枫 Chu Feng by the Divine Deer strength, avoids a tribulation. 楚枫是凭借神鹿的力量,才躲过一劫。 Monster that here presents, changes besides the quantity many, the aura or the appearance, with the monster that the entrance place sees, does not have any difference. 此处出现的怪物,除了数量变多之外,无论是气息还是外貌,与入口处看到的怪物,都没有任何差别。 How suddenly, recognized Chu Feng this master? 怎忽然间,就认楚枫这个主人了? could it be that, is here master, own grandfather is really inadequate? 难道说,这里的主人,真的是自己的爷爷不成? Chu Feng sizes up to all around, does not have any form appears. 只是楚枫向四周打量,却没有任何身影出现。 In the broad main hall, is still empty, besides Chu Feng, does not have any form. 恢宏的大殿内,依旧空空荡荡,除了楚枫外,没有任何身影。 Naturally, two, that has then become the black and white double ghost of deceased person. 当然,还有两个,那便是已经成了死人的黑白双煞。 Before Chu Feng arrives black and white double is near . 楚枫来到黑白双煞近前。 Although they had died, is their Source also. 虽然他们已经死了,可是他们的本源还在。 These two cultivation realm are extremely strong, strength above Long Family Clan Head and others. 这两人的修为极强,实力在龙氏族长等人之上。 Their Source, naturally cannot waste. 他们的本源,自然不能浪费。 Chu Feng takes out the special vessel, received their Source, preparation and other Milady Queen regained consciousness, to the Milady Queen cultivation use. 楚枫取出特殊的容器,将他们二人的本源收了起来,准备等女王大人苏醒,给女王大人修炼使用。 Afterward, Chu Feng then two people of cosmos sack, takes down. 随后,楚枫便将二人的乾坤袋,取了下来。 Chu Feng felt, the black and white double ghost strength is tyrannical, on them has many treasures inevitably. 楚枫觉得,黑白双煞实力强横,他们身上必然有着不少宝物。 Chu Feng takes up their cosmos sack, discovered that on cosmos sack has formation technique, that is one type except for their two people, others are unable to open this cosmos sack formation technique. 楚枫拿起他们的乾坤袋,发现乾坤袋上有阵法,那是一种除了他们二人,别人无法打开这乾坤袋阵法 However, because they had died, therefore this formation technique becomes very frail. 不过,因为他们二人已经死了,所以这阵法变得非常的脆弱。 Chu Feng using Spirit Formation technique, quick unties this formation technique. 楚枫运用结界之术,很快就将这阵法解开。 When Chu Feng unties two people of cosmos sack, after can see goods in two people of cosmos sack, even Chu Feng is also becomes excited. 而当楚枫解开二人乾坤袋,可以看到二人乾坤袋内的物品之后,连楚枫也是变得兴奋起来。 These two old thing, but also is really extraordinary.” “这两个老东西,还真是了不得啊。” Unexpectedly was collector of so many thing.” “居然收罗了这么多号东西。” Chu Feng becomes very excited. 楚枫变得十分兴奋。 Because in cosmos sack of black and white double ghost, the treasure are seriously many. 因为黑白双煞的乾坤袋内,宝物当真不少。 Not only there is Venerable-class Taboo Martial Skill, rare treasures, panacea. 不仅有尊禁武技,奇珍异宝,灵丹妙药。 Also has the thing of some cultivation. 还有着一些修炼之物。 The most important thing is, this black Battle Axe, as well as 100 white sickles. 最重要的是,还有这一把黑色的战斧,以及一百白色的镰刀。 These two armament, gives out aura, extremely, above Incomplete Venerable Armament. 这两件兵器,所散发的气息,都极为了得,远在半成尊兵之上。 that is Venerable Armament, is true Venerable Armament. 那乃是尊兵,是真正的尊兵 Although these two armament, were far less than that Chu Feng buried in the soldier grave in the ancient times, antique heroic sword obtained. 虽然这两件兵器,都远不如楚枫在远古葬兵墓内,所得到的太古英雄剑。 But actually also indeed is Venerable Armament. 可却也的确是尊兵 The Venerable Armament how precious thing, is only these two Venerable Armament, may be called the priceless treasure. 尊兵何其珍贵之物,只是这两件尊兵,就堪称无价之宝。 However pitifully, these two Venerable Armament, although is strong, but has certain limit. 不过可惜,这两件尊兵虽强,但却有着一定的限制。 Chu Feng is unable to use. 楚枫根本无法使用。 Chu Feng guessed, at least wants the Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, can stimulate to movement this Venerable Armament strength. 楚枫猜测,至少要武尊境的强者,才能催动这尊兵的力量。 No matter what, Chu Feng all treasures in two people of cosmos sack, received in own pouch all. 但不管怎样,楚枫还是将二人乾坤袋内的所有宝物,尽数收到了自己的囊中。 Although regarding this secret place, Chu Feng at present also does not have any discovery. 虽说对于这秘地,楚枫目前还没有任何发现。 But is only this black and white double ghost, the treasure in cosmos sack, to Chu Feng, is trip has not been made in vain. 可只是这黑白双煞,乾坤袋内的宝物,对楚枫而言,就已是不虚此行。 Waited there for some time obsolete here.” “老朽在此等候多时了。” But at this moment, there is a sound together, transmits from the main hall deep place. 而就在这时,又有一道声音,自大殿深处传来。 This sound, with previously summoned the Chu Feng's sound to be exactly the same. 这个声音,与先前呼唤楚枫的声音一模一样。 This sound resounds again, Chu Feng rushed to turn around, is very afraid to miss anything. 这声音再度响起,楚枫赶忙转身,深怕错过了什么。 But this time, Chu Feng also sees finally, the person of that speech, actually for where sacred!!! 而这一次,楚枫也是终于看到,那位说话之人,究竟为何方神圣!!! ps: Said the sound to be sorry with Little Brother, due to health reasons, in May update is not very ideal, in June I will try hard. ps:和兄弟们说声抱歉,因为身体原因,五月份更新很不理想,六月份我会努力的。 Believes that everyone also notices, about Saint Light Galaxy, the honeybee has been concluding, the following plot, will enter true vast martial cultivation world, genuine colossus, with peak cultivator, even the character in legend, 11 arrives. 相信大家也注意到,关于圣光天河篇,蜜蜂已在收尾,后面的剧情,将进入真正的浩瀚修武界,真正的庞然大物,和最顶尖的修武者,甚至传说中的人物,都将一一登场。 At this time, only then quicker update, can make the plot more coherent, satisfying a craving that everyone can also look, but I will try hard for this reason. 这个时候,只有更快的更新,才能让剧情更加连贯,大家也会看的过瘾,而我会为此而努力的。
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